Hey guys, Wil Wheaton here. Any suggestions on how I can improve my career?

Hey guys, Wil Wheaton here. Any suggestions on how I can improve my career?

Attached: notacuckbutachadwheaton.jpg (900x900, 119K)

Stop being a gay cocksucking faggot


What career? You are a washed-up has-been still coasting on the name-recognition you got from a show you were in 20 years ago. It's your only claim to fame, and yet you seemingly have contempt for everyone who references it. Go back to making Youtube videos

shut up, Wesley

Just be yourself bro

That's Shia LaBeuf.


Heath Ledger's career was improved immensely after he killed himself.

Shut up Wil

The only reason he is relavent is because of Big Bang Theory

kys yourself


Catch your face on fire and have the fire department put it out with an axe.

Defend Hardwick you coward

Rape Felicia Day.

Do the exact opposite of everything you have done for the last 15 years

Advertise for wheat thins

He could shove rusty things onto his asshole. I would like him better if he had rusty objects in my asshole screaming fits.

Fpbp as always my NIGGER

Unironically kill yourself.

Audibly kek'd you cheeky devil

Get back in shape, then go into porn.

stop letting Nathan Fillion fuck your wife

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dont dress like a faggot

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play board games


I can’t believe how dumb these fuckers are.
You really want to bring violence into politics? Really? You?

This was the only correct answer, and it took you guys 8 posts to arrive at it.

I'm ashamed of you Yea Forums

Reminder that Wil Wheaton bullied the guy who made this comic.

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Take a role as a serial child molester because you look like one.

If Wheaton actually called this guy out for being a loser with a terrible comic my respect for him would go from none to a little bit.

What’s a bofa?
It beta not be another ligma.

>Never stop punching nazis
pictured here is a dramatic reenactment of Wil putting his political philosophy into action

Attached: 1530495909830.webm (988x548, 2.85M)

That is very satisfying to watch.

>we support a lie
Will eternally BTFO'ed

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What is it about his face that makes him look like a girl? The small nose? Lack of a brow ridge? Shit-tier facial hair? I think this guy has the testosterone level of a 100 year old man.

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Goes down like a sack of shit

When you have soi vs testostrone, always bet on the latter.

That guy that I would not allow to adopt me.
Every morning he says"How's it going son?"
And I stand up,towering over him(truth be told,most people tower over him)and I lock eyes with him him.
"err errr"he says
"What the fuck did you call me?"
"nothing!"he sputters.
Then I stiff arm knock everything off the table,shattering dishes on the ground.
I used to have to tell him to never EVER call me son,but now he just kneels down and cleans up.

Will Weaton:Hi son!
*face smash*

Become transgender and sever your penis.

Take a job somewhere other than YouTube?


>the testosterone level of a 100 year old man.
That would imply he has been through two(2) world wars.



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drop dead

no sorry :( but you were good in STand by Me thanks for paying 4channel a visit looks loke like reddit isent getting all the celebs anymore!

I though it was because of Tabletop

Wow I make a knockoff Fuckly comic with the all-new PC themes, I'm somebody!

he looks like his wife fucks black men and he's perfectly fine with that.