So who's on the modern Hollywood blacklist?
>Chris Rock
>Harvey Weinstein
>Mel (usually)
>Louis CK
>Kevin Spacey
So who's on the modern Hollywood blacklist?
I know a reason for all the others but what did Christ do to make (((them))) angry?
Taught the principles that would come to be Christianity
Mel Gibson
Chris Rock is the lead in Fargo season 4
Why is Rock blacklisted?
Obviously untrue, considering his last film was nominated for multiple Oscars a couple years ago.
James Woods is a walking red pill. He will never get work again.
Oh nevermind I unironically meant Kevin Hart
nigga what
He spends his days on twitter making """witty""" comments thinking he's sharp but he truly sounds like a mumbling geezer
I unironically do not understand what you're trying to communicate
Hart is definitely not blacklisted either, he's got fucking Ellen going to bat for him and a billion dollar franchise film coming out this year.
He meant Kevin Hart in the OP instead of Chris Rock because Kevin Hart is vocally homophobic but I haven't seen him lose any roles cause of this
Was he working before? Woods hasn't been relevant since the 90s.
t. leftist
Woods did a TV movie about Rudy Giuliani in 2003. Seems all that "America's Mayor" shit got to his head.
What did Chris Rock do? Dab on the jews or something?
Yo Lil Donnie
every time I go to the movies they promote Kevin's youtube series beforehand, so I don't he's having any problems rn