I'm going to see it

I'm going to see it

I've seen every goddamn mcu movie they've made yet.

I'm not going to sit idly by while some neckbeards try to ruin this movie just because of everyone unrelated to the movie itself

I'm going to get my tickets on March 8th and proudly march into the theater and watch capekino with my other marvel fans

Who's with me!

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Other urls found in this thread:



I like the color palette of this movie and what we've seen from the trailers. I'll probably like this.

I've already preordered 5 tickets: one for every beta male TSA agent that's ever hit on me.

you and the other sjws

didn't she say that this isnt for males? are you a fucking tranny then? i grew up from capeshit around iron man 3, so it doesn't bother me anymore

one time a TSA agent said that I have a very pretty name. To live life as a person with a pretty name is to constantly live on the defensive.

I've seen every MCU film and loved most of them.

I'm not going to see CM. Not because I'm alt right, but because Carol Danvers is a lame character, I didn't like the trailer, and Brie Larson has the charisma of a potato.

Okay have fun

I’ve seen most of the MCU, but not the Thors or Antmans and I won’t be watching this either

Has nothing to do with women, just saw Alita last weekend and enjoyed it; this just looks really bad even for Marvel, and I say that as a big fan of Jude Law

>falling for outrage marketing
Marketing is turning the internet into a shithole.

>sees reddit spacing
I hope you and your wife's son have a good time there OP

What's your name?

>watching anything from the MCU
>inb4 DC fanboy
>watching capeshit at all

Are there actual people in this world that have watched every MCU movie? I saw the Ironman trilogy as they came out, two avengers movies and that was enough for me. Comic book movies should always be rated R so that there's blood, more destruction and they can swear if they want to.

just received a message from my normie Marvel fanboy friend telling me he was going to pass on Captain Marvel
told him I didn't mind
feels good man

Yes, my co-worker has seen each multiple times. He's also 300+ pounds and has two shelves full of funko-pop dolls.


I dont see any excessive ridicule over it. All this "controversy" is entirely engineered cus its easy marketing to sjws.

I've seen em all, even the clunkers like IM2, Thor2, etc.

No interest in seeing this one though.

>Comic book movies should always be rated R
Right so they can sell more toys to all the manchildren with jobs.

They’re figurines.

>comic book movies should be R cause they should have blood and bad words

Spotted the 12 year old

I like Marvel movies because it looks like so many people involved are having fun. The actors, the writers, directors. Everyone is making money and having a great time. Meanwhile, I work an office job for about 9 hours a day, roughly 11 if you include the commute. I'm overweight. I'll have to be doing this until I'm 70 or longer most likely and I probably won't even live that long realistically, so I'll legitimately die, maybe even in my cubicle and if I don't the healthcare costs will erase all the money I made up to that point anyway. I don't have much free time for anything else and I'd be depressed if I could even muster consistent extreme emotional responses anymore beyond just "existing." But when I see a new Marvel movie for just those few short hours I'm somewhere else. I'm Tony Stark or Peter Parker. I'm on an adventure. I've been following this cinematic universe for most of my adult life and just wish it would never end, because I know my misery won't.

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I'm just surprised no one has called out brie larson from stealing the role from a black person

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FUCK YEAH! Let's go!

Who the Fuck is this? This looks like a Fucking FAKE Captain Marvel!

no Rogue no care

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Damn man,have you considered saving up to move closer to your job so that you can get home earlier and have some free time?

Literally this. I 100% understand why people are fucking annoyed with this shit show but unfortunately I’m apart of the cucked group of sòylent sipping nerds that just haaaaas to see this shit. If AoU didn’t make me straight up drop the MCU I don’t know if Captain Feminism will. I’m gonna go in with an open mind and hope for the best.

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I don't understand what this means?

>I'm going to see it
>I've seen every goddamn mcu movie they've made yet.
>I'm not going to sit idly by while some neckbeards try to ruin this movie just because of everyone unrelated to the movie itself
>I'm going to get my tickets on March 8th and proudly march into the theater and watch capekino with my other marvel fans
>Who's with me!

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I'll catch it when it comes out on Netflix or Amazon or whatever.

Ask about work from home. My life became instantly better when I started working from home.

I visit every Capt Flatass thread just to see this webm.

This is going to be an Upper Half movie easily.

I expect this will probably rate somewhere between Dr. Strange and the first GotG.

It's called artistic freedom. I used to read comics as a kid and these movies all seem neutered.

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You niggers are sad

Good for you. Nobody cares. We aren't SJWs. Be free to see mediocre movies.

Who is this Yea Forums?!

yes having a lot more free time to do things I want to do and not having management breath down my neck is very sad indeed.

Don't kid yourself. We know why you're really doing this. Can't run forever

They're dolls user. They're dolls.

>Can't run forever
The problem is he's not running at all.

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Why are you doing this sirs? Just because women won't have sex with you, you're going to hate on all women and not see female led Superhero movies?

>Murders of Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Maren Ueland

Never judge people by dheir appearance!!


Poisonous pentagram is perfectly edible!!

Pilgrims are dhe bad goys and Cree are Noble Savage heroes

Drink dhe cyan-aid!!

Like in dhat cigarette commercial, “You/ve come a looooong way, baby..”


Kaptain Marvel = KaMa (Sanskrit for “love”) = Karl Marx

Sam Mule “Nig Fury, Agent Of R.A.T.S.H.I.T.” Jackson shall lead dhe Aveniggers into battle



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>I've seen every mcu movie
but why?
also, i won't expect this to be that terrible amongst disney's mcu, most probably just average

It's not that hard. They've been coming out since 2008. That's only like 2 Marvel movies a year.

How is this a difficult thing?

can't even fuckin shitpost right


I watched Wonder Woman opening weekend with my ex. It wasn’t bad. I’ll probably see the sequel, as I like Pedro Pascal
I have no interest in this movie, though


>but why?
the real question that isn't being asked is why are people who have seen every MCU capeshit being bashed for not wanting to see this one particular MCU capeshit?

Bill Burr?

Yeah I'm going to see it too. But I won't see the sequel. The MCU dies after Endgame, and the only way it can be good is if:

(a) there is a Nova movie
(b) the Eternals movie is good
(c) Brie puts on the goddamn black leotard

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She's the Captain Marvel during the Secret War time


Bumping cause I don't think we have enough Brie threads going right now.

someone make a DC version of this now

This trolling is annoying as fuck

I'm seeing it, but I'll be boycotting with you in spirit bruhs

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Protein powder, classic cars, and magnum condoms?

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Nice try, DCuck.

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More like greasy food, soda chugging, computer surfing and really small penises!

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Im a comic fan, Im not into what they've done with carol in the comics in the last 10 years. I hope the movies figure it out. Im excited to see skrulls and hope this is the best carol they've done yet. I dislike Brie Larson's narcissism, but I trust kevin fiege.

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I eat pretty healthy, but I do surf the web a lot I suppose. Magnums are the big condoms, I guess I should’ve been clearer; forgot where I was posting

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>that pic
how hard can an awardlet truly seethe?

So wait. If the original Captain Marvel was black, why did they Fucking give it to a white woman!?

Brie should have declined this role if she truly supports black people.

Wake me up when Marvel has a Best Supporting Actor trophy

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Externals maybe?

I eat healthier then you and I post on Yea Forums only once a day. I also do more exercise more than you do and in my line work, being big enough to wear a Magnum is a REQUIREMENT.

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Wake me up when DC has a move that has more than 3 Oscars

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This will be the second marvel movie I won't be seeing.

Guess which one was the first?

oops sorry you've used up your only daily Yea Forums post come again tomorrow

Who's paying you to post this?


Every cinema near me is sold out on opening night. I am getting worried bros

The original Captain Marvel was Mar-Vell.


He died in 1982. He was replaced by Monica Rambeau, the female black Captain Marvel. She lost her powers, retired, gained new superpowers, and gained a few other superheroine names, but was not Captain Marvel again.

In contrast, Carol was Mar-Vell's sidekick for a very, very long time. She was known as Ms Marvel but, and because of the long association with Mar-Vell, the decision was made to name her the new "Captain marvel". Which is fine - but the problem now is that they're retconning out her leotard days and making her into a SJW feminist mary sue.

In a nutshell: Classic Carol > Monica > Mar-vell > nu-Carol

Also, Noh-Varr beats them all

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K, I think Joaqer comes out in November or so. Do you want me to wait until the ceremony?

Nice, post some physique pics

bros. We can't take another hit in the culture war after black panther last year.

they seem like a lot. i guess i've got always more interesting shit to see that, let's say ant-man 2, iron-man 3, thor 2, etc

It's gonna bomb unless he says it.

>no Rogue no care
you are christ among patricians
know this

Yeah, I'll wait too. Also I'll screenshot your post, and I'll post it if your Joker movie (a) bombs in November or (b) does not get any Oscar nominations. And also (c) assuming it doesn't win AT LEAST four oscars, you'll have to eat your Aquaman blu-ray.


Dont forget your complementary Kotex(TM) pads OP

What if it only wins 3 Oscars but they’re higher quality Oscars and not costumery stuff? BP won 3 and not 4 right?

Im going to see it because I am not some misogynist incel virgin that spends all day making negative ratings on Rotten Tomatoes instead of filling out a job application.

Attached: take that incels.png (1300x1000, 328K)

>he actually managed to leave this place

If you ask me, that user is based. Its like he made it already.

He left already

The good thing about nobody wanting to see that movie is that the room may be almost empty so I don't hear annoying people talking during the movie.

The bad thing is that some sperglords will definitely go to se the movie only to be mad about it and shitpost online afterwards. I hope we don't end together in the same room.

Doesn't count. BP's had an Oscar for Original Music Score, which makes it as good as an "Acting" oscar - there's a reason why Return of the King holds that award for "Journey into the West".

Unless Joaqer pulls the impossible and wins Best Picture, this bet needs Joaqer to win AT LEAST 4 Oscars, with Best Picture counting as two.

what a cutie. is that supposed to be margot robbie?

I make $75K a year and travel to another continent for a two week trek / climb / bike trip every April. I’ve placed competitively in marathons. I platinum’d both the recent God of War and Spider-Man videogames. I go to some rad concerts with friends and sometimes make road trips out of ‘em. I’m still not going to see this movie

What do you do again that’s so special?

Also its Into the West. There's no "Journey".

oooo yeah. stomp on my nuts and call me scum.

I’ll stipulate to Score being a major Oscar, but that’s still 2 minor ones. 2 acting Oscars - Best Actor for Joaquin and Best Supporting for DeNiro or Zazie - plus a minor one in costuming or whatever should still count, right? I want us to be on the same page here

I genuinely hope you are being ironic, because absolutely none of that, with the possible exception of the Marathons, is special

I don't tell lies on the Internet and I will see this movie. And I also saw Alita, twice. As well as the Lego movie, which was made by WB and features DC characters, which means I'm putting more money into helping WB/DC take on Disney.

What do you do that is so special?

joker's villian is trump. shit's gonna win everything at the oscars

That's a very high bet you're running here. If it means you're going to eat the Aquaman blu-ray, then sure.

Also we're talking WINNING here, not just being nominated. And Joaqer will have to win BOTH. And land at least one minor Oscar. Cos you're breaking my balls here lmao -

I think its a miracle that any superhero movie can get at least one Oscar, and BP got away with it because "muh racial politics". But if you really want to bet that high, sure.

>I've seen every goddamn mcu movie they've made yet.

I never said any of it was special. And the marathon was only 3rd place if I’m being honest

Yea I know, I’m just trying to be clear on the terms

>I go to some rad concerts with friends

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>none of it was special

Then why mention it? You think you're better than someone else on the Internet just because you type out a really elaborate sentence about supposed achievements without photo evidence. Literally any user can do that.

Still haven't watched capeshit since Dark Knight Rises

Great, we have a deal then :)

> I think its a miracle that any superhero movie can get at least one Oscar, and BP got away with it because "muh racial politics".
That’s ok, Ledger only won bc he passed away, it’s always political. That’s why I think Joker has a shot - as the other user mentioned, Trump is the villain so it’s a way for the Academy to give him the finger while also continuing their courting of less sophisticated general audiences

Since its nigh improbable for ANY superhero movie to win TWO acting Oscars, I tell you what - if the Joaqer movie wins BOTH acting Oscars AND a minor Oscar, I'll give you $100USD via Paypal. If it doesn't win at all, you're gonna have to eat that Aquaman blu-ray. Screenshot this.

> You think you're better than someone else on the Internet
No, I just don’t think he’s better than me. Which is how he was posturing. Keep in mind the context. I wanted to know what merited such contempt

>achievements without photo evidence
Do you want pictures of me climbing Machu Picchu? Hiking the Salkantay trail? Posing with the race medals? Be specific, they’re all on my phone

Yeah, I guess we have a deal. Good luck buddy - Hollywood churns out enough Oscar bait movies that even decent capekino like Logan, Spiderman 2 and Dark Knight merely get nominated or win one oscar.

If i can watch chinatown i think i can watch CM while being able to separate real Brie from movie Brie. That said, it doesn't look good enough for me to bother seeing it.

>Do you want pictures of me climbing Machu Picchu? Hiking the Salkantay trail? Posing with the race medals? Be specific, they’re all on my phone

If you have the balls to post your actual face, then do it. Along with:

>proof of Marathon participation
>proof of God of War and Spider-Man completion
>proof of concert attendance (along with the name of the band so that I can judge your taste)

And even then, I'll still see this movie

>I'm going to see it
i won't checkmate tranny

what's wrong with chinatown?

pretty sure posting personal pics or asking for them is a bannable offense

Can I be honest? I don't think anyone is better than anyone else for seeing, or boycotting, this MCU movie. Its like saying two friend of mines is better for seeing Ghostbusters (2010). I didn't, but one of then liked it and the other hated it. And while I'm more friendly with the one who liked it, the one who hated it shares the same reasoning why I don't intend to watch it.

So you don't have the balls then. Fair enough.

That user laid a very devilish trap if this is true

Nothing, the director is a rapist, but I can look past that for kino.

>a unique origin story premise we don't see often enough
>replaced by aliens... hero aliens.

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>Trying to get him banned
He had no argument to begin with, but neither do you
Neither of you are as clever as you think.

Are her feet really that bad?

>I've seen every goddamn mcu movie they've made yet.
That's so sad

I stopped watching them with Doctor Strange except for Infinity War. I really just dont care enough about the characters to follow every film. I'll tap out after Endgame

Well you know Rogues power is absorbing powers? If she holds onto someone long enough she can take their powers permanently. She did this to Carol and put her in a coma and everyone was better off

Its not a matter of intelligence, its a matter of pride. If a person is going to say he did so and so he should prove it. Its why a certain Disneycuck is supposed to eat the Infinity War bluray

I like how she’s a stupid cunt who alienated a large portion of the fan base.

this is a meme, isn't it? Yea Forums is literally the only place I ever see anything about any kind of supposed drama surrounding this movie

Not posting my face, but here’s the Marathon, gimme a sec for the others. Posting at the gym between sets

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>Its why a certain Disneycuck is supposed to eat the Infinity War bluray
Did that come out of someone saying that? source?

He choked and died, it was a big thing

>He choked and died, it was a big thing
I'll ask again - source?

Go to bed Brie.


>implying brie can pull off the goddamn black leotard

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She even has a cat LOL thats so funny and relatable to me as a woman. It’s gonna be great!

I fucking hate funko faggot trash

A good fitness routine can solve that

>Arad was born in 1948 in Ramat Gan, Israel, and raised in by a Jewish family. The son of Holocaust survivors from Poland, he grew up reading Superman and Spider-Man comics translated into Hebrew. In 1965, he was conscripted into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). He fought in and was wounded in the 1967 Six-Day War, and spent 15 days recuperating. Arad finished his military service in 1968.

Pic related was posted when Aquaman came out. And Aquaman made a billion. user has yet to eat the disc

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i was fine with it until i saw that censor Rotten Tomatoes is doing, so fuck them and their capeshit

I'm fine with it and I'll still see it. The Rotten Tomatoes only goes to show that the audience score should be available AFTER the movie airs.

Besides, a person like James Rolfe, aka AVGN, is not be sacrificed or scorned for refusing to see the movie, so I'll still see it. Captain marvel has yet to piss me off the way Ghostbusters 2016 did.

Not him but I agree with that somewhat. A fitness routine would definitely make her look better (probably should have dedicated over 12 months to it) but sometimes girls just don't have the genetics for a very shapely butt
my gf is fairly fit (she's no muscle girl looking body yet though) but her ass looks flat when she is standing up straight. just the way fat hangs off her muscles. very firm muscle though. When she poses a certain way she looks like she has the sexy ass of any of those instagram thots. but standing up straight, she looks like she has brie ass
You could make a case that brie and actresses pursuing superhero roles should be putting over 9000 percent into her body the way Hemsworth, Evans, Pratt, etc does, and I agree. But I'm commenting on brie's body as it is now.

>source please
Thank you
That's fucking hilarious kek

>"Oh my God... She's more powerful than Iron-Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Dr. Strange, Odin, Dormammu, Scarlet Witch, Thanos, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Shuma-Gorath, Sentry, Ronan the Accuser, Beyonder, Doctor Doom, Beta Ray Bill, The Phoenix, Mephisto, Heimdall, Black Bolt, Loki, Cyclops, Kang the Conqueror, Hercules, Magneto, The Living Tribunal, Howard the Duck, Adam Warlock, Ultron, Mar-Vell, Captain Universe, Professor X, Hate-Monger, High Evolutionary, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, The Spot, Super-Skrull, Groot, Annihilus, Red Hulk, Ghost Rider, Squirrel Girl, Carnage, Swarm, Man-Thing, Frankenstein's Monster, Uatu, Super-Adaptoid, Ego the Living Planet, Devil Dinosaur, Gwenpool, and The Orb all put together."

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I just like the way it makes me feel for a few hours tbphwyf.

Me in 2008 was so goddamn excited about the prospect of them even attempting to pull off any kind of big cinematic universe comic crossover event without fucking it up. And then fucking Avengers completely knocked my pants off. It was SO much better than I thought it ever could be. And then GotG and Ragnarok are some of my favorite kid's movies ever. And Infinity War was way better than I anticipated.

They've pretty much managed to consistently crank out kissesfingertips schlock that is just well executed and comfy. I'm fucking jealous of the chidrends that get to have this be their childhood. I don't care about these movies as how they make me, the corrupted weirdo, feel. I care about how they would have made me, the movie obsessed lonely kid, feel. All this identity faggot bullshit is cancerous propaganda that people need to just teach themselves how to avoid. Does nothing but make you gay for retarded shit.

It's such a waste of time to let shit like corporate diversity casting in kid's movies designed to increase revenue from a product being made for a global audience, be things that agitate and upset you. Nobody is doing anything intending to hurt anyone else. It's fucking make believe fairy tales for kiddos. It's a goof! You're supposed to just consume and feel nice for a second while you piss away your supplemental income. If you aren't interested in something targeted at a specific demographic that isn't you, then don't consume it. No sweat! I don't understand the need to just go apeshit about making it everyone else's problem that you're upset about a movie made for toddlers.

Like in 10 years are you going to give a shit about any of this? Are you going to be glad you spent the time?

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Why did they cast fucking Brie "resting bitch face" Larson out of everyone?

Hey, I need some cash and am also prepared to shill for movies that are obvious garbage. What's the pay rate?

Everyone on this board is going to see it, they're just going to wait until it leaks online like they would've anyways

Reminder that the cries of "censorship" are hypocrisy and the millionth iteration of "waaaaaaah why don't they let us shitpost outside our containment image board"
absolutely pathetic

Well, of course. Everyone wants to see if there's (a) anything to know before Endgame and (b) any memeable content, but without giving the movie itself any money.

I am really not interested in this film... Thanoskino was good entertainment, so maybe I should pirate it before seeing endgame.

Yes, me too. Woohoo!!
Brie is the perfect captain marvel.

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This post paid for by Disney bux

All the mcu movies are 10/10. I love disney sooooooo much!

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Any movie gets better with identity politics!!

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add my discord

Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

It's the time that I was starting to be able to lift a lot more and I was learning how to punch and kick and do judo throws," she says. "It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."

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Anyone who hadn't quit capeshit already deserves this suffering.

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maybe brie will get you a place in her black ethnostate

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Im so exicted to go see her movie!
Oh sorry did you think i was talking about Captain marvel?

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Educate yourself find a better job

If he's american, that's not happening

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The movie will probably be fine for a superhero flick, who cares? It just annoys me when everyone acts like a film with a female protagonist is somehow groundbreaking. Have they even watched more than 10 movies in their life?

Is that Slipknot in the bottom right?

Based DChad!

nooooooo don't do it user or da jooz will win and mostly we will end up being wrong about CM flopping and it's going to be embarassing and the rest of Yea Forums will laugh at us for months

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Yeah more liberalism, it’s really good for society.
> implying the slippery slope doesn’t exist
> implying she is attractive and has a nice ass
> implying captain marvel coming out of nowhere and saving everyone from Thanos isn’t an insult to loyal MCU fans
> implying stealing a male character and turning it into a female character will somehow be an improvement
> implying I won’t just wait for the torrent to steal it like I do every other fucking movie I’ve watched in the last five years
> implying

Attached: image.jpg (750x767, 544K)

>implying stealing a male character and turning it into a female character will somehow be an improvement

Well it already happened in the comics like 40 years ago or something, people got used to it then.

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What a faggot

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Why does Marvel need a character wearing the Marvel company name in universe?

this reads like a fucking green text holy fuck this bitch is self absorbed

It wasn't a score. It was "want to see" meter


Have a great time, Miss.


PS: what you think is fungus was just nail glue for her fake toe nail, ya morons.

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Why is she so hot, bros?

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Just fuck me Brie! I love you!

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I mean, bros, HOW IS SHE SO FUCKING HOT???

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Hey Brie, you can save my world any day.

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lmao brie is so desperate she's posting on Yea Forums now?

why is she so dogfaced
this kind of ugly doesnt become a big name, what exactly did she do to get this role?

based qt brie poster
fuck the incel haters

Why would any desperate woman post here? You make no sense. You're just a narcissist who can't handle the meaningless of this board. Kek.

And I'm only just started! Incels can't stand that I'm not even trolling. I find her hot as fucking fuck. They never post any of these pictures, for good reason. They can't handle her hotness.


and let me lick dem pits

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IMAGINE IF she held YOUR gun

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Shoot your loads, brave anons, to the glory of Brie. Hot, steamy love is all she deserves, just like you!

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Hollywood has a particularity fondness for manfaced actresses, the rest of the world finds it bizarre, she could never have become an actress in France or Britain

She's ugly as hell but her pit game is on point



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>bargaining is a step on your way to acceptance
>soon enough you will orgasming while saying her fucking name

Do americlaps just worship anything with a strong jaw?
her face is like a g*rman teenage boys

Hot. Based. Beautiful.


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That slight tit sag is driving me fucking insane. I want to tuck my cock right in there. GODDAM


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>I've seen every goddamn mcu movie


fucking goddess, bros, keep postin'

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Means "her/she" in French.


Based and pinkpilled.

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>I'm going to see it
Cool man. Hope you have a good time and enjoy your capekino.
>some neckbeards try to ruin this movie
How do you figure this will happen? You think rotten tomato scores or angry tweets will change the movie at all?
Why does the amount of money a movie pulls in determine the quality of the film for you?
>Who's with me!
Nah. Not appealing to me. You just go enjoy it - don't worry so much about other people.


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noooooo stop it she is ugly and a fungus and a jew and a cuck and a tranny and a reddit and hates white men and aaaaaaaaaa I'm getting triggered reeeeeeeeee

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It was glue.




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dem fucking eyes

imaging her kissing you

oh, bros, i am cryin'

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>didn't she say that this isnt for males?
no retard


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Incels are so retarded they take orders from actresses! HAHAHAHA. Imagine that!

They make shit up and think it's real, too. AHAHAHAHAHA.

This is why people come to Yea Forums now: to laugh at incels.

Attached: jun-22-2007-hollywood-california-usa-actress-brie-larson-at-the-beautiful-CG0CKT.jpg (767x1390, 181K)

she never said this
youtube e-celebs and Yea Forums shitposters claim she said this to whip incels into a frenzy

have the superior version, bro

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fully obsessed with her now

every day I masturbate to her, respectfully and lovingly

i never saw any marvel/dv movies, but I am definitely going to see that one! Thanks teevee for my new fetish

Attached: Art+Elysium+6th+Annual+Black+tie+Gala+Heaven+UPgVFUYHU_ox.jpg (681x1024, 186K)

the hottest fucking knees in existence
i'd like them for hours


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I've been to every MCU movie in cinema except for Black Panther, instead I'll go to the superior Captain Marvel film, Shazam

this is what happens when brie holds my gun

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what are you fuckin gay

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Brie here. user, I love you too.

Attached: brie-larson-film-culture-critique.jpg (1080x720, 127K)

Brie spoke to me!

I can die happy now.

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here is my favourite

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absolute kino shot

goddam she's gorgeous

how do incels even pretend that she's gross? are they gay?

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imagine the snuggles

Attached: Brie-Larson-Feet-2556142.jpg (1140x1500, 681K)

crazy the amount of good pics I can find of Brie

it's like incels never tried or never wanted to see her beauty

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>boring character introduced a movie 2 months before will defeat the franchises biggest villain

The MCU is going to shit. Better drop it while it's at its peak (Infinity War). There are plently of mangas and TV series I just stopped reading/watching when the story started deteriorating: Lost, One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Bleach, Breaking Bad, Fairy Tail...

reminder that Brie was abandoned by her father and is now seeking a great man to fill the void, to feel what it's like to have a man take care of you

never forget

based brie shall prevail

>230 posts, 90 posters
can you be a little less obvious with this massive samefaging?

Here's what's wrong with your post:

1. MCU isn't going to shit because of your own taste or lack thereof
2. Infinity War is not the peak of the MCU at all, you have shit taste
3. there being mangas and series and whatnot is not an argument and is utterly irrelevant, it only tells us you're stupid
4. you're a fucking incel

>can you be a little less obvious with this massive samefaging?
I've done my best to be obvious enough so that some faggot brainlet would waste time backlinking all my post.

and were me, not the based brieposter

So all of it is a shit test to get the best man possible?

posts, 90 posters
That's not at all abnormal user.

>Who's with me!
Nobody, dude. What the hell is wrong with you?
Skip it and wait for Endgame.

90% of what is said about Brie here is made up by incels. So I have no idea what you're talking about.

Also, why do you think her professional life is the same as her personal life? It's just a job. She doesn't need a job to find a man. Nobody does.

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>implying you look good all the time

>would waste time backlinking all my post
but you waste 1 hour of your own time to post all of this cringefest

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Are you out of your mind? I've been composing my Brie folder as I went, and shared immediately. I've also been masturbating furiously whenever I wasn't typing.

No time wasted on my (bell)end, brother!

Buy tickets for a movie on around the same time, go to Captain Marvel.

Sure. That's exactly what was meant from posting this gif.

I feel that too. It’s time to close the book after a decade of MCU.

Oh it was, incel. It was. You think you're better than Brie, but you're not. You're shit. You're not even hot. You'll never be it.

>implying it'll stop when it's making millions and millions

PR machine.

t. mentally ill

I'm married, fag. I'm voluntary not having sex.


Meanwhile, in reality, married people are the ones having the most sex. Enjoy your shit marriage, bro.

Based reasonable and honest position poster.

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t. never been married

Yeah go for it bro

nice blog

I have. Never had as much sex as during those years. Just marry someone whose sex drive is comparable to yours. Also be sexy, that helps.

I worked out and remained hot the entire time. Became hotter, even. My woman wanted to fuck me every single day of our marriage. I wasn't always down for it, however. We almost never went 3 days without sex. 7 years. You won't believe it.

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