I would. And you?

I would. And you?

Attached: regina-king-oscars-press-room-interview.jpg (1440x960, 85K)

no secks until marriage

She was great in Beale Street. Best part of the movie (score was good too.)

Id sniff her pits

This is now an armpit thread


Attached: regina-king-2.jpg (2700x1800, 1.29M)

I want to lick em'

Unironically the most attractive at the oscars. post pic of bottom half

Avoid the groid

real talk Beale Street was one of the best movies of the year

hilarious that Green Book won while it wasn't nominated

did she died

fuck yes
>48 and better looking than 32 yr old Ellen Page

She's 48? Holy shit.

holy shit. no. fuck no.

Attached: Dp0Lsr3xp5qX7mcS (2).webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

She looks like that guy who was Frank Underwood's fav chef.

She would.And you?

Attached: 1280-gettyimages-1131903949.jpg (970x546, 59K)

Absolutely, look at that fucking armpit pussy. She's unironically prettier than 90% of (((starlets))).

Did you forget Amy was there too?

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I would wreck

Attached: serena-williams-cellulite-theblackmedia-2017.jpg (447x309, 32K)

I bet that pit reeks mmm

She would fucking wreck you

Even better.

Mein gott.

Your dick couldn't reach.

Who thought naming your kid Queen King was a good idea?

good actress


I fuck black women