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this literally cannot be real



so this is the power... of strong independent women...

Remember the 2000s when the lord of the rings movies, the harry potter movies, star wars prequels and pirates trilogy all came out and were enjoyed
And since then nothing good has come out series wise

Next step: removal of audience score.

That's next week

I'm not saying it will be Captain Marvel or Episode IX, but some movie in the future will get shilled just as hard and will have an even bigger reaction and that's what it'll do it.


good lord. did i have a fucking stroke while typing this

Attached: Asperbergs.png (324x246, 49K)

so this is the power of womyn

The logical next step in the suppression and punishment of wrong-think. JewTube is working towards it as well.

Attached: 1551060020513.jpg (550x512, 97K)

Meant to say JewTube is working towards the active disablement of "problematic" comment sections and "wrong" opinions.

>You WILL embrace Brie Larson as Captain Marvel

Attached: lizard man.jpg (267x400, 14K)

>womyn are so powerful they cant handle the internet

logical next step is gulags for white people

>more powerful than Thanos
>cant handle bunch of anons on RT


we deserve it desu

It wasn't. It was at 26%.

dubs o truth

Ah, at least you know you done fucked it up.
This is the future you chose.
t. slav

>gulags for white people
But gulags actually good you bigot.

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>that pic
sometimes I really regret that neither the urss nor usa had the balls to shoot the missiles and create a nuclear holocaust. even if it meant the end of mankind, at least these degenerates wouldn't exist now.