I haven't watched WWE since it was called WWF. When was the last time you watched wrestling?

I haven't watched WWE since it was called WWF. When was the last time you watched wrestling?

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When Shawn Micheals retired

NJPW's New Beginning show on February 11th.

I only watch Botchamania now.

2006, I think.

ive literally never watched wrestling


When Bryan something won became the wwe champion

I tried watching wrestlemania 11 a couple of days ago, couldn't finish it

I don't watch wrestling but I keep up to date with the news. Wrestling Observer is only 10,99. Practically a steal. Several shows a day, covering all sorts of fantastic wrestling from all over the world, featuring the world's best wrestling journalists.

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2001 around the time Stone Cold turned heel.

Vince completely botched the WCW invasion angle and then turned the company PG so his wife could become a Politician. It will never be the same again with current political correctness.

No more Bret Hart calling Shawn Michaels a Degenerate faggot
No more mocking the niggers in Nation of Domination
No more Booker T saying he is coming for Hogan and he is a nigger.

Just a tragic way for Wrestling to die.

I stopped in the summer of 2002. I discovered NXT in 2016 and began watching that on the Network, then I started watching RAW again because of some of the new guys and AJ Styles. I gave up on it in less than a year. I still watch NXT from time to time and I might watch a main roster PPV but my main interest is binge watching 90s wrestling on the Network.

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what a fucking chad

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Yep. Wrestlers used to be outlaws. They were over the top Herculean rock stars living on borrowed time. And the fans were just as degenerate.

Fans packed to the rafters were calling Michaels a faggot every week during his heel run in late 97.

On primetime TV.

Never again. The audience can't even bring in signs anymore. It's just not a fan participation spectacle at all anymore.

Blame Linda Mcmahon.

If by blame you mean fuck, then yeah.

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>he didn't call it the slam of sisyphus

i can never figure out where that gift loops. freaks me out

2014. After D-Bry retired and they started pushing Roman heavily. I sat through a decade of Cena stealing the main event scene and all the guys I wanted to see at the top jobbing to that roided up clown. Once I saw Vince forcing another one of his guys on the audience, I told myself I wouldn't go through that bullshit again. 5 years later
>D-Bry is back
>Roman can't wrestle because of Lukemia or some shit
>Cena is both middleage and off making shitty SHITTY movies
>The roster is better than it's ever been due to all the experienced indie wrestlers
Still wont watch it because I don't trust the higher ups and the fact the storylines are still corny and samey.

Stone Cold was redpilled AS FUCK


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Around the time Benoit an heroed. I knew nothing was ever going to top that storytelling.


Is it at all possible that we will see WWE go under in our lifetime?

What the fuck does he do nowadays aside from talking like and old man by repeating the same stories over and over on his mediocre podcast? he was #1 in the world and a household name. Now he's even less relevant than guys like The Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Undertaker. I know he did some crappy reality shows a few years back but it doesn't seem like he's involved with anything now. He makes a WWE appearance maybe once a year but I need to know what that that lazy fuck does all day

It makes a lot of money somehow despite being irrelevant and out of touch. It will be around after we're dead.

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just watch wrestlemania 3 a few hours ago

'08 or '09

Why? The only watchable match on that show is Macho Man/Steamboat and even that is tamed by today's standards. I don't know how anyone can unironically watch 80's American wrestling in 2019 aside from the wacky promos. It wasn't good and the actual wrestling is pretty vanilla.

>caring about workrate over entertainment
yikes! go jerk off to the young bucks and kenny omega.

I watch vids here and there but stopped being a full on fan in 2007

Fuck you, Heel Austin was KINO, it's just the fans had no interest in booing Austin...and I'll remind you WMX7, still the best mania of all time, was in 2001.

But yes, Vince fucked the invasion.

People like you are unironically killing wrestling and are why AEW is gonna flop right out of the gate, giving a fuck about "work rate" and flippy shit...Omega called, he still want's his dick sucked

Who is the best commentator of this bunch?

Jesse Ventura
Jim Ross
Joey Styles
Bobby Heenan
Paul Heyman
Gorilla Monsoon

Joey Styles definitely put in the most work but guys like Heenan and Ventura were so entertaining.

bro wrestling is so much better today. watch.

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All the guys you just named are too goofy for my liking. Also
>good wrestling can't be entertaining
Wow you're retarded.

Ross, the only man who's had a successful announcing career outside of wrestling....
But based Bobby as a close second.

Fucking Riveting. No wonder that building looks PACKED TO THE RAFTERS....

Can't believe Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 92 in Ireland

Bobby Heenan and Gorilla were the kino pair.

Matt Striker before he pissed off Vince was good too.

What the fuck do you watch wrestling for if you aren't watching it for the WRESTLING. You're gonna sit there and tell me it's the cookie cutter storylines which you forget about after 3 months. How about the bad acting and cringey promos? Maybe you like the sweaty men in speedos? Take your pick and tell me i'm the problem while they feed you the same stories months after they had already done them.

>watching pro wrestling just for the wrestling
Go watch njpw or some amateur wrestling then. You sound like you don't even pro wrestling.

Story? Does it involve him never drawing a dime?

The invasion should have been the ultimate wrestling storyline, shame how it turned out. Imagine Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Jericho and Angle on the WWF side and Goldberg, Hogan, Nash, Hall and Sting on the WCW side. HBK was also scheduled to return for the invasion angle but it got delayed a year because he was fucked up on drugs.

>Roman can't wrestle because of Lukemia or some shit
He came back on Monday. He somehow recovered from Lukemia in four months and had time to film a movie during that time. Also Vince is shilling merch capitalising on Roman overcoming cancer.

i thought it was detroit?

No one claimed to watch wrestling for just for the wrestling, but there's no reason to watch WWE nowadays aside from the occasional good match. Also NJPW is killing it tight now and is a respected sport in their country unlike here.

been watching nonstop for 25 years now

wrestlemania 11 sucked watch 10 instead

That's...pretty much the reason why anyone born before 2000 watches wrestling son, the male soap opera. It was turn your brains off entertainment, you can root for the good guys, boo the bad guys, and enjoy testerone with just a semblance of athleticism to keep it based.

Watch Bret vs Owen, royal rumble 92. Compare that to any flippy high spot bullshit NJPW match of 2016. Why is Bret vs Owen better? Because they did have to do 550 corkscrew swandives every 30 seconds to keep the crowd entertained. They built a dramatic story using only their bodies. That is wrestling.

theres no reason to watch wwe past like 2004. and wrestling was respected until vince turned it into a kiddie shitshow for the past 11 years.

I have, and yeah it's better but still they really let themselves go

I stopped watching it when WCW stopped being a thing.

I thought the best Wrestlemania of all time was III?

Vince claimed he couldn't afford to bring in the big names like Goldberg, Nash, Sting etc because it would have upset the salary structure, plus he'd have to pay off their contracts with AOL-Time Warner...

The reality was though, if he'd gone all in from day 1 and brought everyone on board and did a proper build, the invasion would have done stupidly big business. The first paperview alone sold out 21 000 seats and did almost 5 mill in tix, and that was with scrubs like Dean Malenko and Buff Bagwell.

Imagine if your main event that night had been The Rock defending the belt against Goldberg...

nobody says that

Naw, X7 is universally agreed by IWC to be the best, followed by 3.

HBK was ding dong diddy bases

who /lapsed/ here?

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WWE actually had good storylines in the 90's though. The problem is they aren't being inventive in 2019 and are resorting to samey 3rd grade level stories. It being a soap opera was never the actual problem with me. Also NJPW isn't even known for flippy high spot bullshit. That's Mexican wrestling. Japanese wrestling was always known for it's hard striking so i don't know why you're cherrypicking specific matches which probably didn't even feature Japanese wrestlers . I loved the Bret vs Owen match but I could easily find something equally as good in 2016.

>smark vs anti-smark shit on Yea Forums


The last NJPW match I saw featured a grown man wrestling a blow up doll being pushed as their top guy...The only hard striking their doing is with their penisis....

Psychology is lost in modern wrestling. There's nothing at stake, theres no reason to get behind any one wrestler because there is nothing distinctive about their characters or personality. Bret vs Owen is again a good example, Owen was written in as the hard hitting younger brother jealous of Bret's success, and he wanted to prove himself the only way he could, beating Bret in the ring....Compared to say, a dude losing his mind and killing a guy cause of a fake penis (the reason i turned off All In)

It was already dying a horrible death long before "flippy shit"

In fact, "flippy shit" was very prominent during the WCW/ECW era when wrestling was at it's peak but of vourse you wont mention that.

>In fact, "flippy shit" was very prominent during the WCW/ECW era when wrestling was at it's peak but of vourse you wont mention that.
Yeah, with the vanilla midgets that nobody cared about. Was JBL, HHH, stone cold, the rock, kane, hbk, razor ramon, bret hart, etc doing any of that? No it was people like shane helms, billy kidman and beaners.

It's already happening. If they can't draw good ratings, networks can cut them and off their contract. WWE ratings have been precariously low for months now, even dipping under 2.0. RAW was never like this. Even in the mid 90s they weren't doing this bad. They're renting out 20,000 capacity arenas every week and half the arena is empty for the event. That's bad for business.

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Oh man I love that.

Bruce Prichard was hired by them again and I hear RAM was pretty good tonight. They need to stop pushing the womens shit though.

Way to make a list where half the people aren't even interesting. JBL? Really? JBL? Also the era when guys like Bret, Razor, and HBK were on top was 92-96 which was one of the worst times for WWE. Those particular guys are talented but the shows were atrocious and laughable

>a grown man wrestling a blow up doll being pushed as their top guy

This has never ever happened in NJPW

Who's Bruce Prichard?

And? They were popular. Nobody wanted to see the 5 foot guys flip around in the ring.

Used to be Brother Love then became a producer for them until 2008.

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Wont watch anything WWE does unless it's Jim Cornette's HOF induction speech.

based and cornypilled

I do? Isn't that why guys like AJ Styles got insanely popular and is far more talented than HHH and JBL.

2002, the end of the Invasion stuff


I stopped afterLucha Underground season 2 because I can't find any torrents for the season 3 or 4

Fuck WWE and it's 6 hour faggotory

There wasn't much flippy shit in 2005-2010 yet the company was in the shitter even worse than now. Explain what the problem was then.

Isn't it all on Netflix.

I'm not wearing my shoes inside or sitting on my roof

What are you implying here

no superstars and over scripting everything. plus gearing it towards children, cant speak for 2005-2007 because i stopped in 2004.

His neck was broken, and he was the top star in wrestling biggest period so he earned a lot of money. And he was smart with his money, so he just retired into his ranch.

Jesse/JR is an underrated pair, not the best but underrated

Mauro Ranallo

Took my nephews to a live event. It was fun.


Flexin on Instagram

the match that was building to drew a 14500 sell out.

user how big is Batista's dick

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That was literally 10 years ago in a different promotion.
based retard

I imagine it's small/average since he's Filipino .

Last thing I remember was Kane being unmasked. I was so disappointed that he looked like a mutant and was bald. He was one of my favorites because I was an edgy kid and even got in a shit ton of trouble in school because I did a choke slam on a guy in a fight and really fucked up his neck. fucker had it coming stealing me and my friends yugioh cards and then punching me when I went to take them back
I quit watching after that storyline where Vince Mcmann's son through him into the fire or whatever.

When Kane take off his mask.

Which one? I heard Cornette bitching about it recently and he didn't seem to know either.

he wrestled the blow up doll in DDT a decade ago, he's 'le i wrestle the best matches man' in NJPW

his reign was mediocre in hindsight whenever Okada wasn't involved

10 years ago in DDT. He proved he couldn't go when he won the big one and had the worst title run in the last 10 years

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Are you badmouthing based Ibushi?

>Sorry Rich Family you wouldn't understand

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And having him back now is good for the company in some way?

Fuck off Dave

Uhh well yeah lemme umm check my notes... Uhh hmmm yeah so uhh umm well plans change 11.95 PLEASE

When Brock defeated Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Watched it from about 1999-2004, dropped it in high school because I just thought it was lame and boring now.

Got into it again briefly in 2010-2012 and pretty much just watched for CM Punk and his whole story.

Dropped it again pretty quickly after they just fucked him around.

Didnt watch any wrestling what so ever until the most recent WWE 2k19 game. As a kid I loved smackdown, smackdown 2 and the smackdown vs raw games.
Hadnt played a wrestling game for almost 15 years and picked it up knowing like 2 or 3 current modern wrestlers.

But played it a bit. Started watching old attitude era stuff, started kinda getting back into it again. Really curious to see what happens with AEW


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He never had cancer.

Everyone hated him so they pretended he had cancer as an excuse for him leaving. Now hes back a few months later and hes now "beat" cancer. And it was their last resort to stop people booing him.

I used to watch when I was in high school, back when it was Stone Cold and the Rock and Mankind and so on, and RAW was having its feud with Nitro (which I didn't like as much but still watched whenever RAW was boring). It was a pretty good show then, and a lot of fun discussing it with my friends and playing the N64 games, and doing the "suck it" hand gesture at teachers and calling people jabronis. Good memories.

I stopped sometime after the Benoit incident. My heart just wasn't in it anymore. From what I see on Yea Forums from time to time I'm glad I did.