How hard is this going to bomb...

How hard is this going to bomb? I asked people at work what was their opinion on Captain Marvel and they all told me they were not going to see it since they were disgusted by how the main actresses toes looked like.

Attached: r_captainmarvel_header_billboard_ddt-17528_743560e6.jpg (1536x627, 403K)

It won't and you'll make another 50 threads crying about how "HURR IT DOESN'T MATTER CUZ IT'S SHIT AND I KNOW IT SO IT'S FINE THAT IT DIDN'T BOMB"

cuperhero turds are flop-proof. nigger flick made shitton of money, fucking venom made a lot too and aquafag is one of highest groffing superhero flicks.
this turd #546546 wont flop no matter what. audience is too dumb and they eat every single capeshit.
show me any recent (3-4 Years) capeshit that made less than 500M

It's not going to bomb at all. You gotta be delusional

Attached: Hailee-Steinfeld-Feet-4012644.jpg (2400x3257, 1.93M)

Have you seen capeshit soiboys in 2019? Brie is the perfect sexless female lead for them, they'll go see it twice.

I was at a lunch with thirty people, all with families. They all said they were going to see it, with the exception of one man who said he doesn't like superhero movies.
I imagine there are different views in each echochamber.

I hate it as much as the next guy, but its not going to bomb simply because its a marvel movie. People saw dr strange, black phhhanfter, infinity war, and theyre just gonna not go to this one? But yeah its suspicious that it will be bad, but people will go first and realize later, the same fate as star wars.

>one man who said he doesn't like superhero movies
1 adult vs shitload of grown up mental children

It won't bomb, it will be a huge success that will usher in a new age of feminist, inclusive superhero movies and launch Brie into the heavens. Incels and alt-right manbabies will be humiliated once again and hopefully some of them will commit suicide but for real this time.


>Hailee Steinfelds
Based, that's how you take care of your feet.

20 bucks those toe nails are fake

Yeah, I was at my local Rotary Club and almost every body there said they wouldn't see it since she didn't look like she'd BRAP the entire movie. Doesn't Disney understand they're losing millions off this and it's a guaranteed failure?

800 millions, easy. A fucking 2 hours footage of a wall will make above 600 if have a Marvel studios logo.

Clearly missed the part where he said the 30 people were made up of families, so it's clearly just parents taking their kids along to see the movie to shut them up for a few hours

The movie is intended to be a blowjob for the WASP establishment. Money isn't an issue.

I was at a meeting of my environmental protection think tank, and none of us are going to see it because of her disgusting feet. Why did they not appeal to foot fetish environmentalists? Doesn't Disney know they are throwing money away?

It will make less than AquaMan, which means this board will call it a bomb.

How hard is this going to bomb? I asked my dog what was his opinion on Captain Marvel and he didn't even flinch.

You know the reason they release this right before Endgame is so people will watch it while still somehow hyped for the MCU, its pretty clear that the interest will fade away some after Endgame

80-85 million at best then a huge drop after first week, calling it now; domestic tops at 250 million after that.


Laughing for what? Too high or too low a projection?

I'm not going only because the next one is in April. If Endgame was in July I'd probably go to Captain Marvel, but I can wait and save some cash before my next capeshit fix.

too low dude. this is gonna open around thor ragnarok level at the very least

>it's a 'Yea Forums pretends the latest marvel movie will bomb' episode
Why do they keep repeating this episode? It's getting boring.

Why? She's nowhere near the box office draw Hemsworth is.

Your alt-right pro-Trump over-25 yo virgin incel agenda will not work here!

Attached: take that incels.png (1300x1000, 328K)

I'm not seeing any buzz around it. Other than the RT stuff. Usually by now good movies have buzz around them

It won't be a slam dunk but it won't bomb either. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Brie give a decent performance based on how good she was in Room.

No way is CM getting close to Thor 3 at the box office, especially opening weekend.

maybe try leaving 4channel once in awhile

Insane if you think a marvel film is going to 'bomb'.
It'll be generic, lowest-common-denominator capeshit. Boring, rehashed, poorly acted, and at least 700M at the box office.