
>2 months later
>everyone has forgotten about it

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I dunno, I just saw someone making a thread about it on Yea Forums

it was a masterpiece

Not me

so just like every capeshit.
infinity war is the only one I see people talking about and it's because it's essentially a part 1 movie.

Most people who weren't paid disneymarvel shills liked it.

It'll get another surge here on Yea Forums when the bluray rips come out and the shut-ins NEETS here can watch it.

I saw it twice.

Just like the other 8 capeshit films over the past year

too bad the water particles and splashing effects make it difficult to make good quality webms

Dude, everyone forgot about Avatar like a month later.

I didn't forget Venom, mostly because of that retarded Eminem song that got stuck in my head.

Cape movies and generally any blockbuster are just popcorn entertainment. There isn't much to discuss there. I go watch these to have some fun for couple of hours and then move on to the next.

Yes that's how it goes with capeshit

I didn’t see it

there's too many movies these days
which is why it was strange i never heard of any of the ones at the academy burger awards

Still waiting for quality torrents

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Was that pun on purpose?

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March 5th: digital release
March 26th: blu-ray

Sounds like every modern blockbuster.

No, but it was a welcome accident.

I listened to RLM's review after watching it and mostly agree. The plot is kind of a clusterfuck of too many ideas crammed into a single movie, it might have been better with a bit more focus and simplicity.

Where I disagree is:

1. I thought Momoa was very entertaining as Aquaman. Funny, masculine, and physically imposing.
2. While Amber Heard's acting was terrible, she was still hot and fuckable and looked good in the action scenes.
3. I didn't mind the length, and thought the action scenes were pretty good.
4. Some clever uses of Aquaman's "speak with marine life" ability.
5. Aquaman himself had a very solid arc. Even if it was predictable, it was still satisfying when he overcame the final test and picked up the trident.

Hence why you felt the need to remind us? Reminder to report all shills.

Nah, I’m looking forward to where they take things in the sequel. I loved it.

Just watched it for the first time a few days ago
and im a capeshit fan

Everyone was telling me how great it is, but it felt really.. formulaic and shallow to me.
Loud bad guy screaming.. hero unsure of his place and avoiding it and having to be convinced to be king..
I don't know, I wanted to enjoy it, but I actually think it kind of sucked.
Avatar was pretty if you watch it once, but the movie was a piece of shit.

what was Yea Forumss consensus?

it was a pretty average film

I couldn't even sit through that piece of shit

>People that watched it in theatres already discussed it to death
>Bluray not out yet
>Everyone is now focusing on Shazam and laughing at captain fungus instead

I liked the campiness and the tight suit of Mera, capeshit should be serious but also fun and not like Marvel's shit films were the characters wink at the camera and say "we now this is dumb haha"

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>Not much to discuss


Avatar is an apt comparison. It was a truly entertaining cinema experience. The spectacle of it on a big screen was unironically the best thing I’d seen *since* Avatar, but the story is, like Avatar’s, very familiar. I do feel like it was accomplishing more metaphorically than a lot of people give it credit for, mainly everything to do with Arthur’s quest and his confrontation with the Karathen.

I also loved the world-building.

if you unironically enjoyed this movie you are probably sub 100 IQ. I haven't watched capeshit since Iron Man and I was blown away by what a hamfisted quip-filled "visually stunning" trope-fest the genre has devolved into. Holy shit. I don't even hate this movie, I'm just incredulous that audiences are still willing to lap up this uninspired drivel to the tune of a billion fucking dollars.

Momoa was kinda funny in some scenes though.

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Jesus fucking Christ...

I watched it last week, was pretty okay but momoas acting was fucking awful whenever he tried to act casual and jokey even if he was very good otherwise (which probably was like 95% his physical stature)

In complete honesty, I feel like this is one of the comparatively few truly comic-booky movies. It’s over-the-top in all the right ways. It’s big, the world’s fucking nuts, and not a single character ever blinks once at any of it. That’s how it should be. Self-awareness should be reserved for characters like Deadpool and the Joker.

I also liked how Wan used underwater cavitation to bring us something absent from virtually every comics film ever made(understandably), something unique to comics of all varieties: speedlines.

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>i'll try camera spinning, that's a neat trick

Every cape movie that's not The dark knight is pretty forgettable. I barely remember the plot of spiderman 2 or Winter soldier.

So It was mostly a Cinema experience.
I feel ya.

Dude, Marvel is completely different from DC.
Marvel has had a slow build and puts out some semi unique movies with their own feel.

The new movie is gonna flop so fucking hard, they left it way too long.

Nah dude.
ironman, winter soldier, guardians of the galaxy, civil war, infinity war, even Ant-man is more unique than the likes of Aquaman.
I actually thought Man of Steel is the best superman movie of all time.

I feel like if this was a marvel film they would have made some dumb joke when Arthur came out of the cave with his orange armor.

Beats the shit out of fights that can be measured in cuts-per-second.

Civil war
Ant man
Avengers 1
Dance off bro!

Apparently they are making a spinoff film about the trench.

Yes, and I hope they go full-on horror with it.

>antman is memorable
What shit have you been sniffing. The plot is typical garbage. New CEO evil man trying to make profits or do bad thing but new born good guy stop him. Its retard tier garbage.

you can understand perfectly every action scene in the movie, which can't be said about the majority of modern action films

lets be honest, Jason Momoa made that movie watchable, apart from a well done finale, it was really predictable

you know what I hated, was the fucking idiot who kept shouting "woo" and clapping when Aquaman finally put on the suit and started kicking ass..., they cant fucking hear you retard