A father takes his daughter to see this. They have a nice time together

Why is that a bad thing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Think about it logically.....

logically the father isn't a virgin while you likely are

>Why is that a bad thing?
participating in and funding his own daughter's brainwashing

Attached: fuck men.png (1439x1723, 1.01M)


how nu.ru

>participating in and funding his own daughter's brainwashing

Attached: no white males.jpg (624x721, 77K)

>think of the children
that's an instant fuck you

hes here with the damage control team, so likely pretty new

Because it's the goal of every member on this board to minimize the amount of human enjoyment gained through cinema

Father should be fucking his daughter, otherwise he's a cuuck.

>ways to out yourself as a redditor

>9 / 2 / 8 / 1
i swear you faggots dont even know how to use Yea Forums

*smokes pipe*


you know there really isnt any value in a male virgin


>arguing with holes

>still doesn't get it
PLEASE go back

Attached: 1527768322433.jpg (520x588, 121K)

*hits pipe*
If you think about it logically...

Attached: 1549189735273.jpg (236x291, 14K)

No white men allowed

>21 / 2 / 13 / 2
i love when OP tries to spam their own thread to feign posters but is too poor to afford a Yea Forums pass or use dynamic IP so it doesn't look so obvious and pathetic

females don't know what true friendship is like

>white man being allowed to take his daughter to this film
Brie said she didn't want white men there

>he rapes his daughter to lose his virginity

Based 40yo single cat lady

Attached: BlackNuclearFamily.jpg (976x549, 73K)

>26 / 5 / 17 / 2
>echo echo echo

>Why is that a bad thing?
Because if she's retarded enough to look up to actors that appeared in movies she likes she will become a cunt. And then I will have to deal with more cunts throughout my daily life. Not that this movie will have a major impact on that but the net effect is negative.



Attached: un flimflammed.gif (311x223, 1.52M)

Sound like ur a virgin except for in the butt lmao

this thread is just incels and virgins calling one another virgins
>if only you could just fuck each other

Attached: 533.jpg (900x729, 67K)

or they could just be a proper parent and actually parent instead of just mindless feeding them media or retardedly banning them from it so they because as autistic at the posters in this thread

Or that could not happen and the daughter might become a cunt. From my perspective it would be better for these coinflips not to occur in the first place.

and this user here is the master virgin where we all take advice from him on how to avoid females (and males)


Attached: 190469-min.jpg (1200x867, 115K)

yes user exactly like a coinflip 50/50
how were your parents?

no u

no u

No u

It's misandrist propaganda.

No u

That’s sad.

I know a bunch of girls like this. So many qts from high school and college, then I go to my 10 year reunions and most of them have turned into trash. I don’t know what made them get so crazy. I hope it’s just a phase they grow out of. It’s hard finding a decent girl out here.

They were capable of raising me to be intellectually honest and intelligent enough to participate in conversations featuring non-literal rhetoric without descending into passive aggressive word games. Unfortunately more parents are like yours and the future cunt's.

Because that can happen with any movie, not just your shitty one, Disney

no U

what drives women to shave off their eyebrows and draw them back on hideously with sharpie markers super thick?

Says she's superior. Attacks his parents anyway

and yet nothing they taught stuck.
im sure you 100% believe you're being intellectually honest and intelligent; delusion often affects perception

no Rogue no care

Attached: rogue.webm (640x464, 2.26M)

I wish the UK did high school reunions. I just wanna show everyone I became a pseudochad.

>nuh uh you're not being intellectually honest and intelligent
>i know this despite the fact that you've been giving real answers to my questions while i try to snipe at you with barely coherent gotchas

You fucking retard. The third number is the number of posters. 9 posts/8 ips (1.125 posts per ip) , 21 posts /13 ips (1.62 posts per ip) , and 26 posts/17 ips (1.53 posts per ip) is not echoing.

>this level of unconscious projection


Attached: 1551211989561.png (543x899, 315K)

>54 / 9 / 31 / 1
congrats on the round table

>literally imagining subtext
how can you not smell the dog shit on your own shoes

you don't have to have sex to be a dad. for example, your dad is a virgin

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Quantify, in your mind, the value of a male virgin. Then realize that the value of a female non-virgin is even lower than that.


decent girls don't exist, just ones smarter than you so they can fool with their shit acting

It's true that I've been giving real answers because I'm capable of and willing to have a real conversation about this topic. And it's true someone denied that with no argument after many other posts trying to deflect from the answer to the initial question. You don't understand what subtext means.

If you're not capable of responding to this intelligently instead of just insulting me again please reflect on why that is.

Only the youngest girl looks like she wants to be there the other 2 don't appear to give a shit. What an attention whore of a step father they have.

>It's true that I've been giving real answers
>I'm capable of and willing to have a real conversation about this topic
>it's true someone denied that with no argument
poor reading comprehension
> You don't understand what subtext means
swing and a miss

try again next year when you're old enough to post, kid

Attached: Untitled.png (827x515, 157K)

the argument being that parenting is a coinflip because of feminist media? Justified by
>step 1 watch movie
>step 2 ???
>step 3 cunt!
amazing argument some on get this autist on TedX

No, you're still fixating on arguing that rhetoric isn't literally true instead of addressing the point.

The point is that actresses like brie will give rise to more cunts when girls try to emulate her. Some girls will not try to emulate her. Others will be in environments that cancel out any attempt to emulate her. But some will succeed in emulating her, giving rise to more cunts. To whatever small extent this movie has any real world impact that impact will be the creation of more cunts.

*puff puff*

Attached: think about it logically.jpg (500x617, 156K)

i didn't know Carol had a pet chimp

Attached: download (1).jpg (269x186, 12K)

>think of the children
>that's an instant fuck you

Attached: cats.jpg (1439x1723, 281K)


>nin shirt

>Sexist incel manifesto

All that poster says is that Disney should of remade The Cat From Outer Space.


>blue eyed
>all his kids are blue eyed
if you have a problem with this you're dumb

the father realizes that the daughter is not his

This thread is like boomer parents talking about Beatle-mania

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>A father takes his daughter to see this. They have a nice time together.

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Merryposters salvaged this shitty thread.

>Why is that a bad thing?

I don't want to encourage the perpetualization of the myth that women should be anything other than home makers. Call me old fashioned, but a when I come home from work, I want to find a clean home, the kids have finished their homework, and a hot meal waiting for me.

CATptain Meowvel

>They're cunts because they won't fuck me

>that pic

Attached: 1546353878557.gif (492x336, 2.98M)

> no boyfriend
> a fucking cat

All we need now is a scene with her drinking wine.


here's your (you)

>Children of the master race

>having a daughter

based tripfag

here's your gold, kind stranger

women shouldn't be watching movies anyways. its garbage for their minds and they shouldn't have the time for such frivolous things. allowing cunts to work alongside men was the biggest mistake in western history

Thanks for being reciprocal since I'm the only one reading your shit anyways

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Always be a MAN and raise the children of other MEN!

Can't tell whether I feel disgust or contempt

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Tfw white people are the architects of their own extinction

Jesus fucking Christ page 9 and not one of you faggots could come up with any kind of intelligent answer. All you did was bicker with each other about moronic bullshit that has absolutely nothing to do with this movie. You all should just go see this movie opening weekend and maybe not think so much because clearly you have no idea how to enjoy cinema. K thanks for nothing, bye!

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yas gurl slay

your question just wasn't interesting; sorry

Bumping cause we don't have enough Capt. Marvel threads.

thanks ya big dumb fucking cock loving nigger fuck face dipshit cunt faggpt

lmao based

>ask stupid question
>get stupid answers
>cry about it
consider suicide

It's not, it's an imaginary thing.

They could have seen Alita, instead- guaranteed to be the better movie.

Alita doesn't put up with anything... without being a smug b*tch about it.

Nice line. I may use it some day.

I wouldn't want her getting the wrong idea about a buff, strong woman looks like. Girls should want to get properly ripped by puberty, none of this weakling, tiny arm shit.

for the master race by the master race. ethnocuckery is a noble duty


>he is 8






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