Cast him

Cast him

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my casting choice is a dead chinese body in the streets of china

Idris Elba

I'd trade refugees for an 80 year old gay pedophile.

Jackie Chan


highest murder rates in the world

Attached: murder rates.png (580x635, 91K)

I hate both of them but he's right, better the refugees than the sensitive incels alt-righties.

This but unironically.

Me too. I see 4,875 FBI jobs opening up.


No he wouldn't.

Would he really upheave his whole gated community and let them in there to go through his garbage?

I bet he does trades in refugees; ones of the underage boy variety

Can someone please fucking explain Tuvalu being so high?

Japanese Twink getting steel gauntlet fisted before creampie gang bang in


because they are not quite nigger tier so the murders actually reported. notice how high up south africa is even though it's the least shitty sub-saharan country in africa.

that's not to say that spics are better than niggers or vice versa. it's like comparing vomit to diarrhea.

*rapes underage kid*
*fondles guy without consent*
*gives a reacharound to a spider monkey while kneeling as the pledge allegiance plays*

It's an island of caveman subhumans.

most people agree with him

always thought namibia was less fucked than south africa
I still don't get it though. Melanesians are the retarded apes. Polynesians and Micronesians are the "better ones" of the three.

Because there is hardly anyone there. Look at the raw numbers and you will see that only 2 people were murdered in one year, but for a nation with a few thousand people that’s enough to drive the average rate way up.

>Read this
>What the fuck? Where are all the African countries?
>Remember they don't keep records or participate in these things

Almost forgot.

Look at the count, they had 2 murders. Any country with a really small population only needs 1 or 2 to proportionally make the list, census data says there's only like 11k people there.

Stop posting this same thing every day

No idiot it only takes a few murders to drive up the “murder rate” of a very tiny island nation. Was probably one person doing it.

I didn't look at the actual numbers of murders. That makes sense now then.

he can donate all his money to them anytime

Remember when he got metoo'd and everyone conveniently forgot about it

Okay George, but the deal is whoever you pick has to live in your neighborhood.

The Russians made it up, have more faith in your masters.


Don't be ridiculous. Liberals aren't people.

>yfw you realize a few of those refugees actually have jobs and contribute to the economy while most of this board does not

Attached: 1548760336666.jpg (960x904, 162K)

What a loon, tired of this virtue signaling.. If I was in charge of casting him, I'd make a movie about putting him in Auschwitz, make it a horror film where a some nazi ghost is raping all the people in the camp, maybe call it Terracotta Terrorizer

There probably isn't even 5000 alt-right white nationalists in the country. Maybe 1000.

The reason why not many African countries are there is because:
A. Most African countries are generally safe, like Ghana or Botswana because everyone is nice and there is nothing to steal since everyone is poor. Ghana is known to be the friendliest country in the world.
B. You don't report murders during a civil war as homicide, otherwise Iraq would be 10x more dangerous than Chicago. So that excludes countries like South Sudan or DRC.
C. The government kills them, most domestic or aggravated related murders are reported unlike what /pol/ would believe. There is no reason for Africans to make themself look better to foreigners, they don't lack self-esteem like American blacks.
D. New world nations are notorious for murder rates because the amount of weapons found in the Americas. It would be harder to get a gun in Africa than in Europe. Unless you count a spear as a weapon.
E. Most countries that have just ended a civil war become safer than normal, like Liberia because people are too busy trying to build the country back up than to kill each other.
F. Spics are probably more violent blacks. Blacks will act tough just for show but the most disturbing liveleak videos in the world come from Latin America. Not even ISIS could stand a chance against the Mexican cartels.


I'd make the same trade. There are like 11 million squatamalans here.