Had every child under the age of 12 saying “Farquaad” for over a decade

>Had every child under the age of 12 saying “Farquaad” for over a decade
How did he get away with this?

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He looks like he fucks little kids

I never realised that op , I.. i have to sit down for a bit

How fucking dense are you. All the Shrek films are full of adult jokes

Attached: theShape.png (1080x1440, 2.11M)

that nigga wide.

He didn't write Shrek

Shrek destroyed the career of everyone involved


Fark wad

I don't get it. The way the characters say it it doesn't sound like anything else

Wasn't Farquaad based on a studio exec that got under everyone's skin?

> loosely based on the 1990 fairytale picture book of the same name by William Steig
>Steig was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1907, and grew up in the Bronx. His parents were Polish-Jewish immigrants from Austria, both socialists.

I never realised this for years. It’ means fuck wad omg

It’s fuck wad

hey now. m. i didn't know that shit

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I don’t get it. English isn’t my first language so I don’t get why this is funny.

English is my first language and I don't get it either

The joke is that it's a funny sounding name

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I don't speak english and don't get it either.

This might be the best image i've seen in this site and i'm actualy jealous that i wasn't in the thread that workshopped it around and don't understand all it actually means.

This is my fucking life at the moment.

I guess it's fuck wad if you have a Welsh accent and talk like you have cock in your mouth.

Farquaad = Fuck wad.


George Bush hates black people

Doesn’t really sound like it.
>fuck wad
>sound imedialty after “f” is “uh”, witha hard “k” after
>sound after “f” is drawn out “ar” with little emphasis on the hard “k” sound from the “q”
It’s a bit of a stretch. Maybe under the right accent.

I never got this, "ahrk" and "uhk" are completely different. Even with their accents in the movie it doesn't sound anything like fuckwad.

He was called Farquaad because he was from a quadrant of the kingdom that was FAR away you retards. Did you even pay attention while watching?

>I am become shrek, destroyer of drek

he was called farquaad because his quads weren't far from the ground

But Fiona’s mom and dad lives in Far Away. Faarquad’s castle is literally a day’s walk from the swamp.

say it with the dropped r though like they do, it sounds like fuckwad.


lol wat, no. It's the only reason Eddie Murphy's career still existed after he essentially killed it himself with stuff like Norbit and Pluto Nash or whatever

>The Shape

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It sounds the same with shitty British accents. The brits literally can't speak their own language half the time. 90% of them can't make a "th" sound.

literally can't even tell if this is shooped


The movie is about accepting yourself no matter how you look but farquad is belittled for his height throughout the entire film

i finally get it

manlets aren't human

It's about accepting yourself as you are, not about not belittling others and acting like a huge dick because all of those are encouraged.

>retard americans struggling to get the joke because of their inbred accents

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>Ywn see a fourth austin powers film that lives up to the original 2 films, where he teams up with dr evil and mini me to take down scott in a fun and comfy parody of the daniel craig bond era
It hurts so fucking much.

life isnt fair get used to it

What hurts is you discounting Goldmember even though it's full of great stuff.

reddit post

>spelling Reddit correctly as ‘reddit’
t. Reddit


The joke is more obvious in Shrek 2 when they changed his name to Feedwad

t. mutt

>English people and developers of the language have no more native speakers because the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of England have been bred out of existence

weird cope but ok

So I'm a 30-something boomer, you need to enlighten me as to what "cope" means in this instance because it makes no goddamn sense.

you an autist or a aspie?

Innit bloody bonkers

>you need to enlighten me as to what "cope" means
Not him, but cope usually refers to the fact you are in deep damage control and attempting to "cope" with an insult and are doing so poorly and on display for us all to laugh at.

The fact that mutts speak a dumbed down pidgin form of Queen's English is not even an insult, it's a fact

he killed chris farley, thats how

Norbit made a profit but I'm sure you didn't even check before you posted.

yeah but critics hated it cat in the hat made a profit also right?

I needed subtitles for Trainspotting because they butcher the English language more than American niggers.


Would assume damage control would be me explaining how American accents are byproducts of British immigrants to the colonies and you can trace the evolution of the accents and lexicon back to various regions of Britain and thus blaming the British for birthing such a "horrific" form of language instead of shitting on how the stereotypical football hooligan accent is now spoken by shitskins instead of skinheads.


>the shape

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Oh...OOH..ohhhh...oh MYY..

Formerely Sneedwad

Based autist

Explains the garbage nature of it

XD know your meme fellow baconeer! r/outofthoop


go back to where you came from

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Austin power movies are fucking horrendous when you realize the whole movie is this retard playing all the characters