Thoughts on lars von kino's lastest film?

Thoughts on lars von kino's lastest film?

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Wasn’t expecting it to be so funny.

>slaps hacked off titty on cops car like it’s a parking ticket

Von Trier is a Gaspar Noe wannabe provocateur.

i liked the titty wallet

I feel like the movie is lars poking fun at himself in a way


the most beautiful film in the last 5 years (with 2049 and Alita) a pure masterpiece

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embarassing post

It's one of his shittiest movie, it's visually inconsistent and had to resort to a slideshow to explain the point of the movie because he couldn't express it cinematically.

fuck off fucking discord tranny

Interdasting. Mr Sophistication was such a fucking terrible liar & con artist his murders count as natural selection.

Pure fucking kino

Shut up sheep, you don't even know why you like this movie aside that most of Yea Forums likes it.

fun and terrible at the same time. quite bad ass.

It's literally the other way around

>discord leftie tranny totally MAD

Hack Von Trier

And once again you prove yourself to be a brainlet. Users like you are the reason this board is awful.

AY, make sure you watch the uncensored version!
don't make the same mistake i did, the edited versions SUCKS!

That part looked like an old spice commercial. Also the movie fucking sucked.

>shittiest movie
>""""""""""he couldn't express it cinematically."""""""""""
again, fuck off donkey

It got really fucking masturbatory towards the middle, both with the picnic scene that was definitely just Von Trier seeing what he could get away with and the clipshow of Melancholia and Anti-Christ that played when Vergil and Jack were discussing art. I also felt that the narration showed the film's hand a bit before it should have and I didn't understand the Subterranean Homesick Blues references, but I really really enjoyed it overall. It was my FOTY for 2018

Could this be the birth of a new meme?

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there's barely five minutes that are edited out

Holy shit, you're even dumber than I thought. You can't even make a point, you're just quoting me without explaining why you don't agree.

>I also felt that the narration showed the film's hand a bit before it should have

I disagree with you because it's a meta-analysis of torture porn and Lars' own filmography to a certain extent. The movie literally spells it out for you. It's a statement and deconstruction to the genre as a whole, and it's done incredibly well.

Nymphomaniac was his best. It's all downhill now, boys.

>lars von tryhard

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It made a lot of what the movie was doing way too obvious

this is the only Lars von Trier film I've seen but I thought it was great and Matt Dillon gave one of the best performances of the decade.

You would most likely enjoy melancholia and antichrist as well.


Finding ultra washed-up Matt Dillon and turning him into a complex psychopath is brilliant enough

>The director – who was brought up with his Jewish father, and only found out in later life that his biological father was a non-Jewish German, – appeared offended by the connotation and responded by discussing his German identity. He joked that since he was no longer Jewish he now "understands" and "sympathizes" with Hitler, that he is not against the Jews except for Israel which is "a pain in the ass" and that he is a Nazi


>was his best

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