>The curators of public opinion are mad that the masses don’t like the trash that they try to shove down their throats.
>The unwashed movie-going masses have been found wanting and they must be punished.
>Netflix did the same thing with the whole Amy Schumer comedy special debacle. They just stopped allowing their customers to review movies. Because a chosen comedian was upset that no one found her funny.
>The same thing just happened with Captain Toe Infection.
>The chosen who are promoting Captain Flat Ass are spooked by bad reviews or “Want to See Scores.” There’s an obvious profit angle here, but then, if the studios were so concerned with making a profit, they wouldn’t be pushing this complete garbage on people in the first place.
>They’d stick to what works, instead of focusing on subversion.
>More than profits, t’s about the Agenda.
>People fighting back against the agenda have to be shut down.
>Especially now that they’ve started to kick the subversion into overdrive.
>And bad ticket sales won’t slow them down. If they start losing boatloads of money, they might even just ask the government for a bailout to continue their cultural subversion, insisting that they’re doing the moral thing – losing money to focus more on subversion.
>That’s what they do in Europe.
>Remember that Swedish film, Fuck You?
>With the black woman with a strap on dildo?
>In Sweden, the taxpayer foots the bill for this stuff. If Hollywood keeps pushing the agenda and bombing in the box office, they might start demanding tax money. And they’ll probably get it.
>Why wouldn’t we give the chosen who run Hollywood, California a couple of billion as well?
>There is simply no way to stop the subversion without fixing the culture first.