Kaitlin Bennett went undercover at UCLA as Jenna Talia to ask students to sign a petition to throw conservatives into...

Kaitlin Bennett went undercover at UCLA as Jenna Talia to ask students to sign a petition to throw conservatives into involuntary re-education camps. Not only were the students she approached ecstatic to sign it, but one member of UCLA’s student government encouraged her to change the language to “diversity” and “sensitivity training” to hide their real intentions so the administration would approve it.
>diversity and sensitivity training = "involuntary re-education camp"
Well it was fun while it lasted goys.

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bump for the information war and also the beginning shows off her legs pretty well

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I support Drumpftards begin executed

>durr, da leftists is at it again! ahaarggh!!

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>Short shorts

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They probably just smelled the massive shit in her diapers and wanted to get the convo over it. Put yourself in their shoes

>minding your own business
>all of a sudden ugly chubby goblin girl comes up to you
>the smell of shit just blasts your nose
>cant even think and these goblin thing is just saying buzzwords over and over again
>see Info Wars camera men hiding behind a stop sign

Yea, im just ending this real quick.

anymore sopranomemes avbout the holocaust?

damn, she's got some nice thighs

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fuck off barstool

>>see Info Wars camera men hiding behind a stop sign
reminded me of this

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Friendly Reminder that any poster saying she is actually attractive is the MAGA Hat shit her pants girl.

you have good taste

what's with the fucking spacing, retard


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She was wearing a diaper?

Or they could just say "no" and walk away

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Incels btfo

Everyone hates you

>is the MAGA Hat shit her pants girl.

I wish there were pictures of her with shit pants


>the absolute state of conservatives

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shes a lolbertarian desu

Some forced meme discord trannies are trying to push on /pol/

She isnt a conservative. She is a fake thot trying to get money off beta males and boomers on the right. /pol/ hates her and the left hates.

take your meds Ron Perlman.

le epic burn! upvote for you, my fellow enlightened person! *tips fedora*

>the absolute STATE of libcucks
They’ll hang soon :)

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muh dick likes her though

It's a Chapo meme
(which probably has massive overlap with tranny realm)

the average american is stupid, if you worded you you can get the average american to ban water

Very based, but I only care about UCLA basketball.

we need to get hydrogen dioxide out of the water supply! republicans don't care! they passed laws that allow companies to dump as much hydrogen dioxide into lakes and streams as they want!


Chapofaggots are trannies. Listen to the podcast, they keep talking about how trannies aren’t mentally ill freaks or attention whores, but actual, literal women. Pic related, the pathetic waste who makes trannies feel validated

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dihydrogen monoxide*

Planned parenthood, who donates to dems, dumps shit in the water too. Of course, you fags don’t care about that


planned parenthood does good work keeping poor people and nigger numbers down

you niggerlover

Look at the top of his head

why hasn't anyone mentioned that shes hot as fuck yet?? rainbow socks and cute hair and face

Why are liberals all disgusting freaks with shitty hygiene?

big yikes

She hired a PR company to shill her on Yea Forums. She been doing it on /pol/ a lot but never getting any traction because they see right through the ugly whore. Now they been doing it all day on Yea Forums. I think its because Alex Jones is thinking of dropping her because the poltards arent taking to her like he expected and she is getting a lot of hate from the right and getting torn apart by the left on twitter.



Hes not wrong, flyovers are mediocre af. Honestly this country should have never expanded past the original 13 colonies.