Should the dead stay dead? the philosophy of this movie is messing with my mind

should the dead stay dead? the philosophy of this movie is messing with my mind.

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When they are nearly guaranteed to come back as evil monsters, yes.

sometimes live is better, sometimes dead is better

The moral of the story is "have absolutely fucking nothing to do with a burial site cursed by a wendigo".

This and the novel Revival imply that nearly everyone go to Hell when they die

How? I thought it was implied that what came back wasn't the real person, it was something with some greater knowledge like a demon.

Scientists who fool around with bringing the dead back to life need to hung from a noose. Desecration of the body is immoral and they're playing with morality in ways that defy the very meaning of existence.

Seems like they should be happier about the return trip then

Yes. You have to let go. It's wrong to bring back the dead. The dead should stay dead.

and Indians were evil

My favorite King book because it King based a lot of it on stuff going on in his life at that time. He did live on a road with trucks speeding down or. His dsughter’s cat did get run over. And his son did start running out into the street as a truck was coming but unlike the book he got him

the book is amazing, but a film will never do it justice unless there's inner dialogue included. Louis' slip into insanity after the death of his son was the best part of the book.

No, it implies that the soil at the micmac burial ground went bad after years of misuse.

The orginal film was a pretty solid adaption. Sure, they dropped The Windigo angle but the film didn’t need it.

The remake is going to be ass.

the only person who could act in that movie was Rachel. the rest were garbage, and Jud came off way too aggressive.

Oh come on, Hermon Munster Jud is a classic.

Lithgow is a better actor but the fact he doesn’t got a thick New England accent disqualifies him

No thick accent, no thanks.

Even Lithgow seems really aggressive in the trailer, Jud was really gentle and soft spoken in the book, when i think of Jud i think of Hershel from TWD

To be fair the trailer seems to have featured the (few) times when Jed was speaking really emphatically, when he was almost in a panic about Louis burying the kid. He was supposed to be unusually emotional in those scenes.

It doesn't matter one way or another what we think. The nature of all reality says death HAS to happen. Even the universe itself isn't immune from this. Cancer exist solely to remind us that no matter what we do, we have to die. It even hits kids as a reminder no matter how old you are, cherish each day like it could be your last...because it may be.

He shelved this book for years until his wife made him release it for money because he thought it was too fucked up. Written during his crazy coke years, definitely one of his creepiest books, actually deals with black magic and necromancy whereas his other releases just hint at dark shit, like Lovecraft fan fic but this is one where his real voice comes out

black magic and necromancy aren't even the focal point though, it's predominately about death and how different personalities deal with it. It was a lot more medical than magical.

I know that, just saying that he touched on some really dark shit with this story