M Night Shyamalan fans only ITT

>pro-spirituality and faith
>never made a bad film, just misunderstood ones
>his movies often take years to understand
>dominated the box office for 20 years

Sadly he will never get a fair shake due to being a pajeet.

Attached: 220px-The_Village_movie.jpg (220x326, 14K)

I'm a big fan. I even like lady in the water and the happening but after earth is impossible to defend. More Will Smith's fault though I think.


I’ve liked every Kino of Shyamalan’s I’ve ever seen - but I haven’t seen the ones said to be particularly bad

Sixth Sense - 8/10
Unbreakable - 9/10
Signs - 8/10
Devil -7/10
The Visit - 9/10
Split - 9/10
Glass - 8/10

How do The Happening, The Village, Lady in the Water, and After Earth hold up?

greatest living director?

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I just rewatched it yesterday. It may be slumdog’s best. William Hurt gave one of the best performances I’ve ever seen.

M. Night never fell from grace, one cannot fall from the floor.

Cuarónfag spotted

I don't even know who that is

after earth was some weird scientology shit for sure

Sixth Sense - 8/10
Unbreakable - 9/10
Signs - 10/10
The Village - 8/10
Lady In The Water - 7/10
The Happening - 4/10
The Last Airbender - 2/10
After Earth - 5/10
The Visit - 6/10
Split - 7/10
Glass - 6/10

Average: 6.5

The Happening is great if you treat it as a comedy. It's a "so bad, it's good" movie.

It really isn't, though. It's got some funny moments like the hotdog guy and "WHAT? NO", but most of the time it's just boring.

Lady in the Water is a much better "so bad. it's good" movie, and it's actually more crazy than bad. When that kid starts talking to the cereal boxes you think you're watching something written by a mental patient.

now that you mention it, it's bizarre af how that was supposed to work.

at least they could be solving actual clues/puzzles left throughout the movie to bring us in on it like 'oh'.

maybe fine line between genius/madness at play though. I think he just needed one more draft on that but taking serious feedback

I dunno, happening is brilliantly campy. Everyone is so hammy. Also there's the suicides at the start, the guy getting his arm ripped off. All the stuff with the crazy old lady, it's got a lot of very unique shit in it.

I really need to rewatch both. Haven't seen them since they were new. It'll also be different because this time I know what I'm going to.

Best Shyamellon trashy babe?

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see he was ahead of his time as fuck, that was bizarre as shit back in 2006 but now pretty much every movie has forced diversity so its not so weird anymore

>people in this thread blatantly forgetting to mention Avatar: Last Airbender
It's SO bad, that your brains skip it altogether

>Hu?/Shyamalan didn't ACTUALLY direct it/It's not a Shyamalan-Shyamalan movie

Never understood the hate for The Village. It's a pretty good movie.

I can't argue with you. It's actually the only film of his that I've not watched. I just know it's gonna be bad, I don't want to believe it really exists.

Don't watch it. It IS bad.
SO bad.
As a fellow shyalamanana fan, don't.

M. Night Sneedalan

this looks like goatse

the last airbender has its supporters though, you just have to look at it in a completely different context than a blockbuster, but about faith and eastern spirituality, pajeet mythology


watching After Earth rn. this better be really bad.

Do you know how replies work?

Aliens are demons.