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He has an IQ of 136 though


sure, user

Pretty much every single character on that show is a bad person who deserves prison or worse.

You dont get to be millionaire businessman by being dumb

>pretty much
The Sopranos is a show about a bunch of horrible human beings. That's the point.

he literally inherited the fortune and name from his father


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>outsmarts the government while running racketeering in the information age
>personally gets away with several murders during the course of the show


That was Tony Blundetto, you fuck

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>dies after only 6.5 years as the boss
nothin' personnel, tone.

He says in the very first episode that he's more successful than his father ever was.

How many awful people can exist in one place though? Tony was a sadistic mobster, his kids were spoiled rotten, his mom was a cunt, his wife was a bitch who tune a blind eye to his violence because muh jewelry, his "business associates" were sex addicted thugs who lived live of opulence and excess. They were all just dumb, adulterous, alcoholic, fatsos who muscled their way into whatever they wanted.

He exploits his men harder than any boss before them, which is why the family collapsed.


>outsmarted the government
>implying he wasn't gonna get a RICO trial in the near future (see; scene where he nervously gives agent harris info on the terrorists and harris says in kind of a sad tone that he'll put it in tony's file so that if he does get a trial the judge will be more lenient on him)
>implying anyone can't get away with murder if they do it correctly

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its a police officer retard not LE EPIC ASSASSIN JUST LIKE LE GODFATHER, the FBI finally make their case with that old dude flipping and are having tony followed so they can affect arrests on the whole crew at once

ay Tone

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right but he'd be nowhere without his father
he wasn't a self made man and lives with his fathers sins
that's literally everyone's arc in the series you imbecile

Not a lot of crime shows manage to actually get that across. Most career criminals really are a bunch of dumb thugs, but it's not like dumb thugs don't get very good at breaking the law.

Hes smarter than you. He became president. You're just some nobody posting on a Laotian Auto Repair forum

Wire's good at that, everyone's portrayed as a retard, even Stringer Bell who prides himself in being smart but is shown to be out of his league in when he tries to be successful in the real world

Are you sure? Wiki says Tony blundetto had an IQ of 158

in the wire even the politicians are functional retards, the only smart people in the whole show are rawls (white) and the greek (white)

He's not a good guy or a bad guy you autist, he's a human being with flaws and strengths

reasons he good: he like horses and birds
reasons he bad: everything else

Tony wasn't a genius but he was definitely above average in intelligence. Someone mentioned here that his IQ is stated as 136 in the show. If that's true it's way too high. He wouldn't be able to work with a bunch of retards day in and day out. A realistic IQ for him would be something like 110 - 120

he's a textbook sociopath. doesn't give 2 shits about human life but cracks it when chris kills adriannas dog by accident, or when ralphies kid is in the hospital but cares more about a dead horse. he exploits his oldest/closest friends (arty and that gambling addict) because he knows he can make money off it. cheats on his wife on a regular basis, physically abuses AJ, uses his power and sheer mass to inflict terror on people etc. i mean the fact that he regularly uses that bartender at the bing as a punching bag would be enough for most people to admit he's a piece of shit but i guess since he's the main character people overlook it all

That's low

>flaws and strengths
>murderer, glutton, adulterer, violent, alcoholic, drug addict, liar, robber, embezzler . . .

He's a maniac, but I guess once in a while he's nice to his fat retarded son who is equally violent and stupid.

Loves his kids and wife
>doesn't know how to express it
Sacrifices everything to secure comfy life for family
>through unethical and violent means
Removes people worse than him off the street
>also has to take out some civilians along the way
Product of an extremely unhealthy household
>had the chance to lead a different life

Noone is perfect, you may feel high up on your Ikea desk chair throne but you're fallible too

Sopranos sucked. None of you fags are old enough to realize the only reason sopranos was so welll liked bc it was the only thing good on tv at that time. There wasn't all these reality shows and streaming.

The next best thing to Sopranos was probably sitcoms and Oprah.

>you may feel high up on your Ikea desk chair throne but you're fallible too
maybe so but i respect the law, im not some fucking animal, when you strip away all the layers of 'basedness' tony is no better than a ghetto nigger

He’s a complete piece of shit in every possible way.


no shit, the whole point and narrative of the show was to depict how they tried implementing humanity into their already fucked up lives.


Piss off, I'm a cop and I don't respect the law


I feel like season 1&2 are just great, onwards it comes down to whether you like the characters. The whole “person arrives at the beginning of season, dies at the end”, starting with Tony’s sister killing Richie which I felt was a cop out, gets annoying fast. I personally stopped watching after they killed Ade. Stupid guido subhumans think they’re tough guys for killing a sweet girl in cold blood

>the only reason sopranos was so welll liked bc it was the only thing good on tv at that time
>The Practice
>Boston Public
>NYPD Blue
>The Shield
>Now & Again
>Mysterious Ways
and those were just the serious/drama shows.

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180 IQ post

Lmao, Adrianna was a dumb cunt.

>the """""greek""""

The whole point is that we’re laughing at these tacky retards right?

It is an overrated show.

You are nawt a cahp

>They were all just dumb, adulterous, alcoholic, fatsos who muscled their way into whatever they wanted.
thats how mafia work

yeah, thats why they have the episode were AJ goes to his gf's modest estate, so we get to see a little of our social peers to make us feel at ease


That's actually the entire point of the time the family gets robbed by black guys. The dad calls them niggers. The wife protests. He says "Well then who?" and it cuts right to Tony's face and then the guys car

Forgot about The Shield but the rest of those sucked.

Before someone mentions Nip Tuck, that sucked too.

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They said Tony.B's IQ was 136 not him.

Why did some of the characters in this show become smart or stupid with no explanation?
Started off smart and even made fun of Chris for misspelling something. Later on though she was the epitome of dumb blonde bimbo who couldn't even comprehend that her mafia fiance would beat and kill people

>Bobby Baccalieri
Started off stupid as fuck, barely even able to do the basic tasks junior asked of him and was basically just someone he could poke fun at. Yet by the near end of the show he was always alert and smart, and was at the point of being Tony's right hand man in running the business

watch it chrissy

nobody cares about your unfunny meme

>t. kike

This show didn't age well.

>t. obsessed incel

Tony B's was over 150. Tony's was 136.

shuttup Avi, no one is going to defend you but corrupt politicians and dumb evangelicals.

wtf are you even talking about. You're awkward memes aren't funny.

he sounds congested and blubbery af

>Atlantic Shitty

Neither did Gandolfini!

>to the victor, belongs the spoils