People unironically listen to black metal

>people unironically listen to black metal
I’ll tell you what I love the fact that all those asspies who follow the cult of Varg are getting triggered over this movie.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There are serious problems with the movie, but I love it purely based off the fact that Jonas Akerlund wasn't afraid to show Varg as the piece of shit he truly was.
Casting a fat Jew to play him was just icing on the cake.

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>stop liking what I don't like

Shut the fuck up faggot. I bet you haven’t even seen a single one of his videos and take everything you’ve ever read about Varg as fact. The media has lied bout him for decades. His only crime was being an edgy teenager who defended himself. Only faggots and liberals disagree with anything Varg says. The man speaks the godamn truth.

scene where varg kills euro was very bad

>d-daddy varg said so, so it must be true!
>if y-you don't agree with daddy varg 100%, you're a libtard cuck Dx
He's a narcissistic asshole larping as a viking in France. Once a poser, always a poser.

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why did vag stop and mix choco milks?
my gf keeps watching that one part when
vag exposed himself as scopion fan and she laughs at that part where they call vag "hey gandalf nice armor"

>His only crime was being an edgy teenager who defended himself

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Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet

>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
>Joined the larp scene in Norway as a teenager
>killed his best friend because he looked at him wrong.
>burned churches and UNESCO monuments
>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>becomes a nazi in prison
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
>gets out of prison
>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother
>abandoned by all family, and friends.
>literally marries a diagnosed autist in France
>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"
>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in
>Makes shitty youtube videos about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow
>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>doesn't even make music anymore because he has to live in a hut and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man
>no accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND

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No but seriously black metal is trash. Literally every genre of music is better than black metal. It’s a genre of music filled with autism and LARPing.
>yea man we’re hardcore satanist in our corpse paint. We’re so evil we put makeup on to make us look like we are dead because we’re so hard core.
Death Metal, Thrash Metal, stoner metal, fucking numetal, blues, jazz, soul, classical, Shoegaze, indie rock, country, house, techno, hell even fucking rap is better and less cringeworthy than that shit. The only genre possibly shitter than black metal is dubstep.

didn't he named himself some vampire larp name?
count gorishgoknack or something?

Black metal is actually pretty good when it isn't black metal CMV

It's also good when it is black metal

>I luv the moobie becuz it mocks Varg

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Varg tends to go overboard but he's better than any (((alt-righter))) you follow.
Go watch sargoy.

No this shit is garbage.


Is hellhammer in the movie?

Are all Varg's drones this retarded?
Allow me to reiterate my strawman that you almost perfectly fit.
>if y-you don't agree with daddy varg 100%, you're a libtard cuck Dx
but let's fix it a little bit for you.
>if y-you don't agree with daddy varg 100%, you're a (((meme parenthesis))) alt-right cuck Dx

Shit OP you did it now.
Black Metal fansare the most autistic faggots on the planet and the Varg Defense Force are the largest most autistic group of faggots in the metal head community.

I bet you have jew and black friends.

It's not about varg, well, at least for me... it's about calling out the jew. I can't understand how can anyone not hate the kikes with all their body and soul.

Jesus. It's like reading through a bullet point checklist of the only responses Vargtards have.
Let me guess. You going to call me a mutt next? Say that if I don't support Varg 100%, I want all of Europe to be a Muslim shithole? Try to guess which country I'm from, then call me a mutt again, but in a different way?
You're too easy it's almost pathetic.

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The fact that Stryper is unironically good blows my mind.

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We wuz Vikings n shiet

if black metal fags love tolkien and aryanism why do they make music that sounds like orc speech?

I don't care where you're from I just can't stand people who have nothing against pic related and idk juden peterstein lmao

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lol @ Sunbather in this thread

look at this Vargtard

What the fuck are you talking about?
I hate Varg, so I like Jordan Peterson?
Are you serious? Do you really see everything that black and white?

>Do you really see everything that black and white?

When it comes to modern day "politics"?

The movie needed the scene with Varg discussing how he likes his cornflakes

why did they wear curpse paint?
dead look nothing like that.

Count Grishnakh. It's from LoTR.

Watch Varg talk about how Aarseth was a pussy who couldn't do anything in one moment, and then how he feared his life and had to kill him for his own protection in the next. Varg is full of shit.

Then you're everything wrong with modern day politics. You're literally no different than hardcore leftists that say shit like, "What, you don't believe in reinstating Communism and murdering Donald Trump? You're a fucking Nazi!"
You're just on the opposite end of the spectrum.
The autism spectrum too, clearly.

Varg really did wear chain mail everywhere. He made a video where he went to England to talk to Earache records and he wore chainmail on the plane

Imagine watching Varg's videos unironically

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>B-but muh pure black metal!

Sunbather is an objectively well crafted album.

You fail to understand that I hate the jews with such flaming hate that It's impossible to describe with words. You can't get that while reading it on a place like Yea Forums. But I will cater to Varg's nonsense just because his hate is as flaming as mine.
And I don't even agree with the most of what he says. I would personally never abandon civilization and I would never shit in a bucket just because I think flushing is wasting perfectly fine drinkable water.

>Count Grishnakh. It's from LoTR.

did he think he was part of the fellowship?

Yes. He didnt do much he smiled like an idiot and was like thats cool dude. Snorre and Faust were portrayed as being bigger idiot autists than Varg

shut up christian lol

At least that we can agree on. I hate Jews as much as the next guy with a triple digit IQ, but I find Varg to be insufferable. Just because he and I agree on the Jews' control on all entities of the media doesn't change the fact that he's pretty retarded on most everything else.
So I find it hard to listen to him.


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Fine, yes, I guess someone more careless in life could go away with calling me autistic, but my heart actually starts pounding faster when I think about how I hate them. And there is zero memeing in what I'm saying to you. If you don't understand my pure hate we just can't converse.

I wonder when that idiot Varg told the interviewers everything if he also served them tea

That's why the norwegian media referred to him as "the Count" back when all this happened (and still probably do). He's not too happy with that -- Probably because he's embarrassed about it.

also his first-born daughter fucks blacks

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that's not his daughter.

wtf? is this a photoshop?

I'll ask you one more thing, and then we can stop wasting each others time... what public figure, any public figure openly hates the jews? Find one person in the public spectrum that will just say "yea, okay, I think they are doing something fishy here".
Every single piece of shit alt-righter most of /pol/ follows, shills for them, either directly or indirectly.

You see, unlike you, I prefer to lead; not to follow.
I refuse to follow anyone. I am not part of any herd of sheep. Even if he's some snow nigger that openly says mean things about Jews.

that first link is just "screamo" you humongous fag

uh huh, sure.

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That's the kind of response I'd expect from a sheep willing to walk into slaughter for their master that would gladly sell you out for their own benefit.

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That was not me btw. It was some random troll.

>le edgy hardcore fag in fucking scandinavia
try that shit in eastern europe or muzzie countries and then tell me how redpilled or hardcore that lanky dude is.

who varg? lol

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Why post a picture of yourself?
Did you miss the rest of the thread where I talked about how much I hate Varg and his music?

>If you don't understand my pure hate we just can't converse.

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so pretty much veracious portrayals?

man i'd really love a fucking burzum shirt, great music, great artworks. i'm also not white but med, it would piss off varg, which is always a good thing. but i don't want to support that fucking moron in any way, neither financially nor by propagating his band.

>eastern europe

nigger, I live in Croatia. It's eastern Europe, my wife can walk alone at night without getting robbed, killed or raped by a muzzie or nigger. When I was living in Paris and Munich for work related stuff for 3 months I never went for a walk alone at night. And I was living in the city center. So yea, go on, shit along, at least I'm not going to get killed by a jihadi knife.

it's just a aesthetic bro. power metal musicians can't shoot fire out of their swords.

since when is yugoslavia eastern europe? you're on the med coast, you're southern europeans. slavic or not.

What shit?

It's often called eastern europe for various reasons

Young Varg can fuck me in the ass while Euronmous jerks off my penis

>I prefer to lead; not to follow

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>lol this music is trash because I don't like the cover
What a brainlet opinion. Most people in black metal did not take it seriously anyway.

Actually, it's Louis Cachet.
Legally speaking, of course.

Varg was pretty based for killing euronymous tho

It was badass when he made some chocolate milk

Varg is nice to listen to, but he comes up with blatant lies it's hard. He did an interview for an article on why he doesn't play live and said some venue offered him £300,000 and he still said no. Yikes.

Let’s post some classic Varg. Keep in mind, this is from the original Burzum website. You can still find it using

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He doesn't play live because he can't. He has never played live and is a studio musician. Varg wouldnt even to be able to deal with all the people at the venue or in the band he puts together due to his autism.


>I’ll tell you what I love the fact that all those asspies who follow the cult of Varg are getting triggered over this movie.
I love black metal and this amuses me as well.

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Even boomers like hank know Christian metal is for fags

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watching varg talk about the euronymous incident he is clearly lying. euro deserved it anyway

it's okay to accept that someone you like has done something wrong in the past

>that video where varg tries to say that his luxery hotel room prison is worse than actual prisons anywhere else

>Let’s post some classic Varg.
tell the story how he shoted McDonalds on a bicycle. that one always good for laughing.

>goes to someone apartment carrying a knife and stab him 23 times "in self defense"
>people here will still say it isn't murder

that one was hilarious. because he was 100% serious about norwegian prison being so much worse than in the us. right after describing his cell, with his panorama window and the private shower.

>23 times

why do those psycho killers always stab their victims a trillion times? 23 is a lot of stabs. elliot rodger also stabbed those poor asians an insane amount of times. i just can't imagine that, someone stabbing a human being so often. that's like the opposite of self defence.

Solitary confinement is torture

yes, it is. but that's not what happened to him. he had his own shower and cell, yes. but he still had access to a prison yard for several hours every day. it's fucking norway after all.

and even the biggest varg fanboys know that, he's been telling stories about his fellow inmates and his thoughts about them in several vids.

>why do those psycho killers always stab their victims a trillion times?
Rage, I guess. They don't plan out killing in a methodical way.

yeah i'm sure old vargy boy had a hard time compared to the people put in actual solitary confinement in a country such as america

This is only true if it's like an American solitary confinement where it's just a bed and toilet. Varg still had plenty of things to distract himself with and could even record music from prison.

Not him but jesus christ you're retarded. Sure, having only a bed and toilet is worse, but saying it's fine if you have something to do shows that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about (or that you're so used to living a solitary NEET life)

>You're wrong, because. I say so
Great argument fagtron.

But that was your argument. The guy said its torture and you said its not because you say so. Btfo

lmao you're a joke.
Look at this hell Varg had to endure!

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>The guy said its torture and you said its not because you say so
No, I didn't just say so. Re read my post again. I said he had lots of shit to distract himself with.

>mfw the cramps are better than all these bands

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Don't even like varg but you're retarded if you think being locked in there for years is a fun time

>the food made him sick tho
>there were hard times when he was pooping AND vomiting AT THE SAME TIME.

Oh I'm sure being able to make music in that comfy little room in between being interviewed like a celebrity would be hell.

I didn't know prison was supposed to be a fun time.

Black metal is just another music genre, but goddammit it's fans are a bunch of edgelord posers

noone says it's a fun time, ofc it still means being locked up and stripped off your sovereignity. but compared to other countries' prisons it's pretty fucking comfortable. and the point is that varg still keeps whining about the horror of norwegian prison, compared to other countries.

a classical varg so to say

Sure but I think he has some points about the isolation and loneliness compared to say American prison. That shit will ruin anyone.

Fenriz > Varg

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>mfw I realize I'm watching SJWs

for fuck's sake where do you think all the stories about his other inmates came from? he wasn't kept in solitary, he still went to the fucking prison yard.

basically, and not even ironically, varg complains that he didn't get to share a shower with other criminals.

Just so it's clear, Varg has been to a bunch of different norwegian prisons, and they can be quite different from each other.

Some black metal is good, but Burzum is garbage. The production is terrible, the songs are overlong and the vocals are laughable.

>b-but it's supposed to have bad production that makes it sound better and more raw

No, it sounds like shit.


what's your problem with lo-fi? that's the best thing about black metal and the only kind of metal i can listen to

So when was the last time you fags left your rooms and met people? Yeah that prison must've been hell lmao.

Yeah norwegian prisons sound like pure hell, that's why slavs go there and let themselves be caught so they can have a cushy life inside

>The production is terrible

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all of the faggots who orbit around this trash drama are cringe as fuck and pathetic. who cares what happened in this scene exept edgy 15yr.
also varg haters on the same as varg cultists their funny.

what do you lead, your mom's dog ?

Black metal is literally shit and just noise it cant even be called music. Only total autists like it. That's why it's so big in Finland

No, it means you don't know his exact conditions and how much he interacted with people. He's been through high security and low security.

>that's why slavs go there and let themselves be caught so they can have a cushy life inside
I'm sure they tell you that on /pol/

Why does black metal make people seethe more than literally any other genre?

Every person I ever met that was into black metal was fat with greasy hair and played WoW way past the time they should have stopped

this thread is a mess.
also Varg is right about the end of civilisation and living a simpler life in the french countryside with a Lada 4x4. i don't care about his other dialogues with the jew n' stuff that's not my problem im not 15.

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Thread of trolls trolling trolls


STFU you don't know what BM is moron.

it was actually larger than that

>wasn't afraid to show Varg as the piece of shit he truly was.
This is the only thing they had to do right.

For those who don't know, Varg is severely mentally ill (in case that wasn't obvious enough). He's a pathetic liar as well. Just watch him lie about the stabbing, it's fucking hilarious how narcissistic this cunt is. Absolute garbage of a human being.

This site is a complete mockery of the musicianship an the creative Force which is the seriously lacking now in today's scene but none the less this is complete mockery of what y'all are all claiming to be so true in where the hell is y'all fucking minds none of this has any true substance to metal

Hate me mock me delete me I don't give a fuck,I said it

>His only crime was being an edgy teenager who defended himself.

>hear rumors that Euro wants to torture him to death
>takes this for granted
>assassinates Euro

You guys...

Also love the discrepancy between how many stabs Varg says he gave and the autopsy report.

Something like "Yeah, 3 times."
Report says 87. Fuck Varg.

why do you care, are underage ?

oh is that why he lives on french welfare and shitposts online allday like a NEET?


I thought it was 30/33? 2 to the head, 5 to the neck, rest to the back?

literally /ourguy/ so why do we hate him?

It's a textbook case of psychopathy and a whole host of other mental illnesses. The guy is a total nutjob.

Does anyone know about the origins of this much mental illness? Was he gangbanged as a kid?

>5 kids
Imagine being raised by Varg and an autist. Poor kids, this shouldn't be legal.

Instead we got a sequence on how to properly prepare a glass of delicious chocolate milk, because "lol remember they're still kids, guys!"


For fuck's sake stupid piece of mutt, every fucking person living in France, and most other European countries, receives "welfare". Because the government pays you for every child you have. In Germany, people receive 180€ every month until they turn 25 or pick up a job. You can't do anything against that, you receive the money either way.

I hate Varg just as much as the next guy ofc, but saying he's on "welfare" is just plain imbecile

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Imagine unironically following the teachings of an ex black metal degenerate who drove 25 miles in the snow to go kill someone in self defense, fled the country to go live somewhere else in Europe and not pay taxes while collecting welfare (but it's okay when he does it, you see, because he is white.)
>FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! I bet you haven’t even seen a single one of his videos and take everything you’ve ever read about Varg as fact. SO FUCK YOU BASTARD! *kicks the air while trying not to lose his balance* I curse you in the name of Kek! I tell you my friends over at r/the_donald will HEAR OF THIS!!!! MAGA

Still acomplished more than you ever will.

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Varg is a legit pen and paper nerd with posters of Middle Earth in his apartment. He's even autistic enough to have created is own tabletop rpg (its merits as an actual game notwithstanding), so you know he is into this shit full-on.


that's what you do when you're a paranoid schizo BPD narc, the guy literally believed others wanted to assassinate him, so he did it first

purest form of mentally ill projection

It is. He said he had a daughter born in the same year and he was following her on youtube.

>if you are on a photo with someone, that means you have intimate relationship with that person, especially if that person is black and you're white
Incel logic.

He's right about the songs tho. Too long and too little riffs
>but muh monotony and crescendos
Pre-prison Varg is a one trick pony.

is there a great cuck than Varg? no

>"Jews" allow him to exist

Not him but I asked over at /tg/ one and they laughed their asses off. His game is (quelle surprise!) super autistic and needlessly complicated. He also printed the whole rulebook in an edgy font which triggered /tg/.

>Not knowing that Hitler was a massive sperg

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>but saying he's on "welfare" is just plain imbecile
He is on welfare, though. He has no job.


who says he isn't /ourguy/

He's a farmer. And an artist. Like it or not. Fuck Varg tho.

>le welfare meme
Dude, Burzum is is one of the biggest black metal bands ever. He doesn't need welfare.

lmfao juden peterstein WEW careful dude you're wrestling with an intellectual giant

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This. Stabbing is much more intimate and difficult to pull off due to the victim's proximity rather than just shooting someone from a measurable distance away. Plus, with stabbing the death isn't usually immediate so you'd have to make sure the deed is done.

how many members did it have?
i know the count and vark were in it but any others?

I read more about Hitler than you and every historian or psychologist that doesn't refuse to diagnose someone who is dead is a fraud.

what do you listen to user? plz tell I wanna laugh

louis cachet and other vikings

>osmose records
yeah, he isn't rich.

Fenriz seems like a dude that would be really cool to hang out with and put on a few albums and just converse with.
Abbath seems like a dude that would be really fun to drink with.

People think like that about your favourite genre. How about you listen to what you like and leave black metal spergs to sperg out?

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I don't give a shit about your parameters, he was a massive sperg.

Yeah, it's printed in fucking Papyrus. That, and there are legitimately over 20 different ways just to create water. To say it's the works of an autist is the understatement of the century.

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Yonic ambient folk-trance.

varg lookalike should be a job

>Marvel bootlegs exist
Yeah, Disney ain't rich either :^)

Yeah, it was Kristian on drums, Varg on bass, Count Grishnacht on guitar, and Louis as the vocalist.

How do you think Varg feels about two niggos sampling his music

> two niggos

He is also millions in debt after the fires.

Varg never says he killed euronymous because he was scared for his life or for how own protection, he says he did it because it's retarded to let the guy that tried to kill you just run away unpunished. Whether or not you agree with that is up to you but it seems reasonable enough to me.

your retard

you're fucking retarded. just like your master with the broken car.

where did her music videos go though

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Eh, I liked it

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Gucci mane and Kanye

>arg never says he killed euronymous because he was scared for his life
>if he's going to have a knift, I am going to have a knife
Stop relying on Varg. He changed his story several time in the last 25 years.

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>Middle-aged man who doesn't give a shit about his appearance other than functional strength has signs of hair loss
What is the point of your post?


Yes people who believe that just because bootlegs exist that automatically makes the official seller poor as hell are retarded. Glad we agree on that.

Ok retard

what offcial seller are you talking about specifically?

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okay, let's say that she is his daughter... did he denounce her? That's like a totally nigger thing to do...

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Jew/christian detected

I think we're talking about two different things. I should've added I was talking about his official merch, my bad.

Why do you think all stabs are instantenously lethal? He was defending himself against an attacker, of course he’s going to stab him whenever an opportunity presents itself

>all these butthurt neckbeards

Face it black metal is nu metal tier


Darkthrone is better than burzum

>nu metal is bad
k neckbeard purist

Your argument assumes the norwegian/french governments are governments we should be wanting to pay taxes to, and, that the nature of our struggle is that we’re unhappy with nonwhites not paying taxes.

You are fucking retarded

Youre a moron

t. Varg

I think they both denounced each other

Why does he look so bad for his age?


What official merch? 99% of the stuff out there is bootlegged too.

They are maybe 10 people on this earth making a living with Black Metal. Varg is not one of them.

Imagine being such a cuckold you hate Varg due to some mental issue lmfao

Fenriz pays the bills by keeping his postal worker job as running the sorting machines and hosting his radio show. I would imagine a very very small amount of his income is actually bolstered by people buying Under a Funeral Moon at their local record shops.


Jew lies about Varg

Seriously how can you look at the way he tells it in the 'Until the light takes us' interview and think "Yeah seems legit"

Ted is a teacher.
Not Black Metal but fucking Jacob Bannon needs 2 jobs to keep himself afloat. Things there are big online don't make you rich.

yeah, I bet all the NSBM Kameraden are buying here shit there and not SEA for half the money. Bro, no offense but you literally don't know about the metal scene.
If I had to place a bet I'd say he makes more via youtube.

I would unironically say that Hitler was, at least a bit, on the spectrum

>t. Shit eyes who got butthurt by vargs videos

>M- Mein Führer, these Orc Boyz can only move six inches, stop cheating!

Say what you want about the man, but this is a cool bideo
>Also, what the absolute fuck was going on at VH1 that day?

>offended by a LARPer

just marathoned this movie i kinda liked it and want varg to suffer from a stroke and get locked in syndrome what a cunt. He's the true poser

The movie isn't factual in many cases.
>There was no girlfriend character at all irl
>Faust being half a fag was just convenient to the story and scene in the movie
>Euronymous grieving the loss of Dead is BS, the dude did shit on purpose to lead him to finally going through with his suicide

keyboards are gay

Manipulated fool

>t. Vargdrone

It wouldn't be the first time. Varg is kryptonite to the Jew and they will attack him any opportunity.

There was nothing in that post that even referenced Varg. It was merely stating that what the movie showed isn't to be taken at face value.

He's already said he makes less than games and Burzum than videos so you would lose that bet. Your entire arguments have been based off your feelings and speculations, just lol at you now telling me what I know and don't

not really a metal fag, like a variety of music

dont care about what hes doing but his music is bretty cool. a fe songs are amazing

communism will win, fuck pol, fuck incels, fuck all your moms lmao

i read a lot about him afterwards sorry for making it look like i only got my information out this movie

>>Euronymous grieving the loss of Dead is BS, the dude did shit on purpose to lead him to finally going through with his suicide
Hardly mutually exclusive.

*travels 600 km and stabs you 35 times in self defense*


I don't care what he says lol. And the fact that you (still) do shows that you are retarded.
>our entire arguments have been based off your feelings and speculations,
Yeah and the fact that you can't get official merch or LPs of him at any place that actually matters.

Varg is unironically dumb like a Norwegian redneck. Why does /pol/ treat him like some kind of profound philosopher?

*abandons daughter because too much of a coward to face his past and lives in the wood in France*

We got a real man over here

This, he's the definition of a pseudo intellectual.


Why ,could you please give me some arguments that speak for Varg as a good person
Instead of calling me a manipulated fool

Source on his wife being an aspie please.

He has written about it on his site, he is one of those 'autism is a good thing actually' guys.

>real name is Kristian

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>instead of casting a good actor who looks like Varg they casted a fat jew who can’t act for shit and brings every scene down
But hey they pissed off Varg and that’s all that matter right

Did Varg actually get all that pussy back then, or was this another movie embellishment? That whole inner circle scene didn't seem like it lent itself to many female groupies.

Probably. Women are dumb whores, chicks into metal are whores multiplied by skank.

yes but not because of his music. He has written in his website that he went to a specific techno/house club in bergen and used to score lots of pussy there

Åkerlund made this piece of shit after Lords of Chaos. Should tell you a bit about his movie making skills.

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He also made Spun, which is a good movie. I was surprised to find out that it was the same guy.

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>On my way home from my nice office job
>Want to pick up some new music to listen to
>Pop into this little shop called Hevelte to see what's new
>Place is dark, black curtains cover the windows
>Smells like body odor and skunked, old beer
>See some frail kid with stringy hair, glasses, retarded mustache, and a cutoff t-shirt behind the counter
>Ask him if there's anything new that's good
>Tells me yes, but I can't have it
>Says I'm a corporate cocksucker not worthy of his music
>Throws Poison's "Open Up & Say Ahh" at my head and laughs
>Says I should stick to this shit and that I'm not and never will be trve and kvlt enough to even get him to reach under the counter for the latest Darkthrone or Burzum LP.
>Buy Mercyful Fate's "Don't Break the Oath" & Bathory's "Under the Sign of the Black Mark" instead
>He says if I even know what this is
>Tell him yes, and just because I have a job doesn't mean I can't like the music
>Calls me a faggot and tells me to never come back to his shop again
>T-thanks. Y-you too.

what did vice mean by this?

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Varg remembered to wear his decoder ring on that day.

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when he leaves his girl chained to the bed with the music blasted at 11 just stuck at a loop for hours lmao

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please stop

Varg owns millions to the state for the church burnings and that's the real reason he lives like rat in the woods. Part of his release stipulates that he is required to pay any kind of revenue he makes to the state and failure to comply will see him imprisoned. So no, he is not getting rich from youtube and his retarded music.

That's why he lives in France because he couldn't afford living in Norway anymore. All this nonsense about him preferring to live like a retard in the woods is just cope.


they make it look like he wants to kiss that man

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Yes indeed he is a pseudointellectual poser

bruh, chocolate milk is delicious


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Was Varg actually a Scorpions fan?

6 6 SIX

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>Listen to Burzum for the first time because of this film
>"Wow, this isn't so bad, I can't believe I wrote this genre off for song long"
>Pour over black metal album after black metal album
>Burzum is the only good black metal band
Nothing else out there comes within a hundred miles of Burzum. What is the deal? Yes Varg is nuts and the genre is somewhat cringey but put all of that aside and listen to this for what it is. Amazing, and nothing else in the genre comes close.

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How does Varg feel knowing the flaming homo Ghaal shares the same beliefs as him?

Ghaal is the biggest faggot without even beginning to breach the subject on him actually being homosex. What a fucking tryhard idiot asshole.

>How does Varg feel knowing the flaming homo Ghaal shares the same beliefs as him?
Why would that ever cross his mind in the first place? How do Nazis feel knowing that self-loathing Jews exist? Grow a brain

yeah jesus tod is based, and a few others

That's not even true

Mayhem's Dom Sathanas is good. But mostly i agree with you.

He was much more ambient in his approach than his contemporaries at the time. Later bands have tried a similar approach but tend to lack the same amount of finesse as Burzum.

What about with Mayhem?
Not a blackmetalfag, just asking.

Their early material was actually pretty good for heavy metal band.

Man the way they dragged that scene out and Euro kept talking was ridiculous. In RL it was probably really fast and brutal without any talking.

i'll 1vs1 Varg does anybody know his exact location i'll be in france next week,i've asked him on youtube but he just called me an autist (but in a good way?!?)

Crazy World and Blackout are solid albums.

when you're at the eifeltower turn south and then two times right, you'll notice when you reached his lair.

godspeed user


Attila is great live

>tfw the lame poseur kid in the corn flakes story was the drummer of Satyricon

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>I don't care what he says lol
You don't care what he says, fine. Le varg is a habitual liar, I get it. But use common sense. Varg has been arrested for his videos. Of course Youtube would demonitize his white nationalist shit.
>Yeah and the fact that you can't get official merch or LPs of him at any place that actually matters.
Such as? The only place you can get anything related to Burzum is the internet, which all the people who get into black metal have.

There's like a gorillion bands that jerk off to the sound of Filosofem, dig deeper. Maybe not AS good, but there's no shortage of lo-fi necro sound black metal with shrieking vocals and repetitive guitar melodies out there.

also, speaking of the movie: while the it made Varg out to be a fucking dipshit I did like how they directly pointed out several times just how great his music was.

Having grown out of the black metal meme after 8 years (that is also how long it took for fenriz etc. to grow out of it as well) I found the Lords of Chaos movie both funny and redeeming. Finally the black metal "scene" was exposed to the public as the LARPers they were, Euronymous being a whimp and Varg a fucking madman (although trve, black-metal-wise). No wonder you faggots in here detest this movie. Yes it was inaccurate in some main points, for example Varg being a Mayhem fanboy and Euronymous not dying with his underwear only (another movie that failed to answer the crucial question - what brand of underwear was Euronymous wearing that night), but who cares. It's supposed to be like that. Black metal was a satan olympics taking place after the LARP meetings of these middle class rich Norwegian boys. The only thing that made me genuinely mad is showing Vikernes scoring pussy via his popularity of Burzum instead of him going to the Phoeniks club in Bergen as he said he did.

I actually think this helps Varg out to people that don't know anything about it coming into the movie. The fact he told them that they can't have the rights to his music while the movie states just how perfect it was for the black metal scene is going to make people search for it, on top of the curiosity of wanting to hear what the music he made was like just due to the character on screen.

Norwegians don't have rednecks, they have hicks.

Doesn't even come close and isn't that good on its own but don't take it personally I'm sure you're a good dude and I don't know what I'm talking about anyway

>Mayhem's Dom Sathanas
Those vocals are straight up retarded, no other word for it, totally ruins the music around it

>He was much more ambient
I think that aspect must be the draw for me then because I also like more explicitly "ambient" tracks the most, but I have been told that this is more "dungeon synth" or something so idk

This is the only other band in the thread that surprised/impressed me, but I looked into it and this is their only good song unfortunately

I am glad you mentioned vocals because I am VERY particular about that kind of thing and you sound like you know what you are talking about so can you recommend some things? I find most of the other black metal vocals very very cringey but Varg's vocals "just work" for me for some reason, moreso on Filosofem than other albums, they seem "sincere" if that makes sense, the vocals fit the atmosphere and they aren't jarringly tryhard (or that is how I see it at least and what do I know)

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>People that seethe endlessly about Black Metal but forget metalcore exists, or worse listen to it

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Metal is for low IQ retards. If you are above the age of 15 and still listen to any kind of metal, you need to fucking kill yourself immediately.

Fenriz was never part of the scene he was just drunk all the time, same with the guys in Emperor, only Bard was anywhere close to the scene.
The scene was literally just Mayhem, Varg and a couple other guys.

o'boy is a truly redpilled drink
the box, clad in red, white and blue which is symbolic for nationalism
and the splash of milk in the chocolate signifying the colonizing of lesser races

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Dead was probably murdered by Anonymous

If Burzum was really the reason that got Varg all of those girls to jump his bones, Dead would have never needed to off himself because he would have just drowned in pussy

Fenriz would stop by the shop after work, drink a case of beer, and fall asleep, and Nocturno Culto didn't really like any of the other guys personally so he just never went into the shop to hang out.

Yes, mumble rap is for the true intellectual modern-day Renaissance men and women (male).

Metal is the only genre on par with Classical.
Off yourself.

>metal on par with "classical"

i've read that before. unironically.


Based Fenriz.
Varg and Euro were huge autists and Dead was plain sick.

>if you don't listen to metal that means you listen to rap
>Metal is the only genre on par with Classical
Worst statement of 2019
>off yourself
You first for making such a garbage comment.

Are you mayhaps 15 and projecting?

Varg is bordering on insanity but he's not quite there yet.
If you ignore the murder, the arsons, and the planned terrorist attacks, he's still a lying, narcissistic, and petty larper.
ACTUALLY believing society will collapse in the next decade and that foreigners need to GTFO to their home countries because they're more adapted to fight over there is crazy.
His worldview and morals are severely damaged, past the point of no return.
That people listen and look up to him is madness.

Tell me what music you listen to so I can laugh at you.

It's some faggot into trance or other electronic music every single time.

Yonic ambient folk-trance.

True Satanic Black Metal are bands such as Darkthrone, Aryan Satankampf, Graveland, the Gestapo 666, Satanic Warmaster, Beherit and Impaled Nazarene. You can listen to Metallica if you want, but you do not understand anything about the real Hitleric Nazi Black Metal. You are just a poser and you can fuck off the whole scene. Black Metal is real music, not intended for animals like you, but the real Satanic Misanthropists who do not care about people like you dampers.

Black Metal is music for the elite and you do not understand it. None of you understand the real Satanism. You ridiculous little kids. Our worldview is based on Wotanic Hitlerism, on a personal level satanic individualism, collective level Hitleric Fascism. Without an understanding of theoretical occultism, it is useless to dream of understanding the Wotanic worldview. None of you can understand Wotanism, for you are all intellectually earthworms. You can not reach the elite level of Satanism, so why even dream about it. Satanism and Black Metal are for the elite. For real misanthropists.

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are there really any people like that out there? you know, adults?


All these geeky little four-eyed virgin Black Metallers with streaks in their hair that spend their lives on writing bullshit and coming up with all sorts of rumours about bands that came from their dearest fantasies… I would like to tell them the following: every time I see your little spoiled faggot suburban streak-haired faces on or myspace, I think of putting an end to Peste Noire given how painful it is. Your faces alone could cause the demise of my band. Another thing I despise about the internet is this disconnection with reality : Black Metallers threatening each other on forums, calling themselves warriors and ‘Lords' and talking about killing people when in everyday life the only people these wimps can hurt are monsters in their video games

I am available at anytime of the day for a fistfight or any type of sword or crossbow duel. I just purchased an automatic pistol crossbow. It's a mix between a gun and a crossbow, it's like a pistol but it fires arrows. I killed a goat with a shot in the stomach at point-blank range by alluring it with grass; the beast died three hours later. I will do the same with you. I know that you like grass, like all sheep do

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It's a pasta, I think the Finnish version is the original one.

I just want to point out that the movie is based for having Accept in it.

>black and white mixing
wow subtle

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>raysis nazi man likes brown drink for kids

>you sound like you know what you are talking about
Not really. I hear a lot of his style in DSBM and atmospheric stuff but I'm no expert in bands that sound like Burzum.

This is like the beginning of Brütal Legend

Try these

There's so much good shit in black metal, Burzum was very good and unique but it's not the only good black metal band

Are there any bands that actually take the satanic stuff super seriously and not just an image of trying to be scary to outsiders? I guess Dissection counts, and maybe Beherit?

Yes, "Orthodox Black Metal" they call it.


Lead singer of First Wave Black Metal band Mercyful Fate is a literal Satanist if that counts.
They don't sound at all like the Norwegian bands, but I love them anyway

Deathspell Omega

never played live with them and he killed the guitarist because he is a paranoid autist

I thought King Diamond in his later years has kind of gone away from that? But yeah, Mercyful Fate's first two albums should definitely count and sound like more old-school traditional metal with super high vocals. I mean Come to the Sabbath is pretty much a song about how to conduct a black mass and The Oath is pretty self-explanatory.

He's definitely still spiritual and believes in all kinds of supernatural phenomena, but I'm not sure what he thinks about Satan these days. He'll be dropping two new albums before like 2021 so I hope he does some interviews about his career and current views.

Listen to Windir and Drudkh and see if that is something you find appealing.

thanks frens

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When I was in the navy I pooped and threw up at the same time at every foreign port in Asia

Yes, this. Listen to their albums Likferd & 1184.

Reminder everyone disliked Euronymous in the scene, even Hellhammer and most of all Necrobutcher, they didn't care when he died
Close friends to Euro said that "he got it coming to him" because he used to send death threats to a lot of people
He was indeed a huge asshole, the movie portrays him as an asshole but not enough, for example he didn't cared for Dead at all, even Dead himself didn't wanted to come out of his room if Euronymous was there. Although that is according to Varg, but judging from almost everyone in the scene saying Euronymous was a piece of shit I highly doubt Varg is lying

same happened to me in iraq, twice. once you're resistant to those shitflies the size of hornets it's alright tho.

No, he wasn't

link some interviews of actual people from the "scene" talking about euronymous. i've read the same stuff, but somehow only from people commenting on varg's vids that claim they were around at the time

Conjecture and hearsay aside, as a movie on it's own that weaves it's own narrative whilst portraying a musical zeitgeist, it was pretty great. 8/10

If you're one of those people who doesn't like actual true black metal you can go ahead and listen to watered down genres like Blackgaze or bands like Lantlos, Alcest, Panopticon, Heretoir, Dopamine, Coldworld, Falls of Rauros, Drudkh

>tfw Varg doesn't listen to Winds of Change on an old cassette walkman when driving his UAZ through the woods

just google it you idiot

based TrapNuMetalcore i like how they reuse their dollar bills

Yeah thats why Emperor and Dartkthrone released albums dedicated to Euronymous after he was killed

Darkthrone also had songs with lyrics written by Varg after the murder as well.

But Deafheaven is sooooo good! Sunbather is my jam!

necrobutcher quit the band when euro showed him pictures of dead dead (lmoa), he thought euro was fucked in the head. hellhammer as well talked shit about him in 'until the light takes us'

As a standalone movie disregarding any actual events, I thought it was serviceable. Nothing spectacular, and the pacing of it and tone (especially after Dead's suicide) was all over the place and didn't know if it tried to be funny, serious, or suspenseful.

Iceni is quite similar in regard to what you find good about Burzum.

The cringiest aspect of this movie is hearing any of the cast actually talk about the music and story in interviews. It's pathetic.