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He was right you know. Mace Dindu was literally breaking the law with his arrest.

Dew it

>a religious organization sending assassins to exterminate the current leader

When you look at it from that point of view then Anakin was right to question the Jedi's actions. It did look like they were seizing power.

>gets mad at dindu for almost killing sheev without a trial
>when he literally dismembered and decapitated dooku earlier in the movie

I don’t think George reads his own scrips

He was ordered to, dipshit.

*murders a bunch of jedi kids like two days later*

FFS this is exactly why he has the reaction to Windu. He did it and he knew it was wrong, really wrong, now faced with same choice again, plus the fact sheev can save padme means he tries to stop Windu, miss calculates and cuts off his hand, sheev finishes him off. After that he's fucked, the jedi order will never take him back and the only path he has available is to join sheev. He always regretted everything he was doing and that is why Luke could feel the good within him. This is really simple and brilliant story telling and it flew right over you simpleton head.

A grey area. Dooku was an enemy combatant who was too dangerous to keep ali... Oh, like Sheev. I'm in agreement with


>assassins sent to exterminate
They went there to arrest him. They switched to mudermode when he whipped out a weapon and starting butchering people. I wouldn't call that an assassination anymore then I would consider police shooting someone who pulls a gun to be an assassination.

He had a horse in the race, Sheevs promise of keeping Natalie Portman alive.


>miss calculates

>They went there to arrest him.
Not their jurisdiction. There are always rules and regulations when a leader is assumed to be guilty of a crime.

>He's too dangerous to be left alive

Literally bypassing all law and justice. Anakin was right.

>It's the Jedi way!
>Murders children five minutes later because of vague promises from space Hitler

The dark side is like a drug once you open yourself to it. Why do you think the jedi are so afraid of it and spent years trying to resist it?


He wasn't wrong. He controlled the entire governmental body. There was no getting justice via the law. The Jedi's biggest mistake was not just attacking him from the start, and with greater force. The second biggest not detaining Anakin as they carry out the hit, because his loyalty was in question.

The dark side being a drug doesn't mean our protagonist should act retarded. Killing the sand people was a realistic snap of rage, even if the acting made it comical.
Helping kill Windu and then HUNDREDS of children is farcical and turns Anakin from a semi reasonable character to a complete dumb ass.

The thing that gets lost on people is Darth Sidious had clouded the Jedi's ability to ascertain what they should do. They had a purpose and a vision but the current events of the galaxy had twisted their ability to operate fairly. I mean Palpatine literally manipulates half of the galaxy into unrest and conflict and slowly pushes himself into higher and higher power. And even befriends Anakin because he has a goal of having an apprentice or someone to be his cloak and dagger. Dooku was just a tool for Palpatine and that was the dark realization Dooku ultimately realized before he was executed , that he was nothing more than a pawn. He played on Dooku's inherit ambition and power to turn it against him. I don't think anyone could have taken Dooku 1 on 1. Even when Anakin defeats him , he was already worn down from taking on Anakin and Obi Wan at once.

And Palpatine plays on Anakin's anger and guilt. Anakin never really cared about gaining power for the sake of it, he wanted his life to have purpose. He wanted a better life for him and his mother. And when his mother is taken from him , Palpatine plays on this emotion for what he cares about. Anakin becomes truly corrupted. It was poorly done by Lucas but the theme and idea behind the story is brilliant.

Obi Wan lives with the guilt that he couldn't prevent what has happened. Even though Anakin does show frustration towards Obi Wan , he realizes Obi Wan truly is on his side and is doing his best to help him as a teacher and friend. Also it's very iconic that Obi Wan would always get the better of him because he knew what Anakin would do and Anakin's very offensive style of fighting played into Obi Wan's very reserved and chess like style of combat.

Windu was right morally in this situation but so was Anakin. This is the beauty of the scene and moment in the story. Palpatine had corrupted this entire situation so that no choice is right or wrong.

He only killed few and Palpatine give a clear to SPARE no one. He probably thought it be mercy by giving them a quick death instead of having the clones shooting them over and over again.

The Jedi are an order of 10 thousand, and none of the kids live anywhere besides Coruscant so it's easy to assume that hundreds live in the Temple. The same Temple that Anakin leads the attack on. He didn't personally chop down hundreds but he oversaw the clones killing all of those toddlers.
>Palpatine give a clear to SPARE no one.
Yeah maybe when the Sith lord tells you to murder hundreds of children you should rethink whether or not the vague magic spell he hasn't even proved is real is worth that many dead kids.

those scenes are supposed to be analogous. He knows he's being a terrible jedi. Seeing Mace Windu being a hypocrite is what drives him over the edge and stop even trying. The code no longer mattered.

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In a sea of shit posting, I do occasionally enjoy insight like this. Thanks for the read, user.