Are people out there just actually dumb?

I'll start off by saying everyone is entitled to their opinion and allowed to like whatever films they want.

Ok so I'm talking to this girl and we start talking about films. She's never watched a Taranto film before so I got her to watch a few. The only one she likes is Kill Bill... And probably for all the wrong reasons.

So she just got around to watching The Hateful Eight, which is in my opinion one of the best Taranto films. She says it's the worst of the bunch.

One of her favourite films is final destination. I asked her if she thinks that final destination is a better film that The Hateful Eight and she just said yes.

I'm actually baffled. How is this even possible? I can't actually process how someone's brain can watch The Hateful Eight and watch final destination and decided that final destination is a better film.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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he made that story up

Was the storey about the generals son made up?

Just don't talk to her.


of course
who would coerce another man to suck their dick?

I love Tarantino's work and think people who dislike Basterds and Django are missing the point big time. I even like Death Proof a lot, though that's becoming less of an oddity these days.

I fucking despised The Hateful Eight. It was pulling me in for the first half, but as soon as the Tarantino narration starts is goes to shit. Showing a flashback to the bad guys arriving was pointless. Showing the audience how the little details add up is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. It's like if they showed the bank robbery in Reservoir Dogs. Then they flash back and everyone is just talking about dumb bullshit, sometimes in slow motion for way too long.

I will say it's worth a re-watch simply to see the stagecoach arrive knowing everyone's allegiances. Daisy especially becomes a lot more interesting when you notice how subtle she is when giving info to her gang. The audience wouldn't catch that the first time, just like John Ruth didn't catch it.

It would have made a better stage play.

Honestly, Final Destination might at be a better movie than The Hateful Eight. It was at least an original concept and accomplished what it set out to be, a genuinely suspenseful movie. That is to say nothing of the awful sequels of course. But Hateful Eight was a pretty dull affair, with a horrible, and tired, predictable ending. (Woah a Tarantino flick where everybody dies at the end) It felt like it was made entirely for the sake of Sam Jackson talking about making a white man suck his big black dingus. As I type this, I find myself thinking maybe it IS the worst of Tarantino's films.

girl in OP actually sounds like a cool, fun, unpretentious person unlike OP himself who is undoubtedly some retarded basedblood reddit autist with an undying desire to be taken seriously for liking true "kino" (for that is what he calls it) like the absolute dogshit flick he has provided as evidence of his own terrible taste

take tarantino's cock out of your mouth and get a fucking grip on reality you complete and utter faggot

I've rewatched it multiple times. I think it's a way better movie than reservoir dogs although I love that too.

That isn't my point. My point is I'm incapable of understanding how someone can think that not only this film, but pulp fiction, Django unchained and Jackie brown are worse films than final destination. That final destination and don't breathe are better films than these films. How is someone's brain capable of processing these films in this way?

I didn't even bother suggesting reservoir dogs after she said she didn't enjoy pulp fiction.

I study film production and I just can't help but notice how badly made films like final destination are. How shit the writing is. How bad the acting is. There's absolutely 0 (Zero) character development.

Maybe you just don't have an eye for film lads. Maybe you should give it up.

whoa guys we have an expert filmmaker among us.

It doesn't take an expert to see how shit some films are compared to others.

He definitely met and killed the general's son, but he made up the story about him sucking his dick to get him to draw on him so he could kill him.

I'm more of a final destination 3 guy myself.

Fuck Hateful Eight apologists. The movie itself isn't terrible, but the people who so feverishly defend it are insufferable, pretentious faggots.

You can't call this movie what it was - fucking boring - without being called a simple moron who needs gunfights and explosions to be entertained. Some people seem to think that the less that happens in a movie, the better it is. If thats the case, then Hateful Eight is a fucking masterclass of film-making because god damn it is 3 hours of fuck all.

Movies that are entirely dialogue are fine. I just watched 12 angry men for the first time and I loved it, despite it's horribly inaccurate representation of what a jury is actually allowed to do and discuss. So know that when people H8 was boring, its because it really, really was. Every single Tarantula movie is better. Even Death Proof. Even FUCK WHITE PEOP- I mean Django Unchained.

There's really nothing wrong with liking Final Destination, it succeeds in being the film it wants to be and comparing it to a film with loftier intentions like The Hateful Eight is a useless exercise. I agree that The Hateful Eight is a better film, but I've read plenty of insightful reviews from intelligent people who did not like it, and if one of them were to prefer Final Destination to it, that would certainly be a valid opinion.

and also this

If Tarantino is your bar for masterclass film making you have no business judging anyone else's taste

(((studying film))) is a meme, and so is the idea that character development is the most important factor in a movie. What kind of character development would you like from movie about a bunch of regular ass college students who suddenly find out they're all on the Grim Reapers shitlist and have to do everything they can to not die? What kind of growth do you expect from people when every waking moment is just trying to avoid a gruesome death? And it isn't like theres a ton of "character development" going on in The Hateful Eight, besides characters going from being alive to being dead. Final Destination was a well made movie that set up a ton of, in my opinion, very suspenseful scenarios. You could make the argument that the pattern of making the viewer think a person was about to die a certain way and then having them die from something completely unexpected at the last second was a bit contrived, but the scenes were great at building tension, and the deaths were creative and cleverly done.

Yeah but if you don't care about the characters why do you care if they die in the first place. Fuck them let them die no-one actually cares. That's the point of character development.

you're GLOWING!

I'm Anthony.

I haven't had a girlfriend in 10 years.

I have 0 friends.


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>doesn't care about other human beings unless they get to know them first
>feels nothing when they see people die in horrifying ways

Might you perhaps be a bug-person?

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Characters don't need to develop to be fully formed and empathetic. (Not that the characters in FD are necessarily that either.) Either way, judging horror schlock by literary standards is silly and pretentious. The value of the FD films are the Rube Goldberg scenarios that the filmmakers construct to kill off the largely interchangeable cast of characters in each film. It's fine if that's not your thing, not everyone likes schlock, but it was never intended to be judged by the same rubric as a film like The Hateful Eight.

Kek. Some roastie has better taste in movies than OP.

Final Destination is better than The Hateful Eight. She's right that it's his worst movie as well.

You're a fuckin retard.

I like how the film had the balls to give you no one to root for. Everyone is a piece of shit. At the end when daisy gets what's coming to her, there's no victory in it, only senseless brutality. Wonderfully bleak movie.

>Doesn't care about a character in a book or film unless they're are introduced in a proper way and not just thrown into existence
>Feels nothing when a character who I can only barely associate a name with is removed from the book or film

Wtf is a bug person.

Agreed. Half the people here are absolutely retarded and shouldn't be allowed near a cinema or screen. Final destination isn't bad but saying it's better than the hateful eight is stupid.

>be me
>happy another Tarantino movie out
>The Hateful Eight
>Alright! This is looking good so far!
>They get to the cabin
>30 minutes go by
>o....ok surely they're about to leave that cabin and finish the rest of the movie
>remaining movie is just them shitslinging at each other in that cabin.
>mfw pic related

Fucking terrible.

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How? It's way more original and creative than fucking boring ass hateful eight. He just made a bad film and youre on tarantinos dick so much you cant budge.

Agree with ths person but might I add that OP is a faggot and his girlfridn is a boy lol

A neet boy who is an ultra consumer of all things latest brand and technology. Follows trends without dignity or respect for himself.

Watch more films OP, preferably foreign, Japanese New Wave is a good place to start

>Honestly, Final Destination might at be a better movie than The Hateful Eight. It was at least an original concept and accomplished what it set out to be, a genuinely suspenseful movie. That is to say nothing of the awful sequels of course. But Hateful Eight was a pretty dull affair, with a horrible, and tired, predictable ending. (Woah a Tarantino flick where everybody dies at the end) It felt like it was made entirely for the sake of Sam Jackson talking about making a white man suck his big black dingus. As I type this, I find myself thinking maybe it IS the worst of Tarantino's films.

I agree Final Destination may be better. They are both genre films. FD is one of those 'concept' horror films where the unique and original concept either works or it doesn't. In that case it worked and had a likeable cast of 90s Chads and Staceys. It also had a wink and a nod to it's inspiration- 80s over the top horror.

What? No. I was implying they might be an Asian person. Asians don't give a shit about anyone but their close relatives and will see a child get hit by a car and just keep walking, or do nothing to help a man who is getting his face eating off by a lunatic on the train.

Listen here you autistic little shit.

Yes us Brits don't care for anyone desu

Just like I didn't care about shitty characters ih Hateful 8 despite all the character development.

Never thought I'd read a thread of calm, collected argument with fair points made from both sides over The Hateful Eight vs. Final Destination. I'm sad this thread is over. Never change Yea Forums.

I agree with her it's one of his worst in recent memories. I just watched it last night actually. Not to say its a bad film but its underwhelming. It looks god sure but the dialogue is pretty stilted at times(tarantino tries to fit in n*gger so many times it reminds of that spike lee quote about him.) and the story itself just doesn't pack as much punch as you're led to believe. The whole reveal and mystery setup just isn't interesting.

But hell, we all know why you like this movie

How the fuck does Marquis know each member of the gang at the end when they tell him who they are, but doesn't know who daisy domergue is, especially when she's jody's sister?

Dude, she's just dumb. What else have you expected to hear? She's as dumb as pack of bricks.

tarantino films are all trash
hes a hack

It's his worst since Death Proof. The Hateful Eight was a chore to watch. And they didn't sound like a bunch of 18th century backwoodsmen, they sounded like a bunch of niggers in 21st century LA.

Real waste of channing tatum

Hateful 8 and Reservoir Dogs are his best because they're the most simple, they're basically just people in a room talking. To make that compelling they have to be good.

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I didn't miss the point of basterds. I don't think most people do. In fact I'd say it's almost impossible to miss it. I don't like it becauss it's a terrible, bloated self-indulgent shitflick

so did james rolfe. his favorite movies are troma productions

back to plebbit

Final Destination IS better than Hateful Eight. Fact.

I think hateful 8 has a great premise and script.
I also think Tarantino is a great director

Hateful 8 however... i think its one of those cases where 2 good things come together resulting in something way worse. I imagine the Coens directing this script and it could have been so much more.

Yeah Tarantino's style just doesn'y work with subtlety. The movie does collapse halfway I think when the narration starts likeIt's like a worse version of what happens with Django. The loss of his editor is showing

She’s not examining the work on your level. She seems to be in it purely for her own entertainment value which is certainly one way people gauge the worth of entertainment

Hateful eight is pretty fucking dumb. That deus ex machina ass pull at the end with the guy below the floor was complete fucking bullshit and ruined the film for me. Made no fucking sense too.


>everyone is a piece of shit.

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I don't like Kill Bill and it's my least favorite Tarantino but Hateful Eight was boring.

based MEWkino

Hateful eight is a boring mess. Can't blame her

women are dumb

absolutely embarrassing and soiridden post
samefag cringe

Django Unchained made me worried about Tarantino, and Hateful Eight confirmed that he's lost his magic and is now the exact kind of hackneyed, bland, predictable director of shit that he was so eager to rebel against in the early 90s
guy must be surrounded by yes men or sycophants that allow him to throw any old shit at a wall and see what sticks

If you don't like the Hateful Eight because it's too long and has narration, watch this cut instead.



How could people possibly have different opinions than me? This is the most important thing in the world and I can't function anymore because of it.

editing movies you had nothing to do with is a reddit pastime
also a clearly pathetic grasp for attention

fancuts have been around forever.
kill yourself zoomer.

I watched that edit first and thought the movie was great, I later saw the complete movie and can understand the complains

both suck


>reeeeee all opinions are valid reeeeeee
>I'm an enlightened centrist lol
>pick a side? no no, that's an extremist mindset

just like soi lattes have been around for ever, right?

not as long as fan edits.

most people don't have arcs or character development in their whole life so imagine in a week wich is what most movies last in time

the incel brigade arrives on cue.

final destination wasn't a remake of a hundred scenes Tarantino saw in his youth though

>She says it's the worst of the bunch.

S-she had an opinion????!!!!


>I'll start off by saying people can like what they want
Autism. Not even once.

lmao fucking pretentious cockgobbling faggot, that girl has better taste than you'll ever have

I study film too. You’re an idiot.

>There's absolutely 0 (Zero) character development.
In a movie of which the entire point is killing off characters? No way!

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one BUT MINE IS THE BEST.

You sound like an annoying whiny faggot. Some bitch you are talking to has a different opinion on films and you came to 'formally Yea Forums' of all fucking places to cry about it? Think about that

1. +99% people don't know/even care about films, but just watch it to pass the time
2. if you did knew about films you'd realise tarantino films are quite bad, entertaining but bad in film terms
3. you are a faggot

Final Destination isn't good but it's still better than the horseshit that is Hateful Eight.

The Hateful Eight is an anti white film and if you're white and like it you're a cuck.


The hateful eight isn't an anti white film just because a white dude sucks a black dudes dick.

There's one black character abs he's genuinely a badass.

You're salty that black people are better than you in America.

Who cares if the characters die of you don't develop them you inbred. That's the kind of film where you have to pay special attention to the characters development.


The father never mentioned what color hair has son had and he at one point says "I grabbed your son by his black hair..." If he was going to make a complete fabrication he wouldn't have bothered mentioning facts that the father would easily invalidate.

Based on how respectful he was being until the general was being a douche I highly doubt he actually did that to his son. He just wanted to kill the sum bitch after being an asshole and knew that disgracing his dead son (that he killed) would do that.

You're fucking white probably.


This is the most reddit thread I've seen all week.
>reddit spacing
>everyone is entitled to their opinion

If you praise Tarantino above the age of 15 then you are a brainlet

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i have yet to see a valid defense of tortellino's autistic narration out of nowhere that almost took me out of film

This is a smart dude. Everyone criticising OP is clearly unintellectual and is probably jealous he's getting pussy and they aren't.

I disagree.

I was never bored while watching it except the very beginning when he was doing those (unnecessary) artsy shots before the stage coach. Otherwise I don't recall being bored at any point in the film. I enjoy character study movies, there is a lot happening with character development from the beginning of the movie until the end.

Sorry you have such a small attention span.

I completely agree. Most people in this thread have two braincells that they rubbed together too hard and they fused into one.

Did people actually believe the movie was going anywhere past the cabin? You'd have to be a mongoloid to not realize that the film was obviously taking place in the cabin and that it was going to be about who got out alive.

No wonder you people hated the movie, your all so fucking stupid.

>Everyone is a piece of shit
OB did nothing wrong.

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It took going to bed and revisiting this tread in the morning to finally see some people making sense.

Everyone should feel assumed of themselves. The hateful eight is a great film and saying final destination compares to it in any way is absolutely stupid.

They are trying to achieve different things and that's fine. It doesn't have to be a good movie to be entertaining. But it's objectively not as good as the hateful eight.

Everyone is this thread is stupid op. Keep doing what you do.

How has this not been DMCA'd yet? Is the uploader paying royalties for a fucking vimeo fanedit? Lmfao

FD is a horror movie. It's not about character development. Genres are a thing.

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>Resevoir Dogs (6/10)
>Pulp Fiction (8/10) (only actual good film)
>Kill Bill vol I (4.5/10)
>Kill Bill vol II (6.5/10) (my favorite QT flick)
>Inglorious Basterds (5.5/10)
>Django Unchained (3/10)
>Hateful Eight (2/10)

I couldn't be more honest with myself on this. For some reason I've never seen Jackie Brown either, I know I'll get ragged for that.


>gfs favorite movie is Final Destination
>works in film
>reccomends Hackentino

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the only good things about this movie are the aesthetics and when marco gets his fucking face blown off
"aint worth a peso"