Diversity done right

Diversity done right.

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Whites, blacks, and Indians? Oy vey where are the sassy black lesbians or Muslims??

Yea Forums would cry if this happened today, just like how it cries over Star Trek being diverse. The fact of the matter is you saw Predator, TNG, etc. in your youth before you became a shrill voice for the alt-right and added these properties to a mental exception list. If they were released today the butthurt would not abate

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There was a female too.

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Two blacks a loony and a indian

Do you think Arnold was natty in this flick?

shes hot and didnt open her mouth much. ill allow it

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its not about the racial representation itself, its the patronizing predictable dogshit that modern diversity almost always has

Actually back in the day, movies like this were considered their diversity quota, like Predator 2 or throwing the black guy in Ghostbusters.

Fuck no, there was more juice in that flick than in the Fast and Furious

Now this is definitely a movie Yea Forums would shit on if it came out today

>Diversity done right.
Actually it's racist as fuck to portray black people and native Americans like that.

Nah, it had actual gangs fighting each other because they kept showing up at the same time to watch it, Yea Forums would fucking love that.

military is for poor people/minorities

It is shit. It should be full Black cast as it supposed to be.


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Winston's role was supposedly a lot bigger in older versions of the script, and it was because of his initially larger role that Ernie Hudson agreed to the part

For example....? I honestly think you the more you push back, the more studios (jews) feel the need to push diversity to stir up the pot and get attention. If you stop crying on Yea Forums and twitter, no one would give a shit anymore. You aren't saving anybody from the white male genecide the more you cry, I promise you that you are only making it worse.

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if the writers and directors were gleefully pointing out how woke the film was for being diverse and inclusive and how only racist sexist homophobes could possibly dislike the film
yeah that would annoy me
but a film with an organically diverse cast like predator?
I don't worry about films or tv shows like that, although some people will

But if it was made today they'd have a scene where Arnie keeps missing his shot and then the woman takes his gun and gets a perfect headshot instantly and then smirks and quips

People would bitch about this too.

the supposed outrage at "diversity" is a tiny handful of people, massively amplified by publicity campaigns who want to present their "progressive" film as having to bravely fight off armies of nazis
"incels are review bombing us," they can claim
"our movie is making the alt-right furious!" they'll say
I don't know if this is an excuse for box office failure, or an attempt to get pity/solidarity dollars, or support from "woke" studios, but it's bullshit and it's pathetic

man, I can only imagine what a shitshow the incel's made about the "I am no man" scene from ROTK....oh wait, there was no shitshow because this was pre-2016 incel rebellion against the white male genocide and no one gave a fuck about it...wish we could go back to those times but now, our president has made it so crying about petty shit that makes the white man look bad is the norm.

This movie would unironically be considered misogynistic in current year. How dare they not have at least 50% of the elite special forces be female?

>there wasn't thousands of incels crying over the female ghostbusters

nice revisionist history, its the incel's fault that no one was allowed to judge it as a poorly shit movie and they just blamed their poor reviews on that reaction, not the other way around. Keep doing the same shit and its gonna happen the same way, judge the movie on its actual merits and not on identity politics and they won't be able to make those excuses.

>man, I can only imagine what a shitshow the incel's made about the "I am no man"

First, there was a shitshow about it

Second, it was less "LE WOMEN STRONK YAY FEMINISM" and more about the hubris of the Witch King. Also, she's assisted by Pippin, and gets destroyed in the actual fight until then.

Original predator didnt bring up race in the movie. Everyone just did what they do best. Thats how it's done best. Just show good team work. Maybe billy with his "extra perception" that ssomehtings out there was a tad, native american woo woo spirtual nonsense, but it was cool. He was a tracker,. Minimize internal struggle, no low brow jokes "whites do this, blacks do that".

Arnold never stepped foot in the US natty. Arnold was never legally an adult and natty

but aren't people crying that Captain Marvel is
but they are portraying her exactly how the comic wrote her to be which no one cared about at the time it was written?

Are you retarded or just too young to remember? People thought that quip was stupid as shit back then as well. I remember my dad and I laughing about it in the car the whole way home before he started beating mom.

ajax was the realest nigga of them all

You're forgetting the part where nobody gave a shit about the comics after she changed from Miss Marvel and turned into feminist garbage. If you're going to use that as the source material then why should we give a shit about the movie either?


You’d have to be a roastie to believe this. My mom thought it was stupid to make an all female reboot of Ghostbusters. Take something nobody likes and remake it with all women and no one will give a shit.

there's even an illegal alien going around killing them!

there's a huge difference between people thinking it was a lame joke and just casually shitting on it vs people being literally offended and crying about them making a female look strong because they thought it was pushing an agenda

Why don't men look anywhere near this anymore? Don't they know just being a little bit defined in the chest and arms is instantly attractive then being a twink or fat?


first of all, the biggest incel in the world is the male feminist who resorts to this creepy self-flagellation to win the approval of green haired feminist women
not the normies who roll their eyes at another "victory for social justice," followed by the mass media howls of derision and disgust at anyone who isn't clapping and calling it stunning and brave
people don't like bigotry, and that's what we see every time the studios rally their media outlets to shame all critics as "manbabies" and "incels" and "alt-right trolls"
and somehow, idiots like you fall for it and perpetuate this circus of fake outrage that is utterly shitting up the cultural landscape

you are missing the point I was making...I thought it was a shit idea too but I didn't cry on Yea Forums and twitter and threaten the actors over it, I just didn't watch it and never will. It's this shitty SJW behavior like this that reinforces the studios to push diversity and does the opposite of help the situation. That's all I'm saying...

I know it's bait, but the difference was that
>they aimed to make good movies first and foremost. No agendas were being pushed.
>None of the cast went on press tours telling white people to fuck off before the release of Aliens, Predator, Lethal Weapon, etc.

Crazy, I know. I guess it really was a different time.

what reality do you live? No one shames people who are ambivalent, the only ones who get shamed are the faggots who gather on twitter and attack celebrities because they didn't like a movie they were in. If you are crying like that, then fuck yea, you are a manbaby and should just not watch the shit movies. I haven't been to the movies in like 3 years, try it sometime instead of forcing yourself to see things you hate and crying about it online, its pretty refreshing.

Guy on the far right is Mexican or something.

>one actress says that she wants more than just white male critics judging her movies and suddenly its every fucking actor in every movie

you do know you are no better than the people you are crying about when you have this sensationalistic overgeneralizing opinion of everything, right?

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The rescans of this look great.

>in the book everyone is a nigger, they gang rape the girl, and stab a random man to death

no one shames people who are ambivalent?
the green book was shamed for not being woke enough
sjws are mad at the oscars because the winner wasn't "black panther" or "blackkklansman"
I didn't go see ghostbusters: feminism edition because it looked rubbish
not because I'm an incel or a fragile male or whatever
I don't see films that don't look entertaining
for that I'm supposedly a sexist now, according to every "journalist" that colludes with the studios
it's ridiculous, and it's ridiculous that you would try to present the phony, sell out sjw hysteria machine as the reasonable, innocent party here

What about that black bitch from the new MIB movie. She and alot of other actresses and actors are overtly racist toward white people. Its a bad thing you fucking mong. If Brie said some bull shit about I want to hear more and different voices about her movie, then that would be alot more acceptable. But since she has to say she doesn't hate white dude like 5 times during the same speech she pretty much ousted herself as hating white dudes. This would be unfucking acceptable to say about any other race

>Old movies: Lets make a few characters of different race because it quickly differentiates them and the audience can easily assume certain basic things about the characters based on their race and save narrative time.

New movies: Lets have a diverse cast and plug different people in willy nilly because everyone is exactly the same and you'd be a bigot/racist/homophobe/etc if you assumed race or gender may be relevant to who plays what part. #woke #pleasedontcallmearacist

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my favourite part was where the black guy broke the radical feminist gillette razor using nothing but his own pure masculinity

Maybe he was a erotic velociraptor.

Was it how toxic masculinity or was it toxic blackness?

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But the thing is a film like the predator would not get released today.

there was nothing toxic about his blackness or his masculinity

>his blackness
sounds like a royal title spike lee might award himself
can imagine him making his white servants call him "your blackness"

>black characters in the 80's and prior
"It's nice you meet ya'll. The name's Jack, and I know the exact plan that will help us all out."
>black characters now
Ayo nigga what's up yo! Ay white boi don't you be lookin' at me like dat! I bet you lookin' at me like dat cause I'm black! Bruh, I'm just playin' witch ya'll mothafuckas! By the way did ya'll know I'm black?

>there was nothing toxic about his blackness or his masculinity
YIKES! You sound like a misogynistic amti-white SJW

>One of the good ones

>the native american guy is an expert tracker and has to fight hand to hand because MUH HONOR
>done right
lmao no wonder the fucking Green Book won last night

i know this is just bait but Billy was one of the more memorable characters in the film

>no one shames the ambivalent

they do, and the ambivalent become vocal about it. ridiculous your defending hysteria mobs who cast wide nets of blame for anyone who dislikes their media as bigots, defend the backlash from people who didnt give a shit but didnt like being insulted, even.

what reality do YOU live in?


"You're ghostin' us, motherfucker. I don't care who you are back in the world, you give away our position one more time, I'll bleed ya, real quiet. Leave ya here. Got that?"

Pure Kino

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We should meme an all female Predator into reality, give it the Ghostbusters treatment. The hilarity would be endless.

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unironically true

Of course he was, nobody forgets a blatant stereotype in an otherwise good film.

No, 9mm, 5.56mm, 28mm grenade and whatever that minigun shoots.

Kind of disappointing when you read about what the role was meant to be. For those not in the know Winston was originally intended to have been an ex-marine who made up for his lack of scientific expertise with expertise in combat, discipline, strategy, tactics, etc. Things that would make the Ghostbusters better field professionals than their first outings.

Notice how everyone conveniently ignores this when they push Winston as one of the "good ones". The motherfucker doesn't even appear until half the movie is done.

The creators wanted an all-female main cast before there was even a script. Quit dreaming about incels and wake up.

This. Clear example of Chad diversity.

Someone needs to make a The Virgin Diversity vs. The Chad Racial Brotherhood

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Even twinks and fat guys were more masculine then.

Like what?

niggers shouldnt be in films period name one black actor who is actually one of the greats

Predator is a paean which unites races and species in its jubilation of masculinity without being political.

I wasn't around in the 80s but I doubt the media was constantly shrieking about diversity, and how films like Predator are "important" because they represent black and native men. Today you get films like Black Panther which is a cheesy blockbuster like Predator, and not even half as good as the latter film, being hailed as an important watershed cultural moment.

based, all the seething /pol/tards replying to this simply confirm it to be true

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This sums it up but idiots like to pretend this is not the case.

have you seen the oscars? Every single film was some sort of minority bait
