Star Wars keeps doubling down... why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because, user, "The Force is Female."

Why are you posting month old videos in your pathetic attempt to gather (you)s? I suppose you got me to respond, so well played faggot.

You forget this is aimed at a younger, more malleable generation.

Women don't exist?

cringe and redpilled

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>MFW the next cartoon, Leia flies an X-wing with Luke in the Death Star Trench Run and when Luke misses the exhaust port, Leia flies ahead of him and fires a bullseye.

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>leia is sassy but also mature and clever
>let's make her bitchy and abusive


Of all the characters in the world... why the sustained campaign to destroy Luke like this?

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>month old

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Who honestly cares about Soi Wars at this point?

i am sorry george

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are those the eyes of a happy woman?

Luke is a monomyth hero, one of the biggest example of one in the western culture. He is basically American version of El Cid or Prometheus or Gilgamesh, and as such he is one of the biggest targets for leftists to tear down and dismantle.

>this is what Star Wars fanboys actually believe

>giant jewess mural
>blonde blue eyed white boy X'd out

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le npc meme, the calling card of the alt-lite

star wars was at one time a significant cultural phenomenon

p o t t e r y
o t t e r y p
t t e r y p o
t e r y p o t
e r y p o t t
r y p o t t e
y p o t t e r

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For one generation, unlike the other examples you mentioned.
Now all we have are millennials who pretend to like it because it's the "cool thing" right now.

Not bullshitting here, but this bitch has a self insert character in the 3rd season of Rebels.

ha ha ha ha ha oh my god
someone with a twitter needs to call this shit out, please

They think stubborn arrogance is the same as leadership.

I'm honestly a fan of this useless twink Luke. Great fap material.

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>no dont make fun of this multi billion dollar corporation please
And now you show yourself as the discord tranny you really are.

Shit like this unironically makes me want to beat the fuck out of women and then see them degraded and oppressed. Why can't they create their own shit why do they have to tear down our culture?

ashkenazi jews are seen as white in society, despite what tin foilers will tell you

if you have a room sorted into arabs, whites, blacks, and hispanics, the jews would be sorted into the whites and literally everyone in the room would agree and unless they had fucking massive hooknoses and yarmulkes on, nobody would be able to tell let alone contend


you didnt make shit though?

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a samefag
good job retard

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This is why the jew makes the American cut off the tip of its penis. So that it might more easily infiltrate society

that poster wasnt me and it was poised to become a multi generational touchstone (this is why the prequels had so many classical allusions) but disney wars drove it into the ground and the fact it still is supporting a sort of zombie fandom who force themselves to say they like shows how much power the brand had at one time

>a discord tranny appears

I never said I made it did I?

It's only been one generation, fuckwit.


the question is not whether "society" sees jews as white but whether jews themselves consider themselves white and at the end of the day they consider themselves jews first and white second

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>our shit
You literally did.

They probably did. It was discovered early last year.

Fuck you for repeat-posting the same thread over and over you worthless faggot. We already discussed this many, many times.

Saying something is part of our culture is not the same as saying that I created it. Faggot.

Because he wants (you)s, that's why he keeps posting the same thread again and again like a fucking faggot.

You're so fucking stupid. Who makes culture then, dumbass?

faggots gonna fag I guess, and no one here is celebrating my quints

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In case you're angry at this.
Don't worry, it's all non-canon.

You are an absolute smolett. Star Wars was massive cultural phenomenon in the USA, big enough to start legitimate religions. Americans as culture don't have much, if any examples of hero on a journey to overcome hurdles and overcome themselves, and Luke Skywalker is one of the few such characters.

This. Luke Skywalker is pure Modern American Mythology


the rope untangling scene lasts exactly as long as it does in the actual movie.
except its done for tension not comedic effect.

>big enough to start legitimate religions
Yeah, among the 80's equivalent of numales.
Last thing i'm going to do is listen to what a bunch of people, no different than millennials, have to say about a blockbuster action movie.

in the 80s, luke skywalker was more popular than superman, batman, spider-man, optimus prime.
he was every little boys' hero.
there were revisionists in the late 90s who said, it was han solo who was most popular all along, and look how bad they got BTFO with the SOLO movie.

>Abrams is married to public relations executive Katie McGrath and has three children. He resides in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California. He is Jewish and his wife is Roman Catholic, and he sometimes takes his children to religious services on Jewish holidays.

Shut the fuck up virgins

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Daily reminder that Disney ripped off the art style of based Carafalsa's fart art for this garbage.

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Do you have the pic in higher rest?
For... purposes.

Bigger pic

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(((Andi Gutierrez))), the host and interviewer on the official Star Wars channel.

Are there any knowledgeable computer hackers in this thread that know how to program and distribute Russian bots to give this video more thumbs down?

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Oh sorry next time I will use 'Ours and not yours you semantics spewing Bolshevik'.
Hey, earlier this morning I walked around the statue of a white male, shouldn't you be tearing it down together with the rest of your berniebro comrades or do you wait with that until your corporate check arrives?

What? These scenes actually happened. They were just less zany and cartoony.

>revisionists in the late 90s who said it was han solo who was most popular
Hmm, I wonder 'who' would promote 'Harrison Ford' like that and why? Makes me think.

How do you rip off basic ass cartoony anime shit

>Leia upstages Luke in every action scene in ANH
lel no

>Look how they massacred my boy.

>nobody would be able to tell let alone contend

But then they would open their mouths.

Maybe it's about time people seek inspiration in real people, instead of cartoons.
Maybe then we will have less manchildren running around like pic related.

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Ask Disney, because they did it.

Who is the girl supposed to be?

Episode IX will be an even more terrible movie than the last jedi.

why does Yea Forums pretend to be retarded and not remember that leia was one of the toughest females in a fucking movie

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Imagine not recognizing your own mother user

Such a wasted get.

This is a bullshit narrative. Episode IX will be mediocre and unsatisfying, but it will not be as actively offensive as TLJ was

How much will episode 9 bomb?

It wont

>in the 3rd season of Rebels.
Did that show sell toys?

Why cant Disney make good TV cartoons anymore? The good SW ones werent disney but they do jack shit in animation now on TV.

“This is not going to go the way you think.”
- Luke Disneywalter

>These scenes actually happened. They were just less zany and cartoony.
Yes, Leia looked at Luke in utter disgust as he saved her from execution and she slapped him after he got himself tangled up in his rescue line like a dope.

I could have swore Leia was giddy for the rescue after Luke explained who he was and what he was doing ("You know Obi Wan?!?!") and Luke safely swung them across the chasm after she gave him a good luck kiss in gratitude for his heroism.

Yeah, same thing I guess.

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Everyone here likes Leia, we just hate how Disney tries to negate Luke's presence in the OT for some girl power bullshit.
Leia kicks ass and doesn't need to be retconned to be more powerful.

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lel, 8 was down a ton from TFA.

And then I will listen to soja gulping fags that no, there is no agenda, you are just imagining it, male bigot.
It is as if you had a crossed over picture of Harrison Ford while you are in charge of official Indiana Jones channel.

can you webm the part where luke is a huge fucking retard and princess leia gets disgusted with him that she literally pushes him aside by his face? I want to remember that.

>leia was one of the toughest females in a fucking movie

She was impetuous. It was an endearing character flaw which eventually softened. We aren't supposed to praise her recklessness.

leftists will watch it out of spite even if they don't actually enjoy it

I like Yerba Mate and I'm not an art hoe.

Didn't do terribly, but it was probably the beginning of the end.

You will never be a real woman.

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TFA killed Star Wars. TLJ only pissed on its corpse.

It'll make at least 700 million. For SW today, that's pretty much a bomb. Will be kino. I wont see it of course but I'll be glad to see all the reaction videos of people shitting on it.

It's really disturbing how much the people in Lucasfilm hate Luke Skywalker so much. I know I should be surprised after TLJ but it's just weird. Why would you start a mean girls club against one fictional character that made a franchise worth $4 billion?

'lel' still wasn't a bomb though. A bomb and a disappointment are not the same thing

Man, the original scene is way better.

>this cope

IX will be the bomb. Much like Solo. TLJ killed it.

Why would I want to be a woman you stupid fucking retard. "Everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny" is almost as retarded as "Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person"

She saved herself. She wasn't slapping everyone around or pushing anyone down the chute

See you in December!

i shiggy diggy doo!


Her teeth are so unsettling

Sure, I'm not going anywhere. But KK and Rian are though.

What were Solo's numbers again?

*pushed back to May 2020*

maybe next year, or sooner if there's a camrip

That very moment in the first TFA trailer when we all knew Star Wars was doomed...
>I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

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>Everyone here likes Leia, we just hate how Disney tries to negate Luke's presence in the OT for some girl power bullshit.
ummm no sweetie go back to r/starwars

People seek inspiration in fictional characters since the beginning of time, all across the world.
Or do you think that there was actually Pai Mei walking around in China, exploding people with one finger?
Problem is that the current batch of heroes, especially the Marlels are all absolute shitstains, with MAYBE the exception of Captain America.
There is no virtue in heroes of our times, and that is why sojims are running around everywhere.

Oh, they were absolutely shocking. KK is gone after 9, and Rian will not get his trilogy, I agree. I should make it clear, I am in no way invested in the Box Office of Episode IX, I just believe it will make a billion dollars. I might be wrong. We will only see in December.
Camrip will be out by Christmas I bet
Doubt it.

If you haven't noticed in the last 5 years.. It's basically the SJW/Progressive handbook to doubled own when caught out lying or just being flat out wrong. I mean you literally just saw Jussie Smollett and he's still going.
Are you fucking stupid OP?

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Does anyone have the pic of Yea Forums when the first trailer cane out? It's amazing

No, all superheroes by default are garbage because none of them earn or train for their powers.
There's only three kind of superheroes: those who were born with the powers (X-Men, Superman), those who were gifted the powers by some mcguffin (Captain America, Spiderman), or those who bought them. (Iron Man, Batman)

Anyone who finds any kind of inspiration in people who didn't need any work in order to attain the abilities that let them be heroes is a manchild.

Sensible and accurate.

She was the damsel in distress in the first one and pretty aimless character in the rest of the movies as it was mostly Luke's story and Han and Leia were just there without any special arcs of their own

Pretending that she was the most important character and the soul of the series is rewriting history.

>They need to train
Go back to your anime bullshit user. How they get the powers isn't important. It is what they do with them that counts.

>all those fucking edits that came out within 5 minutes of the trailer dropping
Anyone remember how the mods here put up a fucking sticky to try and keep people from spoiling Episode 7 which led to people hiding them carefully in threads? God fuck jannies.

Absolutely anyone can be a hero when you are given everything in a silver plate.
The concept of all modern superheroes is so cynical that they almost feel like satire.

>Does anyone have the pic of Yea Forums when the first trailer cane out? It's amazing
>all those fucking edits that came out within 5 minutes of the trailer dropping
bump for interest

Jews have been subjected to an entirely different set of evolutionary stimuli than gentiles for like 2000 years. Jews and gentiles are not just political enemies ala American vs Russian, which exists only within a strict historical and political context. Jews and gentiles are enemies in a much more basal, evolutionary sense.

Gentiles infuse ideas like strength, beauty, tragedy, courage, etc into their work because these ideas, behaviors, and surrounding mythologies are positively selected for them in nature. It serves gentiles' interest to have a stock of people who are strong, courageous, stoic, altruistic, etc. We observe this dynamic even in shit like ants; it is not unique to us.

Jews however, who occupy an entirely different global niche, infuse nihilism or other ideologically corrosive elements into their work. These are positively selected with respect to their unique political strategy. Sort of like how some mimics are constantly evolving to fulfill their role as infiltrators or predators against unwitting species. Jews are constantly evolving to infiltrate and dissolve social cohesion of gentiles from within.

Things like this SW bullshit are just an involuntary intersection point of these politics.

You sound like someone trying too hard to pretend to be smart.

If you are given everything on a silver plate, and still chose to use that everything to do the most good rather than enrich yourself, then you are worthy of admiration.

But that will never happen, as such, it inspires people to just wait until a miracle happens.

You don't have to be smart to see through the bullshit that modern superheroes are.
They are only respected by 5 year olds and millennial manchildren for a reason.

it is a central tenet of jewish religion that jews are different from every other nation set apart by god for a unique purpose

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>That will never happen, so why bother teaching people that they should do something good if they get power. We should respect all the real life people that did not do good things instead. I R very SMRT.



No, they should be taught that they won't be able to do anything good if they don't work on themselves first.
You wouldn't tell a fatty to just grab a rifle and go fight ISIS, there's physical and mental tests in the military for a reason.

>We should respect all the real life people that did not do good things instead
No, respect the ones who did something.

>You don't have to be smart to see through the bullshit that modern superheroes are.
>They are only respected by 5 year olds and millennial manchildren for a reason.

Any mongoloid can claim that they're too smart for modern superheroes. A smarter person realizes it doesn't matter and leads by making non-superhero stuff.

>respect the ones that did something
But you just said that no one ever uses their power to do something.

Everyone should claim that.
Being inspired by walking mary sues and gary stues can only bring about generations like millennials.

No, what I said that will never happen is that no one will ever be given a set of superpowers out of nowhere.

Depends. People keep forgetting that companies pay seven digits to consultation companies for market research, and so if the most conservative estimate for TLJ (according to the Forbes) was 1.9 billion, then Disney already made future investments worth at least that much. Still pennies for them, but they definitely felt it.

If you think that the moral lessons taken from Superhero movies should be literally 'When magic happens, make sure you are not a bad dude' and not 'when you achieve something in your life, do good things with it.', then you are literally less smart than the five year old you are mocking.
Superman isn't telling kids that they might one day be able to fly and punch industrialists in the mouth, he is telling you to always fight for what is right and decent.

>those who bought them
Yes, I still remember scene where Tony Stark walked into the Bauhaus and bought his suit.

Good, more generations of millennials will keep people like you distracted by giving you a fake sense of superiority.

Lol, the waffle of German fanboy. No wonder that Hitler sucked the muslim dick.

>when you achieve something
But they don't achieve anything.
Their abilities come out of nowhere.
Of course I would go to war and beat the shit out of every single terrorist if they gave me that serum that Captain America got.

More like he bought the pieces and put them together.
In the end, Tony Stark would be nothing without money.

Women get corrupted by power more quickly

You CANNOT be this retarded. You cannot fail to grasp the idea of metaphor and allegory. A child can understand those concepts user. Please don't pretend that they are beyond you.

why are incels so obsessed with jews

Circumcision in the US was introduced by John Harvey Kellogg who was a puritanical Christian, not Jewish.

Also there's no real correlation to level of Jews in a country and circumcision rates. South Korea has 0 Jews and one of the highest circumcision rates in the world. France has the 3rd largest Jewish population in the world and very little circumcision.

Jews are just smarter versions of whites

I do, but it's just too much of a coincidence that absolutely no one among superheroes does anything to earn their powers.
Hell, look at how they truly are, most of them are absolute assholes like Tony Stark.
Only one with the right personalities are Superman and Captain America, but they still fail to show what they did to earn their powers.

>jewish name

incels consider themselves intellectuals capable of seeing the world as it really is behind some imagined curtain. The jews have long been a target of those wishing to claim that some shadowy power was in control of things, so the incels easily latch on to that stereotype to show that thy have 'vision'

given they always succeed and have the highest average IQs I'd say they're onto something

finally a real answer! Usually they just yell JIDF back.

thanks man!

t. Amerifat trying to defend his mutilated dick

The only time I see tranny spam is when you faggots bring it in here to false flag. How many GB of tranny cock do you have?

how is that a defense? circumcision still exists in the US regardless.

What the hell, people always loved Han Solo. They loved him because Harrison Ford was cool, which is one reason why the Solo movie didn't work.

they are losing and are freaking out

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Until he became a lazy fuck that sold out with the Prequels

>Adopted by midwestern farmers and is taught American values by loving parents that enables him to use his gifts to be the best that he can be.
>Captain America
>Determined to fight against evil, even though he is not physically fit enough for it. He is given amazing abilities because of his strength of character and dedication to the American way of life
It is not about the powers or how they get them. These characters are not admirable because of their powers. They are admirable because of what they choose to do with them.

>ban hats
>ban rotten tomato voting
>ban ban ban
why are they like this

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t.German wannabe that screeches lalala I can't hear you at anyone who doesn't applaud his low IQ interventions

And remember - Bohemians and Silesians are not white, but Japanese are honorary aryans, bowlegged lisping manlet and his Fuhrer told me so, it has to be true!

t. Discord Tranny trying to defend 'her' mutilated dick

No wonder these freaks commit suicide at insanely high rates. At no point will this dude ever pass and his autogynephilia will never truly be fulfilled.

this is NOT ok

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In all seriousness why Disney hate Luke?

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He was a white male role model and an archetypal hero who happens to be a white male. These things are no longer accepted in the #metoo era and especially under current Disney.

>He was a white male role model and an archetypal hero who happens to be a white male.
But he inspired boys and girls of all races alike. What's wrong with that?

Oh... It is okay... If you know what I mean.

I mean I am going to fuck him.

Nothing is wrong with that, and the end piece of the Last Jedi is literally about how Luke continues to inspire people to do what is right. Disney doesn't hate Luke. People hate that Luke is not a chiseled badass because they have lost all concept of what actually makes a hero.

sure thing, mouse

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>But he inspired boys and girls of all races alike
Yes, but it is core leftist belief that people can only empathize with someone of the same race and that the white males like Luke are bourgeois oppressor and seeing any redeeming qualities in him is a sign of internalized racism and sexism, and that has to be dismantled.

>We ain't found shit!

based and redpilled

Underrated post.

Alot of people dont realize guns are heavy to women so those scenes where women lug around big guns without panting or having to put it down due to muscle strain is just bullshit. Those blasters are metallic so they are definitely heavy to a woman.

based and Brookspilled

This is a comedy cartoon, jeez. This is NOT CANON! Why SW fans are so stupid?

Leia did more badass stuff than Han did in both EP 4 and 6, coming out in second behind Luke.

TLJ Luke makes no sense in that context though. He's anti-RotJ Luke.

It might not be canon, but with today's ADHD generation obsessed with instant gratification who can't pay attention to anything longer than three minutes, they'll probably never even watch the movies but they might watch these, so for them, this IS canon


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The original E-11 props were functioning firearms based on a Sterling submachine gun. They even shot blanks so the actors could react to something and make it easier for the rotoscope artists to draw the blaster effects. So anytime Leia is carrying and shooting one, she's doing it with a real gun.

>Nothing is wrong with that
He tried to murder a child and then acted like a pussy for the whole film, user. Which a huge out of character moment for Luke.

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>in the 80s, luke skywalker was more popular than superman, batman, spider-man, optimus prime.

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Why do we have this thread every day? Is it just a meme now? I like to imagine it's the exact same two or three people making the same thread because they get off on outrage culture.

go feed your cats, ma'am

To be fair, there are definitely women who have masculine traits of leading and taking charge. Which is fine for smaller situations. But for bigger situations? It would go very badly. Because they still have some female traits as well like stubbornness and a susceptibility to being emotionally exploited. IE a woman who foregoes having kids, decides she wants to better the world, really puts in the hours, takes no shit, starts a company. Except that company is to help bring in those poor african refugee's and resettle them in America.

Holy shit is that cartoon twink Luke fuckable, like an even more feminine Link. That little tongue that he does while pew pewing gets me kyber crystals.

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Getting the Star Wars license literally saved Marvel back in the day.

Nu-Lucasfilm wants to destroy your heroes.

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El goboalactica

>Maybe it's about time people seek inspiration in real people, instead of cartoons.
Well if that's the endgame then they're doing a great job.
I don't care about episode 9 in StarWars
and in Marvel they're talking about Captain Marysue becoming the face of the franchise.

At this rate I'm going to have to take up a hobby like playing the guitar or something lol

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This is just making me sad now. Why does Kennedy and Disney see the need to ruin Star Wars and everything it stands for? This series means so much to me and a lot of people, but they're trying their hardest to make it be universally hated by fans.

The religious community which holds power in Hollywood has deemed it necessary in order to subjugate their racial enemies. It's a shitty world.

I know how you feel. I had been into Star Wars since I was seven. Watched the vhs tapes till they wore out, read all the EU books, collected all the toys through the 90's and 00's. Never in my life before now would I have believed you if you told me there would be a point where I wouldn't care about Star Wars anymore.

There's still things I love and have loved my whole life and I thought Star Wars would stay one of them. It sucks. It fucking sucks bad. But it's like trying to save a mangled half dead cat from a rabid pit bull. What the hell more can we do?

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Before Gamer Gate, I was a liberal who hated the right (for no reason). Post GG and Trump winning, I'm more right leaning and hate the left for very good reasons. The left are going to alienate more and more people if they don't stop.

Hamils a faggot too so its only fair

>Never in my life before now would I have believed you if you told me there would be a point where I wouldn't care about Star Wars anymore.
I haven't seen TLJ (I never will) and I refuse to see Episode IX. I just want Star Wars to be put down for it's own sake.

I'm really afraid Disney will go and change the final season of The Clone Wars coming out, even though they're basically all made.

Wasted digits

You understand nothing about cultural myths that underpin culture and nations

it's not the jews fault you're gay

it's a war of religion and star wars is the latest victim

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>Star Wars keeps doubling down... why?
You're talking about people who are so triggered and assblasted, they've brought down entire societies, entire countries with their pinko bullshit for decades. These are people that committed their lives to careers in media, courts, schools fueled by a desire to destroy basic stuff like gender norms and family values. They say this in all of their interviews. This is not a conspiracy. They say it themselves. They've ruined entire countries with their social and economic worldviews.

Doubling down on the mentally ill bullshit that led to them destroying a successful media franchise is NOTHING when you take this full extent of their mental disability into account, user.

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I assume this was all written months in advance back when the though this shit would sell

Wait until next year to see if they have actually learned anything from TLJ

Good, you should.

I understand that they generate obnoxious manchildren.
Oh no, whatever will we do without those stupid numales going to watch these movies every year.

and they call the wind 'maria'
do they really think assigning genders to supposed natural elements is gonna help their cause?

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I unironically couldn't give two shits about star wars but lying faggot shills like you need to understand that you will never be a real woman and no one will ever feel real, genuine love for a vacuous monstrosity such as yourself. Even if you destroy every last happy family, which won't happen because you fags are the ones that'll be the first to get bred out, you'll never crawl out of the subhuman, primordial frame of mind that puts you at a 40% chance of offing yourself.

Everyone will die, WWIII is inevitable.
The future is female?
Ha, the future is radioactive.
It'll all be over when millennials get in positions of power.

>who happens to be a white male
Heros have been young white and male (strong, tall, etc.) since the Greeks invented them.
Pajeet heroes are similar only pajeet colored.

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They won't succeed. Their tower of Babylon 2.0 is gonna fall. God himself essentially told them a long time ago that the shit that they're doing won't work.

>Everyone will die,

It's run by a militant feminist, why are you retarded. Do you not know what militant feminists are?


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>that pic
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what a maid is SUPPOSED to do?

It's a Rashomon retelling by Leia

I'm surprised they actually put her in the slave outfit.

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Do you nerds ever get tired of being fake outraged on the internet?

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>I'm Jewish but I dislike the Pentateuch
That's understandable, since most Jews weren't Hebrews.

>there were revisionists in the late 90s who said, it was han solo who was most popular all along, and look how bad they got BTFO with the SOLO movie.
They hate how emasculated Han is in Jedi.

Attached: Han-Solo-Hibernation-Sickness.jpg (853x362, 28K)
Literally making things up to get mad about

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It's not about the money, the money is irrelevant to (((them))).

Like in a war it doesnt matter if you lose 1000 bombs so long as they are destroyed, same for western culture.

>wasted get

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Do you retards never get tired of missing the point and asking fake rhetorical questions?

It's implicitly white and everyone working for Lucasfilm right now is an ideologue who don't care about making a successful product they just want to destroy white culture and demoralize white people.

Maybe Amermutts think like that. But to a non-American jews look like less tanned arabs.

this, they don't care about basedbois, they want to reach kids and tell girls to act like entitled cunts and boys to just gtfo of the way

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>can violently assault people with weapons with impunity
>anyone who defends themselves goes to prison
>anyone who says mean things to them loses their job
>their enemies can't even have bank accounts or social media
They are clearly winning. Their boots are on your neck. High school kids liking Trump to be edgy doesn't change that.

So he’s been getting you to respond for a month now? You’re pretty much OP’s bitch at this point m8

>some shadowy power in control
>what is dual citizenship in united states
>what is AIPAC bribing congressmen:
>what is SPLC monitoring declining population of whites in the US

Just because you cannot or refuse not to connect the dots doesn't mean they're there.

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>What the hell, people always loved Han Solo. They loved him because Harrison Ford was cool, which is one reason why the Solo movie didn't work.

The Solo movie had a ridiculous amount of shit wrong with it. Shoving in too many characters, trying the ad libbing, and so on.

Do you think that is why Israel is in Europe now? So they can infiltrate Europe?

they already have, long ago

Why is no one talking about this bros! What if I talk to a jew and I don't know that it was a jew?!

What if every piece of media you bought, pirated or consumed was overseen and owned by a single community refusing to properly integrate in the nation they have inhabited for literally centuries?
What if the part of that community owning all of that was perfectly aware of what they possess and used it to influence ideas and public debate?
But that's silly racism lmao good thing none of that is real :)

> "alt-lite"

yeah, go ahead and go back.

Aren't you a little short for a hero?

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Girls like han solo cos they think he sexy.

They still do

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disney hates men.
because housewives hate men.

I just meant boys like luke and girls like han.
Noone likes Leia

still can't view this.

Attached: unavailable.jpg (682x335, 40K)

Leia is white too

Are you Russian by any chance?

Women are POC

Australian, and, frankly, i am getting pissed off at not being able to view this so i can whine in an informed manner. hasn't anyone uploaded it somewhere else? i did some searches and they all led back to fucking yooch yoob.

Are you aware that you can go to prison for browsing Yea Forums?

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>generic westernized animu style without outlines
its not original thats for sure, but you cannot possibly "steal" that style

only if i'm stupid enough to click on any form of Simpson's thread, which i'm not.

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Friendly reminder that Netflix CEO Marc Randolph is related to this man.

d i s c o r d t r a n n y
g o d i l a t e

imagine 20 guys trying to get their load on her as she goes down this slide.

They shouldn't let certain types of people use the internet. Just think how many people pass highschool, but can't read or don't have any critical thinking skills, despite teachers doing their best.

Thats insulting to the real yerba mate. You either take it like you should, hot and raw or you might as well drink piss

Attached: 36EA2FC5-DBDC-497E-A354-1CEB928BFA34.png (380x349, 98K)

That is John Travolta.

In the years to come I hope you, your children, and your children's children will enjoy not only this trilogy, but also the adventures yet to come in the continually unfolding star wars universe.

-George Lucas


You either accept that you're wrong, or double down hoping the results will be different this time.

Stop promoting this video here you cocksucking mouse-shill. I wont click on it even if it saves my life.