

Attached: 3CC1F095-22F4-4471-B26A-59C0FE529D8F.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

>English women are ugly they said.
She's a 7.5/10 in England.

season 1 Emilia best Emilia

just imagine they cast her

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and I agree with this assessment.

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Thanks OP, I had forgotten what it was like to be attracted to this chick.

I was a long time ago.

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What is with her weird natural sharpie brows? They’re lightened here and still look like Kardashian marker.

>posts this box office poison trash from her first season in game of thrones

I like her eyebrow game

ASOIAF should've been adapted as a high-budget adult-oriented western cartoon series


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T i t e

She looks best blonde.

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This is perfection.

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she was so hot in season 1, what happened?

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sweet jesus

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Can confirm.

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>excuse me dear I'm on my way to the premiere could you give me a hand up the curb?

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bong genes

She is. The only thing I’ve seen her in was Ordinary Lies in that creepy episode where she was supposed to be a schoolgirl who was taken advantage of by the paki Klingon from ST Discovery.

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Based Holly poster

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no goblin genes

This is a 10/10

she was fine as fuck in season 1

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Maario Naharis

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>Emilia Clarke is 12.5% Indian
What in the goddamn!!?!??!?


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I always thought she was part black

who dis?



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shill are out in full force today for GOT...

my boo thang

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rate my wife

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im so lonely

She really was right here. Shame it didn't last, though she is still cute in some ways

your shit meme is shit

got is the most popular show in history, it doesn't really need shills.

looks like my middle school crush

gets defecated on by saudi princes on a weekly basis

Too lightskinned for full sun.
Would not recommend her if you life or work near a beach. 5/10


Why are her eyebrows brown

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6.5 everywhere else desu

They dyed them some weird creamy brown colour. They are actually dark almost black and far bushier.

is the live action for Steel Ball Run out yet?

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She may be part-Indian, but does anyone honestly believe her Mother is 1/4 quarter Indian?

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Naomi Woods?

>she's fat
fuck. every time

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jojo referince?

>triangle tits
no thanks

she does not look like this anymore

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Wow what a shock, women peak at 16-18

I don't give a fuck, I would wife in a heartbeat

Is it from her mothers side?

Imagine how hairy her snatch is when she doesn't shave

looks like a goblina in both desu

She was 24 in that scene ya nonce


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did she just finish shooting a blacked scene?

she should replace the old bitch clark or whatever shes called

before marriage after marriage (right)
any questions?



ryan gosling screaming in an all white room

Yeah, her mother doesn’t look Indian at all, yet she easily looks like she could be in part and simultaneously looks a lot like her. Then again stranger things have happened. That Sabrina girl from The Apprentice UK has a fully Indian mum but is blonde and blue eyed, while her brother actually looks somewhat mixed.

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>grandmother had to hide her skin color
Fucking full of shit virtue signaling cunt

easily over 18 dummy

Excellent tase. I too am drawn to women in their early thirties who look like they belong in a nursing home.

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Is this digitally altered?