Was Sheev actually calling each Clone officer separately and telling them to execute order 66? How long did it take him...

Was Sheev actually calling each Clone officer separately and telling them to execute order 66? How long did it take him? Entire day? Imagine this

>*beep beep*
>Commander Cody, execute order 66
>It will be done my lord.

>*beep beep*
>Commander Deviss, execute or..
>Comander Deviss?
>Execute or-

>*beep beep*
>Commander Doom?

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Also, what the fuck was Yoda doing for this entire time? He could literally feel all the Jedi dying one by one, but he didn't even bother to warn the rest?

Nice job, you green asshole

Attached: Yoda-Order66.png (511x449, 475K)

Yes and he enjoyed it

Sheev liked to make the clones commanders special with a personalized call.
And they did lose a good amount of Jedis on Geonosys, so it's not like he had to place thousands of collect calls.

he had them pre recorded just pushed a button

Why was Order 66 even a thing?
And why can one person trigger a literal Jedi genocide?
What were the other 65 Orders about?

1-"Breathe. If you don’t, you will suffocate."

2- "You have a soul. Be careful with it."

3-"Don’t be a turd. If you are strong, be a protector. If you are smart, be a humble influencer. Strength and intelligence can be weapons, so do not wield them against the weak. That makes you a bully. Be bigger than that."

4- "When giving a dog medicine, put the medicine in a little piece of hamburger and they won't even know they're eating medicine."

5- "It doesn't matter what it is. Earn it. A good deed. Reach out to someone in pain. Be of service. It feels good and it's good for your soul."

6- "God is real. God loves you, God wants the best for you. Believe that, I do."

7-"If you have to poop at a party, but you're embarrassed because you're going to stink up the bathroom, just do what I do. Lock the door, sit down, get all of the pee out first. And then, once all the pee is done, poop, flush, boom! You minimize the amount of time that the poop's touching the air,” he said. And then he continued, getting even more graphic. "Because if you poop first, it takes you longer to pee and then you're peeing on top of it, stirring up the poop particles, create a cloud, goes out, then everyone at the party will know that you pooped. Just trust me, it's science."

8-"Learn to pray. It's easy, and it is so good for your soul."

9- "Nobody is perfect. People will tell you that you are perfect just the way that you are, you are not! You are imperfect. You always will be, but there is a powerful force that designed you that way, and if you are willing to accept that, you will have grace. And grace is a gift. Like the freedom that we enjoy in this country, that grace was paid for with somebody else's blood. Do not forget that. Don't take that for granted

According to pic related, there were 10000 of them when it started and 100 when it ended.

Let's even say that only 5% actually died by the hand of clones - that would still require sheev making over 500 calls that day.

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They trained/programmed the Clones to carry out 150 different orders. Order 65, for example, was to take out the Chancellor if he went power mad and the Senate wanted him removed. The fact that there was so many of them is what probably allowed something like that to slip through the cracks if anyone really looked.

What if he just called the commanders and most of the Jedi were at the temple?

Visual storytelling.

That's how Uncle Sheev shows he really cares. Lucas was masterful in his portrayal of Sheev as a wild card with great ambitions but a heart of gold underneath it all.

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>Order 65, for example, was to take out the Chancellor if he went power mad and the Senate wanted him removed

That smells like bullshit, why would Sheev allow such an order if he was the one who bought the clone army from Kamino in the first place?

It's a galaxy full of people. They probably have trillions of them and I bet my left nut you could afford to hire like 50 guys with a space law/ space political science degree to proofread that stuff

Where did Master Sifo Dyas get the money from to pay for an army large enough to participate in intergalactic conflict?

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>Order 65: "In the event of either (i) a majority in the Senate declaring the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) to be unfit to issue orders, or (ii) the Security Council declaring him or her to be unfit to issue orders, and an authenticated order being received by the GAR, commanders shall be authorized to detain the Supreme Commander, with lethal force if necessary, and command of the GAR shall fall to the acting Chancellor until a successor is appointed or alternative authority identified as outlined in Section 6 (iv)."
The Senate loved him and the Security Council was probably filled with Sheev loyalists. There was no chance they'd pull it off. Even if they did take it to a vote, Sheev still had the Seperatists in his pocket.

The Jedi were naive. They probably thought Order 66 was balanced by Order 65. On top of that, they didn't really make any moves against the Councilor until that shitty assassination attempt.

How did certain clones get their names? Like who decided to name this orange fuck "Cody"? Does Cody mean something in a galaxy far far away or was it just a practical joke by Obi-Wan to give him the name of a shrimpy third grader?
Karren Travis trash isn't canon.

>Think Commander Doom is based off of Dr. Doom

>Think Commander Doom is based off of Doomguy

why not, he waited hundreds of years for this oportunity, probably the best day of his life

former master of sithious plagueis was a muun and chairman of the intergalactic banking clan
in the original drafts syfo dyas was an alias of Sidious, or dooku and not a diferent jedi, it shouldve been the birth name of dooku for me, he could say that after learning the republic was in the hands of the sith his clone army had to be balanced by a droid army to keep the galaxy separated or something like that

>hundreds of years
Was Sheev really that old?

in dark empire he was, palpatine was just a body he had posesed and jumped when it had deteriorated because of the dark side, the dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural

>chairman of the intergalactic banking clan
Those damn (((bankers)))

>palpatine was just a body he had posesed and jumped when it had deteriorated because of the dark side

Is that canon? Because it sounds like some shitty fanfic to me

maybe just the ones who had a close relationship with their jedi

he pressed reply all so he was sending the same hologram to every clone trooper

That still sounds pretty stupid
>Sir, you've been talking to yourself entire day, are you alright?
>Uh, yeah... Just training speeches in front of mirror and stuff...

He lied and told the cloners it was commissioned by the republic, figuring they'd eventually pay for it once war broke out and they'd have no choice but to accept them.
Dooku then had him killed and secretly funded the project himself, under his sith name Tyrannus.

They were literally brainwashed. All they needed was a recording of Sheev saying "Execute Order 66" to go on a Jedi shooting spree. The order he gave Cody was just replayed for all other clones.

No, that's from Dark Empire - an early expanded universe series that brought other priceless additions to Star Wars like the Emperor making an evil clone of Luke Skywalker named "Luuke"

Why didn't he just double the eagles and fly on the ressources?

He spent even more time talkin with operators hunting down where each Jedi was.
>transfer me to Quin-quo-fat's unit.
>they are not in this sector anymore
>Well where are they?
>let me transfer you to the local fleet command operator, he should be able to transfer you to someone who might know where they redeployed to
>thank you
>*waiting music starts playing*

I think it was relayed to every other Clone commander. If I remember correctly, he doesn't even name the other commander when he appears as a hologram in the ARC ship.

Sheev's character ages like wine.