Achilles or Hector?

>Also... FUCK Paris

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Also, it's a terrible injustice this the related gif isn't widespread for reactions. We must rectify this.

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Helen sure had a nice pair of tiddys
Would have started a war too tbfh

The Virgin Paris vs. The Chad Menelaus. Imagine if they played even faster and looser with the source that they already did and had Menelaus stick around and be some big final boss for Paris. More Gleeson is always welcome.

Achilles, everytime.

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For me it was Hector

>Tumblr gif

>Tries to kill Achilles
>Ends up killing his cousin instead
Was Hector black?

Hector was the hero untill he interfered in the duel and killed Menelaus to save his coward selfish brother

Achilles was okay untill he sperged because his warrior cousin was killed in battle - WOW, my cousing who rode into battle was killed by his oponents WOW such injustice

The true hero and only patrician choice is Odysseus

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Who gives a fuck? It's a good reaction gif to stupid posts like yours.

Unironically got what he deserved after the Trojan War ended.

Back to Redddit

The illiad was a critique of.. eh fuck it

Hector naturally. Everyone loved Hector, the Trojans loved him, the greeks loved him. He's considered to be the most noble character in the war. Achillies was a whiney facggot who sulked because the High King took his slave. If he wasnt dipped in the styx he would have been killed before he reached puberty

The absolute state of autistic Yea Forums purists.

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If you're going to say war itself, I thought it was a mix? It showed both the tragic side and the glorious with how war can bring out incredible courage, feats, and ingenuity.

enjoyed a bunch of adventures with his bros, got home and stoped the local virgins from fucking his wife?

>Odysseus doesn't find Achilles pretending to be a woman to escape the war
>Achilles doesn't chase wimp Hector around the walls of Troy 3 times
>Agamemnon a moronic dastardly villain
>Helen Of Troy not shown happy with Menalaos after the end of the war
>Menalaos killed for idiotic reasons
>No Diomedes striking Ares with a spear and a scream that echoed tens of thousands
>no god involvement whatsoever
honestly one of the biggest pieces of shit of an adaptation. Dont bother telling me they went realistic, you'd have to be a moron to suggest that

>If the king can take my property then what's the point in fighting to earn it?
>Here's what I'll do, if they violate my NAP I'll fight back.
Achilles was an ancap. That's why you Hectorfag commies hate him so much.

Hector. The only one who is not a complete shithead in that story.

Paris had within his right to take Helen. He was promised Helen by Aphrodite.

The bit where the Trojans fuck up the Greek camp, march on them whilst shield banging, and the Greeks, including Odysseus, look terrified honestly felt like it could have been the climatic battle of a different story. The final route of the big bad enemy army.

Bronze age design > iron age design

Fight me

>'Hey, god told me I could fuck your daughter. No, I don't have proof. Why are you getting mad, bro?


>Hector thought he'd killed Achilles
Was he a fool?

>>Agamemnon a moronic dastardly villain
Cox hamming it up big time was entertaining af though. Him going completely insane at the end was funny.

He was a man of duty, that's the whole point of his character.

>choosing between two bitches

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But whay did agamenom do wrong though

He was basically a video game boss battle for Hector.

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Have some stats

Cause they wanted an evil af villain for the sake of Achillies and his development. The writer, Benioff, is one of the Game of Thrones guys and you can see a lot of similarities when you compare the film and that show.

1. you completely forget that the greeks believed divine intervention occurred plenty.
2. Helen of Troy was not kidnapped but forced to love Paris upon his site, thanks to Aphrodite
Both had a right to take her but obviously the Gods overruling is clearly going to be superior.
Not that it matters anyway she lived happily ever after with Menalaos anyway

We we're robbed of an Odyssey movie with Sean bean as Odysseus.

>1. you completely forget that the greeks believed divine intervention occurred plenty.
Greek gods also troll everyone, all the time. Doesn't mean you just hand over your kid.

The Iliad ends at the funeral, wasn't the rest was written after by that roman guy?

But yeah, Helen was never in love with that faggot she was under a spell

they showed his dog in Troy too

>But yeah, Helen was never in love with that faggot she was under a spell
Obvious they wanted a good vs. evil story. The Greeks were obviously made the baddies with a few decent chaps like Achillies and his bros and Odysseus. Thus Menelaus was made an evil mini boss.

>wasn't the rest was written after by that roman guy?
Euripides wrote The Trojan Woman which details the judgement of Paris and how he became promised Helen. Other stuff from a Roman poet around 2nd century I think

Troy threads are the highest IQ threads on Yea Forums for some time now

>there are people on this thread that didn't read the Illiad

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Yeah the Aeneid is like the SW sequels

Oh I see, thanks
yes, I agree

For me it's Aenaus.

Ahem fuck Dido.

based on Troy the film would have Odysseus just getting lost and fighting armies. No gods, no beasts
shit with Polyphemus wouldn't happen for one

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Heh, i read it in Greek, kiddo

i've tried 3 times and got a third of the way through, it's annoying because the alexander pope translation is actually pretty sick

What if I read the Satyricon in Latin instead?

Hector was smarter and braver than Achilles would ever be. Achilles is only arguably better as a fighter

Achilles was a faggot
>you killed my gay lover who is just my cousin in this adaptation I guess
>it was entirely his fault
>now I'm going to drag your body around and desecrate your corpse HECTOR you FUCKING SHIT
he thought it was you, Achilles
Hector did nothing wrong

t. greek

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he was literally the ideal choice for Odysseus

>killed Menelaus to save his coward selfish brother
Yes this was awful

You don't pussy out of 1 on 1 combat like that, how could you command the respect of your men

>One omen is best, to fight for one's
Hector is based

Hector fought bravely and deserved better

95% of his body cannot be touched, he is better but not because he learned to fight, it's because he's under a spell of invulnerability

You got me

invulnerable body or not that didn't even factor into their fight

Hector didn't land a single solid hit, the heel thing was irrelevant

Why did they never make a proper sequel to his role for the Odyssey?

Because it's literally impossible for him to do so

>achilles disrespects the gods left and right
>still has their protection
fucking chad

>proper sequel to Troy
considering Troy is a pile of shit compared to The Iliad, Im glad a sequel wasn't made

Just how the fuck can you fit nearly twenty people inside the Trojan horse and not have anyone hear or notice people inside it? The Trojans deserved their fate for their ineptitude.

>his warrior cousin

You forgot gay lover

Also fucked some hot witches in a couple of islands.

look at this fancy motherfucker acting like he never touched dicks with his cousin

1. the trojans were persuaded easily by a good story on why the horse would not be investigated
2. the only 3 trojans who were skeptical of it were killed by Poseidon

>getting killed by a mermaid

all the gods were made in man's image. Poseidon was only half fish when a retard drew him.

Paris aimed at his heel with the aid of apollon
Poseidon sent a sea serpent, not himself

Oddly, the film never had Paris treated like a reviled figure or pariah after his cowardice and running whilst other men died. He's still treated the same. During the sack, the lead Trojan army guy embraces Paris warmly when he joins the fight. It's weird.

I guess because there was always ruckus around the horse, from the Trojans discovering it, the celebration of it bought into the city, etc. They could have had plenty of blankets and shit to muffle any sounds too.

hahaha how is being killed by a sea monster even real? nigga just walk away from the ocean haha like just be dry

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Troy wasn't exactly on the coast, pal. if the gods wanted you dead, you dont have a chance.

Yeah, exactly. I understand Paris being afraid and running away, he just buckled under the pressure and the threat
>see the crows? they never tasted prince before
I can understand him running away but not his entire noble family just acting like "that's fine"

it isn't fine at all, your heir just showed 100,000 warriors that he's a fucking pussy


Reckon he would have stood a chance if he ditched his shield too and simply danced around Menelaus and made him miss everything?

I'll use it in the future
when you see it feel proud

Nah, I don't think he had much of a chance to start with

He was a pretty skinny little kid, and Menelaus despite being a fat asshole was a veteran warrior with a 100+ pound advantage

he was always going to lose he just could have done it with dignity
that being said it's entirely understandable that he broke and fled like a pussy

>Menelaus despite being a fat asshole
Brendan Gleeson is such a loveable fuck and, dare I say it, Gaelic Chad despite being an old fatty. I wouldn't want to get into a pub fight with him at all.

It was a six part series that had books on all of them getting home like diomedes and agamemnon. Unfortunately they were lost to time so all we have left are the Iliad and the odyssey. But yes, Virgil was commissioned to write a propaganda piece by Augustus to prove he’s a divine leader so Virgil made a Roman fanfic about them being the last descendants of Troy

Just wanted them to at least give Achilles his new Hephaestus armour. I imagined it would have been akin to the Gods' in Clash of the Titans (which is shit also)

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what happened to Diomedes?
I know Agamemnon died thanks to his wife or something

> so Virgil made a Roman fanfic about them being the last descendants of Troy
This. I remember that now, thanks

He's the best dude
I say fat asshole with all due respect

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Have you anons even read the Iliad

Helen calls Paris a limpwrist faggot in the book and says her original husband, Menelaos, could beat him the fuck up. Menelaos being a massive achaean chad obviously could, and did. Hector doesn't interfere in the book either; he's the one who tells Paris to fight the duel and be a man, not a pussy, because it's HIS fault the achaeans have come to raze Troy. It's Aphrodite, that jealous bitch, who interferes to save Paris' life.

Yea so Agamemnon had his daughter sacrificed to the gods before the Greeks left for Troy to appease a god. Agamemnons wife waits 10 years for revenge and kills both him and some sex slave in the bath I think. Diomedes pissed off aphrodite on the way home and she turned him and his wife into swans and they were used for her chariot. I think the famous painting of venus has a chariot with swans and that’s diomedes. She got revenge from when he stabbed her in battle when Athena gave diomedes the ability to hurt gods

Diomedes not even being in the film was ridiculous; the guy is *the* top warrior of the Achaeans, second only to the half-divine Achilles.

yeah like 15 years ago in school
feel like I probably didn't get the nuance

i love this

I agree completely, I understand why Hollywood tried to remove the gods stuff to make it “realistic” but it completely ruins the story. The gods and goddesses were such a cornerstone of Ancient Greek culture, you can’t do the source material justice without. And honestly with the book the way it is, I don’t feel itd be feasible for a movie, in a perfect world maybe like an HBO series, but they’d just fuck it up and shoe in some narrative that isn’t there. Always did feel out of place reading this book then watching the movie in HS though

It also makes the scene fall flat when he cuts off the head off the statue

eric bana would've made a GOAT solid snake

>be a white giant
>dick still the size of a baby carrot
wew, the absolute state of wh*te "men"

>got cucked by twink paris

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Achilles no doubt, Hector was a fucking cuck covering every shit Paris did. Book Hector at least demands that Paris pay for his own mistakes.

nutted but she still suckin

Well in the book Hector is a big cunt about killing Patroclus, even gets his armor and uses it in battle.

glad thy didn't. this sounds retarded.

dumbest post on Yea Forums

Can I marry your daughter if I drug her into agreeing to it?

Zeus was the father of Helen so Im quite sure he was fine with divine intervention on her lover.

>queer achilles
>one sided story for greeks to jerk of
>some anime god bullshit
fuck of to Yea Forums or get some taste

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>hasn't read the Iliad
>wants to give an opinion about an adaptation without looking like a moron

Why? Are the Greeks tired of fighting each other?
For now.

>Diomedes pissed off aphrodite on the way home and she turned him and his wife into swans and they were used for her chariot.
would be truly kino as movie adaption and not involuntarily funny at all

You get it lol

The Iliad is perfect for a miniseries, but the last time we had that we got Black achilles and an “interracial threesome” that was apparently supposed to be attractive to viewers.

Yeah but thr iliad is fucking retarded and Troy is a better story than it.

The iliad is fucking trash

>the manliest story in the world is trash
lmao s o y as fuck

I said the same thing to myself when i saw it
the hivemind is real

The oddessy is good. The iliad is trash. The entire thing is fucking retarded because of gods interfering. Obviously you could interpret it as parts of the psyche but as a story it is shit. When paris gets wisked away into the tower for example. When hector RUNS AWAY until he thinks he has back up because a god tricks him. It's fucking garbage. I'd rather read aeneid and that shit is dumb roman bullshit.