I didn't expect this to be so based. why is it so good and why am i retard for not watching it sooner?

i didn't expect this to be so based. why is it so good and why am i retard for not watching it sooner?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Youre a retard for thinking its based

>didn’t understand the flick

It’s great because it’s stylistically a dream to watch and they got Bale and Pitt to star in it, making it even better than expected.

pls no bully

I did get it, thats the problem


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yes good goy, the movie was awful!

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I just watched it yesterday. For some reason it went completely under my radar, despite me loving movies about money, stocks, investments, etc.

It's an awesome movie, but for some reason people don't seem to talk much about it. I guess it's one of those movies that require too much thinking for the average person.

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It was, you're just retarded

The only good parts were bale and some of gosling and that isnt even taking into acciunt how dishonest the whole message was

give us your review on its dishonesty

jews hate this movie because it exposes them so get ready for incoming larpers

Principal blamed deflected away from the ratings agencies where it properly belongs

Cartoon caricatures of people they dont like and heroic depictions of people they do like

Steve carrell is in a movie that isnt a shitty comedy, its dishonest by default

tosmart finance movies are easy 20something wannabe bait
it's one of the easiest self insert genres

>principle blame*

>the government and ratings agencies arent full of jews

>Principal blamed deflected away from the ratings agencies where it properly belongs
did you miss half the movie?
>Cartoon caricatures of people they dont like and heroic depictions of people they do like
there wasn't much of this at all
>Steve carrell is in a movie that isnt a shitty comedy, its dishonest by default
i would agree if he wasn't actually pretty decent here

your entire post reeks

tfw too retard to understand this movie

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same here

>half the movie
>one scene that was llayed off as a joke
Did you?
>there wasnt much of this
>my post reeks
Youre either talking about another movie or youre a window licking retard

>the scene with georgia
>the scene with the CDO manager in vegas
>all the other less played out scenes sprinkled in throughout the movie
>the leads constantly mentioning that its all the ratings agencies fault
i am already convinced that you are shill

At least you can enjoy the cinematography, acting, atmosphere, etc. Its primarily what makes the film great anyway.

They literally depict them as some old useful idiot lady. Nowhere is maliciousness imputed onto them through the entire film

Its insane that you think theyre being blamed rather than the banks manipulating shit

Go watch the crisis of credit, then rewatch it.

no its insane that you think there wasn't very clear blame put onto them unless you want it spelled out for you because you're too stupid to understand anything unless its at complete face value? the old useful idiot lady was depicted as malicious, sly and shady. jesus christ man watch the movie again if you can't remember it this bad

Youre out of your fucking mind retard



t. seething brainlet
don't talk about films if you literally don't know what happens in the movie

>They literally depict them as some old useful idiot lady
Are you kidding me? She was literally depicted in the same way as those nazis who went "I'm just following orders". Anyone with a brain would be able to obviously see that.

Youre interpretation is so ridiculously warped you mah as well have watched a slideshow

Maybe its autism preventing you from getting subtleties that arent actualy subtle

Yeah thats the point idiot. In REALITY the agencies fraudulently packaged the mortgages for their own purposes. The movie protrays them as being controlled by the banks

The Big Short

Atrocious, if you pay attention to the camera movement you get nautious.
OK. Doesn't quite build up appropriately to just how large the entire economic collapse was.
Well adapted.
>Artistic direction
OK. Very surface level.
Too realistic, a little underwhelming. Introduces and heavily focuses on uninteresting new characters for the sake of realism which is either good or bad depending on your view.
Top notch.

this movie was based up until the last line
>blame the immigrants
like WTF, no one is blaming immigrants for the actions of wall street and inaction of the american government, among others. no one even mentioned them the entire fucking movie until the last line

no you are a deluded retard with a hate boner. please don't lobotomize yourself before posting thanks

>inaction of the federal government
This is what financially illiterate retards actually believe

I dont hate this movie alone, its the morons that overrate the shit out of it that make it especially annoying

Youre like less absurd rick and morty fans. Its the same phenomenon

The scene is right here in question is right here.

hey Jerkshire Hathaway, talk about the immigrant line

Its as stupid as the rest of the movie minus batman and gosling

>fails to apply hanlon's razor

then go watch the batman or drive you fucking autist

>The movie protrays them as being controlled by the banks
No. She LITERALLY talks about how she knows what they are doing is extremely wrong, but that they do it anyway because otherwise they would lose customers.

Did you miss that scene or what is going on here? She admits that they are being turbo scumbags, just for profit.

the film is entertaining and well made. it also happens to have based bale and goose and pitt which knocked it up even more so but that doesn't mean everything else about it isn't pretty fucking great. i find it unwarranted and pretty hilarious that you're ragging it this much when you can't even comprehend that objectively you are wrong about why you think its bad. the ratings agencies are depicted in every possible way as being culprits other than it literally being spelled out on the screen for you.

It's a 'fun' movie but fundamentally dishonest in how it puts forth that the issue is a result of bipartisan policy and that banks are smart enough to exploit weird gambling investments but too dumb to proof themselves against failure

Yea they were a bunch of uneducated stupid high school dropouts that accidentally packaged together mortgages a la gerrymandering en masse, but not enough to warrant detection

The rest of the country that doesnt have the time nor the inclination to peer review somebody elses job are the real bad guys that forced the seemingly poor silly old lady with her silly glasses in her drab office to do it

People cant see theough it because they dont want to


>because they would lose customers
The focus of the movie should be on that moral quandry, not an implication that everyone else knew and manipulated them

>as being culprits
Very minute culprits and not THE instrumentality
>you cant comprehend
Its you idiots that can't comprehend it
>spelled out on the screen for you
Thats literallg what the issue is you stupid fuck. The thing theyre "spelling out" isnt a straight up lie, but its fucking dishonest so they can have a #riseup wank over the poor people

Its considered well made by people with shit taste even disregarding all the factual issues and manipulation.

Thats the flaw in the logic of these people

The banks were the ones that stood to lose on the loans and they did fucking lose. They just dont understand how loan packaging works so they imagine theyre getting some short term profit by buying trash that they wont see a return on

Why Brad Pitt isn't in the cover?

>You can't figure out what the movie is about just by looking at the cover and reading the title

>Why Brad Pitt isn't in the cover?
why are all ESL faggots blind

You bully attempt failed because i don't know what ESL means

Also, stop bullying

no investment bank can be failure proof, it became fundamentally impossible the moment fractional reserve was introduced

You fell for the big short is bad meme

stupidity and shortsightedness goes all the way to the top. you'd know that if you weren't underage.

>stupidity and shortsightedness goes all the way to the top.
not really, their objective is to make as much money for themselves as rapidly as possible, in that regard they were very clever

its a good thing google doesn't exist and we can't search up what acronyms mean in 2 seconds

>they didnt *really* know what they were doing
Lmao you have zero clue how the process even worked

Youre basically saying the equivalent of "NASA went to the moon due to incompetance"

Stupidity, shortsightedness and incompetence aren't the same thing.

i feel stupid for not understanding exactly how much everyone had profited at the end

>make a thread about The Big Short on Yea Forums
>not expecting it to be filled with a bunch of early 20 year old faggots who suck Jordan Petersons dick and were too young to know what happened in 2009 actually felt like

/pol/ was such a fucking mistake. It's a great fucking movie about the housing economic collapse. it's just going to get disregarded because le epic Sam Hyde zoomers here will throw it straight into the kike garbage

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They have the same relative effect on what were talking about

The agencies werent stupid. Maybe they were shortsighted but that doesnt make them not the number one problem. They certainly werent incompetant, their shit flew under everyones radar so much the only interesting storyline in the movie was created

children shit up every single thread and board
reminder that Yea Forums is infested with 13-17 year olds

The only character that is identified as a Jew is the hero and the only one with a moral compass yet somehow walks away with millions. Some fine jewjitsu

>make a thread about an economics movie made by a financially illiterate hack with a political undertone
Its a shit movie about the housing collapase

Its a great movie about exploiting the economic collapse, dragged down by the other element

No one born past 1997 could possibly understand the gravity of 2008 so the zoomies resort to LARPing about something that was happening while they were still in diapers.

Here's the squeeze: the housing crisis literally would not have happened if mandatory loans for nonwhites weren't a thing
it also would not have happened if federal loan classifications weren't pressured internally to prop up the success rate in order to fudge the fact that the policy was an economic failure and a moral wash

your argument is that the movie "feels" right and therefore is right. It's a movie designed to get people to feel outraged at banks instead of decades of failed policy and a politic of over-supporting poor people at the expense of everyone else, to the detriment of everyone

By your own admission they aren't the same with regards to the effect. You could say the agencies were stupid for following alternate motivations which was the crux of the issue.

The book is even better. It's a shame the author became a Drumpf maniac, he has some solid books.

The effect im talking about is minimizing their role for political purposes

>you could say they were stupid
They have a government granted monopoly lmao, they dont have the same incentives everyone else has

reading Liar's Poker right now. Is the big short movie like the book at all?


i wonder who would say this film is dishonest or bad

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What tribe is the director from
>hollywood calling anything else jewish

if you think there aren’t jews who are out to get other jews you are naive

>a politic of over-supporting poor people at the expense of everyone else, to the detriment of everyone
how can someone actually thinks this
what kind of contrarian mental gymnastics do you need to pull to reach the point where you genuinely believe the banking system operates in the interest of poor people
what the fuck

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I could do without the condescending talk-to-the-camera explainers.

The dishonest butthurt jews here are the hollywood ones

>mental gymnastics
>literally conjures up the idea that user said banks operate in the interest of poor people
What the fuck indeed

you had to be an idiot to not see the writing on the wall. When everyone was leveraging houses to buy more houses because it's a better investment then the stock market you know something fucky is going on

Film was amazing. 8/10 at the least.

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>posts the only solid part
Why not post steve carell jerking his dick over a homeless nigger?

The financial crisis was entirely the fault of stupid, uneducated home buyers and boomer investers.

Imagine if your friend wants to buy your copy of red dead redemption 2 for $25. He offers you 5$ upfront and promises to pay you the remaining $20 in 2 months.

A month passes and you realize your friend is retarded and broke and will never be able to cough up those remaining $20. Now another friend approaches you and says: "Hey if you're so sure he'll never pay back...how about I give you $10 and then he has to pay me back those $20!"

What are you going to say? Only an idiot would turn down that offer.

You are Citi Bank, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, etc.

Is this the big reveal where it turns out you’ve been false flagging for BLACKED the whole time?


People respond to incentives

The incentives were warped and fraudulent

>people unironicaly are defending banks and Wall Street

Someone fucking nuke us

>why is it so good
Good cast and a really tight, funny script.

Which is strange because unlike Margin Call, or Wallstreet, or literally any other wall street movie, this one has legitimate hand holding by celebrities to try and help you digest what is going on.

Who is the other friend?

>The incentives were warped and fraudulent

No they weren't. Sure, they were extremely complicated, but what kind of person signs a complicated financial contract without being aware of all the consequences?

Boomer invester gambling away his retirement for too good to be true returns

>autistic metalhead Christian Bale BTFOs jews and makes billions while headbanging in his office scribbling numbers on the walls
absolute pure untapped kino

>tfw parents were renting a house from the people in '08
>market crashes
>banks close our place bc the people never payed their dues on time
>we gotta move back to Granny's place in ghettoville
>tfw people I didn't know took from me the best house and best years of my childhood
I hate the banks and lazy people, and i wait for the DoTR
Who here was also effected by the crash?

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Let that be a life lesson to you. If you're still young, get good grades, study finance at a good school, and be one of the people that will profit from the next '08

2 months ago there was a thread on this exact movie with the exact same picture and everyone hated it.

no marketing, that's why

Totally agree. Fantastic fucking movie. Have watched it 5 times now and will keep rewarding.

My dad lost his job in the grand scheme of things but it wasn't that closely related, more that the IPO for his company got wrecked by the market crash.

Not a huge sob story since it bumped us from upper middle class to lower middle class at worst.

Anymore white collar crime kino?

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Who thought it was a good idea to have a swastika on the poster

>dad did an internship with Arthur Andersen (consulting though)
Crazy how easy it is to kill a company in some fields.

>Bale and Pitt

That makes it worse. Much worse.

Post the thread then fagboy

>Atrocious, if you pay attention to the camera movement you get nautious.
Maybe if you guzzle onions