Since South Park is pretty shit now, let’s have a classic South Park thread

Since South Park is pretty shit now, let’s have a classic South Park thread.
I honestly think season 3 was kino.

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Best episode for me was episode 5 of season 11

Drawn Together > South Park

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Come on down to Sneed park gonna fuck and suck all night

Friendly Farmers everywhere
pH soil without tomatos

Come on down to Sneed park gonna leave my Chucks behind

Ample fancy German cars
People shooting "GUCCI LOAFERS"

come on down to Sneed park to seed and feed for life

*Muffled sounds of moe*

Come on down to Sneed park and suck and fuck all night

I appreciate the time and effort you invested in this.

I’m taking my sweet as guitar and going home fuck you prude bitch

dey took our stores

What was the very first SP episode or SP-related thing you saw? I still remember being on 2nd grade and seeing the Cow Days ep late at night.

My mom was watching the New Years Eve episode where they think they have periods. I wasn't allowed to watch it usually, but she let me that day.

First one I watched was the Towlie one where the muscular Towel was offering him a joint then Towlie powered up like Pop-eye after some spinach. Wasn’t allowed to watch South Park then and my dad came in during that scene, laughed then sent me to my room for watching it

The one where Cartman shits blood, still makes me physically sick. Kino though

Yay, look upon me, and know me. My children, you should know something...
I'm packing

Anything Butters-centric was always amazing.

This is like saying robot chicken is better than shakespeare


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uhhh guys?

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the show might be better if matt and trey weren't retarded and crunched an episode within 4 days every week

Season 5 and Butters being a relevant character were the start of SP's decline


my step dad played us VHS tapes of season 1. mr hankey was the first episode i saw

maybe it's because when i started watching it but sp s1-10/-11ish will always be classic SP to me. I've watched those episodes over a million times i bet.

probably the very frist episode and I always wondered if there is an uncensored version of the cartman part.

Zoomer detected

cartmans mom is a slut I II


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the christmas one where jesus and the boys save santa while hussain is electrocuting his balls or something


>that special olympics episode

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I was at my grandma's house and my mum didn't want us watching South Park so grandma just to spite her put it on and watched it with us. It was Korn's Spooky Pirate Ghost Mystery and she found the "stick a stick up her ass and use her as a puppet" line hilarious.

funny cause im remember seeing my first two south park episodes at my grandmas house too. The first tweak episode and then the mel gibson one

Red Sleigh Down

Or any of the Jimmy episodes, really

>south park is shakespeare
lol no it was edgy fart jokes and now they are afraid to make fun of queers and jews so its not even edgy any more
its zombie mode like the simspons

What was that line again, can’t remember but I love that episode

>now they are afraid to make fun of queers and jews
Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride won a GLAAD award, idiot. They were never making fun of gays or Jews. They'd play up stereotypes for laughs, then show they're actually good people.

The boys are discussing how to be spooky for Halloween and the topic of Kyle's recently deceased grandma comes up, and Cartman suggests they stick a stick up her ass and use her as a puppet to create spooks.

What was that line again, can’t remember but I love that episode

satanic animals

Please refer to:

This, the ninja weapon one and Chickenlover were always my favourites

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Hmm, I think it was one of the Xmas poop ones. There was the movie as well.

Simpler times, I miss those days. I remember watching South Park as a kid just because it was edgy fun, but now re-watching it as an adult, all I think about are the political messages and commentary.

South Park is such a nostalgic show for me, just brings back fond memories.

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>you only criticize it cuz trump!!
Nah that's actually a real criticism, especially when they do mutlipart arcs and have no idea where the story is going because they do it the night before.

I loved Randy's line to the whatevertuplits when he said
>everyone with a grandma step forward
>not so fast girls
And Kyle sad in the background sold it for me

The episode where cartman goes to jail because of a hate crime against token. I was only like 5 or 6 when I watched It but It got me instantly hooked on the show even if I didn't understand any of the subtext. I remenber the chase scene with cartman and kenny and the cops being the funniest shit I'd ever seen.

Nobody appreciates how amazing Krazy Kripples.

Cartman anal probe. Fav is probably chinpokomon

Boomer here, watched first ep at premiere. AMA


Shoe or Penguin?

Its one of the best episodes that's not focused on the main cast.

Unpopular opinion: christian rock hard is the best episode

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Kenny is the best character and the most morally upstanding and loyal to his friends.

>tfw no kyle/kenny/butters bf

same here. they never topped the original opening

That ad is one of the funniest things they've ever done even if it is just a joke about being gay with Jesus

The joke is that he's a retard who can't even speak, but because his brain is deficient he latches onto anybody who will speak to him (i.e. the other boys)

Same. I was already in college actually.

Whenever he removes his hoodie he can speak normally though. I doubt he’s any less intelligent than the other boys, he’s just chill about life.


the best episodes, typically from the earlier seasons, were the ones that showed that the boys were still young and naive, and they focused on kid stuff. also they entirely stay within south park.

my personal favorite is Season 2 Episode 12: Clubhouses
they stay in south park for one thing, check that off the list.
it focuses on the kids being kids. It also has them deal with things that many kids typically deal with: Kids curious about the opposite sex, and dealing with their parents divorce. it was a great episode

what's one of the worst episodes? Season 12 Episode 12: About Last Night
President Elect Obama and John McCain plan a jewel heist.
it doesn't stay in south park, it doesn't focus on the kids, the kids aren't typical naive kids. It was awful.

The heist episode was funny for exactly 15 seconds and then the joke lasted for the entire episode.

I'm so glad this episode showed the world what everyone was already thinking: Americans are a bunch of faggots.

People who anoy you?

Can you solve it Yea Forums

I think it is called "Volcano". One of the first episodes. South Park had just started airing in my country and it was a new edgy cartoon that everyone in class talked about. I had no idea what was going in the episode because I was just starting to learn English in school (South Park was not subtitled) and I had only a basic understanding of the American culture that they satirized. That didn't stop me from being entertained though.

liking that show is a red flag: this person DEFINITELY jacks off to rape porn

Yes, the answer is naggers


Untrue. It was probably the weekly references to whatever celebrity was in the news or the 2-to-3 episode stories.


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i disagree with OP.
I've seen all SP episodes and think the newer ones are over all better.
Sure you got some pretty big gems in the old episodes but judging entire seasons the new ones have so much more depth in them.

Back then SP used to be nothing but edgy and barely had any real political message.

SP aged extremely well imo but for some reason i think most people will disagree with me

"Do cripples go to hell?" and "Probably"

Dark. But lots of great details there...

>Claw marks in the ground
>Water bowl completely full
>Mount securing leash to doghouse almost broken off

He almost made it....

Snoid and groid!

Dey took our brothels

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season 2 is my favorite. it has the best jokes and a majority of my favorite episodes
>prehistoric ice man
>roger ebert should lay off the fatty foods
>mexican staring frog of southern sri lanka

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3rd grade, got to watch animal planet to go to sleep. i was flipping around channels and caught a cartoon, and it was "adult" like beavis and butthead was which my dad liked. it was the elephant makes love to a pig episode.
called dad in, he told me to change it and he'd watch it to see if it was appropriate for me, and it wasn't.

>SP aged extremely well
only shows how much better the old seasons are

This. Old South Park was fucking hilarious before they got too trapped up in the current events and week to week celebrity nonsense.

holy fucking reddit spacing

>barely had any political message
That's why it was better though, they cared more about being funny than preaching

Goth Kids spin-off series when?

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I remember my parents tried to never let me watch it again after they caught me watching the women queefing episode

the first episode I saw was the one with the 100 shit counter.

I was shocked that such show even existed

I wasn't really paying attention to it, but the ending part of the tooth fairy epsiode where Kyle became enlightened or whatever was the first I saw of it
I must have been like 7 and it was super late at night, back in the day South Park came on at 3 AM on local channel.

this part, it was pretty fucking weird because i had no clue what the fuck was going on of course

I didn't really start watching south park till I was like 11 or 12 though

First SP-related thing was some Super Mario Bros. 2/Lost Levels clone on PC that my dad had, don't remember much other than you played as Kyle.


No. Season 9 was objectively the beginning of the end.

Cartman is psychic/ Left Hand Murderer episode when i was like 10

I only liked the Jimmy plot where he beat his girlfriend. the Cartman plot was one joke repeated over and over

>>prehistoric ice man
The fucking Ace of Base cutaways make me laugh to this day.

Formerly Snreds Sneed and Snack

Season 4 was the beginning of the boys being the voice of reason, trying to make a point about a current event. Cherokee Hair Tampons has Stan The Skeptic start saying things like "what is a toxin? have you ever seen one?" because Kyle is sick and his mom keeps trying new age hippie medicine.

Yeah, Quintuplets 2000 from season 4's whole final act is all about the Elian Gonzalez stuff which happened like days before.