I'm watching all the Phase 3 Marvel movies to catch up and they're all so mediocre that I unironically can't even rank them. It didn't use to be like this.
What happened?
I'm watching all the Phase 3 Marvel movies to catch up and they're all so mediocre that I unironically can't even rank...
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Ragnarok and Homecoming are clearly above the other standalones
GotG 2>GotG
Ragnarok > other Thor movies
IW > other avengers movies
You probably didn't like them as much as the earlier movies.
>GotG 2>GotG
no way
>Ragnarok > other Thor movies
>IW > other avengers movies
yeah but this is about ranking the phase 3
They're all great though.
Only Infinity War is legitimately great. Everything else is just pretty much decent. I don't regret watching them but I just don't have the urge to rewatch them. Which shows the declining returns since I could easily start watching Iron Man 1 at any time and enjoy the shit out of it.
>It didn't use to be like this.
Yes it did. You were simply blinded by the hype and the novelty.
Go rewatch Thor 2. Go rewatch Age of Ultron. Go rewatch winter soldier. Theyre terrible films.
I could still rank them
They're all so good that they've become your baseline, that's what
>they're all so good
they're all equally good, but still 6/10
Yeah, theyre all equally shit.
>Infinity War is legitimately great
Come on, I watched it too, and it definitely is a good movie, but not great, so much of the movie is just meh and not worth a second watch
The Thanos and Thor bits however do stay good
Ragnaroc was British humor and fucking ruined the setting of the MCU
Only GotG was supposed to have a humorous tone
Also, this is the only truly engaging scene out of them, girly boy acted the shit out of this scene
but the tony stark voice over was terrible, shouldn't have added that
In the context of the neverending soap opera that is the 20+ film strong MCU, yes Infinity War was a worthy climax.
As a stand alone movie, without 100 hours of background information required by watching previous films, its a mediocre action film for children.
so out of place
They were always mediocre. The kind of a movie you kinda have fun with but then don't give a shit next day.
>Watching Capeshit
Everything with Tony was terrible, including the cringe ending.
IW is great at parts but shit at parts too. It's still an achievement to make a successful movie from a clusterfuck with 50 characters but it's hardly a great movie. Wakanda battle is so bad.
Who cares if you can "rank them" ?
>its a mediocre action film for children.
they all are
Doctor Strange is easily top 5 in the whole MCU. And despite the unnecessary hype and the overt racist contrarians, Black Panther was pretty solid if from nothing but a world building standpoint. Guardians 2 was only slightly worse than the first, Ragnarok was pretty fun, and infinity war is like the crown jewel of capeshit for people who bothered to put in the time to truly appreciate it. Everything else was all right to mediocre, but I don't think there's been an MCU entry you could qualify as bad.
>inb4 captain marvel is actual shit
Im talking about Infinity War.
The other MCU films are not mediocre action flicks. Theyre terrible films.
Fucking grow up and stop watching children's movies.
You guys act like it affects your viewing of non-capeshit as well
It's almost like people want escapism in movies.
Hey there fellow Disney Drone. Have you reached your daily shill quota today? I still need to post 100 posts about how attractive Brie is and how Black panther should have won best picture.
>it didn’t used to be like this
It did. Capeshit movies suck. End yourself brainlet.
>mediocre action film for children.
>they all
oright govn'a that picture was bloody 'ilarious innit
This. Adults watch adult things, like game of thrones.
Good bait. Noone says you cant enjoy a children's film as an adult. That doesnt mean MCU films are to be taking seriously.
>about how attractive Brie is
Here, let me help you
>only one more capeshit movie
this can't be right
edgy dc fans
Wow Brie, youre so hot and shit. I cant wait to lick your toes.
Game of Thrones is unironically better than the MCU though
Dr Strange was a fun little adventure but not worth a second viewing
GotG2 was meh
Ragnarok was great, laughed quite a bit
BP was boring as shit
Vulture in Spiderman is tied with Thanos for best villain (the scene in the car was these best single scene of any MCU movie)
IW is top three MCU, along with IM1 and WS
>didn't imply anything like that
>actively implied captain marvel might be shit
I'm sorry opinions counter to your own cause you existential dread, but putting words in other people's mouths to entirely dismiss anything they have to say is gradeschool faggotry. I expected more from you redditfugee.
You grew up.
>top tier
Infinity war
> good tier
Civil war
> just ok tier
Spider-Man, ragnarok....maybe strange.
>just watch it on dvd tier
Everything else
>just fuck my shit up tier
Captain marvel
couldnt agree more with the Strange bein top 5
gotg2 more than slightly worse, still enjoyable tho
I wouldn’t say they’re mediocre, just incredibly safe seeing as how they all follow a similar formula. Then again, people don’t go to see these films expecting high art, they just want simple entertainment. Having that now and then, but not all the time, can’t be that bad.
capeshit > capeshit 2
capeshit > capeshit