Who should play her in the inevitable movie?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is so badass there's literally now a comic book about her

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ok this is lit

Politicians get figuratively raped and abused so often, this is nice, they could use an ego boost every now and then. My favorite part of this comic is how light skinned she is.

Is she the most overexposed person ever?

I wish she would expose herself to me

No different from those godawful trump comics

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>wall might

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>cave man
top joj

this is the same guy who does the excellent tmnt reviews and the bunny comic its so weird he does this as well

It makes me disgusted to be an american with people treating the political landscape as a fucking sporting event and the only thing that matters is ones own team winning. it’s sickeing and people that base their entire existence around their political affiliation should be gassed

They are fucking hilarious. Unlike the OP's comic, his comics are very tongue in cheek. I mean unless you're a /leftypol/ tranny, then sure, I can see why you're so mad.

>devilsdue comics

Sorry non-existent indie comic label shit isnt even real

>people base themselves around ideological convictions
The only thing that makes it bad is when they are completely unwilling to adapt or outright change their ideology when push comes to shove.


I can already hear Yea Forumsmblr screeching YAAAAASS QWEEEEEEN

needs bigger tits. MUCH bigger

Politics aside, at least AOC is somewhat good-looking. Pretending that Trump is some kind of chiselled lantern-jawed hero is way more cringeworthy.

>inevitable movie
cancerous meme

The same way how Mike is a shota in the comic? You do realize it’s satire right?

one of the weasels from who framed roger rabbit

also interesting that she only has one boob in this illustration

You are below human.

ideology is fine. these people aren't ideological. they're just political.

I could say you suck dick behind Arby's for petty cash, it would be as convincing.

They both intertwine with each other, you can have one without the other, but the overlap is so massive that it's a rare thing to see.

OP here, none of you stupid faggots have answered my question. Do you think I was being “sarcastic” or something retarded like that?

No shit, AOC is just the progressive's Donald Trump. American politics is cancer.

I'm a lifelong democrat and she and Bernie annoy me. But I'd still vote for them over the other option if the other option is some gay bashing Republican bible thumper who ignores the environment.

both are obviously tongue in cheek.

You can tell just from the pic in the OP that the writers are taking 100% seriously.

fuck gays fuck atheists and fuck hippies

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Dems already turned their backs on the environment by trying to ditch nuclear

You fags just can't stop obsessing over her can you? You're just making her stronger. If she was running for prez she would probably win at this point. She'd have a better shot than any of the other dem candidates. She's not running though and is too young to legally run. Not saying I want her to run or anything; i don't at all. Just realize you're making her stronger and she has been trolling the fuck out of right wing media very skillfully

Still holding out for the tit pics.

I'm gunna expose myself to her. Once she sees my cock shes just gunna pull her pants down and bend over screaming "Oh user fuck me right now, I wanna fell it deep in me, stretch me with that big cock and make me your dirty Puerto Rican donkey slut". I cant wait to see her its gunna be great I'll make sure to record it too especially when I bust a nut on her forehead.

what do you think letting in tens of millions of south americans and giving them a car, air conditioning and a government assistance check that lets them buy chinese made crap going to do to the "environment"?

If you actually believe in climate change you're just a imbecile who doesn't understand science being exploited by politcians and their rich donors.

I need a porn parody of this, please, the tags:
>orange bastard
>public use

would fap. just wish her mouth wasn't so weird

>No shit, AOC is just the progressive's Donald Trump.
She is which is why she's fantastic. She has the memetic energy that the rest of the Democrats lack.

Shes being used by the jews to introduce radicalized extreme ideas like "If you get a toe over the US border you're a citizen!" to the masses, so in 10-20 years there will be less resistance to them.

There is a reason why she gets endless media time despite being functionally retarded and embarrasses herself every time she speaks in public.

>pic related

>so badass there's literally now a comic book about her
>a western comic is a good thing

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>good looking

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Ezra Miller

i too am a socialist and live in a luxury residence

>AOC: can't even sell it's first prints
>MHM: already on its 7th printing
If Marvel and DC can't even move sjw comics then sjw indies are DOA

this shilling looks oddly familiar

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She looks like a fucking goblin. I thought she looked hot in that dancing video, but was disappointed when I looked her up again and she looks awful in literally everything else

So there's no argument on accuracy, anyone who portrays her in a movie should be authentically mentally unstable.

actually most of the world's ghg emissions come from india and china

Vote Larry Hogan

Too good looking to play AOC, has to be someone uglier