This movie is fucking insane

This movie is fucking insane

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and really bad, but still fun to watch that hack Tarantino be mimicked by an even bigger hack


Its so good and so bad at the same time. I mustve watched it 100 times as a teenager

reedus here


dumb flick, still have the prayer memorized, I have no idea how many times i've watched this trash

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i posted in your ama thread last week and you dirnt provide proof, Norman

i posted my shoes and my feet.

if you know you know.


It's an alright movie. I've always thought of it as a Tarantino clone movie.

How come Flanery got so fucking puffy between 1 and 2? Plastic surgery?

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make this a tv series now that harv is gone, surely the director/writer guy can get some support now


I swear I've heard part of the courtroom speech sampled somewhere but I can't remember for the life of me

what does emily's kinney smell like?
taste like?


it was a tool album

codes of behavior by delete and low profile

watched this movie 50 times as a teen. then watched blade 50 times. only 2 dvds I ever owned. truly 90s comfiness

you mean blade 2 right?

it was quoted in some A Day to Remember song iirc

That's probably where, which one?

it is not tool its

some mothafucka always trying to iceskate uphill..

yes but why didn't he open his eyes?

Night Gaunts

yeah i remember but i need a timestamp

Watching it rn why is dafoe so gay?

this movie is the epitome of "guilty pleasure"

because he's gay

He was part of that whole Yale thing

The gay scenes hit me out of nowhere like a locomotive, he don't act gay

How much cocaine did they use overall?, there is no way someone sane okayed this

Grossly overrated and overestimates its own cleverness, never understood how it became a cult classic

What did they mean by this?

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They were predicting jazz threads

its a good character, the
>wtf are you doing
>i wanted to cuddle
>cuddle? fag

watch the documentary, short answer, a lot

it was harv that ok'd it, so if your asking
>how much coke is harvey on?
your guess is as good as mine

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so many dipshits i used to know loved this movie. one smoothbrain retard convinced me and another friend to go see the second in theaters, no clue why i went. the retard loved that one too. whats with this movie and attracting fuckheads?

the overall concensus is people really dislike that movie, how the fuck is it overrated

literally the most overrated movie of all time

I'm at the scene when they're burning their wounds with an iron.
Just, what the fuck man, it looks like a gay threesome in slow motion ffs hahha

its fun

no, its not

for you

>if you can tell me the name of the cat I will blow my own head off
fuck you it's fun

No, that belongs to the original Avengers, followed closely by Black Panther, and then Avatar.