
>Flat Earthers, a term synonymous with conspiracy theorists who wear tinfoil hats. Meet real Flat Earthers, a small but growing contingent of people who firmly believe in a conspiracy to suppress the truth that the Earth is flat. One of the most prominent Flat Earthers is Mark Sargent who, in the midst of the upcoming Solar Eclipse, proudly speaks at the first Flat Earther conference.


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Other urls found in this thread:'s_circumference#History_of_calculation

Did Mark and Patricia fuck?

how does the flat earth float though?

I don't get the flat earth theory? What's their explanation for the edge/wall or whatever if the earth is flat. Why do no pilots fly to the edge?

>I don't get the flat earth theory?
That's not a question, dumbass.
>the state of roundcucks

Basically, there's a big ice wall that keeps all the water in and the guberment stops you from going there because of the Antarctic treaty or some shit

will i become stupider by watching?

It doesn’t, we live on a single flat plain, the only dominions being land, sea, and sky


yes, just like i got redpilled on adolf hitler: the greatest story never told

because nav equipment fools them and guides them away from the edges which they think is up or down but in fact is 360

fuck you, the Earth is convex!

So what do scientists gain by lying about the shape of the earth?

Why does the government want to convince us the world is round? What motive do they have to hide the truth?

The world is a dome, like a snow-globe. The edge is Antarctica, some say the dome is made of diamond. There is no space - the picture in the OP is seen as a typical globe-fag propaganda tactic, mixing the two separate ideas into one to make it seem dumb; it's either a sphere floating in space, or the extent of the known physical universe is contained in the firmament, No one thinks it's a disk floating in space
>Why do no pilots fly to the edge?
Pretty sure pilots need to follow the laws of flight "traffic" and stay in communication with fags on the ground, maybe the edge is too far to reach and there is nowhere to refuel on the way. But flat earth is really about asking questions, not providing answers.

How well received was this on /sci/? user, are u there?

No, smarter. Think for yourself user. Have you ever seen proof the earth is round?

And suddenly the round earth shills appear!

>think for yourself
>Watch my silly attempt of indoctrination, please.

Nothing, it's just a conspiracy theory thunk up by people who want to feel special but aren't smart enough to actually do anything to warrant that. It's sad, atleast YEC is mostly because of religious indoctrination, FET is just sad as shit

so definitely stupider

>because nav equipment fools them
How did a brass sextant fool navigators?

>available for download
>doesn't tell me how
Retarded op

welcome to the internet lol

All I want to know is what are they gaining by lying? I seriously want to know. The global warming scheme at least gets them tons of money.

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I'm still yet to receive a concise answer as to why exactly such elaborate measures would be put into keeping the secret of the flat earth from the people. most conspiracies of conspirators actually have a reason behind them but flat earth's reason is vague at best which is why it's so bizarre

>not providing answers

Well, atleast you admit it.

Nothing, flat Earth is just a meme made by liberal zoomers

flatfag newfag redditfag phonefag detected

Some shit about keeping down the masses and the like. There is nothing to gain from telling people the earth is round unless you're a religious flat earther, then it's to make you disbelieve or some shit

oh please explain

I found it already. I don't even need torrents to download it.

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>not providing answers

Well, at least you admit it.

It's a brilliant way to make people godless, sheep. If you can convince everyone that the world is ungodlike circle then you can convince them of anything.

hello granpa

Its called relativity.

>da urf is rhound heheheheeh
i cant believe people belive this

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but you can do all that with a dumb fucking box called a TV


There's 2 flat earth docs. Here's the other one.

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this was an actual argument inside his head

You don't feel speed, you feel acceleration. These things are traveling at immense speeds sure, but they're accelerating so slowly you don't notice it. Why do flat earthers not understand this?

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flat earth is gay
stick to cůnni

>people actually think this

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Listen idiot, that only makes sense if you are in a flat surface. ON a sphere it become unstable and dizzing.

actually only small children think that way, and it's natural, then their brain develops.

show me the equations please

>no mention of the earth being round in the bible
>the globe theory is a made up by atheist
Really makes me think

if only it was that easy we would already be colonising the solar system

to be fair theres more proof the earth is flat than round

>he does not know that the oceans form a cube
how uneducated are you ?

>all this samefag
Is HackFraudz a flat earther?

So has anybody come up with a non-globe model of the earth, moon, and sun that accurately predicts the position of the sun/moon in they sky across all different time zones?

Attached: Time on Earth.gif (504x520, 21K)

How? The globe model has more explanitary power than any flat earth models, there is no proof of the flat earth, just bad or misattributed observations

Is she the mommy of this movie?

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Lol at all the globehead shills in here

Can't argue with that.

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not even flat earthers believe in the flat earth

Flat earth people are retarded. You really think many people in NASA are going to school for years. For some dumbass coverup. The whole company really ? Fuck you

She is literally a disinfo shill for the CIA.

If the earth's so flat then why is it a sphere? Check and mate.

but what it does mention is a hollow earth, really made me think

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what about fishes and shit, how come ocean not always bulging in fish like form?

Beyond our world is something called the dark continent. There is a massive ocean that seperates us from the dark continent so you can't just fly there. There is a treaty between the world governments to keep it secret as it is very dangerous and people die when they go to the dark continent.

Fag doesn’t understand how gravity works and that’s why we don’t feel or see the curve. It is gravity that keeps it aligned with the earth

Pardon me?

>Ever believeing in the fucking moon

this fucking board.

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No, because it's literally not possible, the geometry doesn't work
Level literally just means perpendicular to the pull of gravity

Flat Earthers urinronically belive in pic related

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you can't fly to antartica cause its fucking huge and theres nowhere to land the plane, tons of people have been to antartica, some even crossed it by foot

How are planes going at 500mph but I don't feel shit?

t. Togashi

water takes shape of waht has been done be being underneath there thend we do have to be being to do see fish under shape if up all above up there, like footstep but reverse!

Back then they had no idea wtf the world was. Also no one made it up people have seen it

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Could you dumb that down for me a smidgen?

why do ships disappear into the horizon then? dumbass retard

based hunterchad

it's not even that, people had figured out the earth wasnt flat in ancient egypt. As usual with religious nuts they dont understand that philosophers wrote their holy books using metaphorical storytelling to give meaning to symbols.

you blink you miss's_circumference#History_of_calculation

Dude, ancient Greeks got it covered before Christ was even born. You just need to measure the angles shadows make at different places.

Flat Earth Society is controlled opposition
It's always top result when you search 'flat earth' and they espouse ideas no flat earther actually agrees with

Thats what the media wants you to think. Have you ever seen Antarctica?

fukn dumbass, put water on a penny so its like a curved dome, figure the rest urself

People have been to the dark continent

The Flat Earth is a psyop meme used as a smokescreen for the real conspiracy, which is that no humans have been into space, NASA fakes pretty much everything.

ie people have been decided by Satan since antiquity

i bet youre black, you coons always believe the dumbest shit and run with it until you die

What is the deal with flat earth debunkers? Why not allow them to believe it? It's not like they are hurting anyone? Right?

Pagans tricked by the devil

First we made fun of religion, then calling religion out would result in being called a fedora tipper. Now we're starting to make fun of Flat Earthers. I'm scared, Yea Forums.

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no because im not a world renowned scientist or a fucking lunatic that wants to hang out in -40c weather. also am not rich enough to take random trips to an ice desert. I know flat earthers are mainly basement dwellers but surely they could raise money for a trip to antartica, it should be a yearly pilgrimage to a holy site
what does this sentence mean?

>I don't get the flat earth theory?
people (aka trolls) realized scientist get real butthurt about this and media loves to report on flat earth so they decided to triple the flat earth shitposting. real npc hours.

It's because it's dumb, it's not particularly harmful but it's mostly due to the rabbit hole like climate change denial and anti-vaxx shit, these things are harmful

the earth is an egg

How can you trust anything you ever been told?




>The Flat Earth is a psyop meme used as a smokescreen for the real conspiracy, which is that no humans have been into space
This. This this this.

you round earfers are a bunch of racists

NASA gets billions every year

i think it's very harmful to deny scientific methodology to test an hypothesis



What a """""legitimate""""" resource

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You just posted some crazy Victorian bloke who wrote a bunch of proofs on how his theory holds water.

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The fact that you can't even refute one of the points is very telling.

I'm not watching a fucking biased lying doco made by rounders making fun of me for something they cannot prove.

you have to understand NASA has not sent a human in space in 8 years, russia is the only country trusted with putting people in space.
so idk how nasa is relevant to anything

The enormous expenditure to maintain the lie by controlling every level of government across the planet would cost well more than what NASA makes.

Think about it, mate. Some buttfucker from Benin could prove the Earth is round. Is he in the till?

i just came 2 minutes ago but tops like those makes me wanna empty my tank again

NASA are satanists trying to break through the great dome that protects our world from the satanic outer world. As we speak multidimensional begins are launching an intergalactic invasion of our space through living beings.

Aliens are actually just demons and devils from other dimensions(H-LL) and NASA is tax payer funded occult group who are trying to trigger the Apocalypse. Essentially they are trying to go and bring back literal physical demons to Earth. The Soviets did something similar but failed trying to dig into literal H-LL. WE are in the end times and a number of entities are working directly with beings who have romped them power.

>there's real non-fictional human beings who actually, unironically believe the planet Earth is flat, and they're posting on this very board, actually defending their retarded, baseless, debunked stance.
>They probably believe Australia doesn't exist either.

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wait i thought we lived under water?

>They probably believe Australia doesn't exist either.
It doesn't. Can you imagine a continent existing upside down? It'd fall off the planet.

Do you think the U.N cares about the costs? They have killed 200 million people covering the lie. They print trillions of fake fiat money with their private owned government central banks to pay for it.

What about those ppl putting baloons with phones into space.

why does it shake you to your core? you are atheist?


When was that?

>documentary meant to mock flat earth theory that does nothing to discredit the scientific evidence

the absolute state of globetards

99.9999999% of people will never see the earth with their own eyes, yet the information is important for physicists, pilots, military, Yadda Yadda. My point is, why lie? How are sphere's ungodly?

Have you actually ever been to Australia? I have not met anyone who has or has even seen it apart from fake shit on the TV.

Finally. Been waiting for some time

I have proof here that your room is a literal pigsty and you defecate on the floor. I don't need to see see shit to know it is shit. You have any """"evidence""""" to disprove my proof?

My father believes in conspiracy thing like that, but im peaty sure he does it just to fuck around with me.
But it has almost no bearing on your everyday life tho. Who cares in the end of the day if its flat or not ?

The UN didn't exist barely 60 years ago, was the Catholic Church in on the lie?

It's important for their careers and the subsides that allow them to exist.

The world rests on 4 pillars and is flat. That is how God made it. Great sea monsters defend its edges. To say otherwise is to defy The Lord.

They arent lying. What's more likely, every scientist, pilot, sailor is lying about a global conspiracy, or people are retarded on the internet

Yea Forums posters don’t exist either, it’s only you talking with bots


What proof do you have that your God is the "correct" God?

I've often thought about that.


I watched it with my girlfriend and we were laughing all the way through it

how much of a low IQ incel hick do you even have to be in order to believe the earth is flat lmaoooo

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The Bible


Its like posting a pepe. be contrarian, make fun of the people who take it seriously, and unexpectedly take advantage of gullible who will believe a joke as truth.

I guess some people do want to watch the worlds burn.

scientific methodology is a very important basis for understanding who we are, where we are and what's around us. flat earthers toss it in the trash because their hypothesis gets debunked within 10 seconds.
i dont think you understand how rich and famous a scientist would get if he managed to prove the earth is flat. the most famous and acclaimed scientists in history (einstein, newton etc.) are famous because they proved the former generation of scientists wrong.

I don't think its a hick thing I think it's a counter culture thing. Like people are so desperate for identity these days they will attach themselves to any movement

this is the answer

How could it fall off the planet if the Earth is flat?
Catholic, just like most of the scientists who have helped humanity understand our planet, our solar system, and our universe.
>inb4 fuck off papist you're going to hell lol
Ever since the Greeks measured the Earth's diameter literally thousands of years ago. Go watch some ships "fall off" the edge of the Earth the next time you go to the beach. Fly an airplane, go visit Burj Khalifa... fuck, there's plenty of ways you can debunk your stupid delusion.
I don't even think it'd be worth it to answer this question. If I told you that, indeed, I've been to Australia, you'll tell me that (((they))) actually flew me to some other place and filled it with actors, and absolutely every single fucking person at the Melbourne Cricket Ground I visited was a paid actor.

Which is also the Torah

So my next question is - whats your opinion on Judaism? Because Christianity has its roots in Judaism, whetehr you like it or not.

Scientists are famous because they sell their souls to Satan. There is too much money in not allowing the truth out. Science is a creation of man, not God, hence all who ascribe to it are doomed and deceived. The Earth's flat nature is self evident but has been logically proven numerous times.

If by some chance a "scientist" instead of a Christian were to claim the Earth was flat he would be killed no doubt to maintain the illusion.

>It's important for their careers and the subsides that allow them to exist.

But why do those careers exist at all? Did people over a thousand years ago think "Look, if we lie and say the Earth is a sphere one day we'll get cushy pilot and physicist jobs."? "What's a pilot and a physicist?" "We'll figure that out later, it'll be sweet is my point."

inst this movemet actually exactly the kind of humor Yea Forums had back in the days?

>know very well the earth is round
>pretend the earth is flat
>bazillion replies
>come up with some troll physics argument
>normies get baited or cant refute, because they are tbbt "science" soiniggers
>shits and giggles ensue while you keep the act forever, not giving a shit, because it doesnt affect you anyway
>your trolling gets imitated
>some people actually mix bleach and ammonia and put the straw in
>you reach the outer world and your trolling gets recognition on the news
>documentary faggots take it serious and try to milk shekels
>your trolling forever goes down into normie history as a genuine movemet

weve had this before
hacker named Yea Forums

this time it seems the demographic has shifted and "science" soiniggers are now the majority, tryharding to disprove bullshit jpgs with troll physics in them

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240 BC you genius

Modern Jews reject the trinity and worship a false Egyptian God. They are not the Hebrews of the Bible. Only 1-2% of Earth's population are genuine saved Christians.

what is this absolute faggotry retardation? do i share a board with genuine retards like you?

“Sneed posters” are actually a virus reacting mostly to everything about Simpsons

My deity promised the End of the Frost Giants before the Ragnarok and brought about that promise. I see no reason why your 'scripture' is of any ''truth''.

Attached: jesus-promised-the-end-of-wicked-people-thor-promised-the-33906221.png (500x300, 89K)

>Science is a creation of man, not God

Only a fool denounces mankind's God given gift of reason.

America was a mistake.

60 iq

>the trinity
The Trinity itself relies on accepting that Christ, a Human was God.

The real conspiracy is that everything about flat earth theories are controlled opposition in itself, to discredit skepticism (and to an extent, religion) by association with aggressive, stubborn stupidity. The dopes you see in this thread could be paid government lapdogs playing up a character.

or just nigs having a giggle

>go to hell when science (aka gods gift) places things in the bible under scrutiny

Imagine not thinking for yourself and believe everything the government tells you.

I remember when 9gag told people their iphones were waterproof with the new update.


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no i dont think you know many scientists.
most of them arent very rich, they live a decent life because of years of studying a subject. they didnt just watch youtube videos and act like they became a physics revolutionary genius. the amount of money you would make proving the earth is flat is far far far far greater than the money they make just assuming the current research is good and going about their business

I want to know how many actual religious people believe in your shit. I'm pretty sure you're just a small group of fundamentalist Evangelicals with too much time in your hands. Of course you're going to spout shit.

Yet Christianity reigns supreme and the false Gods of the Norsemen are no more.

if the earth is flat, how do you explain the annunaki living inside of the earth?

based amerimutt larper

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little rouncuck bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in global warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Globe, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

You know the flat earth movement is actually just a campaign to discredit Christianity, right? Because they're linking an extremely retarded "theory" with religion, and atheists will just say "oh, all Christians believe the earth is flat", which is fucking wrong.

Only fundamentalists believe the Bible to be absolutely literal. It's a document that has been subject to history. It's our imperfect expression of a divine truth, but until the time has come it's our best tool to know God. To quote 1 Corinthians 13.

>When I was a child, I used to talk like a child, and see things as a child does, and think like a child; but now that I have become an adult, I have finished with all childish ways.
>Now we see only reflections in a mirror, mere riddles, but then we shall be seeing face to face. Now I can know only imperfectly; but then I shall know just as fully as I am myself known.

Classic pasta. Never get tired of it.

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>but growing
[citation needed]

>Only fundamentalists believe the Bible to be absolutely literal
>4 in 10 Americans Believe God Created Earth 10,000 Years Ago

oh fuck we live in kaiosama's planet

Yet more people know Thor as the MCU superhero and the Norse religion has been making a comeback through Wicca and other revivals.

>C-Christianity is still supreme!

See >110598214
As far as I'm concerned, the largest denomination of your religion is associated with corruption and pedophilia, the protestant elements disagree with each other over petty things such as "whether one is redeemed through faith alone" or "how many wives can one have" and I can't even begin to express how Mormonism is American Islam.

I preach a simpler European religion based in strength and fulfilled its promises. That is celebrated by WHITE man with no fear of taint from the negros and other people of color.

it starts as a joke but now retards have flocked to Yea Forums because they couldnt tell its a joke, they just thought they were in good company. This is why Yea Forums is a mistake and I hope hiromoot shuts it down permanently

So? You're just proving that most Christians in the USA are either fundamentalists or really stupid.

what do you mean? canigou is 2,700m tall not at sea level

>doesn't know how to read charts
I can tell you fucking love science
>The report found that Americans who are less educated are more likely to hold a creationist view


The only thing I can surmise from this is that Carpenter was a grade A idiot, that didn't know anything about geometry, magnetism, optics, navigation or anything. Just the first few points I could refute easily, even with my layman knowledge. Like he claims that surveying doesn't take the curvate into account, but there is a surveying book from 1850 (so 30 years earlier) that discusses how you have to regard earths surface as a sphere, when you measure levels for example. Just dumb shit after dumb shit.

>The idea that, instead of sailing horizontally round the Earth, ships are taken down one side of a globe, then underneath, and are brought up on the other side to get home again, is, except as a mere dream, impossible and absurd! And, since there are neither impossibilities nor absurdities in the simple matter of circumnavigation, it stands without argument, a proof that the Earth is not a globe.

Had to laugh so hard and had to stop reading after this.

>believes world is round
>believes trendy new age religion
>watches MCU
>claims to be free thinker that values truth

based and reddpiled
watch the heathens squirm in fear

ah yes the favored bugman catchphrase


I remember when I was 10 and I tried to argue with my dad that people never went to the moon and he called me a retard and I got really upset.

WHAT about those people sending phones to space with balloons? All CGI?

They will awaken or they will burn!

>>believes world is r-

Fuck off. The Earth is FLAT. I just am pointing out to you that your fake religion's cosmology is wrong. The Earth has the great Yggdrasil at the Center of it.

Attached: Yggdrasill,_the_mundane_tree_(26938965955).jpg (1305x2000, 1.87M)

Because they're fundamentalists, how does that disprove my point? The Bible is a book made by humans, but humans were made in the image of God. Rightly viewed the scriptures reveal a truth to dwarf all human understanding, and a life rightly lived can approach that truth and become a part of it. But if a man blinds himself to it, he is cut off from God, and indeed the love of mankind. For humans did not create love, it has its own law. God is love itself, if you would love do not place yourself beyond love's reach.

>falling for the fish eye lens meme
Are you actually fucking retarded?

>say something wrong
>get corrected
>dude lmao just let me be wrong wtf is ur problem

You do realize that actual Heathens believed the Earth was flat, right?

It's not even really hardcore trolling, it's just being a devil's advocate a bit too extremely and exposing how utterly pissed off you can make an "educated" person when you ask questions that are, at their core, valid but they feel are beneath them.

Idea proposal: schedule a space trip to help flat earthers see Earth from space
And then we leave them in space

they are thick enough to just say it's cgi, also the list of people that deserve to see space is 6billion long before a single flat earther is named

Thats not the correct flat Earth model

TFES is compromised by the CIA/UN/NASA to discredit the flat nature of the Earth, but most of this information is accurate.

Before the rise of scientism most people had a better understanding of the world and were better educated. Even those not of Israel(later Christ) were closer to the worlds creation and were closer to the truth.

I swear that you can piss off everyone in this thread by saying
(a) The British Empire never existed
(b) Xerxes never won
(c) We are actually the descendants of Genghis Kan's Aztec Horde who led a conquest throughout Japan and Invaded Egypt.

And before you say I'm wrong - 'Were you there? Did you live during that time?"

>falling for the jezuit scam

But flat earthers are asking the dumbest questions about the most obvious things.

The hypothesis has been tested and was thoroughly debunked thousands of years ago, it's not denying scientific methodology

>Thats not the correct flat Earth model
Your Flat Earth model is a Christian lie, espoused by a False Religion. Mine holds the truth, Christian pig.

Yeah, and the whole way up there they're talking shit about how they got a free trip to space just because they shitposted on the internet and they get to go smoke weed with the space station dude. I mean, sign me up if you're gonna send me to space to hang out with that guy for the rest of my days. I'll believe whatever you want.

Doesn't mean they aren't valid. Doesn't mean they're easy to answer, either. You have to understand that most of these conspiracy theories started off as intellectual discussions. This was before the internet was a thing, remember, people shitpost in real life also.

flat earthers are not using scientific methodology i mean. they take everything that go their way and ignore all opposing view

Explain to me just ONE thing flatearthers:

Why can't I see the North Star from Australia?

Just like the Obama birthers, the 9-11 truthers, the anons who blame /pol/ for everything, the never trumpers, the Clintons killed a kids people, the global warming people, the global cooling people, the climate change people, the transgenderism isn't a mental illness people...

The only truth in this world is in the Bible. All else is unclear.

This is obviously satirical and not worth a response. I am used to it however. Having debunked numerous government shills I know they can only use mockery as a weak defense. That his, I'm sure you were paid handsomely tonight by whichever state agency employs you.

You get drunk every day and your vision is blurry from the obscene levels of alcohol in your body.

A lot of that is true though.

The sky is just a big tarp put with lights in it put up by the one world government. They hang big sheets from it to block the view of some lights from certain countries.

I don't think you understand what he said. He said to leave the people in space i.e. leave them to float endlessly. No return trip.


You said only the fundamentalists. My point is the fundamentalists view is pretty fucking common in the US of A.
It's crazy.

>My point is the fundamentalists view is pretty fucking common in the US of A.
>It's crazy.

Wayward souls, I'll pray for them.

Obama was cloned, not born.

Amen brother! The Bible never changes in the face of so-called "new information" like science does so that's how you know it's the one true gospel!

climate change is a real thing though and has happened on earth for millions of years, the only point of debate is wether humans have an impact on it or not. trangenderism isnt a mental illness but gender dysphoria is.
idk about the american shit

>rest of my days
user assumed you weren't gonna murder them but let them hang out in an orbiting space station.

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its a conspiracy that people are stupid?

i just feel bad for kids growing up brainwashed by their parents. it will inevitably lead to a breach between them and their parents or sink them way too deep into this joke babby conspiracy

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This is a much more plausible answer than this
Both are funny though.

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So are there legitimate flat earthers or are they all trolling?

a bit of both I'd wager.

I really really hope they are all trolling. Or are 60 IQ.

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the only thing this debunks are the ridiculous fish eye lens pictures they take from the iss

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Haha, now I have to think of that William Carpenter shitter again when he claims in one point that because from the highest balloons the earth looks flat, it is flat. Severly underestimated how big the earth is and how relative to that the height of the ballon is nothing.

I just want someone to explain how the sun works on a flat earth model.

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From the documentary:


>what is a citation

how come the earth seems flat when you're standing on it, and our perspective is horizontal? not a flat earther. just wondering why

its not real like space

I thought flat earthers believed that space does exist and the other planets are globes

>Untold billions for space programs and billions more in black op space programs

>TPTB don't have a clear understanding of what's beyond, because no one has made it beyond the dome. Kept secret for same reason Vatican never let plebs read the Bible. Earth is the Truman Show IRL except for the "producers"

>Rebellion against the Creator. Flat Earth means a creator is a definitive yes. How would your outlook change? Wouldn't you want to try to "leave"?

>NASA - Most staff aren't aware. Astronauts are vetted for years. Nepotism plays role.

>Other dimensions exist. See CERN. Astral projection etc. Aliens are demons theory. Interior is "space" the exterior is material.

>Earth is the Truman Show IRL except for the "producers"

I'm surprised I made it 9 minutes in before turning it off.

why are americans like this?

those are shills

>I'm wrong?
>no, it is the world that is wrong!

It's a documentary about the movement and why they are so retarded. It's actually pretty funny. They also place blame on Academia for not doing enough to prevent this.

At this rate everyone in the flat earth group is gonna be a plant/shill

maybe it's more looking for some sort of community and mistrusting the gubmint is a slippery slope. it's just kind of sad

Or they're having fun times with friends. Everyone I've ever seen who is a flat earther looks like they're enjoying themselves.

>water never curves
What is a meniscus? You can literally observe water "curving" with your own eyes, so that statement is flat out wrong anyway - although it's not surface tension that causes water to curve around the planet.
The main issue here though is a blatant misunderstanding of gravity. They postulate that water always finds its "level" without realising that gravity is the cause of this phenomenon, and in fact water is always "pulled" towards the centre of earth's gravity. Have flat feathers ever decided to explain why their physical law of "water always finds its level" actually exists? Classical physics explains it quite well, but there is nothing in the flat earth model that accounts for it.

America was founded on fighting against the british aristocracy and that has now manifested in a hate towards intellectualism and science. With women gaining purchase power and rising kids alone and milions of low iq mutts entering and mixing its no wonder than the flat earth theory has gained ground
Women still believe in magic stones so when you mix that with black spiritualism and hispanoamerican mysticism and you put it in a nation that has turned hating the metric system as part of their culture you have this result
The freedom of being a fucking idiot its the only freedom americans have now other than shooting each other

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You can't prove the sensory representations in your mind of the external world aren't illusions produced by a malevolent demon. So like that, but the projection is the sky, and the sensory information we receive of non-Earth objects is an illusion that mimics a universe behaving according to physicalist norms.

Based and hunterpilled.

Attached: hunterchads.png (554x400, 128K)

What did he mean by this?

>America was founded on fighting against the british aristocracy
Imagine actually believing America was founded because poor settlers didn't want to pay tea taxes, and not because of Freemason's eternal thirst for power.

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"center of frame" does not equal eye-level, retard.

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>You can't see the curvature

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That image showing the solar system moving and the trials of each planet is sick as fuck.

>Video proving that the sun can't work on a flat earth model (1:02)
>video proving that airlines debunk flat earth (0:51)
>video proving that there are no startrails on a flat earth (2:07)

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What keeps the ice wall from sublimating into the vacuum of space or simply falling off? What force keeps us pushed to the ground? What force keeps the sun aloft?

>inb4 wirefag starts dumping his ISS webms

What's the real reason behind this? Is the Earth not that curved, or the heights of the mountains incorrect?


Attached: mpv-shot0001.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

Experiment proving that a small local sun cannot work (funny how flatfags refused to take part in the experiment despite being invited to)

awww shit son, globalurcucks BTFO

>you can see the walls are curved in the thumbnail
Not clicking that NASA propaganda.

Attached: upload_2017-5-11_10-11-53.png (978x671, 475K)

>Why do no pilots fly to the edge?
its an icewall you fucking spherehead

The Bible has lies

I'm happy that flat earthers exist because they're one of the few groups of people everyone can 100% make fun of with zero repurcussions

The video is nothing to do with the view of the earth outside, it's the fact that it's a 50 minute long uncut tour of the ISS where he moves around the different compartments, making the "muh wires" explanation impossible

But the Bible has changed

Have a Flat Earther travel there and document it

>the vacuum of space
There's no vacuum is space, everything is filled with air.
>What force keeps us pushed to the ground?
Gravity. Not the globist gravity. It's just a force that pulls everything down.
>What force keeps the sun aloft?
It's lighter than air and therefore floating. The real question is why it moves. We do not know that. Probably the same thing that causes coriolis phenomenon.

>you can't fake long shots
I bet you think Birdman was actually filmed in one take

nigga the earth is massive, in 381kms you don't get enough curvature to get in the way of two mountains lol

No State Agency has paid for my belief in Wotan and Valhalla. Only the Truth. Maybe you too will understand the strength and wisdom of Valhalla

Why does this trugger people so much? Its a harmless alternate cosmology. I mean its pretty foolish but since when was the measure of a common man his ability to interpret the cosmos? Like really, what are they gonna do, upend the material understamding of the universe? They're not in charge of anything its just an odd cosmology

>Have a Flat Earther travel there and document it
There is a reason the military and goverments block people from going to antartica except speicalised "tours"

Flat earth started as an ironic meme on the internet and than actual retards got caught up in it and took it over

>Have a Flat Earther travel there and document it

Precisely because it's massive and mountains are tiny in comparison, you do. Or would do.

This is literally the extent any flat earther has investigated their crackpot theory.

user I think you're on to something here

the fact itself doesn't trigger no one

the problem is that most flat earthers say "wake up, you retards believe we live ina globe lmao, imagine being this stupid"

Those are the fags that call everyone NPCs

Ah, refraction, of course. Didn't consider that. Ty

Point out the cuts then, faggot. If you think they faked it with a vomit comet then there should be one every 25 seconds. You should be able to spot at least a few of the 120 or so cuts that would need to be in the video? It's not like the camera pans to a blank wall every few moments to hide a stitch anyway so it should be even easier for you.

>It's lighter than air and therefore floating.
Air is everywhere at the same density because it is falling with everything else. It would not float. It would simply fall at a slower terminal velocity and therefore drift away from the Earth quickly.

lol, what a dum theory

>110,000 ft
thats not any fucking height
planes can fly that high

I bet you guys that this "Caltech Astrophysicist" also believes that race isn't real, we all came from Africa, trannies are normal, homosexuals have a gay gene, and that cow farts create "climate change".

I'm a globeguy but this "woman" is not selling me or anybody with her appearance and arguments.

She's practically a flat-earther herself in other respects.

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Daily reminder the only logical conclusion for flat Earth theory is that you exist in a simulation.

Why did flat earthers become the new boogyman for so many people? For a while and even now to some extent, people just won't shut up about them and how stupid they are. Is it just because it's the one group that can feel intellectually superior to? It's not like they're threatening scientific advancement, they're just coming up with theories to push against and challenge established beliefs. How pathetic does a person have to be to feel intimidated by them or see them as some great enemy?

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Maximum damage control

bieng so big means the curvature created in 351kms (less than 0.01% of the total circunference) is minuscule, ie, the 0.01% of 360º


Let's just assume that the earth is flat and that this fact is suppressed by the world government/illuminaty/dajoos, whatever, what would anyone gain from this?

deny reality all you want

>Flat earth started as an ironic meme on the internet

>implying NASA don't have space faking tech better than a vomit comet

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Literally subhuman internet freaks all over the world believe this shit and have no intelligence
they watch capeshit too probably

So they got trolled and triggered. Who fucking cares?

>established beliefs
established facts

Slipped by a couple of 0s there. It is almost 1%

Not an argument.
>muh magical tech
Let's hear it then, how did they fake it?

>the problem is
There is literally no problem
None at all
That isnt just you being annoyed a 'dumb person' doesnt think youre smart

>w-we were only pretending
that only generates pity, imagine trying so hard to get attention, them niggas be sad

It's the modern trend where you don't just have to tell someome they're wrong but also make a 30 minute video about them being wrong.

What are you even talking about the dark ages never existed

WTF I am a flat earther now

The flat earth thing serves 2 purposes:

1) To distract from real conspiracies.

2) To serve as an example of real life mass quackery that can be pointed to as something stupid many people believe and can be conflated with stuff like Anti-Vax.

based and redpilled

you can watch a ship go further away until you cant see it anymore but then look at it through a telescope and see it again

he says as he believes the earth is flat and completely empty underneath

In the documentary they were looking at the map of active flights and some guy said "so far no plane has ever come from the "south pole"", which in their head means everyone is in on it.


I'm not very strong in maths, it's 3.1º, now do the numbers of the height that curvatures generates vs a straight line between the points

it's not even close to the height of these mountains, fora reason the longest distance was found between two mountains and not, for example, between Africa and South America, if Earth was flat, then that would be a longer straight line

When you put a rubber duck in your bath does it sink? It doesn't. With the sun and stars it's the same thing. The universe is filled with air and the sun and stars are buoyant.

>perspective causes things to vanish from the bottom up without significantly changing their angular size as they do so

Not pretending, i guess i shoudnt have said 'trolled' but literally youre only upset at some alleged rudeness. Some people are confident in shit you know is false, fucking get over it. Theyre not big or important and they have no plans

Anti-Flat Earthers are certainly more cringy and yikes than Flat Earthers.

>be gov agent
>supress any information about the earth not being flat
>20 years into career - what the fuck am i doing? i have the proof to show the earth isnt flat, i know how they supress the information the world isnt flat so i could get round that, i could right now explain to the world that the world isnt flat and its all been a big pointless con so that any argument about a few people being in charge of everything and it benefits them and only them to have the other 7 billion on the planet think the world isnt flat would be meaningless
>ah fuck it. long as i get paid my meagre salary and have my pension at the end who cares

Retard. What causes the differences in density of air as altitude changes? Why do things speed up as they fall instead of slowing down as they encounter denser and denser air towards the ground? Why does the value of g differ at different altitudes and latitudes?

>implying you all don't just exist in my head and I am the only sentient being in existence
Proof to me other people still exist when you can't perceive them. You literally can't

>The universe is filled with air
So why do climbers need oxygen tanks when climbing Everest?

>the world is flat
>the world isnt flat

But if the stars were buoyant wouldn't they keep rising up to the top of whatever substance they're submerged in?

It's their absolute stupidity mixed with incredibly belief that just fucks with your brain and you want to just tell them no, stop being so fucking ridiculous.
These are people literally believing fully in a silly internet meme. Its a bit like those two girls who stabbed their friend because they believed in Slenderman, only these are grown adult men and not wacko impressionable 12 year old kids. It's all so frustrating.

Pretty much.

I'm not upset, unironically believing the Earth is flat in the 21st century, and even more fun, while using internet, is just retared. You are using a technology that relies on satellites to work but you deny their existence

It's like I said "langauge doesn't exist", it's a fucking oxymoron

obviously paid government agents who pretend they need oxygen to climb everest to convince everyone on the planet that the universe isnt filled with air as part of a conspiracy by those in charge


At last I truly see...

Grow up a little, at least they have a cosmology. If you actually need to expel them from the world to retain your own mental health regarding the world's shape, then you're probably a student in school who has trouble reading wrong answers to test questions

Flatfags kindly explain how GPS works

That's a classic philosophical pseudoproblem and can't be refuted

The matrix/brain in a bucket/dreaming argument can't be proven to be false, ergo is not relevant, as Popper said

Well some people are upset and I think theyre hysterical

sorry, I'm not going to find a source because the thread is about to die, but you can see people do this same test but then zoom in/out to show how you can manipulate the "curvature" of the earth, basically showing that the appearance of the boat disappearing past the curve is actually just a matter of fov.

Attached: protopol.jpg (320x459, 18K)

Popper's got nothing, a completely ungrounded solipsistic argument of his own. Fuck him

Every scientist in that doc just laughs at them and does an appeal to authority without actually debunking anything using scientific knowledge

It's pretty impressive that the various governments, including everything from shitty African countries, to hated rivals like America and China, all manage to keep like 5+ million people in their conspiracy without ever making them leak any information about their conspiracy.

Gotta give 'em a lot of cred.

mfw i see this thread and remember that people used to say
>wow people 1000 years ago were so dumb, they believed the earth was flat!

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Stop making me suicidal user

>increase my FOV to the max
>still can't see the ice wall
Wtf my eyes are bugged

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No, they don't. What they do is zoom in on a boat which has not yet passed over the horizon and then claim that they are "bringing the boat back"

She threw him a bone once and immediately regretted it.

just how deep does the rabbit hole go...

>he appearance of the boat disappearing past the curve is actually just a matter of fov
FOV simply dictates the angle you can see around you, nothing to do with the distance you can see

>he thinks most people don't still think that

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>posting the incomplete version

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Upset as the first reaction? Nah, I've never seen that

Check any video saying "why the Earth is flat" and you don't see people insulting them, you only see that when the flat earthers put themselves in a position of moral superiority, like they are aware of something that comes obvious to them (with no logic at all) but the rest of the people are too stupid to realise it

Aristotle used to say flies had 8 legs, and some older physicists said the Sun was about 40 cms long

But I studied scepticism and what you said is literally the most common example, the answer is: there is no answer

Then the relevant thing to do is just ignore it because doesn't affect anything

this thread not being stickied is proof of the conspiracy against flat earthers

Also doesn't explain how you can make things reappear over the horizon by increasing your altitude despite this actually increasing your straight-line distance to said object

sorry. I should have said render distance. not fov.

That’s one of the dumbest thing about flat earthers, and it’s even explored in the movie; they can’t agree on the model, or how it should work. Is the earth a disk, is it a flat rectangular slab, is it an infinite plane, they don’t know, they can’t agree, and science and direct observation and experimentation can’t back up any of what they say.

Most of those people who say that just parrot the accepted consensus of the time without understanding anything. I'd wager flat-earthers are smarter than those people, just by the virtue of looking for information that supports their claims be they how outlandish.

No but you will laugh a lot. I’m a geoscientist and I laughed till I cried three times during this movie, twice because of the bogus arguments they use, once because of the cringe.

>Then the relevant thing to do is just ignore it because doesn't affect anything
I mean you probably dont want to make it a lifetime study, but why is Popper so averse to casually holding that skepticism? Its just a thought exercise, I think we can bring it up occasionally and think about it without needing someone to come in and quiet the conversation saying its irrelevant. Good out for schizophrenia tho, schizos should drop the subject

I was talking about skepticism in gnoselogy tho, what you said is the most comment skeptic scheme, where you can't know the world because you can't even know if it exists, so knowledge is impossible

There is no answer to that argument, but is also a trivial argument

Why are you cucks discussing Popper in 2019? He is a relic.