*kills a goblin*

>*kills a goblin*
>Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
Why didn't the orcs offer a vegan alternative?

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this one sucks. next time just put him in a chef's hat with some produce and have him say 'looks like veggies are back on the menu, boys!'
Or maybe even Gordon Ramsay hybrid, 'finally, some good fucking meat'

They had bread, you dimwit
Granted it had maggots in it so it wasn't strictly vegan, but you can pick those off

that's a uruk hai that killed an orc. goblins were those little fuckers in Moria

i think veganism is a human conception and they wouldn't consider it since, you know, they ARE evil after all

Goblin and orc are synonymous in Tolkien


This is honestly one of my favorite scenes.

its explained somewhere in the books that orcs are bigger goblins

Do you guys remember the bit where the films were too long?

Could have been longer. The Shire part should have been added

>being vegan is "good"

Source on that because I missed it the last 7 times I've read the books.

because Veganism is fucking unhealthy, even Orcs know it why don't you?

I thought Uruk-hai were basically super Orcs. Goblins were just another world for Orcs in the books. In The Hobbit they used the term goblin, but in LoTR they switched over to Orc.

In the movies it seems like they differentiated them a bit, making goblins a distinct race that were smaller, more beast-like, and prone to living in caves and mountains.

somewhere in the hobbit Tolkien implied orcs were a larger subset, but retconned it to them being the same in LOTR. also why would you reread the same series so many times?

How would an orc even know what a menu is?

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How does an orc know what anything is? They're born at their full size then kitted up with armor and a sword and sent off to war.

a group of goblins from Moria join the Uruk Hai Party somewhere after the kidnapping of Merry and Pipping

Orcs have normal life cycles like any other creature, Tolkien wrote in a letter that there were female Orcs, we just never see them since the books are basically a war story

>How would an orc even know what a menu is?
The orcs are masters of industry and innovation.

According to JRRT the barbed wire used in WW1 was invented by a goblin who survived into the modern age and became employed by the government.

What are Orc schools like? Are they are bad as inner city schools?

based boromir