Unironically what makes you guys happy? does anyone else get tired of being jaded all the time?
Unironically what makes you guys happy? does anyone else get tired of being jaded all the time?
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I have drastically increased the pleasure from masturbation since I've started restoring my foreskin
leave Yea Forums
anime ga daisuke
also, why tf are people complaining? Just stop using Yea Forums so much, you fucking drugga
other people's misfortunes
working on self improvement gives massive self confidence and self worth boosts
becoming the master of my desires, instead of letting my desires master me, also helps
don't go for short term dopamine boosts, like this degenerate faggot think long term. Do the you of tomorrow a favor, instead of fucking him over.
I'm pretty happy for Pokemon movie, i'm childish as fuck because my job is horrible as fuck.
Nothing and yes
I don't know. I don't think I'd even realize that I'm happy should it happen.
seeing niggers get violently humiliated and remembering that jannies don't get paid for their labor
doing well on a school assignment/completing a school assignment. seeing my gf after not seeing her for a few days, and writing a cool guitar piece or lick. i dont seem to have emotions for things outside of those.
I was happy for a brief moment which caused a huge spike of anxiety because it made me realize how many years I wasted being miserable. Then back into the pit of indifference I fell.
Apparently it's something that happens to depressed people going on the pill aswell.
Being obsessed with a certain actress.
I've hit clinical depression years ago. Only thing that makes me happy is self-improvement and being there for my closest family like my younger brother and parents. Real women don't interest me, going out drinking with mates doesn't interest me. Watching any shows or anime about love and romance destroys me as all my sorrow and sadness start shattering those walls I've build around myself by working and convincing myself that I'm better off alone. I think by now I'd just want to live on some island somewhere warm where I can just sail and read.
true. i was manic after my mom passed for nearly ten years (it happened as i was a child) once i took the pills and the misery dulled i had a night where i was sick to my stomach realizing how much time i wasted being miserable when this was all i needed to help.
I don't know how old you are, but just letting you know that loneliness gets harder and harder to cope with.
Grattitude for what the lord gives us daily.
Have you ever read the book of revelations?
Give me a board where I can learn something useful
fuckin' this
Why do slavs all have that same look? It's slightly Asian looking too.
I genuinely don't know how I would react to my parents passing, the thought of it makes me feel like a child again.
I unironically feel like this every day
Women with huge plastic tits and David Lynch movies.
getting decent sleep and not having to do anything all day. It's what i live for.
>Unironically what makes you guys happy?
Nothing. I have never been happy.
daily reminder to Check your Testosterone levels anons. with all the estrogen in your drinkiing water and plastics and shit these days, combined with your sedentary lifestyle of junkfood, masturbation and selfhate its bound to be low. either get your doctor to give you some if you are in a based country, if not just roid like me. you will look good and feel powerful and confident.
>but muh sideeffects
dont be a retard about it and obviously do your research. its possible to cruise on low doses for many years with all the benefits and none of the side effects.
You're probably right but then again I'm way too deep into my own anxieties and worries to ever go out there and try to find somebody - I think that getting denied would probably kill me. I don't believe in psychologists and psychiatrists since I'm an extreme introvert and highly aware of my short-comings and I certainly don't want to be on some drugs that change my thought process.
it was the worst thing i have ever experienced, and it never goes away. i dont wish it on anyone. the pills only dull the thoughts and anxiety but it is still an improvement
I exercise, eat healthy, and do what I'm passionate about (music).
Nothing really gets me me down anymore. I might be an asshole and think that everything in modern culture sucks but I’m not unhappy. Sometimes bad things in life can turn out to be blessings. I’m healthy so I’m happy.
t. had cancer a few years ago
yeah im pretty tired and bored and ill probably kill myself at some point in the next decade
I exercise, eat healthy, and do what I'm passionate about (your mom).
The lady in this image is heartwarmed by her dumb animals facts, but my heart is warmed by it too, just for a completely opposite reason.
wow rude
My dad died in 2015 and both my younger brother (21/19) and I are jaded alcoholic fuck ups. It really fucks with your head and shows you that life is just misery.
First heroin shot was nice but the following ones became as mundane as all shit in my life
I wish I had the guts to kill myself
my mom is dead, user
How often do you call your mom user? Maybe she is lonelier than you think. Having a new stepdad doesn't so bad!
I can only get so hard, user
I never call my mom user, what a weird question
Those rare nights where I get a spontaneous invitation to hang out with my buddy, his GF and one of/some of their friends. Those nights were so fucking comfy, I felt incredibly confident and was able to easily hold conversations about anything whereas I usually hate making small talk about stuff I'm not interested in.
>He never talks to his parents from time to time after he moves out and starts living on his own
You're the weird one.
Yes, but i feel much better after nofap and semi regular exercise. Gotta add meditation.
I get joy when "it aint me" songs starts playing in war movies.
Just keep shooting dope and one day you will cop a hot bag and be dead.
Benzos. And alcohol. I suffer from depression, social phobia, agoraphobia and a psychosomatic issue, all more or less caused from a wild drug time and some bad trips, since ~2013 now.
The SSRI helps a little, but ultimately i feel suicidal 24/7/365. The ONLY thing that makes me feel normal are benzos, but only because they completely block out my psychosomatic issue.
Also this. Thus far i only snorted Heroin, but didn't really enjoy it as much as i think i would. I have no reason to live and no reason to die. It's the worst.
I like learning genuinely meaningful things (like history, economics, how the world actually works). I like travelling and seeing important sites that matter. I like being distracted by something to the point where I forget who or where I am and how futile this whole contemporary experience is.
I write books for a hobby. I'm trying to get one of them published. I'm not the most successful with women, but I take what I can get.
i'm too pussy to do anything about it atm because it hasn't happened yet but take responsibility for your brother, I know i'll have to do that when the time comes
this will sound npc as fuck but drinking with my few remaining boomer friends. nothing else really makes me feel good.
it happened when i was ten and i hit the booze pretty hard even now 14 years later. such an empty feeling, always seekng approval you will never find
alcohol makes me happy but it also makes me miserable. i'm starting think i need a break , but god, can't even imagine the boredom
Owning the libtards
>Being jaded
If you still have get it, we are not discussing the movies that we liked, only those that we didn't like, because most of us was thrown out or banned from progressive sites , because we refused to suck cock of the latest uninspired schlock and horrible reboot.
>doing dope
you are already dead user, it is only a matter of time. your fate was decided when you first did it. truly the walking dead
nothing comes to mind
nothing more comfy than this. me and my friends on weekends get blasted in our garage, playing music and just talking
i just dont even care anymore as long as people leave me alone and the pot isnt stirred too much
>muh depression is real
Ask me how I know that all of you incels are white males.
Nothing really makes me happy anymore, hasn't for a very long time if I think about it . I just live from day to day hoping one of my bad habbits eventually kills me, last time I felt genuine happiness was prolly around 13yo, I'm 28 now. and I'm killing myself at 30. Chickened out at 21 thinking that maybe things would get better one day, but nope it just gets worse.
If you want to get off, there are endorphin blockers you can take along with the heroin that will wean you off of it. They only work if you continue taking heroin whenever you want
Sunny days. I can't be unhappy when it's warm outside, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Everything looks so beautiful when it's soaked in sunlight.
because were posting on 4channel?
I wish you great success with your writing user.
I haven't been happy since I was 18 years old
I don't want to get off heroin, I want to get off life.
Or maybe don't. It's not that I want to die, I just don't want to live
I've watched a lot of good movies lately, and been reading manga. I honestly like to believe that most people on here are like that, and the vocal minority is what we see.
Happiness is irrelevant.
but I do get pleasure from reading, working out/hiking and playing an instrument
Things that keep me alive
- movies
- music
- sweet dreams
- funny internet videos
- ice cream
- porn
>he wants to be a serf
Well take it once step at a time user. Try to work through the issues that are leading you to want to escape reality. People do drugs because they're in pain in other aspects of their life; the chemical hooks aren't nearly as real as people think.
This made me quite happy.
There is no such thing as really being happy for me anymore. I would have probably been happy if I lived 500 years ago and owned a piece of farmland. I work my ass off for peanuts and I'm mentally exhausted at the end of every day. I'm just a workhorse like everyone else I know feeding the habits of the rich.
Nothing with being a serf but if you want to be a hedonistic wah wah so happy etc. you're basically advertising to be a serf yourself so the the joke is on you.
I honestly don't know if I'll ever be happy. After having zero friends for 7 years I don't know if I can even rebuild my life. I'm bound to die without loving anyone or being loved, and there's nothing I can do about it.
Getting called based.
Seems like you took a wrong turn, Reddit is the other way.
Should i stop coming to Yea Forums or drastically lower my time in here? I feel like i haven't enjoyed things as much as before for 3 and half years now.
Based gang
How do you do this senpai?
Nothing really.
If you have the occasion pray for me
I visit Yea Forums, /tg/ and /x/ now and then but don't spend as much time here as I used to. I no longer partake in shitposting either
I don't remember the last time I felt truly happy but books, films, some of my college classes and occasional sex with random women seem to easy the pain of existence a little bit. Otherwise everything is just emotional white noise.
My dad suffered a severe heart attack last year. Completely destroyed one of his arteries so now he's relying on the stint and blood thinners to stay alive. This year of knowing he will be gone soon has been torture enough, I don't know how I'll handle it when he actually goes.
seeing people be equally or more miserable than me
i have to settle on equally
I'll pray for you
How do you feel that this has changed how you feel about things?
You are smallbrained masquerading as bigbrained
Drugs, sex, booze
Take the hedonism pill, higher happiness is illusory
>Tfw I used to go on Yea Forums to see people worse than me and realize I have it good
>Tfw now I'm part of the hopeless
Thanks brother
Most things since I'm usually a very cherry person. People might mistake that with what I like to post though
literally the only positive post in this thread. I hope you make it and get rich with these books of yours
sure thing bootlicker, enjoy spending the rest of your life as a good goy.
You found /pol/ 6 months ago, you've given up on life, you're fat, single, around 20-23 years old, and have literally no prospects. You've also recently found stoicism and believe you're following it.
I'm not masquerading nor have I claimed anything a such I was merely responding to your serf insult. But take it as you will user.
I feel sad and lonely most of the time but I also somehow kept my childlike wonder alive. I go on walks every other day trying to find parts of the city I've never seen before. I cry like a baby at sad movies while happy movies make me feel like I took an ecstacy pill. In the nights I put on my headphones and dance alone in my dark room. It's weird, I should be jaded and cynical by now but I feel like the opposite.
I don't know, maybe it's autism
It feels good. I'm glad I pulled the plug (somewhat). I no longer waste hours with retarded internet arguments. Also every time I come back, amidst all the shitposts and newfags there are still the same old anons from way back when. It's good knowing that this god forsaken shithole will always be here for me when I need it.
What makes him a bootlicker
They're here thinking they're spreading the good word of /pol/ not realizing that a huge portion of us are on /pol/ ourselves, and actually enjoying something means you're following the Jews to newfags on /pol/.
I've met two absolutely wonderful girls in the past week.
Then they tell me they've had boyfriends in the past. The one made a passing comment about being on birth control.
What is otherwise is perfect is completely ruined. I can't get over girls having had relationships, love, penis and cum inside of them in the past.
This is why I'll never have another gf, never have children. I just really don't know what to do.
But what about tits?
Mathematics, spending time with frens and family, working out, watching great films.
>nigress detected
get back to bitching about muh reparations and social injustice
Talk to a shrink about it. Being disgusted by sex is not healthy.
How is this not a bannable offense yet?
You've already had a girlfriend? So you couldn't even save yourself? You think you are better than them?
You deserve those roastie whores, fuck off.
I like watching Gotham, old comedies (watched Loaded Gun 1 for the first time with my girlfriend a week or two ago), weird horror films or terrible films get watched with a group of friends like Crippled Masters last month. Ah... I can't deal with the arrowverse stuff, as they keep centering on awful female characters that are terrible to everyone around them but then worshipped as the heart of the team. That said, I drop in one a year or so when they do those crossover events.
Aquaman was great. I love collateral and law abiding citizen. It's hard to think of these off the top of my head.
I'm aware of awful virtue signalling shit in media and just avoid those. I only have one friend that really falls for them and unironically enjoyed black panther.
I'm a comicbook fan, into capeshit. I'm an action movie fan. Enjoyed The Rock Is A Cripple In A Burning Chinese Building.
What about you?
My dog going crazy after I come home from work always makes me smile. Other than that, I just try to distract myself from having negative thoughts by watching one of my favourite comedies or reading a good book. I have bad days like most people, but they're not as common and I'm gradually starting to accept myself the way I am.
I try to hike out in nature parks for most of the day. even walking in the rain is better than being cooped up inside.
Also i'm convinced every female has a tattoo nowadays and not just small ones. unless your a tribal islander why would you do that? are women that clueless?
full body nudes of hot men
Tell me two great films, in your opinion. If they aren't my taste, that's just a chance to expand my palette
12 Angry Men and Batman v Superman are two of my most frequently rewatched favs
Thanks, breh.
>janny leaves it up because he can sympathise
Browse /fit/ /sig/ threads. I'm not the user you replied to but those threads helped me a lot through a multitude of things, and cover everything that that user was talking about
I don't really enjoy anything the way other people do. All emotions seem far away and I'm consciously aware of the fact that all of my social actions are essentially performative, so everything that I do feels false. I've never felt anger or love in my entire life and I'm not comfortable being touched. I don't have issues making friends, but everyone is aware that there is an essential disconnect between us. They know I'm not like them and most people who meet me remark on the fact that I come off like a serial killer.
You can have sociopathic tendencies. Like, not in a bad way, but in a "that's your mindset and it's good to know about it" way.
By the way, contentment is more important than happiness in the long run. Happiness is a fleeting moment. Contentment is a state of not wanting more than what you have, and trust me, that's very, very valuable.
I'm happy that East Asia isnt adopting Critical Theory.
Asians are the future and that's a good thing.
Because at this point the west is not salvageable as it is, we need to go back to a meritocracy.
There is no happiness in my life since many years. The only thing that makes me feel good for just some minutes are instant pleasures.
I'm the same way, user. I thought most people functioned the same way for a long time. I actually make friends quite easy too. It actually has it's advantages, especially at work and with some relationships. A psychology student I used to date told me I might have schizoid or sociopathic tendencies.
>Critical Theory
Is that another term to define feminism, socialism, anti-europeism, anti-patriotism etc.?
getting drunk and stoned and playing super smash bros with my old friends. we only get to do it once and awhile now as everyones getting more responsibilities as we age. im almost 30 and have nothing, not even a job despite my degree, skills and experience. i wish i was dead most of the time, but too afraid to die. when im alone, which is most of the time, i drink and read Hemingway.
basically nothing
truth fuck these fornicaters that think they're entitled to virgin wives
are u me
I don't mean what I post around here. You have to be a special kind of loser to take 4channel seriously.
holy fucking based
I haven't drank for three days and I want to blow my fucking brains out.
What is that?
sniffing my own farts
what a coincidence, for the past 2 days i have stopped death gripping. I had around 4 amazing orgasms with an extremely loose grip. Slowly rebuilding sensitivity brehs. The key is to find that porn that really gets you going
I find myself really happy when i am playing Metro Exodus. But maybe it's just the forgetfulness of the real world and not happiness. I am also very happy when i watch a feelgood movie, bonus points if it's in the 80s. For example Bumblebee made me feel really happy.
PRs and busting fat nuts
Apart from that I wouldn't say I feel actual happiness, just relief.
The website you're one. Read the URL you dumb faggot.
Look at the url in your web browser
seeing the favourite day ago made me happy for 24 minutes
i really like how it made me feel
why should i be happy
i want to give my time to something actually meaningful and i want to be good at things. being happy is not a prerequisite for either of these. worrying about how unhappy i am or comparing how far i've gotten to the timelines of lives of happy or successful people won't do anything so i try to not do it and instead focus on what i want
maybe you shouldnt care that much about political stuff and muh culture war.
Whats the sauce on the jpeg lads
Drawing and photoshop but I've been less motivated to beef up my portfolio since I keep failing the classes I need to transfer. Not taking any art classes atm but if I see signs of improvement on my own, I can at least say I'm not talentless. Might be the education system's fault for making me care about classes I have no passion for or it might be mine for believing that college wasn't a waste of time for an art major.
I get happy by BTFO plebs and rebbitors that post on this bored.
programming, also the new factorio update
i have literally never loved anyone, and i don't think i have ever loved anything
any likeness i have for anything is completely momentary and base
i'm me
just me
These days I've been taking a lot of pleasure in laying down in bed doing nothing. I mean not even having my laptop in bed or anything, just having everything off and lying down and not doing anything. Sometimes I drift off to sleep in the middle of the day sometimes I don't.
spend time with him and watch movies with him or something. When my dad is too old to be very independent, I'm going to move back home and make sure he's as happy as possible. He sacrificed for 25 years for me, and is the best man I know.
I'm get called based on a pretty frequent basis. It does provide a good feeling.
After avoiding it for all of my life, I've found there are some really great anime shows I've been missing. So those are making me happy right now.
Same boat, and Ping Pong is fucking kino.
There's something really sincere about anime, it's refreshing.
>There's something really sincere about anime
I was just thinking this exact thought yesterday. It's so great to not have emotional moments under-cut with a quip or gag.
As lame as it sounds going to work , doing a great job , volunteering at an animal shelter and taking my parents out for dinner once a week
Based and wholesomepilled