Your floor number, please

>your floor number, please
>Deckard, 97
>97. Thank you. Danke.
Why the FUCK does the building speak German?

Attached: Blade Runner.jpg (2855x4250, 2.75M)

usa is full of germans bro

Lots of immigrants from asia and europe in BR's los angeles. This is why the city speak has, say, hungarian in it.
You see it in 2049 too, with Russian and Finnish unless I am mistaken.

City Speak

Also remember that the Earth was all but abandoned for Off World Colonies and the only people left were genetically flawed enough to not pass the medical to leave.

Before the berlin wall fell German was the second dominant language of the USSR, having the street talk of the future be a combination of german, english, jappo and chink was to illustrate a migration event from the eastern hemisphere (the implication is nukes.)

there's a bunch of hindi/sanskrit writing in the police building despite everyone being white

>white people
>existing in 2049

City Speak

>Monsieur Deckard!

Danke is universal

I said Europeans. Never said G*rmans, F*nns and R*ssians are white.
I consider white only the British east coastline (Newcastle to Colchester), and western Norway. MAYBE.

>You know what a turtle is?

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No but do you like our owl?

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What about the Dutch?

Come on now. Now you will tell me Danes are white, too.

It's artificial?

Of course it is

It's supposed to be a cultural melting pot. Gaff speaks Japanese, Tyrell's elevator speaks Spanish, etc.

>tfw no off-world movie


Lol. Fuck off, Kraut. Germany has no cultural influence outside of music from hundreds of years ago.

Japanese makes sense (people thought it was going to take over the world when BR was made) and it's LA so of course there's Spanish. But who gives a fuck about Germany?

Because Deckard is a city slicker and speaks multiple languages AND has a fancy german hovercar

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It's clear that in that world people moved in a different way, probably because of the nukes.
In 2049 btw Los Angeles is not even that latino, this of course triggered the usual suspects that only check ethnicities when watching a movie.

Also German is still spoken in the USA today.

The version(s) with the voice over has Deckard say that the language in LA is a clusterfuck of like 6 languages.

Good. That's the point.

>city slicker
formerly slacker

still the best sci fi movie ever made

Wrong Ridley Scott movie.

>tfw was seeing a girl who had a look of Rachel
>tfw lost her

>still the best sci fi movie ever made
Yeah, no. I say this as someone obsessed with BR. I like it more than the movies I wrote above, but objectively speaking..


Still inferior. Alien is AMAZING, but still does not explore the same themes.
As Sci-fi, BR is sill > Alien. As movie in general, debatable.
I WANT to like Sunshine. It has a lot of potential but it falls apart at one point and goes full b-movie. Absolutely not on par.

>German was the second dominant language of the USSR
lol no

Then why do you keep remaking German movies in Hollywood?

sunshine is ass

So where did Roy get the dove? Was it hidden in his crotch and he had to undress to take it out?

I found sunshine to be wonderfully atmospheric and moving, that could just be my opinion tho

*until prometheus

The movie HAS a lot of good. But at one point it's as if they kinda gave up or changed writer and director.
Not to compare with these movies as genre, but think about Mad Max 3. How it becomes at one point post-apocalyptic Goonies. Same thing, in a way.

lolololololo epinnn

Yeah. there was a lout of hindi and japanese with a bit of russian on sets and props

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I find it hilarious that their future depiction of LA is flooded with chinks and not spics. At least the former would be more aesthetically pleasing and less crime-ridden.

As stated above, this gave problems with the usual suspects, even our beloved Anita.
Said this, since part of the US was nuked, it's quite clear that spics had better things to do that come over here.

To make them palatable for white people.

Jesus, the language you are writing in is descended from German. English is a Germanic language.

>All Germanics were Germans!
lmao kraut empirelet lies about history, as expected of a slav mutt.

Must be expensive

we wuz könig

was build by a japanese

>muh white
>muh not white
you only hear americans speak like that which is funny, because they are 90% mongrels

But all the Alien films are the off world. Ian Holm, Winona Ryder and Fassbender are replicants.


Yeah the theory has no basis whatsoever.

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>foggy scene
Oh wow I guess I was wrong!

Japanese and Germans went their separate ways.

Is it real?

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Attached: prometheus_blu-ray.jpg (600x450, 213K)

You guys have to be underage to unironically believe this

I am the author if the post. I am Italian and I was ironically shitposting for reasons quite clear now that I gave you this info.

>if the protagonist doesn't break the 4th wall looking at the camera and telling it to me its not canon
stay brainlet