Throw a one bad party

>throw a one bad party
>get sent to prison

Is this really how America works?

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>Muh freedoms!
Yeah sure LOL

right? what's wrong with a little entrepreneurial spirit

>Learn promotion
>Exploit the 1%
>Think you are a genius
>Dont actually have any other skills so things fall apart
>The 1% own the courts so you get taken apart


What's worse is that a "bad party" is a completely subjective statement, what some call "bad" may be the best thing ever to others. This man literally got sent to prison because "I didn't like your party" and people actually support this.
First Trump getting elected, then net neutrality being repealed and now this, how fucked is this country?

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>scamming the people who came to your beach party to fund your legal team
Was it autism?

thomas jefferson is rolling over in his grave

>Forge financial documents in order to trick investors into giving you money
>Get sent to prison
WTF I thought this was a free country

>ancaps will defend this

I'll apologize but I won't take off my glasses

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>First Trump getting elected
Back to your discord

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Sorry for not promoting a racist sexist xenophobic lyar, also there is nothing wrong with being trans you fucking piece of shit. Also howthe fuck is using discord bad? do you use fucking skype or some shit lmao
Fuck you /pol/tards are dumb, glad this board (and site) is becoming leftist again, maybe I'll actually be able to discuss my favorite movie without you retards shitting on them for being "capeshit" (despite 90% of the characters in the good movies don't wear capes, but that would imply /pol/ actually watches movies LOL)

>this site is blablabla
Its nothing but advertisers, paid shills and schizos that shill for free.

what are you even trying to say? /pol/tards can't even write properly LOL

He got sent to prison because he scammed people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars

Tell that to the thousand islanders who lost their savings and worked for a month for essentially no wages.



Okay advertiser, paid shill or possibly schizo.
The trolls have been drowned out by the professionals and the crazies.

he was too thick to play the system, tried to screw the wrong people and paid for it
absolutely no sympathy, this is a terrible thread

his punishment is more than fair, reminder that in a society free of a legal system someone would have killed him for it by now

>two different documentaries made about this shit
>daily threads on reddit/Yea Forums
>cheese sandwich meme everywhere
>"bro did you watch the fyre docutmentary?"
so fyre 2 is going to be a huge fucking deal. this guy may be in jail/debt, but he knows how to promote shit. he won't be poor for long

he went to prison for fraud, and the fact it was so high profile means the evidence had to be solid
remember, the public hates the sort of entitled little shits who paid to go to this

I did butt stuff with a preggo fingol slut at fyrefest AMA


The problem I have with this site is that no matter how obnoxious you try to be I cant get angry because I am imagining a wage slave or possibly a jesus freak.

>commit wire fraud
>get sent to prison
sounds fine to me


what are you even saying

Eres un negro gay

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>muh net neutrality
Yeah fucking retard, my internet service sure is a whole lot different without it!
>muh Trump
Seriously, how brain dead are you?

>Yeah fucking retard, my internet service sure is a whole lot different without it!
It will change for the worse soon
>>muh Trump
>Seriously, how brain dead are you?
Fuck off, assblasted incel MAGAtard

The mutt, the?

Basically this. Poor people will just badmouth you on the internet if you give bad service. Rich people sue.

would it have been gay of the guy to suck that dick if he only did for the team?

You will never be a real woman.

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Fuck trustfund kiddies AND fuck natives

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America is the defacto party capital of the world. Not rocking out is a federal offence punishable by a shot of apple sours.
Unless you're a fucking nerd in which case you get a pass as long as you design cool shit like Call of Duty

Go back to your discord.

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