What have we forgotten?

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Kino. Also his speech in Afrika, I crie evrytiem

the best show. so good. Have to rewatch it now.

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>Tolerance doesn't live here anymore. It's been evicted.

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How bad will season 2 cuck out? You just know it will happen.

>Details are being kept under wraps about their roles in the limited eight-episode series, which is not, strictly speaking, a second season of “The Young Pope.”

>Conceived as an anthology series somewhat like “Fargo” and “True Detective,” which changed casts in their second seasons but retained elements and some characters from the first season

I'm hyped.

I don’t know if I am, to be honest. First season was pretty much perfect.

Don't pull that "aw shucks" shit with me, Antonia, you're fuckin' stealin' their water

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Knock knock.

Very nervous about this. Lenny toned it down a bit toward the end of the show but he was still very much a conservative, they better not ruin it

I wonder if the director got spooked by how much traditionalist Catholics loved the show. Because, let me tell you, Trads fucking LOVE this show. I see constant wishes for a real Pope like Lenny all over Catholic Twitter.

Attached: PopeWalk.jpg (720x397, 73K)

...Did they miss the entire show?

The show is very pro-Trad, Lenny acts a bit like a child in the beginning but he never stops being trad. He just stops being crazy.

>find out a nun is molesting young women in African aid camps
>do nothing
>find out a promiment archbishop is raping children in NYC
>transfer him to another diocese
at least it was accurate

>do nothing
He literally commands God to smite her ass, retard. Lenny is a saint

I guess but the whole point of Lenny is that he's a contradiction. That's one of the major themes of the show. It's literally the first thing he says.


>find out a nun is molesting young women in African aid camps
>call upon God to smite her immediately and she dies alone and scared
>find out a promiment archbishop is raping children in NY
>send him to the coldest diocese in the world where he quickly die like the last guy you sent there

>I wonder if the director got spooked by how much traditionalist Catholics loved the show
Apparently he did. Major cuckoo for season 2 incoming

>much traditionalist Catholics loved the show.
I find this odd because as an atheist I also loved the show.
>All those constant "I've heard you don't believe in God rumors"
>I don't believe, I know it.
I'd respect a Pope like him a lot.

>fundamentalist pope
>goes on a gay crusade in the church
>ruthless authoritarian
>intensely devoted to God
>"tolerance needs to be eradicated from the church"
>leverages the Prime Minister of Italy with the catholic vote to keep religious policies like abortion alive

>>wow as an atheist I cannot understand why catholics like this show

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Why does Young Pope have such soft contours?

Yes, another thing that trads love. Chesterton wrote an entire chapter in Orthodoxy called The Paradoxes of Christianity

Why was this cancelled? It was fucking great.

It wasn't. It ended.

Same. I'm pretty far left but if real conservatives were like him, I'd still not agree with them, but at least I'd respect them a lot more. He has actual principles based on actual values, even when I don't agree with them. It's genuine and not just a flimsy front for uncontrolled capitalist decadence like real modern conservatives.