Remember practical special effects?

Remember practical special effects?

Attached: practical effects.webm (988x420, 2.55M)

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fucking japs

John Landis sure does

I literally dropped my burger! Turn it off! Turn it off!

why are they exploding for no reason?

So many stunt performers nearly killed. This scene must give John Landis a hard on.

Attached: 1529249127718.gif (340x340, 137K)

jesus fucking christ that looks good

>The P-40 crashing in the flight line was an unplanned accident. It was a life-sized mock-up powered by a gasoline engine turning the propeller and steered by using the wheel brakes, just like real airplanes, but was specifically designed not to fly. The aircraft shown was loaded with explosives that were to be detonated by radio control at a specific point down the runway. Stunt performers were strategically located and rehearsed in which way to run. However, shortly after the plane began taxiing down the runway, it did begin to lift off the ground and turn to the left. The left turn would have taken it into a group of other mock-ups that had also been wired with explosives, but weren't scheduled to be destroyed until later. The explosives in the first P-40 were detonated on the spot in order to keep it from destroying the other planes, so the explosion occurred in a location, for which the stunt men weren't prepared. When it looks like they were running for their lives, they really were. This special effect was filmed with multiple camera so that it could be reused in other shots in the film, as were all the major special effects.

What movie is this? Looks like great pacific war kino.

tora tora tora

I mean, this gives me a hard on too. I didn't know I was so broken.

>the guy who pressed the detonation button when the plane was near a bunch of stunt men
holy shit absolute madlad

looks cheap to me *shrug*

Uh huh couldn't have them other planes being ruined.


Attached: tropic_thunder.jpg (320x240, 23K)

I wonder if he woulda got charged for manslaughter if it ended up killing someone

>I blow it up now good luck everyone else

>the guy that almost has the fire extinguisher land on him



Movies are made by pussies afraid of risks now days.

they had some fucked up contracts back then, not sure if that would have saved him from getting sued tho

>dude you're not making a film unless half of your cast and crew can die on the spot lmao
You never left your room

Pearl Harbor was the best example you could think of?


Attached: trustthegov.gif (500x291, 1.92M)

>I see potential for VFX here..

Attached: DucgeduW4rytAAjQ54.jpg (540x540, 28K)

That you John Landis?

what am I looking at here

this was actually an accident

which footage was this even in? never seen this faked shit

Shit I forgot what it's like to see people actually running for their lives.

shitty special effects, looks fake and gay 0/10

>TFW you will never almost kill half your stunt cast to get a better and more realistic shot

It was a simpler time


I mean, he isn't wrong. No need to take risks when you can just pay people to cgi into existence. I bet you've never left your room either, kek.



why didn't they have a scout plane out to spot any potential attacks

Because fuck you, fuck stuntmen, fuck the audience, fuck movies especially, and fuck Hollywood.


now post a webm of the harbor scenes that look like they were shot in a bathtub

>please do my homework for me!

do it yourself, lazy millenial