When is the trailer for this shitheap supposed to release? I'm sick and tired of these fake leak threads...

When is the trailer for this shitheap supposed to release? I'm sick and tired of these fake leak threads. I just want to to be over. I want the whole trilogy to be over.


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it won't be over, they'll continue it forever with their Disney OC (the current sequel trilogy is also Disney OC)

there will be a new trilogy when you're 80

Checked. Dubs of truth.

How do we destroy Disney

i'm putting together a team

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I think they're genuinely scared to release it at this point.


At the last possible second, they don't want anyone to discuss it before screening

Remember that EpisodeIX's script was approved before the TLJ shitshow. Trevorrow stepped down because he disapproved with the direction they were taking in episode 8. Now they're stuck with a movie that is in the same tune as TLJ. There will be a lot of women, and black too. Everything that was rejected in 8 will amplified. It's gonna be epic. The child who can save the rebellion is probably a little black girl who is also a nuclear scientist.

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please tell me this isn't real. Looks like a group of rapefugees LOL

It's a episode 9 set leak and 100%. One of the early leaks did mention a planet full of slaves so of course the drumpf empire enslaved kangz

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Rumors say that kennedy is on a short leash, so probably


How about horses with fluorecent tape?

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The trailer will be massively down voted. If Disney is pissed over what is happening to Captain Marvel, they haven't seen anything yet. I don't even know how you market 9 with this backlash.

Bitch is being kept around to catch the blame. I doubt she has any input.

Is too complicated for them to make creatures that at least don't look like they directly come from earth? Like, can't you get some inspiration from 60's pulp comics which had shit ton of cool alien designs that could fit the SW universe? Instead of just taking generic animals and give them a few extra body elements?

So in the next film what needs to happen

1. A new conflict / goal
>Starkiller is gone, Snoke is dead, just having Kylo angsting around the galaxy isn't enough, another super weapon?

2. A significant time gap
>Rian left the Resistance with 7 members and a single ship, they need to build those numbers up

3. Leia killed off screen

4. Conflicted Rey and Kylo (again)
>Rey already rejected the dark side, and Kylo the light at the end of TLJ so we need to dredge up this again

What else?

You're going to enjoy your POC resistance and nappy haired women saving the universe from da WYATE MAYNE or no more Star Wars for you

Weird aliens aren't marketable, only Pokémon and Ghibli rejects allowed now

Delayed to 2020 to muster hype and interest again

>There will be a lot of women, and black too.
literally who fucking cares?

Just shoot yourself in the head if this kinda shit is what your life is about. You're going to die a virgin no matter what. Nobody will notice your absence.

The tape will be to match the cg tho.

Fantastic. Now there's no more reason to watch SW movies. Might aswell re-watch the old MiB animated series.

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that's VFX references.

This. There's nothing left to do. There are no stakes. Nobody cares about the new characters and all the characters people actually liked are dead. And we already saw Rey beat Kylo twice now. He's not a believable threat anymore.

>And we already saw Rey beat Kylo twice now.

Not to mention the humiliation on ... "it's salt" planet, with him fighting a hologram Luke

Kylo ren hasn't done anything remotely interesting outside of the first 120 seconds of the Force Awakens

>Let's make an alien giant ram by putting prosthetics to a fucking elephant until you don't know what is the original animal
>Just put some tape and extra fur on a horse, that'll do lol

They are waiting for YouTube to remove the dislike feature.
They don't want to beat Ghostbusters 2016 as the most disliked trailer ever.

There’s a lot of good write ups on how the mouse is afraid of aliens and their racist caricature implications


Deep down, you want to know how it ends.

Like This

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They missed their chance for this.

Yes, that's why I'll just wait for the spoilers and the shitposting on this board.
Haven't seen a single star wars movie after TFA but I know every following movie pretty much beat for beat after years of Yea Forums shittalking them.

I honestly thought they were going this way.

With the twist being her going to the dark and Kylo going back into the light (in a delusional way) Then having them both have epiphanies in their final fight followed by a 5 minute sex scene

Why wouldn't Rey be a lesbian?

The last shot of the film, should have just aped Empire, why the fuck not

>Join me, Rey... together... we'll make the Galaxy a better place... for everyone
>Kylo reaches out his hand
>Rey looks at his gloved hand
>Finn appears from somewhere, the cave, IDK, sees this and yells REEEEY!
>Rey looks back at him and then back at Kylo, pauses (trope of all sound being drowned out and all you can hear is her breathing...) and takes his hand
>They walk a few paces onto his ship
>Rey looks back as the ramp closes and begins to take off with Finn running towards them
>He's still shouting Reys name
>Ship quickly ascends out of sight, leaving Finn staring up, before falling to knees
cut to credits

Oh look, an actual cliffhanger


it's okay to admit you like star wars, no one cares. it's one of the largest and most successful franchises of all time, you're not in the minority here

Name one other attractive female in star wars

Because JarJar is fucking hack and the trilogy is a dumpster fire, they are probably struggling to get the whole thing together.

creativity is a tool of patriarchy cant have any of that goy

They know its shit, so they are delaying the best they can to avoid the nerd outrage at best.

So where are they? At a space wakanda or what?

Yeah I can't wait to see the resolution of... finn and rose's relationship??

How the resistance and the first order get on, because that mattered so much at the end of RotJ?

Kylo redeemed..

Rey who even gives a shit

yeah user i Just can't wait to see how this ends.

I have a ... a smattering of curiosity on how they're planning to end the Skywalker saga but I don't give a fuck.

its for the CG, calm down

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>literally who fucking cares?

Everyone you dumb fucking ape.

People want aliens in Star Wars but becasue those retards are filling race quotas first there is no place for them and you end up with space Mexico.

Fuck Disney and fuck neo Star Wars.

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Wow, now I really can't wait for this. Will watch camrip day one.

Why is it always the same fucking character?

At this point I unironically can't wait for China to conquer the West. We deserve it.

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planet of the apes 4 is looking good

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Because The Last Jedi was a franchise killer.

They literally let the roundhead who directed Looper destroy one of the great movie franchises of all time. FFS.

I really can't wait to torrent it then have fun shitting on this trash for a year. I told myself to never spend $ on SW again despite prices of actually good stuff like Armada dropping to less than 30% of what they were.

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I think the Leia thing is full on retarded.
Here's how they explain her death:
She died in TLJ (space vacuum) but her Force Ghost tmeporarily possessed her dead body because she wasn't done yet.
That's right. After the space scene it's Zombie Leia.
I know you're all gonna be muh larping faggot etc. but it's actually true

Not with a bang, but with a whimper?

>he doesn’t know
Sorry user but isn’t how star wars works anymore

Don't pretend this board knows anything about making movies.

April at Star Wars Celebration.


The leaks are real user. Kylo and Rey team up to defeat the bad guys from the dark dimension

this is how it ends, user

>just in case you didn't see the point of this picture here's a big yellow arrow!

it's probably be pushed to 2020 release

TLJ was the bang or rather the explosion, the next episode will be the last moments of the franchise damaged body

Don't /thread me

Why is Leia dressed like fucking Luke?

>you're just a virgin anyhow
So are you you top faggot.

those titties are way too big for Rey.

dude, it seems like you need to get a fucking life

We have lives, shit talking on Yea Forums, just like you.

you know all its going to be is a echo-y sounding ambiguous voice over with a couple scenes that fade in and out and tell us nothing.
Probably ends with a black screen and luke saying something, followed by starwars music and the title...and soicucks can do their reaction videos and speculate for months about 10 seconds of footage

>luke saying something
kek, he will never show up again m8. New Star wars fucking HATES Luke.

Rey turning to the darkside would have been a great twist, but that does not fit the narrative and is way to interesting for Disney Wars.

>Blue leader reporting for duty sir
btw, this bitch was blown up in the hanger in TLJ but is alive a few scenes later, how do they make such obvious mistakes.

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It really bothers me that we have to have women in every core aspect of stories now. Ofcourse "blue leader" had to be a weak bitch in her 20s.

is that nigress a ninja from naruto?

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she's a total prop for the Holdo character they felt the need to create.
>is generally useless, subordinates disobey her orders (correctly)
>too cowardly to kill her off properly, like they did all the other leadership
>is convieniently in a coma so Holdyke can command
>couldn't be leia because audiences trust her so she's shelved
>comes back just in time to let you know that wahmen are always right and admiral ice cunt is in the right.
>has been heavily involved in space war since she was 16 but defers to characters like rey and poe to 'lead' because the story has to get there eventually.
Literally everything Holdo did should have been leia and would have made much more logical sense.
Leia, great hero of the Rebistance self sacrifices to save everyone and our nu heros are inspired by it
Instead we'll get a clumsy reuse of old footage and a likely hollow death.

Having a QT A wing pilot doesn't bother me at all
Having all the senior bridge staff and officers as women is pandering crap.

>force ghosts are treated as actual spooky ghosts

Who comes up with these retarded ideas? Instead of trying to justify the garbage movie that was TLJ, they should consider just the main parts, and pretend all the layers of shit didn't happen, like Super Leia, Hyperspace ramming, and Luke's death.

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Nah because the nigress in Naruto I wanted to put my dick into