any new movies out about standing up for what's right?
Any new movies out about standing up for what's right?
>18 year old high school student
kek you know that black dude plows mad white girl pussy at that school. trump kid probably never even touched a boob.
Most students turn 18 during their senior year of high school retard. Assuming their birthday is between September-June
Why are black people so based?
>black thug steals something from a white person who was harmlessly expressing his beliefs while the media crucifies the white person
2010's in a nutshell
also not Yea Forums
link to vid
Yeah, but he's probably still taking grade 9 classes.
No they don't, it's unusual for anyone to not leave when they're 17
>muh dick
Hello Jamal, will you finish 4th grade before you turn 30yo?
Why are white people so pathetic? They dish it out but can't take it.
Most young white girls don't go near blacks here in American highschool. The blacks I went to HS with were fat nerds that ran around with naruto headbands and played gameboy and yugioh cards in the cafeteria while white chads like me sat with the girls
That nigga look 30
>black thug steals something from a white person
Literally intimates a giant fucking cuck who can't stand up for himself while all the chads in the school film him and laugh at him
If you're still in high school at 18 you should give serious consideration to suicide.
Well ain't that just the finest form of nigger logic.
You dont leave when you are 17 you leave when you graduate your 4th year retard. You start highschool at 14 years old and end at 18.
where do i get this shirt in 4XL?
asking for a friend
I doubt it, only an incel would give a shit what someone else is wearing
>admitting you needed to start highschool at 14
I'm surprised you can even read.
>try to be /pol/ irl
>get BTFO
every time
lmao fuck off, pray to God our hands never come untied again
Clearly the solution is to punish people who film incidents like this.
Everyone else was the same age as me. You must be from some non-American shithole where you skip a grade or something. No wonder America is the smartest country by far
your parents kept you back a year and didn't tell you lmao
>black guy facing criminal charges
At least he got to look like a cool tough guy thug though!
> standing up for a kike boot licker is 'whats right'
nig answer to any problem:
"Hmmm, can stealing something solve this?"
oh wow racist idiot's don't know how to do simple math, what a shock
>advancing through school slower than everyone else shows how intelligent you are!
That's a hot take user.
>gets triggered by hats
Women typically aren't interested in easily-triggered apes who get angry and violent when confronted with conflicting ideologies. Women typically prefer actual men; not 14-year-old girls.
>pls protect me mr police man i'll lick your boots
hahahaha americans
>angry because his own stupidity has been exposed
At least it's anonymously.
Yes i'm sure that dropping out of High school to prove your point (with the point being that you're an aggressive animal which can't resolve anything without violence even if it's something as pesky as different political opinions) is so fucking worth it.
Nothing surprising or out of the ordinary really.
We had the 3 black kids in our school sue the school system because we organized "National Wigger Day" and we all dressed like Kriss Kross and Vanilla Ice.
So every day after lunch, I'd stuff my garbage in the hood of the coat of the black kid who sat in front of me. The whole school soon called him "Trash Man".
Ah, the good ol' days.
Yes, I would believe you are a Liberal. And probably black.
he was held back
>stealing from someone physically smaller than you
Wow, turbo-alpha.
Going to push an elderly white lady down the stairs next?
ITT: black anons discover they got held back and nobody told them
I graduated high school when I was 16 because my birthday is early September
>be obnoxious piece of shit
>get put into place for it
How many times?
>ape is about to be caged
Who got BTFO again?
Kill all niggers
Absolute alpha walks up tells a kid and tells him to stop dressing like a beta fag walking around wearing a meme hat and a cape
Cuck can't handle actually being confronted and panics and can't stand up for himself
Every single trump voter ever, not a surprise
They are the exact same height and in the same grade, one of them sits at home and post's on t_d all day one of them isn't a weak beta cuck
>commit a crime
>face criminal charges
Wow, look at all that bootlicking.
I hope your smugness keeps your ass protected in the prison-shower.
He's black so he would have faced criminal charges eventually anyways, at least it's for some kind of political convictions instead of stealing car stereos or dealing drugs.
>underage student
wtf does this even mean?
Niggers can't handle the bantz once again.
>If I make shit up then I sound right.
Meanwhile in reality, this black kid is going to get out of prison and probably have to get a job flipping burgers because he's fucked his education prospects and now has a criminal record.
No amount of whining/denial will change this, ape.
How can any rational citizen stand by while trump destroys the foundations of this country?
the kid was probably a freshman or sophomore, maybe possibly a junior between 14-17. whereas the 18 yo black guy was a freshman
he seems like a stable individual
So this is what MAGA means :D
>Bullies somebody smaller and weaker than him
Seriously why do nigs think they're alpha when they drop somebody 20 pounds lighter. Preferably while outnumbering them five to one.
Also why to fuck he wears hi vis at school. Training for future job as garbage collector?
... But destroying slavery is good?
>Meanwhile in reality, this black kid is going to get out of prison
"He then grabbed hold of the Trump flag before knocking the MAGA hat off the other student's head.
The video shows the 18-year-old ripping the flag out of the student's hand and throwing it to the ground as another teenager tried to intervene. "
Yeah man he's going to serve hard time for knocking a hat off a kids head, and having 0 physical contact with someone
How is he facing criminal charges for this? Maybe it's a generational thing, but back in my days people would get beaten up and shoved inside lockers at school and no one ever faced criminal charges. This is really mild in comparison.
Why are the white guyz always the bullied betas in school today
crying wojack
smug pepe in a suit
*tink tink tink*
>millennials in charge of fighting
Absolutely pathetic.
I miss when people made each other bleed, not this pussy shit of everyone trying to avoid everything and making it awkward as fuck.
Bullying anyone else is a hate crime
Because they're wise enough to know that fighting back will get them in trouble since current educational system and media takes stance against them while defending minorities, no matter how violent.
he has bald spot? is he 30?
>Bullies somebody smaller and weaker than him
Drumpf supporters confirmed manlets. Just lift weight bruh hahaha like just gain some muscles my dude
He's 18, legally an adult, and the Trump kid is legally a minor
Because if someone bullied a black kid it would be considered a hate crime
>being an unironic am*rican
You should never use the flag as a cape. That's incredibly disrespectful to our nation.
>while trump destroys the foundations of this country?
Such as?
Separation of powers makes it basically impossible for the Executive branch to do what you are claiming.
That´s it /pol/, get the fuck out of here... You are tiresome and bring the worst on Yea Forums.
The US is a nation of warmongerers and is pure cultural poison, why would anyone respect it?
It's called prediction and thinking ahead. A nig or spic has nothing to lose. Those kids are never getting good SAT or ACT scores no matter how hard they'd try cuz they know they're simply incapable of higher thought. A White or Asian kid thinks about their future before they strike a punch and getting kicked out of your school isn't on top of their priority list.
Why are nigs such fragile little vaginas? Aren't they supposed to be hyper-masculine alphas?
Imagine if whites had reacted like this every time they saw apes toting around Obama shit at high schools and colleges.
black guy just proving white boys point by wearing that
hey nig if you didnt act like that no one would be wanting to maga
also maga has nothing to do with blacks in general, its aboot not constantly letting in more foreigners and having products made from other countrys
Kek sit down whitey
political agitation should be banned from public institutions
you will never be a woman
>currently facing criminal charges
What part of that aren't you getting?
>underage student
>wtf does this even mean?
It means he's under the age of 18, unlike the other student, who at age 18 is above the age of majority.
Literally what is disrespectful about that
Because if whites "bully" a non-white it's a "hate-crime" and you get expelled and have your life/chance at college/future employment completely ruined.
It's not a US flag, it's a Trump flag
Chimp-outs instead of civility is anti-based. Sorry to break it to you wh*toid.
>disobey the tv
>gets attacked by zombies
>this is somehow good
Graduated just after i turned 17. Do you understand how school works?
>You should never use the flag as a cape. That's incredibly disrespectful to our nation.
t. Leftcuck that was literally burning American flags during Trump's inauguration.
>Literally what is disrespectful about that
>The code frowns upon commercial use of the flag, like clothing. The code states that the flag shouldn't be used in clothing, drapery, or bedding, and that no part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.
US Flag Code, nigger.
This is what constitutes bullying nowadays?
Nobody is punching, nobody is beating each other, no one's bleeding.
Even the nigger who should be chimping out acts like a pussy.
Why are millennials so pathetic?
>the media told me trump hated blacks so i'm going to be a violent nigger now
>It's not a US flag, it's a Trump flag
Oh, that's fine then.
>Trump gets elected
>NOW politics should be "banned from public institutions"
you'd be surprised at what constitutes as assault. this dindu is getting a criminal record as a graduation present lmao
There's a cutoff date you have to be born by so if you were born at the end of the year after the school semester ended you might be a year older
Why are Trumpcels such cringelords? Your retardcaps look like fedoras to normal people.
To be honest he should have knew that somebody is gonna chimp out in black majority school.
14 = first year
15 = second year
16 = third year
17 = fourth year
>The student in the vest may face an assault and battery charge if the family of the Trump-supporting teen decides to meet with a city attorney within five days and move forward with the assault complaint.
The family is going to press charges and the black kid will have a criminal record. He won't be able to get a job at McDonalds. bravo black people, so alpha and brave
Democracy is a mistake, civilians are clearly way too stupid to take part in how nations are ruled, and in fact, politics turns civilians even more stupid.
People should have influence in how an entire country operates, based entirely on the fact that he crawled out of his mom's vagina and survived for 18 years?
Why did the greeks think this was a good idea?
do you also assault people over fedoras?
good thing it's not actually a flag then isnt it
its just a banner in the shape and similar material as a flag
is there any actual world flags that have text on them?
>Why are Trumpcels such cringelords?
t. Progressive libshit who enjoys "challenging beauty-standards/gender norms".
Black guy didn't even punch though.
>calling anyone else a cringe lord
LMAO! I guess so, yeah, that's MAGA
All accelerationist behavior is good at this point.
The faster Americans will be forced to choose between black or white, the better, and history will not look kindly on those who betray their own tribe.
There are ways to be "violent" other than punching.
This only applies if your birthday is in the summer, if your birthday is in any month school is in session it's
9th grade= 14-15
10th= 15-16
11th= 16-17
12th= 17-18
famously before the drinking age was changed to 21 from 18, high school seniors would drink at graduation to celebrate
I was hoping they'd start blowing each other
>Why are nigs such fragile little vaginas? Aren't they supposed to be hyper-masculine alphas?
90% of people who are called 'alpha' are fragile little vaginas. Throwing temper tantrums WORKS for a lot of men. Because everyone is worried they'll lose their shit, hurt someone or hurt themselves, they don't get arguments when they make demands, and they end up thinking they can do what they want.
But when two of them meet, the one who wins is called 'alpha' and the one who loses is called 'beta', even though they're both doing the same thing in the same way.
Same here, from how pussified millennials are, I already assume all these """""""""""""fights""""""""""""" end up in the two dumbasses making out or some shit.
He might have gaine 15 to 20 blowjobs with this alone.
Jesus you guys are fucking stupid.
It depends when you're born in the year. If its before June, you'll turn 18 during your last semester of high school.
Some places do force kids with late birthdays to fuck off until next year, meaning they'll turn 18 fall of their senior year, most don't
it's like, he's asking for it
Is the video available? I enjoy seeing Trump flunkies get the shit beat out of them.
Getting over emotional and angry like they do is actually a feminine trait, not a masculine one. It's what happens when you're raised by single mothers. Same deal with all those antifa people who fucking flip out at the dumbest shit. They can't control their emotions because they were raised by females who don't control their emotions either.
He isn't, they are millennials, it's a really awkward thing and, of course, they don't hit each other.
I think the only solution to this pussification is to draft all millennials for 10 years, they will either grow some balls, or they will die, both are fine.
>is there any actual world flags that have text on them?
These webms make war look fun.
This article has the video with sound.
All these jews rubbing their hands at how successful the programming is
War was always fun.
Only drug users and mentally ill degenerates who watch too much television show interest in negroids. I think your yellow eyeballs make you look too comical any dumb
>Leftcucks are now just outright admitting to being psychotic, violent fascists
I guess admission is the first step towards recovery.
If you don't really worry about dying, it can be.
come find me and get curbed libmud
>actually expecting pic related to do anything even remotely violent
I'm sure he'll make some tweets about how offended he is at some random videogame, though.
Men are the ones that don't sperg-out at the slightest provocation.
This is what happens when the only thing you know about war is Call of Duty
>it's disrespectful because someone said so
I wanted an actual reason. You coulda said some shit about commodification but you made a dumbass post and called me, a white man, a nigger
>/pol/ in real life
Keep talking whitey, you know you can't SHIETTT in the real world. You keep smashing that keyboard because outside, you still a bitch.
kek get rekt
>attack a car
What the fuck do these idiots think will happen? He's in a car and you're not. He's kind of got you out-gunned.
What are you talking about?
Millennials are pussified manchildren.
You have any other solutions?
I can't tell if he's dead or just lost the hat
why are nigs so impulsive and low IQ?
Gets a criminal record so he can't vote.
This is a racially and politically motivate hate crime, yet the fake news media will not report on it. It's like the real life version of the Smollett incident.
>died like a badass
>death is instant
I'll take this over wasting away in a bed of old age while a nigger nurse wipes my ass and robs me.
hella frickin epic
He’s about to get his boipucci plowed by other KANGZ
Keep trying and get killed
any that actually matter tho?
and do they care if they are worn?
its unlikely every country on the planet with a flag has the exact same rules for all of them