Could you recommend me some movies about the cosmic hologram?

Cosmic consciousness, non-dualism, etc.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: body to body, job to job.jpg (512x512, 28K)

At least explain it

unironically Captain Marvel


The universe is a hologram made up of consciousness expressing itself as information. Information is reality, mind is matter, matter is mind.


Any movies on this theme?

Uhh, I Heart Huckabees I suppose. Probably not exactly what you're looking for but it's comfy 2000s kino

The Lucky Dog (1921)
45 Minutes from Hollywood (1926)


Into the Void

You mean Enter the Void? Great movie, but I've already seen it.

Waking Life?

Attached: waking_life_poster_by_thecunningcondor_dccg7cx-pre.jpg (709x1127, 141K)

this is hard

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I be area by ryan trecartin

Stan & Ollie any good?

In English, doc

The Holy Mountain, Tree of Life, Altered States

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That's more of a solipsistic thing as far as I recall. Good movie, but not quite what I was thinking of.

Oh right, and The Revolver also, if you know, what i mean)

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And Pi is also a must watch)

Attached: pi-movie-explained-5.jpg (650x392, 57K)

I liked it, it was funnier than I thought it would be and both leads gave good performances. It felt a bit to much like a TV movie though

The hologram theory is gnosticism for dummies.

That's not exactly about the same stuff though, is it?