Who would you cast in the heartwarming biopic?

who would you cast in the heartwarming biopic?

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idrissia elba

Pre-op BBC absolutely dominating females in every arena

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Me in the red

Oh no, my beloved women's sports!!!!!

I bet trump can fix this


The original men playing women's sports.

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Who dis?

>long hair=transgender
Is that seriously all it takes? Grow your hair out, call yourself female and you are?

Lol liberals are so god dam stupid.

Just a couple fun loving guys dominating a women's league.

Yep. Remember that gender roles are a social construct so you don't need to wear dresses or even shave to identify as female.

How the fuck is there even a debate?

Yep, don't worry guys, you already qualify as faggots.

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where can I find a qt like this?

Its not gay to suck tranny bbc is it?

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No, it's not.

she cute


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This is the true beta uprising.

I’m not a faggot if I’m a woman though.

Only if you make yummy noises while doing it.


The conspiracy theory says some famous people are secretly transgenders, as they show subtle physical features that supposedly the opposite gender can't have, even with hormones. (I.e a slight inclination in female's lower spine)

>can't chop this off

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>two men beat rest of contestants in women's 55 meter dash
If I was a chick in that school I would be fucking piiiiiiised.

Make a movie about about how the only people to complain are TERFs. No one else cares as they obviously pass.

>No one else cares as they obviously pass.

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I fully support trannies btfo'ing women in female sports

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How do 2 black trannies exist in a single high school? I've never seen or heard of someone meeting a tranny in my life.

>TERFs: The only sane feminists

You wouldn’t believe how much of this shit is happening in schools these days.

Is that normal handball attire or is he playing against a bunch of muslim chicks?

>the virgin muslim cisgender women
>the stacie transgender woman

Idris Elba and Chadwick Boseman

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futurama did it

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Zoomers are a fucked generation

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> being against this
Senpai, if you aren’t fully supporting this, then you’re a full blown retard. It’s fucking hilarious watching them try to talk about it while trying to not come off as “transphobic”. They made the dish, let them eat it too.

Why is there a separate women's chess world championship?

Muslim chicks. If you can watch some clips of that dude playing, it's fucking hilarious. It's like being a high schooler playing football with elementary schoolers. He just plows through him, it's great.

That's not the episode where he puts on drag to rig a competition. That's the episode where he is forced to wear that outfit to throw a match at the end and get paid.

wrong episode

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at the very least they're relatively manly which is a benefit in most sports

No borders! No Walls! Let. them. compete!

I thought only white bois did this

The dude that isn't even making a blip in the women's competition?

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just watched. lol

tons of shitskins do this buddy. Whites just happen to be the majoirty so you see more of them.

this, this is a female's problem, its up to them, we can still point and laugh

Imagine running all through high school and trying to get a scholarship to pay your way through college only to get your dream shattered when two dudes with hair extensions blow every record out of the water and leave you in the dust and the committee rewards them for being strong and brave for smoking runners that don't have an ounce of testosterone in their system while they're born men

Link me, which one was it?

This is what I watched.

guy in red's face is like "can you fuckin believe they bought it?"


I would grow up with a deep hatred of niggers and trannies.

>Did women take equality too far?
They're ruining their own sports.. and females turned men will never ruin male sports because they can't compete on the same level as men..

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Thirded. Female retard politics come back around to bite them into the ass, it is sheer poetry.

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I can only hope my daughter experiences this and never thinks of latching onto a meme social issue again.

There should be massive lawsuits.

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>3 chicks trying to stop xir at 0:33
The absolute state of biological women

black women ARE men

its fine, soon there will be enough trans for them to have their own league

this would make a great wayans brothers movie

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Based white aussie dominating filthy arab towelheads

Based Hannah the Destroyer

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>When the haiji women have been supressed by men more than any other females and they finally get allowed to play sports and men are there to beat them down again...

Wheres yo allah now?

>trannies BTFO women
>to avoid this problem they just have unisex events
>men and trannies still BTFO women
>women get disheartened and go back to the kitchen
Trannies are good for something after all

It was a different time

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How long until this movie becomes a banned slur on Twitter?

>Tranny... name is SEMEN YA

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They're retired now

Based off the way the male human body is structured, those shoulders and collarbone are 100% male.

Assuming they make a transgender division, who would win? ftm or mtf?

Remember when they had that movie where they did whiteface?

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How are the the radical ones? You're the ones who are trying to up end a literal eon of sexual dymorphism with 40 years of pseudo science and feelings.

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kek, I was actually thinking the dude in red in OP's pic looks like 90s Marlon Wayans

the men

seriously though, how did RDJ get away with this?
I'm not even bothered by it, I'm just baffled they would have tried in the first place

>be women
>support and promote trannys
>literally everything you do is taken over by trannys

>literally everything you do is taken over by trannys
h-heh do you think they'll take over prostitution too?

They already have. You think anybody goes to Thailand for the female prostitutes?

I hate how far we are past the point of being able to tell when people who say shit like this are serious or just shitposting.

It was literally a different time.

we honestly should just let everyone compete with each other and save haft of the medal
bonus if we remove "special" competitions too

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Trannies in women's fighting sports is my favorite thing. Seeing women get violently beaten up by men and while people look and go "so progressive!" is satisfying on a whole other level.
>months after one competed as a boy
I'd be curious to know how he ranked. I'm guessing he sucked, so he figured he'd go trans and play on easy mode.

Terfs are the only feminists I'm okay with.
The "mtf lesbian" act is so laughably transparent that I have to respect them for calling it out.
Bunch of fucking beta freaks who want tumblr faghag leftovers.

Read fucking caption. They go to different high schools.

it's not pro-blackface and is illustrating the problems of it

Blacks have the highest rates of homosexuality, transexuality, and especially incest.

Came 10th

Transgendered athletes are fucking based.

the 00s were almost the wild west compared to the 10s, and that's fucking depressing to think about considering how fucking neutered they were compared to the 90s and 80s

Blazing saddles remake when?

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Because women are dumb as fuck in addition to being physically weaker

They still blame white men for everything.


We have a handball team?

>There should be massive lawsuits.
Why aren't there? Where is the school board? Where are the hordes of screaming parents? Has the whole fucking country gone numb? These are your fucking CHILDREN. You're supposed to DEFEND them.