Why does Kevin Smith always make this face in photos?

Why does Kevin Smith always make this face in photos?

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He thinks it makes him look hip and cool.

He knows his beard makes his actual smile look fucking ugly, but shaving makes the rest of his face look ugly.

do you think he kept all his fat in a jar after the lipo?

I wonder if he ever thinks about fucking his daughter.

No. The architect confiscated it.

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He reminds me of eric harris here

Check out his appearance on Joe rogan.

Worst podcast I've seen to date and I've watched alot of them. He crys on camera, talks about his dogs for an hour, he Even coins the term "dairy drinker". Like that's some kind of vice people have, and he isn't a grotesque fat excuse of a human being

Kevin Smith should have never been allowed to breed

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same reason he points all the time
also his daughter reminds me of abela danger

To mask the pain and anguish of having been raped by Walt Flanagan.

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worships the joker, wishes he was the joker, names his daughter after his fictional love interest that the character horribly abuses and that he has no doubt busted loads to over the years

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Didn't he say he would have preferred to be born a girl?

You mean the one he did right after he had a heart attack and almost died?

What the fuck did you expect?

I’ve heard it called “Onions Eyes”

I’ve never seen what his daughter looked like until now and I honestly thought that was Abella Danger at first glance.

I've met 11 year old girls with more balls than that pussy.

Clerk's is trash
Dogma is trash
Mall rats is trash
Red state is trash
Jay and silent Bob strike back is a 4/10 classic stoner movie that is it.

you don't have to prove how cool or alpha you are to us, user. this is a safe space. you're among friends.

>his daughter reminds me of abela danger
this. she even sounds the same

Why do he always points to his daughter?

Thanks for making this thread again, you’re contributing so much to the board through your strange obtuse hatred of Kevin smith

>worships the joker, wishes he was the joker
[citation needed]
if anything this guy worships Batman

Because he's being a proud humble dad basically making the expression saying "Heh, how did a weirdo like me make such a pretty daughter O_O :)"

Not that confusing/weird

weed made him insecure so he's afraid to smile in photos. the pointing is to detract the viewer from him because, again, the insecurity. i know first hand, i used to do this in group photos in high school

Yes, weed made him insecure. Not being a fat balding manlet his whole life

whats with the pointing? to deflect attention?

He's holding in his cheese filled skeleton.

I'm kind of proud of him. It took almost DYING to lose the weight but he fuckin did it. Looks years younger except the saggy double chin.

If only we could get him to dress like an adult.

Clerks is good.
Dogma is okay.
The Clerks Cartoon is also okay.
The rest of his catalog is cancer.

he looks like an aids patient suffering from cancer

thyroid issue

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this dude just has no fucking jawline holy shit.

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Are the rumors true bros?
Does he really prostitute his daughter to executives and producers? She isn't even attractive so they probably use her for the REALLY disgusting shit.

he is fucking obsessed with his daughter

>I’ve heard it called “Onions Eyes”
huh never heard of that b4

i want to lick and sniff her feet and butthole

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she looks more jewish than lady jewjew

id lick her feets bros. does anyone know this feel?

>he Even coins the term "dairy drinker" Like that's some kind of vice people have

Milk is garbage though. We werent "supposed" to capture millions of cows, shoot em with hormones and em dry from all their veal food (milk).
I have no respect for anyone that drinks dairy product. Not even a vegan btw

>have to deal with kevin all the time
ill pass

Because he's a Gen X comic book nerd faggot

She looks so damn jewish

As a fat guy, letting your chin down can cause the excessive fatness to look yet more excessive. This is a strategy to battle that.

>Are the rumors true bros?
>Does he really prostitute his daughter to executives and producers? She isn't even attractive so they probably use her for the REALLY disgusting shit.

Stop eating, fatty.

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He's scared to death, scared to look, he's shook cause ain't no such things as halfway clerks

It's insane how it's always exactly the same face. Must be pure muscle memory at this point.

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D-Don't look at my wrinkles!

He isn't photogenic and he knows it, so he tries to hide it with funny facial expressions

because he's an annoying immature overrated hack faggot

Kevin Smith hasn't earned the vitrol he receives from anons.

I spent a few hours with him once, amongst a dozen or so other fans at a hockey game. He was very generous with his time and chatted with everyone, signed shit, posed for pics. He did 't have to do any of that.

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Could be stoned all the time and self conscious about looking sleepy in photos

he looks like his daughter and wife fuck black guys and he's 100% perfectly fine with that.

This is just a cute cake from father to daughter because she had boy troubles. He didn't ask for this.

because keto gives you a rush of testosterone during the first days, but then your test drops to soi levels

Was this frosting made with his period blood?

>Sorry men feed and seed.

He's probably aware of the basedboy smile, and this is his 'smile' with his mouth closed.

Just another libtard soiboi.

I have no idea why Americans like this guy so much. He's so damn boring, he had to have a non speaking part in his biggest movie.

Based Pierce poster

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Its ok to admit you're gay or non white user.

>.....And it's EVERYTHING

>source: your ass

source: literally me
the sudden rush of test is your body going into panic mode, but further down the line, your adrenals can't keep up, and you basically become a dehydrated trap; that is the reason why every other tard on long term keto ends up sporting a massive beard (because the chin receeds) and a buzz cut (because being on panic mode for that long shuts down hair growth)

This. Land Whales on suicide watch.

Tusk is kino

It stretches out his wrinkles and crow's feet so he doesn't appear as old as he actually is.

You can't be hip and cool while looking like the crypt keeper

he should just get botox at that point

Is that Jeri Lynn?

We weren't "supposed" to build civilizations either

Silent Bob is his real personality, "Kevin Smith" is just a role he plays.

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>Milk is garbage though. We werent "supposed" to capture millions of cows, shoot em with hormones and em dry from all their veal food (milk).
>I have no respect for anyone that drinks dairy product. Not even a vegan btw

Are we supposed to vaccinate? Mend broken bones? Cut out tumors? Wear clothing/shoes? Have any form of agriculture at all?

He did that in our expo (convention) photo op too. No I will now show the pic but you can’t find them on the site

most autistic people dont know how to look human in pictures so they usually make some dumb face like this


The guy's had a thick head of hair since forever. Are you blind?

To answer the OP question, it's because he's a self-loathing redditor. That's what they look like

He use comedic face to hide that he hates himself


how much longer do you think before she gets a nose job?

1-5 years $1.50
6-11 years $0.50
12+ years $2.50

Clerks is a great film you fucking pleb

Clerks, Dogma, and Mallrats are good though

I guess Silent Bob directed Clerks and "Kevin Smith" did everything after that.

Former fatties who try to get fit will never, ever not look like shit. God has permanently cursed you for your gluttony.

>being an adult and still drinking milk


shitskins detected

What kind of person names their daughter Harley Quinn?

Are they holding him hostage and is he in constant fear, trying not to accidentally blink SOS in morse code while in front of cameras?

Do his black holes for eyse make the expression more kino or less kino than if he had piercing blue eyes?

He's always tired and drinks a lot of coffee. He does that so he doesn't come out looking tired in his pics. Like he's interested or happy. Probably doesn't like his smile so he does that instead.

>MFW I see a chub-chub ready to eat a big meal.

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Is this what S*o*y Boy means?

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I wanted to choke this fat faggot with my bare hands when he described the pitbull "rescue" he adopted nearly eating their previous family dog.

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thats the face moderately unattractive fat guys always make. they also grow beards to hide their greasy jowls

theses fluffy don't even walk they fuckin float kekekekekekekekekekek

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wow are you 5?


hover power activate