How the actual fuck did they get away with this?

How the actual fuck did they get away with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They didn't go full retarded.

It was a different time, unironically

it's making fun of the concept of a white actor doing blackface, not making fun of blacks

He's didn't.
Give it a few years.

I guarantee this will come back to haunt him and he will get kicked out of holywood.

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You missed the point entirely.

>His father, comedian and actor Jerry Stiller, is from a Jewish family that emigrated from Poland and Galicia in Central Europe. His mother, actress and comedian Anne Meara, who was from an Irish Catholic background, converted to Reform Judaism after marrying his father

Its backdoor comedy. It is perfect. It is always defensible because people, like the foreskin licker above, will say "they are making fun of the bad thing". The reality is its motherfucking funny. Blackface is fucking Australian doing blackface is hysterical. Robert Downey doing blackface so good he was the most believable black guy in a movie that has an actual black guy in it? FUCKING KINO.

the point was that we were supposed to laugh at him not with him

obviously this was thinly veiled because everyone loves racist humor. We still do this shit today under the guise of "the guy doing it is the silly and ridiculous one please laugh at him for being a bad person"

2008 was unironically the turning point
once king negro got elected race relations went to shit and everything started getting labeled as racist (i.e. comedy died)

it was literally a different time

that's immaterial

people would be flipping shit regardless if intent. Look at what Liam Neeson did a few weeks ago and the backlash that caused

Most people don't care about complexities or layers anymore. They immediately jump to conclusions because it's intellectually easier than conceding things are difficult

You dont have to go back that far. Game of Thrones literally put no black or colored people in spotlight (except that 2 pirate characters)

hands down best ever commentary track

It's not complex. He is a dude playing a dude, playing a dude, playing a dude. Its fucking silly. It's not an onion schreck. It's not the bible. It's a guy pretending to be a black stereotype and pulling it off very well. He also plays an Australian stereotype. And an actor stereotype. It's called fucking comedy. It's funny. You laugh.

RDJ has been to prison and is therefore an honorary black so it's cool

How is that thing like this thing?

he is literally a basedboy and a feminist so no he wont get shit, its okay when (((they))) do it

> Look at what Liam Neeson did a few weeks ago

you mean when he talked about wanting to club blacks to death in his youth? yeah how silly to raise an eyebrow at that

Thanks lad. Never realised Stiller played that role too

Remember this...?

because it's an example of how attitudes have change significantly in not that long a time period

no. that was the point.

few yrs before this movie came out was a movie called white chicks. which was whiteface.

RDJ character was an idiot, he was made out to be an idiot, and all the characters knew he was as well. We're supose to see that all "-face" acting is fucking retarded.

Even though this is true it's still not something they'd get away with now.

The character he was playing, the black man in your picture, is canonically white.

RDJ didn't do blackface; The character he was playing did.

It's a social justice message. Stuck in there with the bat killing and the dick sucking joke. Right before the full retard joke. It's back door you fucking retard.

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This. NPCs also think shit like Borat and Blazing Saddles etc. is edgy, not realizing they've been propagandized.

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>onion shreck
Based and Ogrepilled

You can't tell me you haven't wanted to club another person to death for their race before. Really?

Yes retard, we understand that. Try and make a movie like that if you're someone like Ben Stiller today and see how it flies

It was funny, they didn't care, and they didn't apologize. Leftist/SJW/etc. victim outrage artists (rich white coastal kids), while more of a modern problem, are only as powerful as you allow them to be. The moment you tell them "no, I don't give a fuck, don't watch it" you'll realize that they don't actually have any power whatsoever. All of their power is based in shaming, and when you have no shame, they have no power. A director could make the same movie today if they just didn't give a fuck, and it would get better viewership/reviews than your average capeshit flick, because no real human bean would actually be offended by it.

Can I guess how old you are?

If you think this movie was sending you a SJ message you are full on retarded. Do you really think it was an anti religious message at the beginning with the gay priests movie? Fuck no. The writers of this movie decided to hit every fucking taboo subject of the time all in one fucking shot. But did it just indirectly enough that full on retards would be to confused to get all riled up. Apparently this board is full of retards that think this shit is deep, or is a socially correct message.

uhhhh...? That was really sort of..rude? Racist? Uncool? All of the above? Seriously dude, you have a right to your opinions, but you should probably think before you speak, because your words can hurt other people. Like there is never a place or time where it's appropriate to say something that insensitive and insulting. The way i usually do things is think to myself "would i say this to someone if they were standing right in front of me?" if your answer is "no" then you probably shouldn't say it on the internet either, because it's still just as horrible and still creates the same reaction on the internet as it would in person. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean the reaction didn't happen. Again, you have a right to believe what you do, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should voice those opinions, especially in a place or way that it's not appreciated, such as here.

My friends and I just watched it with the commentary a few weeks ago. It made an already hilarious movie even better. I think it's hilarious they did the commentary the day they had the premiere.

younger than you tranny :)

Hahaha what the fuk?! Get help friend

>everything is an elaborate sjw conspiracy
You need to fucking relax. It's not laughing AT blackface, it's laughing at the context of the character doing blackface. Stop being a /pol/tard for three seconds, Christ.


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>tranny tranny tranny
Oh, so 13?

You are entering a conversation I was having with myself. See how not fucking deep and unfunny that shit is? Its funny, because its blackface.

If you dont think Mel Brooks pushed the line you dont think.

Pretty good forrest gump parody. Not sure why they made Bubba smart though.

Brooks once told a Hitler joke in the early 1940s that almost got him booed. He's always been edgy.

>probably shouldn't say it on the internet either, because it's still just as horrible and still creates the same reaction on the internet as it would in person.

If this is b8 it's legit 9/10.. good job.

>a conversation I was having with myself.
Are you schizophrenic?

I'm just fucking around, it was meant to be sarcastic.

the goyim know


Kill yourself

mad lil guyz always reeing about jews being noticed

So I guess people didn't care because it was a meta commentary movie about the acting life and I guess RDJ was so convincing as a black guy that it wasn't making fun of black people like black face was known for. I'm just surprised this hasn't come back to haunt him. I mean, people have been fired for less like the dumb twitter scandals.

>posts constantly about Jews, daily
>"why are you mad?"
Fuck off, retard.

You sound reasonable. Cope harder.

It was a different time

haha you are literally mad about people noticing patterns

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He's a Jew

>give it a few years
The movie came out over a fucking decade ago zoomer.

phoneposted 'owns' with proper punctuation crack me the fuck up lol

also, nah

>constant screeching, shitposting and literal crying every day, every hour like someone who is irl insane
>muh pattern recognition
Kill yourself or go back already.



again, you are literally mad about pattern recognition. perhaps reddit would be more your speed, little guy? heh heh

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SJWs are getting more extreme and digging up stuff from people's pasts.

I don't constantly complain about the Jewosh cabal boogeyman like some low-info faggot who falls for /pol/nigger memes. Stop shitting up this board. There is no pattern.

Ooo no! Someone on Twitter (a literal who) might complain about a decades old movie! His career is over, any day now!

Clear something was put in the water after 2008 to turn the freaking frogs gay.

there is a pattern and more and more people are starting to notice it, hence you
>constant screeching, shitposting and literal crying every day, every hour like someone who is irl insane
wake up and realize the massive projection you are engaging in, sweatie
>Stop shitting up this board
>not realizing that you can either filter, not reply or leave the fucking site if you cant handle it
absolutely pathetic.

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>it's just projection! We aren't upset!
3 seconds on archive says otherwise, schizo.

so i guess you picked the option of
>constant screeching, shitposting and literal crying every day, every hour like someone who is irl insane
you have noone to blame but yourself
imagine getting this worked up over people discussing (((them)))

It's more pathetic to constantly respond when people call your Joo crying pathetic faggotry.

Because people weren’t whiney sjw self entitled politely correctness cunts

There’s some 80s indie movie comedy that has a bunch of blackface in it but I forgot the name. Anyone know what I’m talking about?

by what logic?

>If I play dumb they will second guess what they know about the jew

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christ you're absolutely fucking retarded
have you been living under a rock the past 5 years?

Its actually because bthe movie was made and financed by jews so they could make money. When the jews give the ok then hollywood can be as racist as they want, they just pay it off as 'irony' and say 'thats the point'.

>literally no u
I often wonder the logic behind someone complaining and then getting told to fuck off, somehow computing in their brain that it's "everyone else" that is crying...

Same reason Borat won an oscar. When the jews do it its ok.

Not that guy, but he's not the one looking like an insane conspiracy theorist

imagine thinking something needs an elaborate response when its just sniveling drivel

Imagine posting this image on Yea Forums - Television and Film


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>conspiracy theory
jews on the media, hollywood and they own the american government. 3 billion dollars of aid to a country that spies on us, kills our soldiers and sows the seed of our destruction (literally).
big cope, schlomo.


Maybe people don't want to whip themselves in the back the aryan?

>robert downey

The SJW meme is an overblown boogeyman, with little to no real power. Sure you have issues with trial of public opinion, but there are no laws, no legislative acts to punish wrongthink in America. You only have private companies deplatforming within their rights and online zenes manufacturing the outrage of the week that barely works as a distraction. It's not as big of a deal as you pretend it is.

He literally used a racial VPN

He acted as an Australian acting as a black man, so that it couldn't fall back on RDJ

I'm starting to like the jews more than aryans at this point

The aryans are just so whiny

Would be great if you could prove this sekret cabal is this powerful.

Because it was a meta-meta-meta-meta-meta commentary on Hollywood actors and racism. Idiot.

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He is?

Are you comparing Boart, good natured fun, to dailystormer memes with the intention to kill?

Fuck off

I'm not saying Israel isn't a huge fucking asshole of a country using their influence

I'm saying searching through wikis and highlighting jewish sounding names and instantly calling them part of a giant evil mass conspiracy makes you look dumb.

you need only scratch the surface.

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Are you asking me why it's rational to spend an autistic amount of time crying about Jews?

The shill is afraid

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Lol oh, you're just memeing?

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ok reddit, give me one good reason why i should care what you think rofl
so you cant explain the logic? makes sense, because ur post was dumb
>spend an autistic amount of time crying about Jews
projection since you
>spend an autistic amount of time crying about Jew noticers

Because no SJWs back then.
Did you need an entire thread for this?

He works for the jews dumbass. Ben stiller is a kike, he directed it. Im pretty sure weinstein financed it.

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It's not projection if you're fucking literally doing that you goddamn mongoloid. See

So every anglo business man is friend's with each other?

Jews are successful and you think they are all friends with each other?

You think Seth Rogan and Jack Black low key hang out republican jews like Ben Shapiro?

>now it's anyone who even tangentially knows Jews
Your net gets wider every year.

Why are you butthurt?

And anglo weapon contractors helped bribed and non jewish politicans voted for it to make bank

All mega rich people are evil regardless of race

Nice "retort"

You're sure winning your argument with your other dude

>being mentally ill

You linked the wrong user, I posted the "who controls the colors on this chart", which is a criticism of that debunked /pol/shit chart that literally admits to inventing Jewish persons.

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stop being mad about pattern recognition, bro
reddit, and those "anglos" you refer to are actually jews like the rothschilds

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It was made before everyone went full retard

>reddit, and those "anglos" you refer to are actually jews like the rothschilds


All of these "info"graphs are made from the same meme, /pol/nigger zoomer. Pic related. It's all disinfo. You'd know that if you were lurking here before 2016.

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You could find non jewish white people make the same comments easily

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Not him, but I really thought you meant it. Thank god you didn't, now that I know you're a good person! Have an upvote, you deserve it.

whats your source for the original claim?

>took over almost all of mainstream media and entertainment
>no real power

Imagine being this delusional.

>just unironically act like the conspiratard that JIDF is trying to right against
>this means they lose
Kek. Ok.


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>This show doesn't promote a race war
>This jew isn't whipping himself!
>These minorities aren't being lynched




lolol cry harder nigger

Are you still underage and think that the fucking capeshit companies and e-celebs on Twitter are in any real positions of authority in government? Or do you honestly just fucking around and pretending to be retarded? Remember when a bunch of actors shilled for a Presidential candidate and she lost?

It's entertainment, sweetheart. It's not an illuminati.

Please someone help me find this. It’s a black and white comedy film and the opening credits STARTS with the director in black face

hey someone cleans the toilets in isreal


Imagine being this mad that you have no actual fucking argument.
Everyone knows mainstream media and entertainment are far leftists now. Look at the fucking oscars, look at CNN.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?'re the one literally having a fit? We are reacting to YOU.

hmm must be those blacks the israelis sterilized

What's "Jewish Propaganda" to you?

Comedy movie that isn't about aryans killing non whites? Oh no the propaganda!!!!!

>Are you still underage and think that the fucking capeshit companies and e-celebs on Twitter are in any real positions of authority in government?
I'm not talking about government, I'm talking about what influences of the masses of people.
These people definitely have power to sway opinion, retard.

>Remember when a bunch of actors shilled for a Presidential candidate and she lost?
She got more votes than him. She was more popular.
and I voted trump

>we are merely reacting
>you are not reacting
so THIS is the power of a libturds brain..

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Cause I'm not a fucking child with the mindset "If it's the establishment, it's bad!"

I'm fine with the mainstream media because I generally agree with it most of the time

Also media is not a "Monolithic" thing dipshit

>everyone even remotely left of Hitler, is "far left!"
Media is about making money and pandering. Gee, maybe there is a reason Black Panther made a fucking billion dollars? Maybe general audiences just don't vibe with /pol/nigger race baiting autism like you "silent majorities" think? If they could make money off you, they would.


>unironic JIDF itt

been a long time since ive seen a live one

You think average new york jews who spend all day working at a bagel shop actually do that shit?

Go to any religion and you'll find fucked up shit

>a movie can sway someone's opinion
So can literally fucking anything. But imagine taking your anger out on flicks made for retards and not real attempts at propaganda?
>she was more popular
By only 2 million a country of over 300 million.
>I voted for Trump.
So you're gullible or retarded?

they're probably not even jidf, they just see the pattern recognition taking place, ree and then do it for free :^)
>he doesn't know about zionists and their activities

Try as you might to save face, it will not work anymore.

#1 Kate Boulduan is indeed Jewish by marriage and converted.
#2 Brian Stelter also converted via marriage and plans to “raise his kids as Jewish” (
Everybody else has a Jewish connection I don’t have time to keep going as I am posting from my phone but it’s obvious there is a Jewish connection with everybody at that network.

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Cultural swing wasn't in full progress yet. I'd like to think that the old millenials that actually watched this are still the same old group, but more disgruntled, in more debt and probably done with identity politics all together. It's the old millenials and whatever came after that have gone full retard and deserve to get cleansed in atomic fire, unironically.

You're unironically crying about Jews though.

>shilling this hard

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you were saying?

I'm saying why should jews who aren't rothschilds be blamed for their shit?

I don't think modern Spaniards should be blamed for all the sex slavery their nobles commited centuries ago

Why is it so hard to separate innocent people from guilty people

>but it’s obvious there is a Jewish connection with everybody at that network.
Clearly it isn't, since over half of the people on these meme lists aren't even Jewish you stupid mutt.

cries out as it strikes you

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ummm strawman much, reddit?

I never said I was a punk rock wannabee retard

I like the status quo more than want you want

It's their boogeyman, it's not rational.

>it's their boogeyman
>cries about the pattern recognition boogeyman

>anyone who marries a Jew is also complicit in an elaborate cabal that now stretches to thousands of people
How can you not hear hkw ridiculous this sounds?

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It would be pattern recognition (on some causal level) if it wasn't entirely made up or fabricated lies. Maybe you should learn to cope?

>clearly there isn’t goy!!!
2/10 you’re projecting too hard

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It’s Advante Garde. It’s a comedy. It uses blackface and maybe some animation? It’s in black and white and it’s old

>never any actual sources
Are you just larping for (you)s or something?

nice try lol. the goyim know and you're not convincing anyone the JQ is "fake news". not now, not ever

The richest Americans are literally not even Jews though. You realize that even some Cletus from Mississippi has a computer now, right?

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That's probably because you have a mental illness?

knowing that zionists want to end white people is not a mental illness. lol

Saying that literally anyone in the US who has even touched a Jew or married one or with one drop of Jewish blood is complicit in violent Zionists in Israel, is.

Let's say

Let's say in an alternative universe, any other white group was #1. Would it be right for the other groups to be a sore loser about it?

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is it?

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This was already debunked because again, all the info is from the same meme.

>any other white group
>he thinks jews are white
holy shit rofl

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Everyone of those companies is racially diverse in writers and editors


>it's debunked because i say so
the goyim know.

>Porn would never exist without the jews
>Implying jews made porn to destroy the white race instead of making money
>"We think jesus sucks"
So you've never said anything edgy?

Why do people with such apparent mistrust of everything, fall for possibly made up quotes backed by nothing?

when you're mentally ill, that kind of logic makes sense
0/10 strawman
>if you dont agree with me the JQ is fake

>literally saw a post listing all the majority of non-Jews at CNN, WP, NYT....
Get help.

>Look at what Liam Neeson did a few weeks ago and the backlash that caused

Liam Neeson literally admitted to wanting to commit a hate crime by roaming around the streets wanting to get into a fight and kill a random black man because he was angry. That is fucked up no matter what the circumstances were. Sure, Liam himself admitted as much, but do you seriously think black people would be just ok to hear that and it not generating any backlash?

Imagine if Barack Obama said the same thing about trying to murder white men. You people would lose your shit even if the circumstances were the same exact ones.

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where can i get the help that will end white genocide and zionism? can you point me in the right direction perhaps?

One guy = All jews

Black guys have said horrible shit and some white guys have said horrible shit for other races

At what point to do we genocide races for someone saying something bad?

>cries about the ebul Jewish cabal
>everyone else is mentally ill

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we judge people by the collective actions of their race, not their words, reddit.

Seriously though

You think without jews, nobody would have ever used a camera to film others naked?

Also do you think every thing is done to destroy whites?

You realize porn by jews is sold to basically other jews and non whites too?

It's almost like the white genocide isn't happening and modern Zionism isn't super popular outside of specific political groups in Israel?

>cries about pattern recognition
>calls people mentally ill
>white genocide isn't happening
source? proof?
>Zionism isn't super popular
and yet they run america despite all their crimes against humanity and white people in particular

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>Blackface is fucking funny

No it's not. When you make blackface into an absurd concept like RDJ's character, it's funny. When IASIP do blackface in their Lethal Weapon mock-sequel, it's also funny because they're mocking the concept of blackface and doing it in such an absurd way.

woah look at this genocide

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It’s clearly JIDF damage control, they come here to suppress truth and red herring hoping the poor goyim will remain asleep or confused for a little longer

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>and they run America
Be cool if you could prove literally any degree of that being true?

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Yes and on that subject could anyone offer me a definitive list on the use of blackface in film? Particularly the use in a certain avante garde black and white comedy from i think the 80s

Are whites being killed by the government for just being white?

White man wakie wakie

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Because the movie constantly mentions how offensive it is and how butthurt black people are about it.

Because people were able to appreciate nuance instead of clinging on to the first black and white hot take on Twitter.

Italian mafia is evil

So all italians are evil

Wakie wakie

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Knorr is fucking German. Do you people even research these?

Seriously though

Do you think a race of people can be kicked out of over 100 countries and somehow it's all those countries faults, not that race?
3 billion dollars per annum to a country that spies on, kills and subverts americans is all the proof that will ever be needed, schlomo.
>basic bitch zionist logic
you'd have to take that up with the united nations, kike. white genocide is real.

So should all jews be blamed for her?

Ben Shapiro would call this woman a cunt? Does that minus the evilness points from "Jews" as the hivemind you want them to be?


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>muh 100 countries meme
It's not 100 countries, bud. Go on, post the excel sheet.
>Israel kills Americans
You keep saying this.

you're probably right, threads start off with some loser crying about the pattern recognition and soon there's another few individuals putting a ton of energy into defending israel and "preventing" goyim from knowing. kek

People were waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more collectivist back then and demonized entire groups as scrapegoats all the time

I'm not saying no evils have been done by jewish people, i'm just saying there's a point where it feels like vile scapegoating

>is the one actually crying

This is why conservative humor is so unfunny.

The "jews aren't white" meme generally isn't seen outside of /pol/ areas in the modern day

Jewish kids unironically think they are white and you can find non jewish white kids posting the same cringy shit

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>muh 100 countries meme
it could be 5 countries for all anyone cares, the fact is they have a history going back thousands of years. eventually, nobody wants them around. you have no rebuttal to this lol
>Israel kills Americans
prime example, pic related. and thats not even mentioning the open borders refugee and demographic replacement that kills many whites every year with the express purpose of genocide
you dont get collectively expelled for thousands of years wherever you go without there being a reason. weak.

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>you have no rebuttal to this
Are we just validating all scapegoating regardless of truth then?

the truth is that jews have been expelled from everywhere they go for thousands of years. again, you have no rebuttal

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Lol America doesn't have open borders you absolute fucking retard. There is no "displacement genocide" happening in the US, no matter how much you cry.

Gee I wonder why Jews don't like christianity

It's not thousands of years since the Jewish State hasn't been around for "thousands" of years, but that's not an argument.

>America doesn't have open borders
yes it does, thats why trump campaigned on building a wall you drooling retard, rofl
>There is no "displacement genocide"
see educate yourself, jewish moron

So jews who live in new york doing shitty jobs should be blamed for the shit of their ancestors?

Ok I guess this means whites should be blamed for their shit too?

The Romans hated the pagans for being savage, guess this means nordics should still be demonized

this is only going to be effective if you find tweets from them saying that they are both white and not white later.
Right now everybody will just say: So what? They count themselves as white and jewish. There is no inherent contradiction unless they make it.

sure, i dont mind a blame game being played. jews were the primary importers of slaves, not whites. see, it would all work out perfectly in our favor

user, are you from this country? Open borders means no checks, or vetting. We have some of the strictest border security in the world. Stop being a retarded and miss informed faggot. You don't even know what open borders mean.

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>jews were the primary importers of slaves
You aren't in your containment thread, you can't just get away with blatant lying.

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>what is catch and release
>what is the drug and opioid epidemic
>where are these drugs coming from
if the border security is so strong, none of the illegal immigration would be happening. israel is a prime example of why a huge concrete wall would end most of these problems.
stop being a retarded and miss informed faggot. you don't even know what open borders mean.
kvetch! and yet they were.

I'm not playing the blame game

Jews were wrong for selling slaves
Whites were wrong for buying them

I'm saying it's stupid to view entire groups like hiveminds and to punish those who haven't technically sinned

>just devolved into /pol/shitters crying about memes they fell for

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>Jews were wrong for selling slaves
you forget they imported them, too
>Whites were wrong for buying them
only a small % actually did, and rivers of white blood flowed to end it
you can think its stupid if you want, but jews are the #1 enemy of white people all the same.

>a wall would stop overstay visas and smuggling on airplanes, despite the fact that we already have southern border barriers
You have no idea what open borders means.

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>if the border security is so strong, none of the illegal immigration would be happening
It's a record low in the first fucking place.

>just devolved into jidfshitters crying about pattern recognition
>no open borders
>tens of millions of illegals and no sign of the influx ever stopping
You have no idea what open borders means.

Well I'm glad you think Tropic Thunder is a threat to whites

>tens of millions of illegals

big strawman lol

I'm not sure what your argument is, that you can't handle being 62 percent of the population?

Well you think Tropic Thunder is a threat to whites for having jews in it sooooo

There aren't "tens of millions" you stupid /pol/nigger. This is getting boring.

>jidf shills can never explain away why jews have been expelled from every country they've ever been in, going back thousands of years
oy vey!
can you jews not handle being a small % of the population without genociding the whites in it?

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you are literally from reddit, you're not even annoying just stupid lol
source? proof? funny you niggers never actually prove anything but you sperg when you arent spoonfed yourselves. baseless claim detected

I often ask this:

If their plan is to mix all the races for (reasons), but yet the USA gets billions of dollars from a country they are trying to "subvert"...why?

The government? ICE? The Bureau of Labor Stats? Every watchdog group in the US?

Why else would you bring jewish conspiracy just cause tropic thunder has jewish actors?

When you see Jackie Chan do you bring up Mao?

When you see Oscar Issac do you bring up the Mexican cartels?

you mean the billions they gave to israel in the first place? hmm its almost like they'd be better off not giving israel anything in the first place

*USA gives money I meant

There is no plan
the people who make these magazines actually believe in this stuff

>still just a baseless claim
because one of you jidfshitters cant help yourself and start crying about the pattern recognition. that's literally it. all you retards have to do is not say anything and think will keep trucking along.

I feel like you are struggling with this, why would the Jews try to destroy a country that gives Israel billions a year?

>and conservatism took the place of progressiveness
Goddamn liberal-biased Japanese animators.

>jidf shills can never explain away why jews have been expelled
So does every "time" count? Were the Nazis then valid in genociding German Jews during the Holocaust? Does that count as "a time they were expelled"?

>muhhh jooooos whining
The more you faggots shit up this site with your constant vagina bleeding, the more I feel like supporting Israel.

Nobody likes you faggots. All you do is complain. Whatever "cause" you think you're serving, you're actually doing it a disservice by making people like me hate you and think you're fucking retarded.

>citing immigration stats is baseless
Call the kettle black.

Who the fuck let Dylan Roof in the computer lab? get this nigger back in his cell.

It was a different time where people were not listening to every fart that some thot with pink hair on twitter makes.

it's actually a great question. why are you jews simply not content with letting people go on living their lives? any takers on this one?
could it be because you want to divvy the spoils up among yourselves for as long as it lasts? mmm this is a tough one, i can't think of any other explanation oddly enough...
>national socialists genociding anyone
this never happened, there were internment camps and other countries did it too. and yes, the germans were justified in kicking another race out of their country for subversion.
you havent disproven shit, kike. there are tens of millions of illegals in the US

This was right before niggers got smartphones and got on the internet

>Muh pattern recognition

it's never WHY

You say whites get more money than blacks cause the pattern is higher iq so what's it any different with jews

>the cabal of Jews is trying to fuck up their own aid for (divvying up reasons)
>Holocaust never happened
>there are bagillions of illegals in the US because I said so!
That will be a yikes from me, lad.

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whites don't subvert entire races for their own benefit, is the difference rofl
>the more I feel like supporting Israel
you're not fooling anyone, jidf shill
>Nobody likes you faggots
read: i dont like you (irrelevant)
>All you do is complain
(while complaining)
>Whatever "cause" you think you're serving
>people like me
i would respond to this one, but haha

It was funny

>he's a holohoaxer
So it is mental illness?

Wrong. The point was taking method acting to a comedically inappropriate extreme. Youd know this if your fucking formative years weren't the Obama era.

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After reading the entirety of the thread (I'd only read the start when I replied to you originally), it's pretty obvious to see that you're mentally ill.

Good luck in your life, sperg. Hopefully you've got some very patient personal carers around you.

>But imagine taking your anger out
top kek
When did I say I was angry.
All I said was leftists dominate media and entertainment and get to sway opinion.

This isn't even a controversial opinion, everyone knows this.

>By only 2 million a country of over 300 million.
Yes, she got over half the votes.

>So you're gullible or retarded?
>I support open borders and socialism
So you're gullible or retarded?

Because it's mocking something entirely different and was incredibly out there and obvious to even the most dumb retards.

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But why would Jews want to fuck up their own billions in funding...?

it's only foreign aid on paper, it's literally blood money for the jew. i know you retards can't think beyond the face value of things though
>Holocaust never happened
true, but the holodomor did
>>there are bagillions of illegals in the US because I said so!
there are tens of millions of illegals because there are tens of millions of illegas. funny how that works
do you take no issue with any part of the bullshit stories whatsoever?
thanks reddit, just remember that the goyim know and your pathetic words are my amusement :) i win!

>whites don't subvert entire races for their own benefit,

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>All I said was leftists dominate media
And yet the largest media corporations are conservative.
>but entertainment is left leaning!
Probably because the majority of the first world is?
>Voting for Trump isn't being a retard
I don't know what to say to this after these last 3 years.

yeah, that'd be the jews

Whites still used the slaves

I'm not defending jews who have done bad things

>do you take no issue with any part of the bullshit stories whatsoever?
Are you asking me if I'm a retarded holohoaxer? No.

How the fuck did this thread devolve so quickly into /pol/tards sperging about the jews?

Jews are evil

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>there are tens of millions because I said so
That isn't how an argument works.

can marvel ever top this absolute kino of a post credit scene?

Attached: tenor.gif (220x138, 108K)

>the largest media corporations are conservative
>he still believes in the left/right paradigm
>he doesn't realize it's all part of the same megacorps run by zionists
so THIS is your brain on echo chambers
>I'm not defending jews who have done bad things
while trying to minimize the actions of jews in all of your replies here, literally rofl
so you seriously believe muh nazis has a cage with an eagle and a bear that took turns ripping muh poor jooz to shreds? that there were literally prince of persia style torture chambers with flying and spinning razor/sawblades? that multiple "survivors" got away from the "gas chambers" because they "were out of gas" etc?
>there aren't tens of millions because I said so
That isn't how an argument works.

/pol/tards don't actually like films. they're just hear to spread their propaganda.

jidfshills don't actually like films. they're just hear to spread their propaganda.

It's not "The Jews" retard, I'm saying you shouldn't view every group like a hivemind this broadly
Shills are working overtime

This was a guy who blamed obesity cause dunkin donuts was owned by a jew

Instead of whites eating a dozen a day without working out

>It's not "The Jews" retard, I'm saying you shouldn't view every group like a hivemind this broadly
>said the jidf shill while continuing to minimize the actions of jews

>Fox is owned by Zionists
I can't even have a conversation with you anymore, you're otherworldly retarded.

Literally no one has been able to help me find this avante garde black and white comedy from the 80s where the opening credits starts with the director in blackface. They’ve just arguing about gay shit

woahhh looks like we broke the redditor jidf retard guys, he's now making comments about the collective of white people because one guy did something!
>Fox is owned by Zionists
>you're otherworldly retarded
that must be your way of saying you can no longer handle my violent torrents of truth haha

>/pol/ doesn't ruin thre-

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>so you seriously believe muh nazis has a cage with an eagle and a bear that took turns ripping muh poor jooz to shreds? that there were literally prince of persia style torture chambers with flying and spinning razor/sawblades? that multiple "survivors" got away from the "gas chambers" because they "were out of gas" etc?
All of those exaggerated stories are faked to delegitimize the facts of the Holocaust. You're just memeing though, you don't actually believe it's a hoax.

>jidfshitters don't ruin threads by screeching about pattern reco-

one day you'll see

Still doesn't debunk how his argument about dunkin donuts is nonsense

>shits up thread
>"no u!"

someone tell me again why people like to say trump is liked by nazis?

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Look who first brought up the Jews in this thread you braindead faggot. (hint: it wasn't the people here to actually discuss Television and Film)

>oh boy a tropic thunder thread, time to dump my /pol/ folder!

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>everything is owned by Jews, run by Jews and they control everything
So...what exactly do you plan to to about it? Cry? Seems like they achieved all this success without me even knowing it or changing my laws. Not sure why I should do anything.

What's a threat to white people from tropic thunder

not even strawmanning

legit curious

>All of those exaggerated stories are faked to delegitimize the facts of the Holocaust
where is your proof?
you've literally just claimed the honest and true testimonials of holocaust survivors are fake. do you have no shame? because of people like you, it could happen again... oy vey!
Still doesn't debunk how you just shit all over your entire reason for being in this thread. you lost the moment you made collective judgments on whites lol
>it doesn't take two people to continuously argue about something
you retards are something else. spreaking of braindead faggots... you've just admitted you're not here to discuss tv

this is (was) a thread about tropic thunder in which you fucking fags decided to make about da joos

but user, they plan to steal...the things they already own?

These dump-fags are annoying niggers even on /pol/. But call out their blatant autism and you're giga-jew 6 million

Funny how /pol/fags always moan about the blacks not earning their place in society and how white people are rightfully superior yet when you show examples of Jews being superior to whites they come up with excuses just like blacks do about whites about "muh system holding me down"

Source a single one of those exaggerated stories?

Gut the nation, harvest the spoils, and leave its corpse to rot. They much prefer material and temporary pleasures to anything moral or enduring. It’s the MO of a parasite.

nothing, it's a great movie and i loved it. these kikedefenders are literally too stupid to realize it's a golden trolling technique to derail threads into hundreds of posts about jews
the fact that they try to shut people down from even discussing it means that's what you should be doing. it's dangerous to them, literally
and how did it happen? did some retards start replying? oh no... guess you've been had! maybe you're not as smart as you think rofl
you know how to use the internet, boomer, get searching and you'll find them.

>you've just admitted you're not here to discuss tv
Pathetic attempt at gaslighting you dumb faggot. Replying to your putrid posts wasn't the first thing I did in this thread. Why did you post retarded shit and then call others retards when they call you out on it?

I said the type of white people who eat donuts all day shouldn't blame the jews for their obesity

A bit too specific to be a "collectivist critique of whites itself"

I mean I also think blacks who eat donuts all day shouldn't blame jews for their obesity too and I would say jews who eat donuts all day would be in the wrong too

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But you said it was propaganda by having jewish actors?

What's the propaganda?

Imagine getting this worked up about da joos that you type furiously fast just to get your reply in to everyone on an anonymous film board

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>dump 40 infographs and make dozens more posts about da joos
>stop doing this
>you've just admitted you're not here to discuss tv
pretty disingenuous

so what, is it my fault you got taken for a ride? stop taking everything so personally, it's the fucking internet. but thanks for helping us spread the truth about the jews with your poor-ass rebuttals rofl
nice collective judgment about whites, redditkike

So why are you somehow supposedly always losing to them?

almost as pathetic as being a mod tee bee aych

More of a collective judgement of stormfags, not whites in general but put words in my mouth

Imagine not having an argument because you’re an obvious shill doing the same shit

Care to actually respond to my post instead of dumping irrelevant pictures? Jews have managed to get into significant places of power and even have the USA backing Israel, they sound pretty superior to me.

>gut a country somehow, that already gives you billions and that you run completely
Lol ok. Not a boogeyman at all.

>your poor-ass rebuttals
First of all, you're the only one in this thread spamming your shit. Secondly, half your "rebuttals" are literally just "no u". Fuck off, retard.

It was making fun of method actors

a little thing called in group preference, look it up and know it well, it could save your life one day you dumb fuck
proof you're in some gay ass discord where you screech about "polposters" as soon as someone mentions jews hahaha

Nobody is shutting you down, you're just being called retarded and your arguments are shitty.

+Less wars
+Great movies and shows

-Constant war
-Gay statues
-Race war every second

You know what, I'm fine with the jews running the world at this point.

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i cant tell whether youre christian or muslim, care to enlighten me?

cry more incel

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>le spoonfeed
So you don't have any stories?

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*Spams reddit*

>a little thing called in group preference
Ah, there it is, the excuses come rolling in. You realise blacks use this exact same logic to blame whites for their shitty position in society?

found where he gets his shit what a fucking gold mine

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>stormfag is a discord term
Thanks for exposing yourself as a newfag

I just listened to the commentary and I love RDJ even more

filthy phoneposter

It's usually a /pol/nigger that spends this amount of time crying about Jews, yes. You must not be very bright.

you mad little guy?
>nobody is censoring you
have you been asleep for the past few years? ever heard of tech censorship? people can't even talk about zionism without getting blown the fuck out anymore. you're so uninformed its hilarious rofl
cliffnotes in pic related, do the work of finding the sources yourself, not that you actually care.
imagine being so disingenuous you can't accept the simple reason for why jews are the way they are.
it's a fact that you bundles of sticks yell for help as soon as you start feeling threatened
>ip tracker
missed me with that shit, retard rofl

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This blog literally cites Hitler. He has to be fucking with you.

Yet you've been ranting about Zionism for literal hours...

pipe down, moshe

He didn't actually say this lmao

Also if it was a conspiracy why would he say this shit

This is a picture of Stephen Colbert.
Yea Forums do your thing

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correction, i've been schooling you on zionism

>still no sources on these exaggerated stories being real or corroborated
Really makes me think.

i cant believe colbert is 100 years old

And nobody has stopped you, retard.

yeah, crazy how i'm not spending time hunting down source material for a guy who just wants me to waste my time. literally can't wrap my head around this one
btw, nice conspiracy theory - you literally think people have come up with this evil genius plan to debunk the holocaust through "fake stories". rofl

For those looking for more evidence regarding da joos. Ignore those shills simply trying to explain away each piece of evidence as “pure coincidence.” It’s their job to sage this discussion everytimd it appears. They are literally paid to do so.

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>you mad little guy?
Not an argument
>imagine being so disingenuous you can't accept the simple reason for why jews are the way they are.
Are you or are you not using the same logic to blame the Jews for your problems that blacks use to blame whites for their problems?

because it's Yea Forums. are you retarded?

>post unsubstantiated claims
>get defensive when people challenge you for sources

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The most prominent holohoaxer in England literally did that you stupid faggot. Again, if you are going to make this argument, back it up and le epic pwn me with your FACTS and LOGIC, or just admit to yourself you're a gullible tard.

Gentleman, Gentleman
I have an announcement to make

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He's right, you should all check out the website linked , it's well worth the laugh

Right? So there really isn't any tech censorship stopping you?

yeah, he's mad.
>Are you or are you not using the same logic to blame the Jews for your problems that blacks use to blame whites for their problems?
Are you or are you not using the same logic to strawman whites for their jew induced problems?
wow must be a powerful conspiracy, there are actual people that have done it... that disproves it entirely!
>he thinks Yea Forums is part of that scene

Please explain for my non-tard brain what would literally stop a global cabal of uber-Jews from finding your IP address from s Yea Forums post? These people are literal masterminds to you that puppet master entire world governments...but they can't stop you from posting on Yea Forums?

>yeah, he's mad.
Quite literally not an argument, I take it you're conceding the point then?
>Are you or are you not using the same logic to strawman whites for their jew induced problems?
Deflection, answer the question.
>wow must be a powerful conspiracy, there are actual people that have done it... that disproves it entirely!
Post your sources.

Why can't you just source a single one of these stories?

>Quite literally not an argument, I take it you're conceding the point then?
>Deflection, answer the question.
wow that was scary, i guess i'll ahve to do it now..
>Post your sources.
prove the holocaust happened.
why cant you use search engines?


>why cant you use search engines?
Because you are the one making this goofy and extraordinary claim?

>proved the Holocaust happened
Nazis literally said they did it, numerous times, on meticulous records.

if it's so goofy and extraordinary why are you struggling to disprove it?

I wasn't going to survive your gay race war anyway so let me enjoy my "Jew propaganda" you fucking stormfags

Because that isn't my job to disprove something?

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you mean those faked documents and coerced confessions? they were literally tortured. man you guys are masters of reaching.
send discord invite bro, maybe you can redpill me on how much of a stormfag i am
neither is it my job to spoonfeed you, funny how that works haha

>wow that was scary, i guess i'll ahve to do it now..
>prove the holocaust happened.
wew lad, deflections, ad-hominems and shifting burden of proof to boot, what a pathetically shit debater you are

wow gee its almost like im not actually trying to debate... try to wrap your head around that one

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>neither is it my job to spoonfeed you, funny how that works haha
look up burden of proof

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look up 3 guys 1 hammer

Oh really? You seemed to be more than happy to debate me earlier until I exposed you as not actually having a proper argument. Funny how only now you're trying to make it look like you were never trying to debate in the first place

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you know what, I was on the fence, but you really pushed it. Fuck white people, fuck your dumbass obese, low iq retarded race. I'm joining the Jews. You fucks really deserve to be enslaved and genocided, no joke.

>Hitler was tortured in 33' through 45' when he talked about the Jews at length, argued for their removal from German society and personally oversaw their displacement with Himmler, authorizing the extermination that was planned at the Wansee Conference
You people are fucking retards.

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The ancient world was literally Skyrim.

>I'm joining the Jews
we both know you were one the entire time. you kikes make me KEK

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They literally all signed a document at the Wannasee Conference...over a dozen witnesses admitted to the meeting happening. Next you're going to tell me the earth is fucking flat.

would rather be a kike than a virginal 56% amerimutt disgusting incel. fucking kill yourself, worthless cunt



Attached: Wannsee_Conference_-_Letter_from_Reinhard_Heydrich_to_Martin_Luther_(Invitation).jpg (803x1037, 220K)

((It)) will cry out as it strikes you

nah, just a regular slav who thinks Americans should be exterminated

You would rather be a beta bitch kike that a Castizo Chad?


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>the earth is fucking flat
well, have you actually observed it from outer space or high orbit yourself? i mean...
well there you have it, you don't even deny it. why even waste your time trying to make "impactful" posts when you were jewish the entire time haha
so let me get this straight... you SERIOUSLY believe that the holohoax happened because of a piece of paper? i could draft one up for you right now saying you owe me a gorillion dollars. are you going to pay me now?

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do you know how to read? jesus christ you're retarded. I'm a white christian goy, who would RATHER be a kike than the SCUM that YOU ARE. God, you are fucking stupid. Burn in hell.

nobody actually believes you haha

Fuck you and your slavic purity

Amerimutts live on in wealth while you will die alone and poor

That is a formal and sealed letter from the Reichsmarshal detailing how they need to go over the interpretation of Hitler's "final solution". You're an exhausting faggot.

Actual screenshot of this thread

Attached: 7C2BB592-13DF-49E6-8542-8B94ECC06F69.jpg (750x560, 167K)

lol do you think you have convinced literally anyone in this thread with your autistic screeching? if anyone is a false flag kike, it's probably you

*sorry, he was Obergruppenführer.

oh wow, it's _FORMAL_ and _SEALED_ from _THE REICHSMARSHAL_ ? that changes everything... i now know the holohoax happened
Lol its like bruh, these words you say dont actually have the meaning you wish they did. the final solution was resettling them... bruh

>well, have you actually observed it from outer space or high orbit yourself? i mean...
Utter retard. Why doesn't the sun or moon change angular size throughout the day?

>Hitler, Himmler and over a dozen Nazis all wrote about and discussed extermination as a final option
Hitler and Goebbels are literally on fucking film too, saying that. I'm baffled as to why you choose to die on this particular hill.

>I-I’m white j-just like you got you can trust me! Make sure you love Israel and quit shaking those JQ trees we must all lie down and worship Israel

maybe it's that the earth is flat and the stars / celestial bodies we observe from its surface are not what we have been lead to believe?
sure, they may have discussed it, all leaders must explore all possible venues to find the best one. that doesnt mean the holohoax happened as it has been described in jewish media.


>none of Hitler's speeches, books, televised appearances, memos, orders, witnesses, letters, statements, films, testimonies, or confessions are proof

t. untermensch mutt nigger

proof that it was on his mind at some point, sure. but you cant conflate the final solution with overt genocide / extermination. that's not fair or honest to history.

>maybe it's that the earth is flat and the stars / celestial bodies we observe from its surface are not what we have been lead to believe?
Maybe you should stop dogwhistling and admit that you're an actual flat earther so you don't have the option of "I was just pretending" when I utterly BTFO you on the topic. Tell me, why do people in the southern hemisphere see a different set of stars rotating in the opposite direction clockwise to them?

>okay, so MAYBE they discussed genociding all the Jews....
>they were just like, pretending bro! Gotta think about "all avenues!" Just a prank!
Kill yourself, disinfo shill.

I’m not the guy you’re arguing with but it would seem to me that you are clearly are a kike, though not the only one here working overtime

>you cant conflate the final solution with overt genocide / extermination.
The fucking wews from this lad.

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>And yet the largest media corporations are conservative.
No they're left wing, CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT, wapo, CBC etc etc

fox news is the only fucking conservative network

>Probably because the majority of the first world is?
because of the media

>I don't know what to say to this after these last 3 years.
Absolutely zero argument.
You're the one that supports open borders and socialism.

maybe the sky is literally a game skybox and we're in the matrix. who cares? does this shit actually matter? are you going to the stars one day in your head or why are you so invested in it?
what is the issue with my statement? like i said, leaders must explore all options. that doesnt mean they went through with the most bloody and violent one. it doesnt make sense on its face why they would outright kill them all instead of just using them as wartime labor or something
resettling is ugly business, but so is the subersion and destruction of entire nations. hitler was a in a complicated situation

>maybe the sky is literally a game skybox and we're in the matrix. who cares? does this shit actually matter? are you going to the stars one day in your head or why are you so invested in it?
>heh bro I was merely pretending, I don't really care anyway...
Funny how you pull this whenever you're confronted with someone who actually challenges your baseless claims

it's an honest question and you skirted by your personal motivations. why are you so invested in the flat earth conspiracy? realistically, it wont have any influence on your life one way or the other as i see it.

Jews are not human

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>but da other news outlets...
Fox has consistently the highest ratings of any outlet and is run by a larger parent company.
>people are only left-leaning because the media is brainwashing them
Do you honest to shit believe this? You think what, that if you defeated all the ebul libruh media men, that America is just going to pivot 180 degrees and call gays fags without marriage rights, blacks niggers and reverse suffrage for women? What do you even think the leftwing supports? What even would BE this glorious conservative utopia?
>You're the one that supports open borders and socialism
No, I don't you strawmanning retard.

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>people are only liberal because of the media
>this doesn't work both ways though! I'm not brainwashed to be conservative at all, no sir!

>why are you so invested in the flat earth conspiracy? realistically, it wont have any influence on your life one way or the other as i see it.
Because you're the one who suggested you might be a flat earther. If you use GPS a lot you'd realise why the shape of the Earth is pretty important

i didnt commit one way or the other on the subject if you read back. it's something i've been thinking a lot about lately given all the stuff ive seen/heard about it and realized i dont really care because as i said, it won't matter much either way.
i'm leaning more towards the globe but the government lies about so many weird things i wouldn't be surprised if the earth was literally flat.

>that doesnt mean they went through with the most bloody and violent one.
>why would Nazis literally kill a perceived enemy that I personally believe is out to destroy and genocide all whites and subvert the West?

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>Fox has consistently the highest ratings of any outlet
so what?
They're one network when the vast majority of the media is left wing.

>Do you honest to shit believe this?
It's mostly true.

>and call gays fags without marriage rights, blacks niggers and reverse suffrage for women?
no, because these people have already been brainwashed, it would take time for people with the correct opinions to take back over and rightfully dominate society

>What even would BE this glorious conservative utopia?
Omni-separatism, ethnic nationalism(including blacks and hispanics, free markets etc.

>No, I don't you strawmanning retard.
Trump is trying to stop this, yet you call me retarded for voting for him lul

>I don't commit one way or the other to the shape of the globe and it doesn't matter
You are a literal brainlet.

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>i didnt commit one way or the other
Ah yes but you used common FE talking points when asked whether or not you were a flat earther and gave a suitably vague answer to the original user's question. My point is that seeing how easily you blindly believe some infographics you found on /pol/ it's no wonder you're starting to question whether or not the Earth is flat. You probably saw some "NASA lies" video compilation on youtube and took it at face value

I used to be a liberal though.
Most internet conservative millennials used to be left wing or centrist but started reading more online

it's war, many people die. by the millions, in fact. the worst atrocities in the world wars are non combatant civilians of all sides, not fucking jews rofl.
it's a fact that jews are subverting and trying to destroy us and our countries. thousands of years of history do not lie... not yet, anyway.
thank you. can you tell me why it matters so much though? i dont think GPS is a compelling case, it could be faked with some kind of back bone system.
nah those nasa videos are pretty retarded, panning in on some guy spinning in the air when seemingly nothing at all happens, those people all make themselves look like headcases.
that being said, nasa does doctor footage, they even admit that. then the question becomes, what else do they fake? i'm pretty sure the moon landings never happened but thats another topic
on the topic of pol infographics, they could all be fake and the underlying truth of our current world would still be true: jews still want to subvert and genocide us.
propagandizing people into accepting their own demographic replacement is not something you can merely explain away.

>so what?
I am genuinely surprised at how retarded you are; Fox has dominated the narrative of most of this country for decades now and they are quite literally, the largest entertainment media company on the fucking globe but you're okay with this, right faggot? Because it's propaganda you agree with.
>it's mostly true
No. It isn't.
>everyone has already been brainwashed
Sure is convenient.
>he's an ethnonationalist
Oh, so you're objectively retarded?
>Trump is trying to stop this!
Yes, the billionaire crony from WallStreet who outsources all his labor and is personally invested in overseas companies, who is good friends with global bankers, is trying to be your /pol/nigger wet dream of a nationalist. This doesn't make you stupid at all for believing...

>that being said, nasa does doctor footage, they even admit that
>i'm pretty sure the moon landings never happened

>I became a "conservative" by getting radicalized online
Ok, Ahmed.

>he's a holohoaxer and a conspiratard

there are pictures they edit to "Look pretty" or whatever, videos they put entire fake portions into.
>i'm pretty sure the moon landings never happened
we haven't "been back", there's footage of faked nuclear explosions... faking a moon landing would be easy by comparison. there are entire movie studios dedicated to faking shit, most notably one of jared letos houses used to be a studio for faking all kinds of shit, laurel canyon something unless i'm mixing the name up
i just dont believe everything the government says. once you realize the media tells you what to think and you realize how dangerous that is, it places a lot of uncertainty in all of what they say

Egalitarianism is the new default sanctioned position.
Everything is explained so conveniently by the powers that be (media, school from university to preK, sanctioned ((sources)), ((experts)), etc).
It takes courage to stop following the herd of an immediate social circle and question reality, especially class and power structures when you risk being cast away from the group.

Voltaire said it best, “if you want to find out who rules over you, determine who you cannot criticize.” If they Jews don’t rule over us, why do they have a multi billion dollar organization who’s sole purpose is to prevent criticism from everyone else? See: the ADL

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>Fox has dominated the narrative
HAHAHA What the fuck man?
So this one single network exists in a massive sea of left wing news outlets and you claim they dominate the narrative.
The narrative is spun by left wing media. They are the establishment.
If the right was the establishment they wouldn't have one single fucking network.

>the largest entertainment media company on the fucking globe
No they're not, they're selling off assets now.
Also their entertainment brands are separate from their news brand. Their entertainment brands are left wing.

>Because it's propaganda you agree with.
I know fox news makes shit up, but at least you get the other side of the story the other media networks have lied about.

>No. It isn't.
Ohhh, so people have just naturally gotten more left wing and there hasn't been an agenda in media to make them more left wing?
Get fucking real, holy shit.

>Oh, so you're objectively retarded?
You actually advocate for the destruction of nations.
You are honestly unironically objectively retarded.

>Yes, the billionaire crony from WallStreet who outsources all his labor and is personally invested in overseas companies
I literally don't give a shit if he keeps most of the corruption that has been going on for decades. As long as he stops open borders and prevents socialism from coming to this country then this is a good thing.
I voted for Trump but I don't agree with everything he says or even think he's a good person.
You're an idiot.

>who is good friends with global bankers
Who gives a shit, the mainstream media hate him and he's actually trying to build a wall and supporting ICE.

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>yet nobody has stopped this retarded faggot from criticizing Jews

>radicalized online
I became "radicalized" by actually reading books, watching videos and coming to my own conclusion.

>there are pictures they edit to "Look pretty" or whatever, videos they put entire fake portions into.
They sometimes create composite photos of the earth that were taken by multiple passes of a satellite in an orbit too low to capture the entire earth, yes, but they always clearly state this when they release said photo. Calling it "doctoring" has negative connotations and is a bit misleading.
>we haven't "been back"
We were back, 5 other times. If you're wondering as to why we haven't been back since Apollo 17, there simply hasn't been the political will and funding, not to mention the Shuttle program held NASA back years in terms of rocket technology so they're still developing another rocket with capabilities to reach the moon/Mars with crew.
There's pretty much no way to accurately fake 1/6th gravity in a soundstage. Slowmo footage won't give you the effect described in the article below.

>The Right wins more elections and in 2016, won every level in government with the largest media organization backing it as a mouthpiece
>but we aren't establishment because of Hollywood and the teevee!

>On an anonymous containment site in the gutter of the internet where people post to literally avoid being doxxed in the way they would be in any other form of discourse.
Ok Jew

Do you think that the 1st world is naturally regressing and turning more right-wing due to "reasons"? Move to Saudi Arabia then.

>this faggot unironically thinks the left in this country are the underdogs
Oh my oh oh OH OH NO NO NO NO NO NO

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Why would they let you post at all?

>and turning more right-wing due to "reasons"?
We're turning more right wing due to the massive backlash against mass migration.

>Move to Saudi Arabia then.
Why? I support white people and free markets.

>President is Republican
>multiple Republican SC confirmations
>more Republican seats
>control of the Senate
>almost half control of the House
You literally have never been a minority party you assmad retard.