If actions movies reversed the genders
If actions movies reversed the genders
I wonder if rescuing a woman in a real life emergency gets her wet for you.
wow it's almost like men and women are different
Is the ability to save lives not an attractive trait?
Because it sounds like it should be.
Men age like wine
Women age like milk
nah thats why whenever a woman is in trouble i walk right by lol. no edgey
I feel like women are insanely attracted to firemen.
It does indeed. I should know, people have told me as much.
Make the man at least 4 inches shorter than the woman as well
Why is young Luke going to fuck old Leia?
>character is a murderer of an entire village
>named Madara as in Murdara
Seriously who approved that?
What the fuck is that drawing. Kill yourself
>not liking femcel comics
Morso men desu
Who the fuck goes to burger king? In fact I didn't even realize they are still in business
Fuck you, BK is the best of the low tier fast food places (like McDonald's)
desu if a granny saved my life I would probably bang tf out of her
Say what you will about them but those femcels know their incels.
Why would you ever go to a 'low tier' slop joint? Just go get the marginally better pig slop somewhere else for $2 extra
What the fuck do you get toasted at Burger King?
Are you a fireman user
Is this trying to say that women overestimate their sexual value?
Wow reminds me I haven't visited lolcow in months
>its bad that men don't want to fuck ugly women that don't wash their face
Why did he change shirts at home?
But lolcow isn't the one full of femcels.
20 years ago maybe. There is so much effort to flip gender-related tropes on their head that the tropes practically no longer exist.
why do women delude themselves into thinking theyre just like us with true problems
Are you sure about that
t. incel
Does anyone else think its going to be funny when the islamic caliphate of the west enslaves the left and all this gender nonsense is destroyed by the magnificence of Allah?
t. Tranny
The problem is action films generally have someone with qualities the opposite sex may like thus the hero/heroine is not average. So if it is an older woman she would be in shape with large bust or butt.
Ah, but lots of action movies have a badass chick the guy wants to get with nowadays. I'll even give you the perfect article about the phenomenon.
Yes, lolcow is for the normie women, the femcels use a different imageboard.
It's like these people don't understand biology and sexual Dynamics.
The ones who don't shower are wife material.
If you are an ugly guy with a subpar (but not subhuman) body, you can always work out and improve yourself somewhat.
If you are born an ugly female with a shit body/bone structure, you're pretty much fucked.
Losing weight is probably the only way you could hope to improve but that won't fix bone structure, which is more important on women than men.
Pic unrelated since she has clean, styled hair and carefully applied makeup.
>So if it is an older woman
she wouldn't be the heroine.
>*posts a 10/10 actress*
Yeah, totally what the average femcel looks like.
It's bad if you're one of the unlucky women. And you threw it "wash their face" because you can't cope with how evil reality is lol
I don't want to have sex with stinky pussy.
That look is manufactured.
>yes this 10/10 facial structure female is sure to be more attainable just because she washes her hair less often
>absolutely her dirty hair makes other men forget about her perfect face
Are incels retarded?
>lolcow is for the normie women
More like the BPD women, but whatever
naa that gets funky real quick
>he doesn't have a favorite unwashed, in-door-only, comfy shirt that he wears for years
just get fake tits and ass injections, flattie
A woman who hasn't showered for a day or two can be real gross for numerous reasons.
Oh no no, you misunderstand. I want a 10/10 qt who acts kinda solitary.
Wow it's almost as if human beings have biological instincts.
Seething hehehe.
No she can be the heroine. Generally action films had peak bodies, then good looking w average but in shape, finally we have modern action aka superheroes with males having peak bodies again.
they'd both be dead
Firemen, doctors, all these groups. Police, soldiers.
Teachers and other father figures too.
Tells you enough about them really.
But it's true, women are sexually attracted to their saviors. I know cause I saw that in many movies
I don't think anyone contests that. They're just pointing out that nature is incomprehensibly evil to begin with.
>this retard doesn't know Muslims love trannies and gay pedo shit
There are like 2% of women so disgusting they can't give their holes away. This isnt an issue for 98% of them.
>I don't think anyone contests that.
Leftists and SJW types actually do fucking contest that.
This is their main problem and why they're so delusional.
Then stop pretending to be good, humans are inherently bad and violent.
It doesn't fucking matter, almost everyone copes through delusion. All religious people do it.
>Action movie stars are all traditionally handsome and good looking men (Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, EVERY man who's ever played James Bond, Clint Eastwood, etc. etc.)
>OP's pic has the female equivalent of Bernie Sanders as the lead role
Replace her with Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, Cameron Diaz, and any other mommy-tier actress, and that'd be pretty fucking based.
>religion that promotes harems, whereby a large portion of men don't get close to sex
It's like you want even more gays and trannies.
>All religious people do it.
Name the jew faggot
Post-wall roasties getting mad that chad doesn't care about her job is always good for a chuckle.
Older women are undesirable.
Jews are by far the least delusional and most secular and most rational of any religious group, bar none. You brainwashed stormturd.
>Hot people get treated differently than uggos
Wow! Breaking news!
>If you are born an ugly female with a shit body/bone structure, you're pretty much fucked.
yes, you are fucked
because somewhere, somehow there will be a desperate enough guy that will want to fuck you, doesn't matter how conventionally ugly you look
the only exception this goes both way, and that's if you're novelty-tier ugly.
sideshow freak ugly
and then there's probably another freak to shack up with anyway
ugly women still get porked because there are always horny men wanting to fuck a wet hole.
your argument is invalid
I would probably have sex with a woman if she saved my life, I don't see the problem
Actually you're just a feminised zoomer. Stop posting until you move out of home.
Atheism is more coping than theism.
Hot people still get credit for their "accomplishments" in life so apparently most people don't realize this and it actually is breaking news.
Literally nobody would watch it. Women are attracted to older men, men are attracted to younger women. Don't believe me, look at the vast majority of couples.
>man displays positive masculine traits such as strength, courage, protection, selflessness, initiative
it is cheesy that this often happens in movies but there is logic that a women would be attracted to a guy like that, especially if he is also muscular and handsome
plus women romanticize a fateful encounter with their future partner - saving her life while taking down a dozen terrorists would qualify
crystalcafe is the same shit
What the fuck are you talking about you lying whore!
Show me any woman and I guarantee, no I fucking promise that there are men that would give her the time of day.
Men age better than women
Congratulations, you're retarded
It's not just that, the one on the right really does look dirty. I'd be worried about disease granules flaking off her face and into the food, not that burgerking could be made much worse.
People with acne and other facial skin problems activate primal defence mechanisms against infection.
Fix your fucking face if you don't want people to recoil as if you've got the plague.
That looks like a prison, not the kind that it's insane.
Pretty sure there's plenty of dead-inside looking cute girls in prisons, it's just they might stab you or something, but hey, it would make the relationship interesting.
>Hate the patriarchy (but secretly love it)
Why are tsunderes hot, bros?
A partially retarded teenager with poor English skills made that in MS Paint and you fell for it. Let that sit for a minute. You aren't just dumb, you are /pol/ dumb.
Women know it's easy to get porked, but they aren't hals as horny as men (at least not outside of the peak in their cycles) so it matters less to them. Women want to tie you down, and it's not like you can do that with a guy who just wants to fuck your hole.
I've literally never been mean to an old or ugly lady ever in my entire life (except when I was a kid and acted like a little shit to my grandparents).
I think if an old or ugly lady complimented your shirt or something, ninety-nine point nine-nine-nine-nine-nine percent of the population WOULDN'T be an asshole to the old lady. I'm exaggerating with the numbers of course, but my point still stands. I don't think any lady, old or ugly, will be rebuffed for something as simple as a goodwill gesture.
Oh my
you know disney is doing that since it inception?
Wait. I've read this and come to the conclusion that this doesn't make any sense.
Or I could go to Cookout and get better food, plus more of it, for cheaper
>the hot one is blond and blue eyed
>the other one is whatever it is
It's somewhat telling that the artist has internalized the truth of all things in more ways than one.
Anybody who has actually lived life for more than 25 years can tell you I'm right. Not one atheist has arrived at their beliefs rationally. It's all either anger at the idea of god or fear of an eternal soul.
KFC is undisputed GOAT
Then Mcdonalds, Jacks, BK, and Subway, is more or less equal.
Taco Bell goes on the fucking bottom.
only if you are a chad
You jews were gassed before, and it will happen again. YOU KEEP PUSHING AND PUSHING.
No more. Your time will come jew.
fine then
This comic is hilarious. wtf, I thought roasties didn't know how to humor.
>it's a "millennials are autistic and make it a point to showcase they are the only generation autistic enough to not understand that men and women are different" episode
You are a failed generation, there's no hope for you.
You are almost in your 30s and you millennials have the social intelligence of a 10 year old.
Trust me, the only way to skip another 30 years of suffering is suicide.
Madara never layed a finger against Konoha, that was Obito. Watch the damn cartoon.
>Jews are by far the least delusional and most secular and most rational of any religious group,
i suppose that's why you can pick any random historical bolshevik, or any modern day commie and identify them as a jew
>least delusional
>most secular
communism and socialism simply replace religion in these people
it's the most pathetic thing ever
ITT: experienced experts on women
Isn't the 37-39 one an actress?
The artist is black and she is afraid of blonde Stacies
Someone get this city slicker outta here!
My fetish is women being disgusted at my fetishes so once again I win.
I woman is beautiful and somehow could save my life, i’d be attracted to her of course.
If Oprah Winfrey took a bullet for me I still wouldn’t want to fuck her.
Thanks for reminding me i hate women.
We must return the roastie to the cage.
Well Yea Forums ?
This. If youre a 3/10 white women and weigh less than 600 lbs you can always find some 7/10 face 5'8" muscle bound spic or white boi
Roll dem bones
That is a crazy number of lies for one image. Is the left part supposed to be significant? Given the millions of Jews there should be many thousands of feminists as a statistical certainty. Your IQ is below 70.
based Carolinas poster
Am*rican millennial detected.
Stupid fucking thing to want to reply about. Fucking socially needy dumb fucker
no edgey
>i suppose that's why you can pick any random historical bolshevik, or any modern day commie and identify them
how does even the dumbest incel spout this shit with a straight face lol
i bet your own parents despise you
reminder that even that girl would be getting porked by chad
I would actually bet large amounts of real life money to say I could bench your bodyweight for a minimum of 20-25 reps.
>my rat burger place is better than that other rat burger place
Is this what fatties fight over?
But that's because you're not a female. You probably wouldn't fuck her even though she's a billionaire, but a woman would.
There are women who really can't attract men, combine that with the inevitably fucked up personality and there you have it. As someone itt already mentioned women don't care that someone would deign to ejaculate on them, they want more. Men could easily find just sex if they wanted it too, but most of them want more than that as well. It's a severe oversimplification to just recommend sex.
Georgia actually, have some friends and family in both Carolinas though. Nice place.
Why would a chad lower himself to fuck a below average girl?
I go out with a group of normalfags and all of them refuse to even touch a fat girl.
The meta joke about that is that all those cover art models are absolutely flaming faggots that shy away from the vagina and crave the cock and anal plunge.
Fantasizing roasties btfo
Men that look like those mills and boon covers only want other men.
>leaving glasses and phone on your bed while you sleep
good way to break shit
I feel bad for her
>that comic
Where's the joke?
Again, pic unrelated? Keep trying.
Most faggots are scrawny retards.
Of course they don't fuck with the fattys in front you. But they all do it on the dl.
The only unattractive mainstream male action hero I can think of is Roger Moore as Bond.
The female in OP wouldnt be a wrinkly hag, she'd look like Charlize Theron in Atomic Blonde at worst.
I've literally seen it happen, to be fair.
And that's why you're an incel. Don't be bitter.
Most normal men refuse to fuck ugly women.
Quick free pussy is quick free pussy, so long as nobody knows.
Tumblr, please do us all a favor and stop telling yourselves you know how to fucking draw
I prefer the "Gang-Star" edit.
Oh yeah, that's right, Yea Forums knows more about my friends than myself.
Seriously, it's always amazing the confidence with which autistic millennials make claims about society, even though you millennials have shown time and again that you have no understanding on how humanity works, which is why your generation is the one not having kids at all.
Thankfully, the 2020s will be when millennials lose the cultural spotlight, maybe then the world can start getting fixed.
>There are women who really can't attract men
No, there objectively aren't.
>combine that with the inevitably fucked up personality and there you have it
That's the one and only factor. The only thing that can keep a woman from getting laid is her own refusal to get laid.
Yeah you convinced me with that reddit spacing
Why does she want to plow Shaggy from Scooby Doo so badly?
t. femoid
No matter what she looks like, if this has not happened to her the only explanation is blind chance. Or it did happen to her, but the guy was ugly and awkward so it was "creepy"
Tell that to my hairline
>guy who isn't getting any pussy can't accept that his friends are
Nobody wants to hear about virgins.
If you are a virgin, is because you are ugly, there's nothing you can do about it.
Well, you can, kill yourself and spare the rest of the world of your endless cries and assumptions about people in a desperate attempt to bring attention to yourself, attention you will clearly not get otherwise.
It's called natural selection, and ugly people are getting filtered out.
You don't like it?
Should have been born in a good looking body.
This goes for both men and women, do a favor, and die out quietly, nobody wants to hear about you.
Is that character supposed to be the black author character?
Because they didn't even color them in as black.
This too, is telling in more ways than one.
Look at this fucking loser lol
you're part of the "lmao just lift bro" generation. you're weak and utterly useless.
That's ignoring the relevant rest of the post that addresses the "just get laid" and yes, there are women who cannot get any man interested in them. It exists.
literally me
>autist from Yea Forums assumes what other people's friends are like
They don't fuck fatties, and can you blame them?
Fat people are disgusting, nobody wants to fuck a fat person.
If a fattie is getting laid, is because he's a rich, 40 year old.
But even then, only women are willing to lower themselves for that.
>deflect deflect deflect!
that doesn't work here moron
anyone do search the answer within a few seconds
better luck on reddit lmao
>2/10 sea creature
That is funny
>there are women who cannot get any man interested in them. It exists.
Most men don't make big romantic gestures to women as a first move. Even if she could find some guy to fuck her there's no chance he'd be romantic about it.
Oh boy, the hourly failed normalfag thread full of Twitter subhumans calling each other incel and losers.
I'll just stick around here to enjoy how miserable your empty lives are.
what a strange cope
gib gf pls
>not having home clothes and outdoor clothes
Shiggy diggy
Unironically what did she mean by this? What the fuck is this trying to convey? She doesn't like noises? People are annoying? r9k is fucking retarded, no wonder they're the absolute bottom of society.
Who makes these?
t. 5/10 chubby chaser projecting
>Most men don't make big romantic gestures to women as a first move.
many of us have at some point but we were rejected and mocked for it so we stop
I'm assuming that the artist is a white woman. The implication being that the unreversed situation is one where a pretty woman becomes attracted to an "ugly" man and the artist finds it unbelievable.
Who is she trying to fool? Her kind are attracted to dogs and the congolese. It's not too far-fetched that she might be willing to fuck Bruce Willis.
Nah, tell us how things went right for you
Inspire us
Give us hope that we're gonna make it
It's amazing how different these threads are from the others.
They don't even try to appear to belong in Yea Forums, they do nothing but endlessly spout millennial ebonics like yikes, incel, loser, cope, etc.
It's hilarious.
>Or it did happen to her, but the guy was ugly and awkward so it was "creepy"
Probably this. Shit swings both ways and retards never get that.
It's not actually that bad and men still go out of their way for you the law is still written for you and social services are still made solely with you in mind. Just that you have to settle for the 80% or men who don't get any and when all you know is privledge any kind of equality feels oppressive
Seeing you people suffer is fun.
Hope feminism ensures that you retards don't have a single succesful relationship and you die without a family.
>millennial ebonics like yikes, incel, loser, cope, etc.
Thats zoomer shit.
>oh no the world is so evil because I was born ugly
Why don't ugly people just kill themselves?
Remember, shooting yourselves could fail, jump from a building instead, that will smash your head into pieces and will definitely kill you.
>wife material
she's already taken.
gay cope
Anything less than exceptional is oppressive m8. We live in a society where the easy lives of good looking people are shoved in our faces 24/7. If you aren't in that class, you are oppressed.
She's living with normies and dislikes it.
You guys are taking it way too far. It's one thing to say that even ugly women can get laid, but you are delusional if you think that ugly, fucked up women will get men giving them flowers and making big declarations of love. Come the fuck on.
Normie men don't but that's because big romantic gestures are a meme and always have been. Women fall for this meme until they encounter it in reality. Incel men also fall for this meme, which is partly why they're incels.
Is it any worse than the ">tfw too intelligent to lift" crowd?
I'd rather be a gym rat than some dude who complains about not having a gf because he's literally too fucking stupid to try. Oh, wow, you have a 7/10 face and grew up in a middle-class, suburban family, who went to a large highschool and now attends a populated college campus, but you can't get a gf because nobody understands meeeee!
Suck it up lmao. What a dweeb.
You tell me.
>I'm assuming that the artist is a white woman.
Do you think any minority has the leisure time to be drawing shitty tumblr comics?
They all out busy getting fucked by minority guys. I don't think I've ever heard of a non-white bitter femcel. Conversely desperate men make up half the world's population, white or otherwise.
Do it or else they'll be a reckoning
explain further, por favor
only chads save people from dangerous situations though
Where's the unshowered one? They all look clean and attractive. Kinda the point of the pic.
the point is guys have it worse, at least women can get laid. the male equivalent will have it harder and probably wont even get a single girl, romantic or otherwise
Is it a millennial thing to try to appear as pathetic as possible because they think they'll be rewarded if they activate other people's protective instincts?
Statistically speaking a lot of black women are actually femcels because no men want them.
keep rolling
An older guy will do that for her
you must be pretty young
that's something people have been doing for thousands of years
Men can get laid too. Prostitutes and the drastic lowering of standards works.
And she wasn't seen alive again.
Yeah, but in the past people got punished for being pathetic.
That's the problem now, these people aren't filtered out.
Normally, these idiots should be cast aside and left to die alone, but current society somehow lets these retards live and ruin society for everyone else.
Identity politics?
It exists because of an entire generation trying to make a living out of being pathetic.
Just fuck a trap bro lmao.
It is quite interesting to visit that site to get insite into the minds of the utter retards who populate it.
Are people like you really this stupid? I'll give you a hint: the internet has shown everyone how easy certain segments of the population have it. Most people aren't okay with it. The people who are are idiots that still believe in meritocracy.
Actually looking at that image I realize I'd probably feel like that yeah
Definitely does. The reverse is true too though, so do your best not to get your ass kicked in front of her.
Scientistfag here. I'd like to quickly discuss why women age worse than men.
Collagen is a protein that is responsible for the elasticity of tissues in the body, including tissue of the skin and the blood vessels. The human body, in short, releases collagen at the same time as the release of estrogen.
Females' ovaries release estrogen, and males' testes release testosterone--but did you know the male body also releases small amounts of estrogen as well, in reaction to testosterone presence?
Females experience menopause later in life, wherein they are no longer sexually fertile. When menopause occurs, their ovaries stop creating estrogen. No estrogen means no collagen, and no collagen means wrinkly, old skin.
Males are sexually fertile their entire life. They will produce testosterone, generally, until the day they die, therefore they'll always produce estrogen, and by extension, collagen.
You must have it easy if you are not being forced into action.
>Yeah, but in the past people got punished for being pathetic
I think you've looked into this a lot less than you want it to look like you did
Beautiful day here in San Frangelico
Charity is nothing but money laundering nowadays.
And in the past charity was almost non-existant.
How do we get women to produce or receive more collagen then?
just take a collagen supplement then
You don't pull yourself together, you starve to death on the streets.
That's proper punishment.
Nowadays these people live well into their 30s with mommy and daddy, allowing them to not do anything while keeping up their stupid act of trying to grab attention to make others feel pitty on them.
These people are scum and completely insufferable.
I fucking love science
Who the fuck cares?
Every single thread
Men:Girls suck and heres why
But then
Women:Boys suck
i'm not upset about this, so it really isn't worth pressing further, but you are so wrong, man
nah he's right
Oh yes, try to convince me that humanity is generous because that term exists.
People who have it bad deserve to have it bad.
Want things to improve?
Get off your ass and work on it or simply die.
that has a dick?
I feel we're fundamentally different people and that you might just have read Nietzsche too recently
It's called retin a
>this ever happens
women are retarded
Anyone that wants an attractive wife
I haven't.
But from what i've heard, that guy sounds like your average overly-dramatic millennial who thinks the world is inherently bad and tries to justify not working on yourself.
I've seen people who actually feel offended when they are told that they must work to fix their problems.
Which is why I think these people completely deserve to be miserable.
It's almost as if they enjoy it.
Yh yh
I'm talking about morality, and I don't care about anyone besides myself. Simply stating that charity was a large part of many religions for long periods of history, and a common practice.
That's completely missing the point those covers are marketed at women, completely proving how full of shit the femcel comic is
Go read the shit incels post, it happens.
What do betas provide beyond being a joke for everyone else to laugh at?
Can't be their stupid social commentaries considering they pull everything out of their ass and base it on a bunch of cherry picked social media screencaps.
*NOT talking about morality
(which I don't even believe exists)
Man this is the dumbest thread I've seen in a while
What do you expect from the failed normalfag general?
Mods should start scouting these threads and start delivering range bans.
Who the fuck treats nice old ladies like that
they're mean to old ladies?
why stop there? mods should just save themselves and everyone else the trouble and ban every IP in existence
>But from what i've heard, that guy sounds like your average overly-dramatic millennial who thinks the world is inherently bad and tries to justify not working on yourself
Well you are completely wrong, he's a "hard work and self improvement" retard, going so far as to say that feeling pity for someone else is evil and stupid.
But are they mean to old ladies just for being ugly even when they're nice to them or are they "mean" when they mess up their order or some shit first
Oh well, in that case he's right.
After all, this generation of useless millennials are only like this because people have fed them attention.
Millennial activism, for example, is all about saying the most stupid, extremist and outrageous think they possibly could in an attempt to grab some attention for a couple of minutes.
A generation of attention whores, these people don't deserve to live comfortably.
Please stop embarrassing yourself kiddo
Incel insecurity (Incelcurity?) Towards women manifests as panic attacks around gorgeous women, and vague disgust towards the plain.
Is that when a woman only has sex 4 times a day?
>Prostitutes and the drastic lowering of standards works
this applies to women too lmao, but they get a lot more options
They're mean to even nice old ladies. It should also be said you shouldn't be mean to the person taking your order as it is more likely that the person in the kitchen screwed it up.
Normalfag means something different on my homeboard.
On Yea Forums and /r9k/ and shit, "normalfag" means "one who is adept at maneuvering through the habits of extroversion and society". On the boards I visit, "normalfag" simply implies "one who is unenlightened, and/or refuses to challenge society's arbitrary social laws and customs for fear of receiving backlash from the entitlement of his peers".
It has nothing to do with gf's, being well-liked, extroverted, or /fit/. It's all a mental thing and asserting yourself before society when society is being fucking stupid.
>pic related comes to save you
yes please no zombies tho
So basically, you are a 2016 election tourist who's trying to redefine Yea Forums.
Kill yourself.
There are more female prostitutes than male ones, so in that regard men have more options. Does anyone have the screencaps from the femcel threads where the girl said a male prostitute was mean to her?
keep lifting nigger youll get a gril one day
This is the face of mega cope, anons. Memorize it, and memorize it well.
>a Nietzschean fag that hasn't even read Nietzsche yet
Just imagine if this user did read that shit he'd become the Uber Bomer
70% of men can't even if they lower their standards, no matter how far. And prostitutes are illegal in alot if places because women hate having to be at all competitive for the only thing of value they can offer
>This applies to women too, but they get a lot more options
Yeah, like fucking you? That’s what I’d call lower standards. Nothing gets a woman more wet than to know there’s a guy whining online about how it’s not fair that women have more sex appeal than they do.
Yes but that does not counter the enormous amount of free options women get as well as not having to break the law to obtain it.
Kill yourself faggot scum
Sorry, should I start pretending watching dumbass superhero movies is saving the world, being on a race to see who's more pathetic while not doing anything about it, and pretending to know society while not being part of it?
That's what being a millennial is about right?
And I guess I should quit my job too.
.t toasty roasty
>70% of men can't
Oh yes, 70% of men are virgins.
Is this what millennial subhumans unironically think?
Just because you are a failed generation doesn't mean the majority is.
You are a minority, and you will die out as a minority.
And hopefully gen Z doesn't turn out to be as stupidly autistic as you.
>70% of men can't even if they lower their standards, no matter how far.
Complete and utter bullshit. Granted, it likely won't happen too often but they can certainly get laid at least somewhat regularly with no standards. Or frequently, if they drop their standards enough to go gay.
Imagine projecting like this
No, you called me a boomer, should I try to fit in with millennials by turning my life into a complete fucking joke instead?
Look at this thread, full of stupid autistic men and women seeing who's more pathetic, who in his sane mind would want to be like you?
Have you ever read the Rodger manifesto? Incels are horrible people.
>brainlet that hasn't read or read but doesn't understand Nietzsche
i bet you think the "superman" had anything to do with the nazis
This may be bait but it's true. His manifesto and just reading incel posts show that they are nasty people who are especially vicious to those they see as "below" them so they are especially mean to other incels, old ladies, etc.
Do any femcels want to be my girlfriend?
Why should I lower my standards to fuck some 2/10 pig when I am a 7/10?
Watch out, it's 2019, i'm sure a lot of those "femcels" have a dick.
>Nietzsche trying to "UH AKSHUALLY"
>i bet you think the "superman" had anything to do with the nazis
Of course I don't, I read him.
>70% of men can't
What new level of cope is this?
I didn't say you had to, but if you want to get laid for free all the time in the easiest way possible lowering your standards is the best way of doing it.
Is this the reddit general?
Just goes to show when the "sexual revolution" happened and all the sluts gravitated towards the chads leaving the men lonely, they become incels
it's literally womens' fault, they need to collectively get on their knees, and perform their god-given duty to swallow my sperm
Beta uprising when?
Women don't have to pay. Even the most ugly can get a man to fuck them for free.
Just woman invading male spaces and hobbiwa. The incel crowd became too big and popular so now women want to be cool incels too.
Gurl Gamer
Nerd Chick
>thinks he's 7/10
This is bog-standard on boards like /fit/, /pol/, /k/, etc.
Were you not here since 2014? Ever since 2012, it seems like fucking everyone on Yea Forums slowly started to become more and more Chad in an attempt to distance themselves from the faggots on tumblr and reddit. Where the fuck were you then? You got left behind, and now that everyone's more handsome and out going than they were 5 years ago, you're the only one moping about "normies" and shit.
"Normie" should NOT mean "some dude who can hold a conversation lmao I bet he gets invited to parties all the fucking time".
"Normie" is seeing a hot 16 year old and being too afraid to admit to yourself and your friends that you think she's hot because society might shit all over you, so you insist 20 year olds are hotter. Being "normie" is watching Black Panther and pissing and moaning about it on twitter because yaaaaaaas slaaaaaaaaay. Being "normie" is hearing your professor say some dumb shit like "if only guns didn't exist, we wouldn't have wars", and instead of saying "that's retarded", you see everyone else eating that shit up, so you nod your head and go "mhmm, yep, that's so true".
"Normie" on boards like /fit/ and /pol/ are much closer to "NPC" or "bluepilled" than the way "normie" has been used on boards like Yea Forums and /r9k/. It's been that way for years. Go to /fit/ and call someone a "normie" for having sex, then clarify that you're being real and not ironic.
You're out of touch, dude. Surprise-surprise, playing video games all day and watching hentai slows your emotional development compared to the people who grew up, started lifting, started learning to socialize, and stopped feeling victimized all the Goddamn time. And I know I'm rambling because I'm pretty tired, but if there's one thing I'd like to say with any real clarity, it's that you're a little bitch, and if you were here right now, I would devastate the intestinal flora in your gut with a single, swift uppercut to the belly.
Oh great, we didn't have enough with millennial manchildren being a bunch of pathetic faggots that now we have womanchildren.
Gas anyone born between 1985 and 2000 and the world will be instantly fixed.
reading the wikipedia article doesn't count, brainlet
Oh some things are really starting to make sense to me now user. You need to stay off /gif/
>The incel crowd became too big and popular so now women want to be cool incels too.
I hope you don't actually believe this but either way just lmao
>it seems like fucking everyone on Yea Forums slowly started to become more and more Chad in an attempt to distance themselves from the faggots on tumblr and reddit
No, they started acting what they think chads act like, to the point where people started making posts at the level of the Navy Seal copypasta, but unironically, which is fucking pathetic.
They didn't become chads, otherwise we wouldn't have all the people here sperging out over being virgins.
What a dumb fuck. Theists cope so much harder, they actually worship an imaginary being to help them cope with the fact that there's no afterlife or meaning to life.
a girl can just use tinder or whatever and get a free instafuck
>2000 being the cutoff
you're optimistic about the current 19 year olds and below, aren't you?
Everyone born after 2000 as well
it actually seems noble to reject a society that uses you and gives you nothing in return desu
Only if she's normal to attractive. The real uglies are doomed.
fuck off the day of the roast will come soon enough
trannies and zoomer niggers should leave Yea Forums
Most male action heroes ridiculously attractive.
If they only reversed the gender she'd still be 11/10 hot chick.
Actually it would be better if we gassed anyone born before 1985.
Also women have always been children.
No, I just believe that a generation still has a chance until their 30s.
After that, if they haven't done anything useful, they are done for and need to be filtered out.
Millennials are a rare case, not only they have no achievements, but they actually ruined what came before them, to the point where the 2000s were mediocre, and yet people are feeling nostalgic towards it.
In what fucking way has society used millennials?
You have no use or talents, your talent is just shitposting on the internet.
come on 69
Fuck off hole
I recommend that all you Incels and Femcels should abuse high doses of Dextromethorphan, it'll help with your depression and rage
Literally the exact fucking opposite.
So a real ugly girl has it about as hard as a normal guy, womp womp
>wrecking all those ass flowers with a fist rather than a tumescent penoid protuberance
do you even lift?
Only good looking people benefit from society, everyone else gets used.
>You have no use or talents
That's because they refused to develop them, you dumb cunt. Because there's no reason to.
this, it'd be Jennifer Aniston with some young chad
And what, leave the world to be controlled by millennials, to these emotion-driven creatures incapable of logic thought?
Fucking Gen Z would be more logic than you pussified little bitches.
>On Yea Forums and /r9k/ and shit, "normalfag" means "one who is adept at maneuvering through the habits of extroversion and society".
This is fucking wrong
gucks feed and Geed.
So basically, you turned yourselves useless and now you try to make people pity you?
How about you simply kill yourselves and end this now?
Oh, that's right, you are also a bunch of attention whores and the internet has made it pretty easy for scum like you to feed that addiction.
In that case, just hoping mommy and daddy die soon so you end up homeless.
Normal men aren't doomed at all.
I just KNOW you're some rich, upper-middle class suburbanite from a wealthy family who has issues because they went to highschool and their soft, pampered soul became disillusioned with the harshness of the real world.
I actually don't hate niggers. At the end of the day, for actual working class dudes who have to live like regular Joes, I see an equal amount of faggot black dudes as I see faggot spics or faggot white trash. I also see a lot of good blacks and spics and asians and shit.
At this point I've realized it's all about working class Joes, versus the super poor trashy assholes, versus the pampered progressive faggots like you.
Literally ">tfw too intelligent for exercise" tier. I bet you rag on football every time the superbowl comes around and call it something faggy like "sportsball", like a fucking redditor. I bet you see people getting excited about an upcoming UFC match and say something super faggy like "haha, who wants to watch two half naked men make out?"
I know your type. It's super fucking light weight. And before you comment on my grammar and shit, I wrote and self published two books and had another history book published by my own university so in terms of raw intelligence, fuck you, I'm better than you at that shit too. I just haven't slept in a long time and it's kind of getting to me.
No, that makes you a sexual offender
Rolling for Julianna
Toasted burgers are awful. KYS.
>Only good looking people benefit from society, everyone else gets used.
man, even the supreme gentleman wasn't that misanthropic
please, kys BEFORE the rampage, not after
>Yea Forums now unironically believes they are chads
How do you achieve this level of dellusion?
>reeeeee Millennials
The oldest gen y are in their mid thirties. You expect that generation to have changed the world? They aren't in any significant positions of power.
>And in the past charity was almost non-existant.
lol no
based pharmapeddling fag merchant
Why the fuck hasn't anyone responded to my bait?
>They aren't in any significant positions of power.
Oh boy, I can't wait until the generation that turned politics into console wars get into power.
We'll have weekly Cuban Missile Crisises and the nuclear silos will be permanently ready for launch.
Everyone who thinks WWIII is not something that's happening doesn't know the power level of a generation that is driven entirely by emotion and not by logic.
She looks like she used to be fat.
Yeah, pretty much this. No matter what a man looks like he can still make up for it bey being funny, intelligent, or brave. With women though, they'll always be mediocre at everything.
the overton window has shifted
4chanlets haven't become chads, but everyone else online have become such pussies it looks like they have
Oh no no no.
Nah he's right. 2012 is spot on too, that year I really started lifting, getting fitter, trying to be more social etc and start self improvement. I went from skeltal noodle arms virgin who couldn't even talk to a girl, to muscular, fit, socially competent guy with a thick gf in just a few years. And I know I'm not the only one either, read tons of similar stories by other anons along the way.
Normie is someone who lets the media and his peers and culture think for themselves. Who is too afraid to be his own person.
It'll be up to the poos, russians and chinkos to save the day and the ever level headed pakis to mediate the aftermath.
I'll never stop telling people to drown their sorrows in drugs
It's the only way for the damned and smelly
I also support Extreme Drug use
Dextromethorphan must be used daily at 800mg minimum dosage
It'll make you go hardcore and you'll get used to forget human pain
>A man making a comic about shaming men for not knowing what women find attractive which the comic would indicate that he knows
>All those books not only with the stereotypical hunks, but almost all of them written by women too
Willis is such a fucking waste of a human being
Get your fucking Generations right retard
Some fucking 2016 poltard telling people how Yea Forums is
>it's that you're a little bitch, and if you were here right now, I would devastate the intestinal flora in your gut with a single, swift uppercut to the belly.
Okay internet tough guy
Seriously what the fuck, do you kids think you're cool as you're typing this shit out?
But Yea Forums has become a bunch of oversensitive bitches too who only care about le ebin politics and unironically thinks they can save the world through the power of internet shitposting.
If Yea Forums had remained the same cold, cruel place where people trolled others to the point of suicide just for fun, you would be right, but nowadays that's considered "too edgy" for this place full of redditors and social media invaders who use buzzwords like "yikes" unironically.
Mad Gen X cuck detected.
oof, yikes, hard pass
>that pic
Why don't they just fuck each other?
Good for you, but you don't represent Yea Forums.
>Normie is someone who lets the media and his peers and culture think for themselves
Yea Forums does too, in a way.
Basically, whatever the media and culture think, Yea Forums does the opposite.
It's a kind of control, in a way.
and oof
It would be Milla Jovovich in the Resident Evil films or Kate Beckinsale in the Underworld ones...
Oh wait, those already exist.
blame the reddit tourists and astroturfers for that
I've only ever known Yea Forums to be reactive to external stimuli, not proactive
You know what's cool? I'm going to pop your nose like a goddamn volleyball. I'm going to jab your schnoz like a speedbag in a boxing gym. By the time I'm done with you, you're going to be flopping around with a snouter like that on an elephant seal.
Now THAT'S cool.
Is the concept really going over your head? Why would people make themselves useful when all their labor as allocated
>0% toward their own happiness
>100% toward the happiness of privileged people
It's a raw deal, people are just smarter now so they're outright refusing to participate.
>this is a 50 year old woman
Jesus christ.
I'd lick Milla's pussy and let her rub her bottom all over my face if she saved my life. She's such a hot milf.
And then they cry because they have no place on Earth.
You are just too dumb to live.
Trump was the zoomers first election kiddo.
>And I know I'm rambling because I'm pretty tired, but if there's one thing I'd like to say with any real clarity, it's that you're a little bitch, and if you were here right now, I would devastate the intestinal flora in your gut with a single, swift uppercut to the belly.
>It's super fucking light weight. And before you comment on my grammar and shit, I wrote and self published two books and had another history book published by my own university so in terms of raw intelligence, fuck you, I'm better than you at that shit too. I just haven't slept in a long time and it's kind of getting to me
Lol why does this nigga end all his posts in some unironic navy seal copypasta type shit
I'm finding it hard to believe this isn't sarcasm.
And considering how stupidly seriously millennials took those dumbass elections, seems the same was for them too.
Seriously, it was absolutely hilarious seeing people who not only took election time seriously, but they actually have faith in politicians for some reason.
Blind faith in the US government, it's laughable.
>thick gf
>tfw have a fiancee but still feel like an incel because completely antisocial and stunted
getting laid on the regular fixes NOTHING, having a life partner fixes NOTHING
Because Yea Forums thinks themselves of chads, and the only contact people here have had with chad, is the Navy Seal and the "My name is John" copypastas.
Who cares, everyone dies. Better to not spend your life making shit even easier for parasites.
By thick, I mean thick, not fat. I hate sticc girls, and I'm white.
By becoming other people's parasite?
You wouldn't dare say that shit to my face. One look and you'd be cringing by the trashcans. You'd call the cops the moment your dull, prey eyes caught a glimpse of my predatorial gaze through your cow-like haze of cud chewing and water-holing.
You'd probably try to run around a little bit, work up a sweat for me as I carelessly bounded towards you and tackled you to the ground as you squealed for reprieve. With a quick cut to the sinuses, you'll be sipping human plasma for the next 40 days. A deft knee to the groin would leave you catatonic and oppressed. My knee to your crotch would literally fucking oppress you. You'll write about that shit for months on your little blog. You'll be talking about my knee with your little ANTIFA buzzwords like I was a riot cop in Portland, Oregon.
So sit the fuck down and let me say my piece, old man. You fucking 30 year old boomer piece o' shit.
Why did you post a fatty, though?
Fucking makes sense
Every one of this guys posts actually read exactly like the my name is john shit
fuck off reddit nigger
That's not parasitism, that's revenge. Parasitism describes the lives of the people who actually benefit from society.
Revenge on what?
You are becoming dependant neets with no money while industries become more and more automatized.
That's fucking fat you dumb shit
It will never become automated if enough people over the next 50 years realize that the best thing they can do with their life is nothing at all.
Either the same person, or by coincidence, two retards
It's already happening, though.
There's more people out there than millennials.
Either a retard or a chubby chaser in denial
Most likely both
This is thick.
What you posted is fat.
What do you propose people who refuse to be useful idiots do in today's society? Do you deny that only a very small percentage of humans benefit?
If you are not going to be useful in any way, last thing you should do is complain about shit because, in the end, you have no purpose.
If you are going to be a NEET, don't bother talking about improving the world.
But why should someone want to be useful so that Chris Hemsworth can have his luxuries? What's the point of being useful if you don't get anything back?
You say you don't get anything back now because mommy and daddy are paying for everything.
Hero is a brown or black haired man.
Woman is white blonde.
Where's all the black haired women at?
No she just has huge tits, look at her legs, her thighs are the same size as the girl you posted. Also I was navigating from tiny thumbnails trying to find a girl who wasn't nude.
Faggots. Thick girls are best.
Getting a car, a place and food so you can survive long enough to work tomorrow is not "getting something back." There is exactly zero value in survival.
Kill yourself reddit nigger
Then why not kill yourself?
If you are 10/10 Chad with blue eyes - easy
>Getting a car, a place and food so you can survive long enough to work tomorrow is not "getting something back." There is exactly zero value in survival.
That's my life
That's not thick, that's just having a round butt. Get your shit straight, nigger
Mmmhmm Chad good Non Chad bad. Just say that we both know your a subhuman using big words to sound like you have a rational mind cunt.
The comic that triggered a thousand incels
You still haven't said what betas bring to the planet aside from material for people to laugh at them.
Mad cunny poster kek.
I fucked a girl with a flat chest before, it was one of the least fun sexual experiences I've ever had. Pedo's are literally mentally broken to want their women to have no funbags. Same for ass. Can't have a big ass when she's underage you faggot pedophile.
Reminder that anti thick is just mad pedocucks seething.
Exactly, anything more is all being fat.
m8 are you retarded
the lucky parasites literally couldn't survive without all the underprivileged people living bad lives
Your a stupid beast trying to look rational give up already. Chad can mass murder people yet you wont say anything so fuck off.
>Can't have a big ass when she's underage
What the fuck am I reading.
So, betas have a purpose in that they keep the elites afloat?
Sounds great, thank you betas.
>Chad can mass murder people
That can be a useful trait, in fact, governments tend to pay a lot to people who can do that.
>Reminder that anti thick is just mad pedocucks seething.
zoomers are truly niggers.
that's not a "purpose," it's a profound evil.
I mean to type child. Some 16 year old can obviously have a huge ass. Pedo's are even attracted to teenagers anyways so it's a non point. Pedo's like actual children. Pedo's are the ones I was shitting on, not jailbait fans.
There are several tiers above thick before you reach fat though.
Guess her age. I'll give you a hint-- my younger brother talks to her on Snapchat all the time, and my younger brother is currently in the 8th grade.
Every girl over 11 has tits and ass
There's nothing evil about eliminating certain people.
Imagine if you killed every single member of the bilderberg group, that would be a good massacre.
Hey, you said underage.
No. They get them after 13. Pedo's are people who like girls 10 and under. They are mental fuckups.
>literally rationalizing Chad being evil as good
Its all so tiresome.
No, i'm rationalizing killing as being something that can be good.
Rollin for Alexandra
Renee pls
this nigga asking the real questions
D-does that mean she /ss/ed her Lil bro?