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I bet they fucked and sucked a lot

>Cityslicker girls

she looks like she fucks black simpsons

people who care about who other people are dating are the scum of the earth lmao fuckin flesh based waste

what a reddit opinion to have

At least she had the decency to have herself drawn trashy

but they are taking our women!!!!! waaa

poor brain-washed slut



America was a mistake.

Blacks don't "steal" white women. Alphas steal white women, and BLACK men are hundreds of times more alpha then white """""men""""

It's just human nature.

you're scum

Why does she have a bloody nose?

dumb hedonist. doesn't even care about the strength of his nation and a future for his children.

you are nigger tier stupid, and prove that not all niggers are black
i say racist shit but i could give less of a fuck who you cum inside of, like the planet has a purpose, even if there is a deity, he clearly enjoys watching random combos fucking, thats how life came to be

I can’t even imagine being this fucking stupid.

should of stayed in Europe

my rebuttal would be me requesting you post a picture of yourself, that is all thank you

Brie Larson Simp'd?

Cry more virgin incel

becuase you are in fact retarded, both of you are, thats why your here

If this was the old Yea Forums, someone would turn this into a time lapse where they get older, have a kid and then the dude is missing for the rest.

But the past is the past.

hint the only reason white/asian girls even date black guys is for the thrill of taboo-ism, which is based on racism

in fact once you understand that you'll start to understand the sad mentality of a modern woman

why don't you go do that? do you not have the creative merit?

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>But I also really, really, really care when a guy isn’t dating anyone

*one year later*

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kek which one of you was it?

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did you think this through before clicking post?

the only person you should care about with regards to that stuff is your family members

According to her profile and where she posts she has BPD. Makes a lot of sense.

Sneed edit when?


reminder that actual successful black women love white dick

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what even is this post?

my family members don't have reddit opinions

Asian girls hardly date black guys, and black guys and most other guys in general aren’t really that attracted to Asian girls either. It’s really only white guys who put Asians on such a pedestal.



go back to your containment thread in /trash/ white incel

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Thats a septum piercing


not even once.

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based and redpilled

> It’s really only ugly white betas who put Asians on such a pedestal.

Burn the coal, feed the seed.

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It's actually on my bucket list to cum inside a black girl

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having kids that dont look like you is a mental illness

same with adopting a hoard of chinese babies

His picture is better than yours tho

based lesavagedetective

absolutely based

>implying black girls like white guys
haha no

Hi :)

The post that changed everything

>no sneed post yet

formerly silicon based

sneedposters fear the black man

LOL why is that sneed black? And the other one is made of CHEESE! Haha

formerly columbia

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well yeah true

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You deserve what the Jews are doing to you

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>sneedposters are redditors

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of course it's sweden lmao

this is literally white genocide

edit threads have been around longer than term incel, WAY before it was thrown around, even the pit threads.

Ah lads the comments are so mean

stop trying to d&c on your alts, hackfraudz

actually made me laugh

based. roastie coalburner btfo


they don't belong in western culture. they need to return to their dark continent and evolve to join those of us with neanderthal blood. everyone would be happier and they would have no whites or chinese holding them down.

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fucking BASED

I only have paint and had to use a mouse

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I want to see her blacked

hi leftypol

starts with a j, resembles a rodent


>haha fucking coal burner, pay the toll!
... typed the obese and mentally unsound incel on his pre-built Alienware laptop, a toothy grin spreading above his acne-covered double chin as he reaches for his half-empty piss bottle.

Good job

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lol the women that do indeed do that dont get married and have a family generally, its not worth the net negative, it shows your sheltered brain and lack of social awareness but you did pick up a nuance to some superficial relationships so ill give you that

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We did it Redding

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