More like 2049 minute runtime

More like 2049 minute runtime

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Unironically one of the best films of the last 5 years.

I still watch it once every few months.

more like you're a filthy zoomer who's attention span is less than 3 seconds

Saw it three times at the cinema. Brilliant sound design.

i also like soulless music and loud booms that belong in dubstep.
gentlemen from re- i mean Yea Forums have unapologetic superior tastes.

It's mediocre


Who are you trying to impress?

>le contrarian xD

Watched last night sober watching it again drunk as fuck tonight on the surround sound

They are right, you have such a basic bitch zero film taste, zoomer
seriously go watch nolan some more you fucking zimmerpleb

it's as good as it could be I guess.
still prefer BladeRunner though.

Funny, I thought the music department was the only thing that should've seen some revision. Denis' last minute change to switch composers didn't do any favours for the film, I'm intrigued why he didn't want Johan helming it. He had done brilliant work in Villenueves previous works. Could've maybe been his drug use that severed their relationship, I can't think Jóhann having trouble expressing the neo-cyberpunk milieu through his music.

not you. that movie was an assrape for me dawg. Really drug up the corpse of Blade Runner and fucked it's ass raw

>ReviewScrew still at it

Cmon dude, move on

The only notable piece in Arrival was Max Richter's

how can you watch the chase scene and unironically praise the soundtrack
seriously there's a few decent tracks but most of them are so bad it ends up being offensive even.

>le meme le meme
Really you have got to stop being such a fucking hivemind Yea Forumsedditor
Get some original thought

zoomer retards here have no objective film taste
they like and eat shit it's why the catalog is filled with captain marvel, r9k posting, porn and gossip

Just watched it a few hours ago in 3d kino vision, my gripes with the world is the showed, but told at the same time.
You are overwhelmed with visual information, you see what k is thinking through his acting, which is good, but you are also elbowed like
>did you get that?
Another gripe I have is that it's an open and shut story, which is fine, but it isnt very dickian, his famous works tended to hang in your mind, like a rumor, it extended into the imagination and your brain worked to create the rest and make it work, it added to the world as well, in blade runner, you were left to imagine the world beyond what deckard does, you only ever saw him do the job, but 2049, you are shown everything, how they eat, work, fuck, it left nothing to the audience to dream about, it is visually stunning, but it robs the patient viewer.

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I wish.

Significantly less, I think.

Now post Luv.

Why did BR2049 even change composers?
Was it because of Denis or did Johann want to work on Disney's Christopher Robin instead.

Johann was going to do the soundtrack for Christopher Robin but he died before he could finish it.
They got someone else to do the score but they did put a dedication to him in the credits.

Just watched the Blu-ray 3D on PlayStation VR and it was amazing.
If you have a PS4 and the VR attachment, 3D movies look great there.
I do have an HTC Vive Pro but I generally use the PlayStation VR for watching 3D movies.

>implying that would be a bad thing.

Good job son

*best of all time. It would have been fucking flawless with David Bowie

Based. Leto honestly did a decent job, but Bowie would have been better.

>Leto honestly did a decent job
no. no he did not. he almost ruined the entire movie.


haha fuck you

it's the last film I went to the cinema for.