What the fuck were they thinking?

What the fuck were they thinking?

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I like it, that looks pretty badass.

They weren't

They figured "she just won an oscar and has alot of momentum to cast for the role". They figured to put some stock in her to be the marvel opposite of Gal Gadot.

They definitely were not expecting the sjw anti-white rhetoric. They didn't measure her mental capacity either if she was insane or autistic. Dumbfucks also didn't screen her body beforehand which is why we have a flat ass in a suit.

They went all in expecting a definitive result. Now the whole operation is in jeopardy.

thanos is F#$$%D

>Dumbfucks also didn't screen her body beforehand
Fuckin hell isn't that how these roosties get roles in the first place?

Yeah it really backfired. The MCU cast so many likable actors then shit the bed with Brie.

What I don't understand is that this is suppose to be cosmic Marvel with space shit like GotG and Thor, but most of the trailers take place in 90's LA. The big fucking action sequence they're shilling is her fighting some regular dude on a train. Normal people have no idea what this movie is.

These people have no idea how films are made.

>Implying pissy virgin losers boycotting this movie will have a significant impact
I think the bigger think to consider isn't that shes pushing certain people away, it's that there's not much of a draw in the first place... Like even absent the SJW bullshit this dumb cunt spews, what is supposed to be enticing about this movie and this character? Shes just so blase... I mean other than SJW retards who would feel compelled to see this movie? I guess MCU dorks who want to see everything but still...I doubt it will flop, but I would be shocked if it does amazing.

maybe they weren't thinking at all, since it's happened before

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they were banking on Brie being to MCU what JLaw was to the Hunger Games. too bad no one told her not to be a cunt like JLaw

no Rogue no care

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I really can't wait to see a movie where the main character is constantly punching random people on a train, including an old lady and a baby. Watch out Iron Man, there's an exciting new hero in town!

what demographic do you think is bigger: loser gamers or niggers?

There's a big secret meeting of the kikes with an elite team of data scientists that decide what deep message they need to push to maximise their goals, whatever those happen to be.
Then, they send out funds from the world bank to get it done and their lackeys inform the pawns like Nolan, D&D, Dan schneider, Spielberg what they need to do.

Then, those directors go around the street on hollywood looking for washed up roasties, the first ones to suck their cocks get cast.
You can't tell me with a straight face that this isn't the way hollywood actually operates, although maybe with some slight variations.

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I honestly don't think it makes a difference. The people who claim to boycott it aren't the people I think would be compelled to see a captain wahmen movie in the first place.

>I honestly don't think it makes a difference

ok? can still answer the question

Case in point.

I think we never gonna see any actress with this aesthetic in any main roles in capeshit

So, thank you but I will not spend my money on the movies seeing Gadot and Larson.

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Idk in population alone I would guess they're about even, If you're asking which demographic would be more relevant to this movie I'm pretty sure the loser gamers would be.


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