Remember when trump sang Hotline Bling on SNL?

This is tv related

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>Trump is a better entertainer than Alec Baldwin

>please don’t delete my topic. I’m so into politics right now

>Trump is a better entertainer than Alec Baldwin
Trump's a better everything than Alec Baldwin.

he killed it, they're still seething

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The dude is literally a TV personality, just because hes also a great president doesnt mean I cant post about him on tv

No, but I knew this came from somewhere

>great president
bait is becoming lazier

best president ever. Obama would never do anything that cool.
Or do a commercial with the Grimace. The other presidents are just jealous haters!
if stephen colbert was literally 90 mins of this i would watch it every night

He also baneposts irl. Do you think he browses Yea Forums?
this ones even better

link cause OP is a fagoot

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Anyone else /pol/ 2016 election?

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Trump is LITERALLY tv sweetie. This whole administration is literally a reality tv show. deal with it

I got a 3 day ban for saying trump threw all the mexican brap posters out, in a Moner waifu thread. Theres a liberal mod on this board who bans anyone who references trump, careful out there bros.

all "in jail" for shit not even related to Trump.

remember how long it took liberals to forgive jimmy fallon? kino as fuck

Trump is literally batman. He said so himself


Why is he such a retard? His sentences are 90% weak adjectives. I don't understand Yea Forumss hard on for him, politics aside.

>great president

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He literally does this on purpose, if you "dumb down" your speech you can appeal to more ppl. A college reading level can understand 5th grade reading level, but a 5th grader couldnt understand college level.

How is he not?

came here looking for this

He does it so people like you underestimate him

he's an orange man

good times

It was less than 3 years ago. Why are you talking like it was a long time ago fucking zoomer newfag

That's not really a great example of him not being dumb. He has a pattern of reiterating comments in different ways. It's like hearing a reading of a lazy college paper where the student just says things in different ways to hit the word minimum.

"You ruined my life"

This line kills me every time and I quote it irl frequently

Why are you conflating verbosity with intelligence? In the real world, especially areas like business and politics, it's not expedient to speak like a college professor.

I've been on /pol/ since before it was /pol/ newfaggot

The country is literally falling apart!!!111

no one has to speak like a college professor. In fact I fucking hate public speakers going overboard with flowery language. But that's different than being annoyed by someone speaking like this:
>"And when we're talking about vacuum cleaners and efficiency, and I've tried many vacuum cleaners, many great vacuum cleaners. Blue ones, red ones, chord ones, even battery ones. I think that, and my thought has often gone to this idea, that what I think is, Dyson is a great, wonderful, powerful, efficient vacuum cleaner. It's great, just great."

See? It's obnoxious and exhausting. And a fucking time-burglar.

He's Hitler and a Russian puppet

I remember when he outed himself as a traitorous, zionist piece of shit.

Damn what a great song. Nov 8th 2016 will never die

I personally think he has poor communication skills and his coping mechanism has been to invoke a ton of filler language. But he is clearly not that stupid given his life. Only way I can reconcile the difference between his life accomplishments, platform, and language, because I agree that it gets annoying even as as a conservative

It was great fun at the time, shame it ended up killing the site in the long run.

holy fucking based

I know I'm going to get shit for this. But his life and accomplishments were only available because of his pre-existing wealth from an already filthy rich family. I wouldn't give him too much credit.

SNL literally help him get elected. No wonder they are SEETHING about him nonstop now.


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Pre-2015 Trump is a goldmine

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Yes and no, he had help of course but what he turned the company into isn't something to write off completely. His father repeatably said not to go to Manhattan because it was a lost cause but Donald saw it as an opportunity, went over there and made a fortune, he had great ambition.

Trump is unironically one of the smartest men alive and perhaps, unironically, the greatest negotiator of all time. I didn't even vote for the guy, but I am

The vast majority of trust fund babbies accomplish nothing. He’s an Ivy’s league educated billionaire who provided income to tens of thousands of people

ok look and learn, this is how you make a 10/10 post

pretty sure you just mean liberals are freaking out

imagine if I gave you $1,000 and told you to turn it into a million, that's what Trump did, even more in fact, and it makes that "small loan of a million dollars" phrase sense when you understand that

>SNL literally let hitler host!!!

Oh shit what happened to Oliver Stone?

>not related to trump!!!!

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i mean, it's just an opinion, i dont have to prove that i dont like him because i think hes shit.

i agree, the only hard thing he did was become president. tons of rich fucks wish they could do that

*but I am convinced that his run starting from the DPRK summit to now has been nearly perfect. I was astounded when I saw the picture of him and Kim.

If they had a shred of dirt on trump the deranged democrats would have impeached or imprisoned him by now. At least before he appointed kavanaugh. It’s been over 2 years

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Dementia setting in for you already? Stupid boomers on image boards, kys. This is ZOOMER territory now.

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>meme, based on a thing that never happened that steven never did or said, but because /pol/ must D E S P E R A T E L Y btfo someone since they are children
the best of /pol/ everyone.

>3 years in office
>still not impeached

So, when is he getting arrested again?


he's the president now, so that actually supersedes your paper thing excuse for making a /pol/ thread where it does not belong.

Remember when Trump said he'd build a big beautiful wall, not a fence extension, and have Mexico pay for it?

>notoriously isolated and dangerous authoritarian regime which threatens apocalyptic violence toward the entire western world on a weekly basis
>guy from The Apprentice gets fuggin elected somehow
>DPRK is now well on its way to integrating back into western society

You can't help but be in awe of Trump if you look at things objectively.

Once Alexandria Ocasio-cortez takes office in 2020 she'll make sure Trump is sent off to Guantanamo.

Remember when the Democrats promised he’d never build a single inch of wall yet he’s constructing it as we speak? Remember when bush and Obama both built significant border walls that significantly reduced illegal immigration?

Except his dad gave him like 400 million, he squandered it by going bankrupt several times, needing his dad to bail him out, and the only reason he survived to the 21st century was by becoming a TV meme celebrity that made people think he was successful and that allowed him to sell his name for money. He's a scam artist who fails upwards because he's good at bullshitting. You don't have to be that smart, you just have to have good bullshit skills to manipulate people.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years,” Trump said at the time. “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

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>yet he’s constructing it as we speak

>M-Mueller's got nothing!
tick tock snowflakes

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>Remember when bush and Obama both built significant border walls that significantly reduced illegal immigration?
wtf i love bush and obama now??????

You’re missing the point. Walls have been under construction along the border for decades. Trump wants to extend it across the entire border

Dems let him repair existing barriers and add a few miles of new ones. So basically he's fixing the fences not building the wall but /pol/ thinks this means he's built his continent spanning barrier from one of his prototypes. They're blinded by faith.

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You're regurgitating something you heard without understanding what it meant. You recognizing the word 'bankruptcy' doesn't imply he had no money and got his couch repossessed.

art of the deal

>zoomers don't even know who the fuck Trump was other than "hur dur hez ebil nazi president"

And it's completely ineffective to combat the things he says it will stop. Most drugs go through existing ports of entry. Most people fly and overstay their visas. The border had a net loss of people leaving, not coming in. The number of people crossing the border is at decades low. The money would be better and more intelligently spent elsewhere, where it's actually needed.


Remember when Trump quoted a fictional super villain verbatim

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we need to send a message to shitskins south of the border that we arent interested in them coming into our country

False. Our current border walls significant reduced illegal immigration and drug flow. Israels border wall is 99.9% effective which the United States paid for

do the opposite of what jews say

>declaring bankruptcy six times proves I'm a genius businessman!

I'm sure.

what a week that was

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That was awesome, I've been on /pol/ for a long time, 2016 /pol/ was the best year.

this trump vid stickied on Yea Forums after election day with board-wide music was K I N O

based. made that music video that released on youtube all the more tasty. you know the one.

>not posting the 10 hour version

Why does he want to fuck his daughter so bad?

between the election and 'he will not divide us' it was truly the best of times

Except most illegal immigrants come through through ports of entry and overstay their visas and Israel doesn't have a 2,000 mile long border, stupid.

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2020 soon friend, we're going to keep best of timing

Have you seen her?

Absolutely none of this has to do with trump colluding with the russians though.
What the fuck was the point of the investigation?

AND Trump knocked up a hottie at an age others are rolling into rest homes.

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and that changes nothing, you don't go outside in a storm without a jacket just because you have a hat

Things hacen't been so hot since election day though huh. Not from literally day one and especially not after the midterms.

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If she were my daughter, I'd want to fuck her too.

Even if that was true, which it isn’t, a border wall still dramatically reduces illegal immigration, saves money long run, and will allow more effective prevention including at ports of entry

what things specifically are you talking about?

Our longer border is even a better reason to have a wall

Yes. It was hilariously bad and just a taste of the autism to come.

>Israel doesn't have a 2,000 mile long border, stupid.

Are you even vaguely aware of what Trump did to the GOP in the midterms? 40 house seats and seven govenorships were lost. A senate majority was only maintained because only two Republicans were up on the ballot in swing states.

Seriously how can you expect a repeat of 2016 when 2018 happened? Trump can't deliver. Will run with the slogan "He'll build the wall THIS time!"

lel glad this was posted this early

lel, it was touted as a great red wave before the election, and it barely rippled. This is nothing new you know, incumbents often lose house seats (just look at the Obama presidency). Its like your zoomer self doesn't know anything at all about anything.

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/pol/ was best back when it was almost purely natsoc before /pol/harbor. zimzam and dorner was peak /pol/

Could be the historic economic numbers, all time low black and Hispanic unemployment, historic peace talks with North Korea, the groundbreaking negotiations with China, elimination of isis, better trade deals, satisfying his base with two conservative justices, wall is being built with Democrats caving and national emergency declared, 80% of independents approving of his state of the union address, the Democrats are fractured and running terrible candidates that approve of abortions after a child is born... I could go on

Don't you mean time-robber?
Shit, if you're going to call someone dumb for their lack of vocabulary, your point should be written perfectly.

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I was still single and in grad school, the feeling there was electric bros. Election night was one of the funnest nights of my life.

Feels like a lifetime ago

This picture is proven to be false.

The house and Senate are always expected to be lost after presidential elections. The fact that relatively little house seats were lost and the fact he kept the Senate is pretty impressive. Look back at past midterms and compare, you'll see it went way better than expected.

watching the cbs, nbc, and tyt streams was maximum comfy as the numbers rolled in

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His laughable assertion that he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever. His failure of a Muslim ban that was only saved by SCOTUS after being watered down multiple times but was scrapped anyway for being such a disaster. All of the time wasted trying to repeal the ACA and failing. The laughable attempt at a coverup for Jr. metting with Russians in Trump tower (it was for the orphans!) Firing Comey like an idiot, thinking Dems would be behind him, and instead getting Mueller. All of the progress Mueller has made. His own personal attorney turning on him. The daily gaffes, literally being laughed at by the UN general assembly, the outrageous turnover in his administration. His failure to build his wall or get Nexuco to pay fir a cent of it. He's a joke and although this is hard for monolingual Amerucan troglodytes to understand the rest of the world treats him like a joke.

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You can't just jail someone in an instant, you need to have enough evidence in order to do that. I know conservatives think it's easy because they were all told Hillary would be behind bars with a simple snap of Trump's finger, but the reality is serious charges come with a long fucking legal process. We still have due process here in the United States, it hasn't been replaced by despotism just yet.

Yeah Trump did say there would be a red wave but there was a blue one.

>barely a ripple

Cope harder. FORTY house seats. SEVEN govenorships.

can't wait for the complete shitshow that the 2020 elections are going to be
godspeed to you /pol/

he took advantage of the laws we have
also he has over 500 entities lol

There was never a ban specifically to target Muslims you know, you really need to stop letting the media think for you. That supposed meeting has been dis proven this month. As for the rest, we'll see what comes of Mueller's foray into wasting the government's valuable time. Oh, and you're not important enough to insult :^).

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It's just bernie sanders and hillary again, I'm honestly tired of it

Dubs confirm psyop

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Look at all the CNN, NYT, WAPO, BuzzFeed headlines put into one post.

An instant and over 2 years are quite different user

just don't freak out again when he wins because you guys underestimate him everytime

basically, you're not as clever or up in dates as you think you are my friend

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ah well, it wouldn't be the same without Jeb! anyway

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He's getting SUCKED and FUCKED by large African American men

It was actually the second best performance of any president ever when going from dem to repub it vice versa. The dems thought they’d win the senate kek

He also quoted the rattatoille chief
All his points of reference come from television

Honestly it made me buy the CD just so I could have a flac rip of that song. It's just so fucking catchy.

Can't believe Jeb has been winning every election so far. Even the ones in other countries!

>Bradley Cooper sang a song in that movie so now all Bradley Cooper threads are Yea Forums
>Brad Pitt drove a car last week so all Brad Pitt threads are /o/

>Could be the historic economic numbers, all time low black and Hispanic unemployment

Thanks to Obama. Trump's been riding that success but hus idiocy did spook the markets quite a bit.

>historic peace talks with North Korea

Which have accomplished NOTHING.

>the groundbreaking negotiations with China

Which have still accomplished nothing.

>wall is being built

Lol no it isn't.

>with Democrats caving and national emergency declared

Trump ended the shutdown after agreeing to getting less money that he originally wanted lmao. His emergency declaration will be tied in the coutts for years. Still no wall!

>80% of independents approving of his state of the union address

And still dissaproving of him overall by a large majority. Forget your polls, check the midterms.

>the Democrats are fractured and running terrible candidates

Has fox not told you more than Warren are running?

You have your prep boy sex pervert judges and that's all.

Because a lot of audiences get that. Something which you do not, apparently.

Dubs and it's real
Tripps and trump wins in 2020
Quads and he shits himself to death tomorrow

Well these things take years. It took them years to impeach and remove Nixon, and he'd be in prison too if not for Ford pardoning him.

No it hasn't. Not after two years. It's real.

>running terrible candidates that approve of abortions after a child is born

Typical biased pro-life talking point twisting a bill that doesn't set a specific day limit, because sometimes fetuses end up having severe development problems that you detect very late into the pregnancy and you still need to consult your doctor, it doesn't mean you're given a license to kill babies as they're coming out of the vagina.

please no one take this bait


absolutely, top notch party mix beyond doubt

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I don't even like Trump that much, but he has consistently polled better than both Macron and Merkel. The world is laughing at France and Germany right now, the UK is basically an Orwellian nightmare state that arrests people who make Nazi jokes. I'll at least give America props for electing someone who won't take in millions of third worlders.

Not thanks to Obama. Obama literally said “you’d need a magic wand” to achieve trumps GDP and employment numbers fucking kek

that tireless master of strategy can not be beat!

Oh you'll get no argument from me
He's exactly what Americans deserve

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Nice of you to take the least important low hanging fruit :^}

Sounds fucked but I was honestly never so happy as election night 2016. I really don't think I ever reached that level before even though I had friends and still do and did plenty of shit and everything.

They literally called it a Muslim bad on live TV. They only stopped doing that when people pointed out the lawsuits are using their own words against them.

>wall is being built with Democrats caving


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I really worry for Britain's future, hope all turns out well in the end.

Nixon resigned you moron

/pol/2020 here, enjoy it while you can


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Completely voluntarily of course

He's speaking to the general public. Would you quote something to your grandmother that she'd never heard of?

>He cares about what the UN thinks
confirmed yuropoor or other non American, opinion disregarded

your salt will sustain me

Of course it wasn’t voluntary but you still said he was impeached and removed like a fuckin doofus

so now you know, it's actions that matter, not words

Ah yes, I remember how Nixon gracefully exited after being given a choice to either resign or be impeached and removed. Definitely fully voluntary.

The barriers being replaced are replaced with his wall design chosen from the prototypes.
He's got 1/3 of his wall confirmed already and construction underway.
National Emergency and majority conservative supreme court.
Shills are nervous

you seem to hate americans by default, I have to wonder, what in your life made you suck an asshole?

Remember when Trump said NK was no longer a nuclear threat? But the intelligence agencies and just the other day his secretary of state said it is. All Trump's done is legitimize Kimmy and ease the tension of being caught between the US and China. He's being played for a stooge and NK has given him nothing.

>Is he a huge G.I Joe fan and did he remember the episode?
>did he watch it recently and like the quote?
>did he google quotes involving Russia and Syria?
>Was someone on his staff a big G.I Joe fan and passed the quote off as their own and Trump pinched it?
I have to know, I just have too! Its to far fetched for me that a sitting US President would use an obscure quote from a cartoon terrorist to tweet to the whole world in relation to what is arguably to most serious situation on the earth

Ladies and gentlemen, your 46th President of the United States of America. Time to take the Zuckpill my friends.

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The truth is he’s done enough to say to his base look I tried, it’s underway, it’ll get finished in 2020

This isn't /x/, don't post that creepy shit here

Comfy as fuck

None of his prototypes are being built. The language Dems have used in their funding bills specifies that ONLY existing designs be used for the few miles of extra fencibg, which is not "1/3 of the border". Trump is literally claiming the Rio Grande as part of the wall he's supposedly built, there's nothing else.

Pretty much. He's got their vote with the bare minimum amount of effort. Hell the guy could have erected a split rail fence and they'd call it a victory.

you sir have my upvote

Naw he has pissed off the die hard wallers to some degree but they’ll get over it. Not like they will vote for some crazy leftist Democrat

At least you know nothing else will sustain you

They began blocking everyone from Muslim countries coming to the US when the ban originally was rolled out. Including small children needing heart surgery, students with visas, people with already approved green cards. You know, terrorist threats.

have you reached the limits of creativity.exe?

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I'll go full Hotline Miami if I ever hear that song or anything about Drake again.
Rev up the synthwave!

That was the last time this place was good. Shit show ever since.

fallacious claim

Drake got some bangers tho

And he got elevator music on lock

This is the dream:
>Hillary and Bernie run again
>Hillary cucks Bernie out of Dem nomination once again
>Jeb! runs as an independent

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if you aren't /beforeobama/ you're a newfag

a turtle is slow, but its steady pace gets there in the end!

Genuine question, why do immigrants in America act so entitled?
I'm an Emirati and you never see niggers, indians, Pakis, Bangladeshis Nafris, and Filipinos mess with us locals and they're usually kept in line even though they outnumber us.
>inb4 le sandnigger

because unlike your country, we don't behead criminals

Lmao, you entitled oilniqqer
In america everyone is equal.

it's worth noting that murder is a capital offense