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We saw his boobs

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You mean boob

Shut the fuck up Seth you Chinese cunt.

fuck i remember that
man some of those bitches gave him the foulest looks

truly /ourguy/

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They were in the joke

>we haven't seen Jennifer Lawrence's boobs at all
Uh, Seth

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Yeah, this is pretty much right on the nose.

this ruined her for me. i can get over monoboob, but family guy face? nope. can't do it.

why has Yea Forums become so celebrity and gossip heavy lately

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this didn't age well for jlaw.

can we get an updated song seth?

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>When you find your husband balls deep in Blue Poon

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whose boobs were they

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It's hilarious how you can deep fake Seth's face into Dilions and you wouldn't notice unless you were told.

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It was hilarious, cause she was the only girl that laughed and did a cheer when the camera panned to her and the Fappening happened what, just a few days later?

Karma is a bitch!

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like a perfumed woman,,,

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>but we haven't seen Jennifer Lawrence's boobs at all

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>seth is the daughter on the goldbergs

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The last time the oscars were good

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Honestly not to sound like a sjw but he shouldn't had sang that song.

Why not?

this really annoyed all those sluts

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He knew the leaks were coming

The only reason why celebs care that you've seen their bits is that they can't market their parts at an inflated price. Once you've seen their gross tits and roasty vagina, the magic of cloth barely concealing them is gone.

>that pic

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Was it cocaine user?


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yes, literally everone knows that since their resemblance is brought up every time either of them is posted

The more you upload these, the more they look like a chick I know cause the faces are slightly altered each time

>tfw we'll never see an Oscars host take risks like this again


they care because their boobies and vaginas are private parts

>they care because their boobies and vaginas are private parts

In Jlaw's case, they're now public parts

Captain Kirk coming back from the dead was kino

anti-psychotic tic tacs

leddit: the comedian

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