What will Rian Johnson's trilogy be about?

What will Rian Johnson's trilogy be about?

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probably some gay shit

How many cocks he can fit in his ass


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I'll refuse to believe it's actually going to come out until I see it's name on the box office!

Doctor Aphra set during the OT.

Defying expectations in ridiculous ways and giving blue balls to manchilds everywhere

Actually that's a real leak, it will be the first X rated movie on Disney+

Have a sex change and direct as Rihanna I-cut-off-your-Johnson

People will subvert Disney's expectations and nof see it...

Fuck Rian Johnson.

I just don't understand this decision. It's so fucking Sony tier: Rian shoots on time and under budget, okay, sure. But that's obviously because didn't apply any quality control. He also split the fandom down the middle. But fuck that, he saved Disney's bottomless coffers some comparative pocket change!

The wake of the Force, following Rey's farts. Everyone who smelled them is now force-sensitive.

How Jedi were ACTUALLY WRONG while being TOTES PROBLEMATIC, and also how they weren't the ones who invented lightsabers, it was actually a race that has many similarities and parallels to black people in real life.

And, OOPS!, It turns out Yodas race are a race that can decide whether or not they want to be Male or female at will, pandering to MUH TRANNIES. (The hutts already canonically have this ability, but they're not what I'd call the best foot forward on this do who cares XD)

Also all Sith have historically been white human males throughout the entire nu-history.

He's like Lucas and actually a good filmmaker who can split the fandom with kino

He actually is much like Lucas in that Rian has a vision and is stubborn as a mule. Unlike Lucas, he lives and dies by the approval of others, which is why he's so brittle after one movie while Lucas endured for years.

>Rian has a vision
>is stubborn as a mule

>Unlike Lucas, he lives and dies by the approval of others
Lucas sold to disney beacuase he couldn't take the heat
Rian thrives in it he's getting his trilogy to pay back the fans who made george sell it and whom insult him now

Following the total destruction of the empire...
>brown kids live in slavery under the leadership of an unironically orange alien leader
>orange alien president is leader of white aliens that are clearly defined as male and female
>brown kids are androgynous
>brown kids are forced to define their gender and are separated accordingly
>brown girls are forced to work while brown boys have the privilege of playing sports and free education
>because that is how the world works FACT
>one brown girl has The Force and it doesn’t matter why
>she teaches The Force to the other brown girls
>they use their powers to fool the white aliens into freeing them because white alien is so stupid LoL
>brown boys don’t want to leave their lives of privelage
>brown girls steal spaceship and leave without them
>side story of brown boys joining white aliens in their pursuit of brown girls
>brown girls are the new rebellion
>one brown girl befriends a male Wookiee and he becomes the servant dog of the brown girl rebellion
>eventually the male Wookiee proclaims himself a female brown human and they accept her as one of them

The series follows the white aliens chasing the brown girl rebellion through space and the brown girls trying to convince the brown boys to join them, but will they?

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First Jonah and now this fuck. I knew people who used rangefinders were fags.

He obviously had a vision for TLJ, it was just massively incoherent.

I said Lucas endured for years, not forever. Rian got shit for one movie and has been an incurably spiteful little toad over it ever since.

total randomness subverting your subverted expectations

I have no fucking idea, user. Hearing the Looper guy was doing Ep 8 didn't sound terrible at the time. Yeah the time travel shit made no sense, but that wasn't the point of the movie anyway so I was fine letting it slide. But TLJ is so massively incompetent from a writing perspective that I almost wonder if the guy had a stroke. Maybe Rian could go back to making halfway sensible films, but I suspect the man will take this opportunity to shit out another emotionally trite slog weighed down by a new contradictory clusterfuck of finger-wagging moral lessons.

It’s going to take place in the distance past with the first or one of the earliest Jedi who is a strong independent woman.

seething brainlet, probably a virgin L M A O

This is the same person who created Holdo and Rose and thought they were sane good characters.

The sky is the limit on what batshit stuff he’s going to make. He’ll probably have a woman that cuts off male genitalia for fun as a main character.

He will never, ever get a trilogy, or a movie of any kind, as long as he lives. His movie career is over. Only reason Disney doesn't flat out say that his trilogy has been shitcanned is because doing so would be admission of failure on their part, and Disney does not admit failure.

Despite whatever Disney is currently saying, I'm calling it now--the plans will be quietly dropped and some B.S. excuse will be floated to save face for Rian. Between the backlash of Last Jedi and the failure of Solo (a bomb despite being based on an established, popular character), there's no way Disney will drop that kind of cash and resources on a Skywalker-less trilogy. Especially one headed up by such a polarizing director.

Dead on arrival.

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>3 results

fair, but i expected a lot more

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say what you want about rian but looper was a solid film, maybe the problem is in the rest of the machine and not him

In what capacity? Does Rian have a metaphorical gun to his head or something?

probably, he cant just do what he wants

Which would be?

>His movie career is over
He literally has a movie with some of the best talent in Hollywood coming out in November. People want to work with him.

I think Disney is waiting to see how IX does before they truly judge if TLJ damaged the brand. Iger knows Basedlo was a complete fuckup of a production that would have doomed itself even if TLJ wasn't at all controversial.

kek he's fine, he delivered a profitable movie on time and under budget
now paul FEEEEG thats a guy who shouldnt be getting work

It’s going to look ugly as hell. Like his Pizza Star Destroyer and Casino.

Kathleen loved The Last Jedi and it’s feminism (especially the parts where it shits on Luke) and approved Rian’s trilogy. They can’t cancel it because it would look like Disney doesn’t have confidence in their decisions and that Kathleen is a idiot. They would rather burn everything to the ground then admit they messed up.

I thought this would have already happened. Since it hasn’t, i’m pretty sure TLJ was a victim of Studio notes and Kathleen Kennedy; but Johnson had to keep his mouth shut about being strong armed into script changes because he didn’t want to jeopardize his trilogy.

he already has another movie coming out this year that he already shot and is editing now

Good. Pour more gasoline onto this dumpster fire Disney.

>he delivered a profitable movie on time and under budget

That's like saying the 9/11 planes delivered their passengers to their final destination ahead of schedule and with no connecting flights involved...

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>literally comparing a Star Wars movie you didn't like to 9/11

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only manlets and women use leica M6s

He's saying it was a bad movie, user. Of course you can deliver on time and under budget if your idea of quality is severely defective.

>it was bad
>it surprised everyone with how bad it was
>it changed your appraisal of what bad meant from that point forward
>it inspired fully justifiable wrath and anger
>it will take years to fully rebuild from the wreckage, and at great cost

Absolutely a fair comparison.

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Don't forget it irrevocably ruined what initially looked like a grand new era. America was on top of the world and everything was super chill. Look at how many things suck now because of 9/11.

gay niggers from outer space saving the universe

The orphan kid jedis and how they learn the force without sith or jedi teachings. harry potter in space.